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The Vice Presidential Debate

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2020
by AMAC, Andrew Mangione

debateVice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris met last night at the University of Utah for their only Vice Presidential debate. It was a 90-minute affair hosted by USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page.

Senator Harris labored throughout the night to blame the Trump Administration for the coronavirus pandemic. She called the Administration’s response a “failure” while feigning an outraged look as she spoke directly to the Vice President. She attempted to place the oft-disputed total number of US coronavirus deaths at the foot of the Trump Administration while the Vice President responded with one of several well-placed counter blows.

After Harris described how a Biden Administration would have handled the onset of the pandemic earlier this year, Pence said that their plan looked a lot like what President Trump and he were already doing. In a response that rattled Harris and referenced Biden’s 1988 failed Presidential bid, he said their plan sounded a lot like plagiarism, something he noted that the former Vice President should be familiar with.

When questioned about the forthcoming coronavirus vaccine, Harris said that she would take it only if it were approved by physicians and that she would not take it if President Trump instructed the nation to do so. Pence seized the opportunity to shame Harris, calling her attempt to undermine the confidence in the vaccine “unconscionable.”

Vice President Pence was calm and in control with a track record of facts, although he did interrupt her at times during the event. Harris was caught in several lies that were immediately called out by Pence including her campaign’s pledge to rescind the Trump tax cuts and ban fossil fuels and fracking. Her lies combined with her continuation of false narratives like the President’s statements about the Charlottesville protest in 2017 prompted another superbly landed response from the Vice President that he used more than once when he told her she was “entitled to your own opinion, but … not entitled to your own facts.”

Harris managed to work in reliable progressive talking points like “free college” and “cutting student loan debt” while using scare tactics when she looked directly into the camera and gravely announced that the Trump Administration is “coming for you” if you have a preexisting health condition.

While Harris painted a doom and gloom scenario during the discussion about climate change, calling it an “existential threat,” Pence countered with how the Administration’s fracking initiative lowered CO2 emissions via natural gas innovations.

Pence also rightfully characterized Biden as a cheerleader for China and contrasted his compliance with the communist regime with the Trump Administration’s record of standing up to it.

While Harris was looking smug, arrogant and using a condescending tone, Pence dismantled her police reform rhetoric by pointing out her filibuster of Senator Tim Scott’s police reform legislation. He also called out Harris’ non-existent record on criminal justice reform during her time as the Attorney General of California. The Vice President directly asked Harris if she would pack the Supreme Court if elected and when she ignored his question, he noted her non-response.

Moderator Susan Page was barely better than Chris Wallace who moderated the first Presidential debate, but still limited some of the Vice President’s response time. She also appeared to manufacture her own facts about the economy, calling the recovery slower than expected despite the robust September jobs report, something Pence should have highlighted. Pence did use an effective tactic when he used his time during other questions to counter previous Harris falsehoods while also addressing the question’s issue. Hopefully, his boss will consider adopting this technique.

As the debate wound down, Page asked the Vice President what he would do should President Trump refuse a “peaceful transfer of power,” and he delivered one of the best lines of the night when he said that Harris and her party have spent the last three years trying to undue the results of the 2016 election. He also referenced Hillary Clinton’s very public advice that Biden should under no circumstances concede the election.

Game, set, match and debate victory – Vice President Mike Pence.

Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.

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Larry McConnell
Larry McConnell
3 years ago

Vice President Pence blew her away!!! It’s so easy to see she’s a fraud and, lies!

3 years ago

Thank you Vice President Pence, may God bless you!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Harris ducked dodged questions & demanded respect & always spoke lies.
same model for Biden.
Next debate is virtual for Presidents.
Pence strong on facts, data, Harris emotion
wish washy Harris

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
3 years ago

Why are Republicans agreeing to left wing moderators. This one is writing a book about Pelosi!! They are also hammering the administration about Covid, did they forget it came from China. Plus we all know the deaths have been inflated, not all of them are covid. No one is talking about the fact that the American people are far sicker than other nations because of all the drugs we take for all of our illnesses. Combined that with the unhealthy diets of Americans and being over weight and several medical conditions, doesn’t it make sense that we would have more deaths! No one is also not talking about keeping up our immune systems by taking vitamins and eating healthy!

Rex Croson
Rex Croson
3 years ago

Great job to Vice President Pence told his story with facts not untruths like Harris did. She is so very unprofessional she should be ashamed of the poor job she did.

3 years ago

dems talk transparency, but won’t even say the virus came from china. How hard is that? And let’s be honest when President Trump shut down incoming flights from china, they attacked him. I’m not seeing any dem transparency.

3 years ago

Very disappointed in VP Pence but not entirely all his fault. The moderator always seemed to have Pence answering questions first which I think put him at a disadvantage but when Harris rattled on and on about all the associations and people who have endorsed them Oence had the chance to say: “You seemed to have forgotten your most important endorsement which is by the Communist Party USA.
Why is that?” … When is Trump or anyone in the Republican hierarchy ever going to point this out? I firmly believe that this would damage the Democrats from winning on many levels but especially the White House!

3 years ago

V.P. Pence chewed Harris up and spit her out. She made a fool of hetrself and as always caught in repetitive lie after lie

3 years ago

When Harris would say “don’t lecture me “ the Vice President should have said “I’m trying to educate you since you obviously don’t know what you are talking about with the lies you are spraying “.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

Vice President Pence was superb! So cool, calm and collected! Never rattled by her lies and countering them with the truth!

Janet Lee L Meisinger
Janet Lee L Meisinger
3 years ago

Great reporting! We are so thankful for two great leaders – President Trump and Mike Pence.
They have accomplished so much for America!!! We pray they continue on. From Colorado

3 years ago

Once again our side was debating the demorats and the moderator. Hope potus sticks to his guns, no more debates, just rallies.

3 years ago

Harris is beyond disgusting. Foolishly scolding Vice President Pence whenever he brought up her terrible record in California politics and lying so many times I lost count. Vice President Pence was a complete gentleman, calm and steadily assuring against the vicious attacks from Harris. His answer to the question from the young student was perfect. Harris response was phony and insincere.

3 years ago

The USA Today isn’t even a newspaper… It’s a rag they give away at airports and Hotels… Nobody reads it… Harris makes faces like Juan Williams does on FOX all time… and he’s not so bright also…. It must be a democrat thing…

3 years ago

Great Job Vice President Pence! We appreciated your straight talk to the American people!! Your calm and truthful manner was clearly seen!! Thank you for your continual service to this country!!!

3 years ago

This analysis of the win by Vice President Pence is not just correct, it is well supported. Composure and return fire = perfect debate performance.

Frances Jessup
Frances Jessup
3 years ago

I can’t stomach Kamala…I definitely tried for about 10 mins and gave up. Thank you, AMAC for this article; I am proud of Mr. Pence’s taking charge (in essence) of the lies by Kamala and her buddy. All those lies add up and must be addressed in the manner as he did.

3 years ago

VP Penvec destroyed Senator Harris last night. She performed terribly. Her condescending tone and remarks to “educate” the public were ridiculous. Imagine how badly the country would be governed by Biden-Harris, with the threat of her invoking the 25th amendment when Biden loses it even more than he already has

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

A verbal beat down to what Harris presented. Thank you Vice President Pence.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
3 years ago

I watched the VP Debate and agree with the others that VP Pence came armed with the facts, was truthful and was a gentleman throughout. What made me especially angry was that the Moderator asked specific questions to Harris which she quickly avoided and changed the topic to unrelated matters! How can we have a true debate when Moderators allow the candidates to intentionally avoid direct questioning? This sabotages the effectiveness of the debates because the opposing candidate is then forced to defend themselves from lies that were not part of the original question! We saw this last night!

After the last debate there was talk of muting microphones when a person interrupts the other. Why not mute the microphone the moment a person avoids the question or maybe a “Shock Collar” would work! Somehow we need to overhaul these debates so the American voters can see the truth immediately! God Bless President Trump and VP Pence!

3 years ago

Democrats rewrite history to suit their agenda. Harris is now trying to blame the loss of jobs to China on Donald Trump. She’s totally dishonest! It was the Obama Administration that did nothing as our companies went to China. Obama gave these companies a green light! Obama went on to tell the American people that this bleak economy was the new American economy – remember when he said Trump would need a magic wand to restore it? President Trump did restore it! President Trump has kept his promise to the American people!

3 years ago

I wonder how much time Kamala Harris spent in front of the mirror, practicing the condescending tilt of the head, piercing squint, and haughty glare. We know who will be wearing the pants in that partnership.

Mike Pence did well, considering the “rules”. One suggestion, Mr. Vice President: please speak up. Maybe your mic was turned down, or Harris sent FlySpy to do the deed.

It’s typical of moderators chosen from the left side of the field. How much more biased could Page have been? A debate should be between the two parties on the stage. Let them speak! Let them battle it out! Give us the rousing back-and-forth!

Trump November 3. Please vote!!

Erna Shenk
Erna Shenk
3 years ago

Pence for President in 2024!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

I just heard on he radio that 36% of CNN viewers said Pence won. Given the type of people who watch CNN, that means Pence must have totally swamped Lyin’ Kamala!

3 years ago

If only the lame stream media would be honest in their reporting the President would win in a heartbeat. Harris/Biden are playing the American public with lies and fear mongering. Honesty is not a trait of the Democrats. Power is their goal and if it destroys our country it could matter less to them.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Harris showed up with a fair amount of plagiarism. She seemed to be comfortable being careless with the truth. She became flustered when asked to give details of Hiden Biden’s plans. She was lavish with the term “FREE”. It was not a good performance. I also would hope that she would stop using being “black” as a crutch and quit hinting that POTUS is a racist.


Bob Bailey
Bob Bailey
3 years ago

When you don’t have a plan for anything but lying, cheating and stealing your way into power, it soon becomes apparent to anyone that can count to 11 without taking off a shoe. They obviously haven’t figured out that we’re wise to their favorite tactic of accusing Republicans of everything they themselves have done. They’ve whittled their voting base down to the lowest possible common denominator. Wonder what they’ll do when President Trump wins next month.

3 years ago

All those “huge” countries who had fewer covid deaths, or illnesses, also have very much smaller populations! Canada has only 35 million people, vs US with 329 million. Of course there are going to be more illnesses here…DUH, Susan Page, you think you are entitled to your own facts like Kamala does…And, Kamala, I can’t wait until your lost election wipes that silly expression off your face. It doesn’t become you to smirk; it comes off as a half-assed smile!!

3 years ago

Kamala Harris reminded me of Maya Rudolph of SNL fame. Perfect impression of looking at the monitor when responding then acting to the TV camera.

John Lemley
John Lemley
3 years ago

Trump/Pence 2020! However VP Pence did disappoint me by not respecting the time parameters. He was regularly told that his time was over, yet he kept on talking. One time the moderator had to forcefully stop him and remind him of the rules. Sometimes he ignored questions entirely and just talked about what he wanted to talk about. There were a number of subjects I don’t know enough about to determine what facts are correct. Such as the Supreme Court vacancy. Why did Lincoln (and Obama??) postpone filling it, yet Trump is? What happened on Jam. 29, that Harris kept talking about, that our President should have dealt with, but didn’t?

3 years ago

Thought it very rude that the moderator introduced Senator Harris 1st over Vice President Pence. She may be a female, but Vice President Pence’s position being above a Senator should have resulted in his being introduced 1st at the commencement of the debate. Likewise, there were a couple of instances when Harris made false statements and accusations that the moderator failed to give Pence an opportunity to rebut. Pence was wise to use part of his time for the next question to set the matter straight.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

We Republicans clearly heard what Mike Pence presented (the factual truth) and his efforts to counter Harris’s false narratives and avoidance of directly answering some very important questions (e.g., like packing the Supreme Court). Unfortunately, the Demsheviks and their minions most likely were listening only to Harris and buying hook, line and sinker her false narratives as if they were the Gospel from on high. For most of the Demsheviks, what they heard from Harris only reconfirmed the group-think “facts” that they already “knew.”

Harris truly demonstrated that she is a Charter Member of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position she espouses or embraces, the exact opposite is usually true). Also, unfortunately, Harris demonstrated that the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is still alive and well, which is unfortunate for our country.

3 years ago

I’d really liked to have seen the Republicans roll out a bed and tell Harris they just wanted her to feel comfortable and use her usual method of furthering her career!

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Wondered who Pence was debating, Harris or Hillary Clinton. They act the same, smugness and lies

Larry Moore
Larry Moore
3 years ago

The Democrats want a virtual debate against President Trump because they can cut his video and audio comments at will thus limiting his power to hold a true debate and make his point or contest their lies.

3 years ago

Watched the entire debate and Pence was great with all responses and called the witch Harris out for outright lies several times//This woman has a serious problem with her hate for America and the worst facial expressions that can exist// She is a phony fraud and Biden has dementia and the media is as phony as both// so in a few days the USA will elect 2 good men (TRUMP-PENCE) or 2 losers from the liberal garbage dump// Seems clear to me// also if the next debate is a virtual worthless program then TRUMP is right to not participate// Its a liberal idea to protect dementia JOE

Shirley Fowler
Shirley Fowler
3 years ago

I applaud VP Pence for his performance against both Harris and the leftist moderator (again). In my opinion President Trump should refuse to participate in any more debates as they are nothing more than serious debacles with a biased left agenda. There’s nothing fair about them because the Republicans are constantly on the defense in response to the lies being told plus the fact that they avoid answering the questions posed to them. Now if the next scheduled debate happens, not in-person but virtually, then all bets are off as Biden will have his party spoon feeding him everything, and don’t think they won’t! If the debates can’t be REAL debates they should be scrapped…just sayin’!!!

George Larner
George Larner
3 years ago

Biden would turn our country into a 3rd world country. The Democrat controlled cities are already there with high crime rates and rubbish heaps. The Left have that double standard of holding everyone else accountable, but they get a free pass.

3 years ago

Ms. Harris’ debate style was depicted by her facial expressions of arrogance, cynicism, sarcasm and coyness. She should have realized and depended upon her skills, knowledge and abilities which she touted during the debate. She downgraded herself to other women as a result.
My daughter would not have pursued these gestures.

Carol Greer
Carol Greer
3 years ago

Am totally disgusted with the 2 on 1 debates. The moderator should be neutral.

3 years ago

I could hardly stand to listen to Harris and what she must believe is her “cutesy whiney” voice tone. Women need to speak like Margaret Thatcher or Elizabeth Dole did and not as Harris last night.

Alma Lee
Alma Lee
3 years ago

While Harris did nothing but Lie, condemn and lecture against President Trump, she in arrogance had the audacity to say she would not be lectured by Vice President Pence! The truth and the facts got under her skin and it showed in her weak and shaky voice at times, and in her demeanour! Vice President Pence, aside from being armed with the truth and the facts, had a calm and gentle spirit, and was a gentleman with confidence…The Victor!

Arizona Don
Arizona Don
3 years ago

The communist in the main stream media are claiming Harris won the debate. I watched the debate and that is not true.  Furthermore, I do not need anyone left or right to inform me of who won if I watched it I am able to make up my own mind.  However, this debate much like the presidential debate was loaded with lies from these so called democrats. It is also impossible to reason with a lying unreasonable person. The only good these debates do is expose the lies to those smart enough to see them which rules out most democrats.  

These democrats are indoctrinated making them for the most part socialistic communists or marxist make no mistake about that!  Their goal just like Obama’s promised fundamental transformation is a communist nation with total control over everything. Want an example look very closely at Venezuela. Or perhaps Cuba! Much like the United States Venezuela was once successful and quite affluent. Now they starve and medical care like food is nearly non-existent.  But that is exactly what these so called democrats here in the US are promoting like it or not!  

3 years ago

Harris is an attorney and last nite she acted like she was in a courtroom…she acted defensive, used drama, emotion, lies, intimidation and other tactics like she was trying to win a case in a courtroom…no wonder bland Biden choose her…she kept saying she and Joe had talked about this or that…but you can bet she was telling him how she would handle things…felt like watching Hilary all over again

3 years ago

Great job by VP Pence! He totally dismantled Harris, but did it calmly and politely and didn’t have to raise his voice! She came off looking like a petulant child, as usual. Her smirking and laughter are extremely annoying.

3 years ago


Carol Palin
Carol Palin
3 years ago

I am sure many will remember the news a few years ago. I recently read a news report on planned parenthood being exposed WITH PROOF ON TAPE illegally selling aborted baby parts in California. Kamala Harris was the attorney general. She did not prosecute PP for proven illegal acts, but charged the videographers with something – i can’t remember quite what. This shows her character.

3 years ago


3 years ago

KH lack of policy knowledge, failure to answer questions and bobble headed facial expressions are no match for the truth! She lacks honesty. Can you imagine KS as our President? I can’t. VP Pence was calm and knew the facts and like the President , a man of action-they get things done.. He did a great job! I’m not to crazy on the commentator Page. It seems the first two debate commentators strongly lean to the left. It has been very difficult for President Trump and VP Pence and the rest of us Conservatives to get a fair shake. Why is it? For the rest of us middle class, Biden will destroy us. He will remove Trumps tax relief and tax the heck out of us-and that’s just part of it. As far as the COVID-this is not President Trump’s or VP Pence’s fault. They have done everything they can to get a vaccines and medicines out ASAP; and vaccines are not fool proof. This process takes forever and we have moved ahead quite rapidly. I suspect we have done a lot more than most other affected countries. As far as the 200K + tragic American deaths, I would like to know the breakdown by age, and pre-existing conditions-like Heart problems, DM, CA, etc. Because the Virus may contribute to the deaths but may not be solely responsible for them. It is still sad about losing our people due to the Chinese mismanagement of the problem. Maybe if the Dems were more concerned about Intel vs trying to impeach our President, maybe they could have been of great help to stop this Virus. If Biden had a plan in Mar. why didn’t he announce it? Wasn’t Finstein in charge of Intel at one time and have a Chinese spy working for her for 18 years-why is she still in office. Seems like she can’t get out of her own way-just like the rest of the bobble headed Democrats. Make no mistake, the Biden’s are in bed with China and American big money. To save our Great country, WE all need to vote Trump/Pence.

3 years ago

After watching snarky Harris it made me almost like Hilliary——Almost

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