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The Specter of Inflation Is Upon Us

Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2021
by Outside Contributor




It has been several decades since Americans dealt with the specter of inflation. However, according to several economic benchmarks and commonsense, inflation is oozing into the American economy like poison ivy into an open wound.

The last time the U.S. economy was overrun with inflation occurred during the dark days of the late 1970s. For example, in December 1979, as disco music rocked the nation, the annual inflation rate reached a staggering 13.3 percent.

As Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently said during a House of Representatives hearing, “I came of age and studied economics in the 1970s and I remember what that terrible period was like … No one wants to see that happen again.” I doubt Yellen was referring to disco.

While no American surely wants to experience the degradation of inflation, the bad news is it is already occurring, albeit not as bad as it was in the 1970s—at least not yet.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers increased 5.0 percent from May 2020 to May 2021. Prices for food advanced 2.2 percent, while prices for energy increased 28.5 percent. Prices for all items less food and energy rose 3.8 percent for the year ended May 2021, the largest 12-month increase since the year ended June 1992.”

Although we are not currently suffering under 1970s levels of inflation, we are definitely on a dangerous trajectory.

At this point, many Americans are rightfully wondering if there is anything the federal government can do to arrest the rise of inflation. The answer is obvious: Yes.

The most impactful thing the federal government could do that would stop inflation in its tracks would be to stop printing/borrowing trillions of dollars.

According to the law of supply and demand, when the federal government floods the economy with trillions of new dollars, the value of each and every dollar decreases.

Moreover, when this phenomenon occurs in the aftermath of an unprecedented nationwide economic shutdown, you get the worst-case scenario of more dollars chasing fewer goods and services. This typically produces a vicious inflationary spiral, wherein price, wage, and cost increases build on each other.

Unfortunately, this simple concept seems to not resonate with many of our so-called leaders, who are willing to mortgage our future (and present) in their misguided attempt to “reimagine” the American economy and society.

For instance, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, has proposed a mind-boggling $6 trillion spending bonanza to “address the crisis facing working families, to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, to deal with climate change, to deal with the needs of children and parents to deal with the affordable housing crisis.”

Keep in mind, Sanders’ $6 trillion budget blowout comes only months after the federal government showered the economy with $4.5 trillion in new spending in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The profligate spending on behalf of both political parties is the problem. However, in recent months, the Democratic Party has taken this to a whole new level.

Since taking office a little more than six months ago, the Biden administration has unleashed a plethora of spending plans that make the George W. Bush and Trump administrations appear somewhat fiscally responsible.

To date, President Joe Biden has already signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. And his administration is doing all it can to ensure his $1.8 trillion American Families Plan as well as his $2.7 trillion American Jobs Plan pass Congress before the end of summer.

If Biden is successful, and his trifecta becomes law, it is all but assured inflation will rise faster than Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spacecraft.

Yet, unlike Branson’s recent foray into outer space, this bumpy ride will last far longer. And the effects will be much more painful, without the adrenaline rush or out-of-this-world view.

In 1919, John Maynard Keynes, not a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination, wrote, “Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some.”

In other words, big government benefits from big inflation. And it is we the people who pay the price—literally.

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J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Surprises, surprises, NOT, We know from the moment that Hidden Biden was declared the winner last November, that inflation was coming, I am only surprised it took so long, the polices of the left will always bring inflation and stagnation. How many times does it have to be said Communism does not work. Here we go again, Obama / Biden damn near broke my wife and I last time, this may finish us off
ROT in hell Biden !!!!!!!

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

The Marxists “running” this Country want us all (them excluded) to be equally poor. Only then, will they have complete control. You think your money/wealth is safe from the Gov’t confiscation/re-distribution? Once they rid us of using paper money(cash), and relying on a cashless society for all transactions, they WILL track your spending habits, and can restrict your ability to spend as desired. It is coming sooner then you think.

3 years ago


3 years ago

COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for retirees on Social Security? Or will the Biden administration adjust the amount of taxpayer money needed to house, feed, educate, transport and provide for the health needs of all the illegals invited to cross the southern boarder?

3 years ago

FEDERAL DEBT: News today that first nine months of year 2021 is 2.24Trillion deficit & that year 2020 was total 3.1Trillion. What has happened to fiscal responsibility & why are Trump tax cuts still in place. I would really like to know how many Companies bought stock back with the tax cuts instead of reinvesting. The Judicial Branch must step up & stop the Executive Branch spending of money we do not have or —–what will be outcome to Americans.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Seeds for Depression 2?

3 years ago

Patriots, We saw this coming. The absolute mindless sheeple that voted for Commie Joe and his Hoe VP are responsible for this. We the People pay the price. The Democrats and their CCP masters are determined to destroy our economy. Pray for a universal American revolt before it is too late.
My daily fervent prayer to Almighty God is that He will smite the Democrats the RINOS and the SCOTUS.
May they burn in everlasting hell for all eternity !
Praise God !!

3 years ago

Government= grabbing (taxes) and spending. Well, with Joey at the helm of Ship of State, we are dangerously listing to the point of sinking, economically, freedoms and liberty and all factors of production and its rewards.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

To quote the title of a Carpenters song, “We’ve only just begun.” This regime has set up the “perfect storm” for YUGE, catastrophic inflation that will devastate this country. People on a fixed income will get hammered especially hard, but don’t worry…this regime will continue to take of the illegals and the rest of the slackers that have never paid a dime in taxes. That isn’t hyperbolic, but unlike dimwitted joe’s use of the phrase, it REALLY ISN’T hyperbole.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

Yellen may remember how bad the inflation of the 70’s was, but she studied and is a product of the wrong economics courses, aka Keynes economics. We have been (mis)guided by that economic model for generations instead of the far better economic principles of Ludwig von Mises as taught at the Mises Institute.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Need to get all the avenues of transporting goods back into the flow of everything to alleviate the demand.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

As most AMAC members know already, inflation is the biggest enemy of all those on fixed incomes. That includes me. Therefore supporting those politicians, generally meaning liberal Democrats, who have no basic understanding of the simplest economics (or don’t care) means you are aiding and abetting the enemy. As just one example, raising the minimum wage is inflationary. Prices must increase to cover that cost for businesses. Liberals do that to buy votes using other people’s money. Vote conservative if you want to minimize inflation, understanding that correcting an inflationary spiral cannot happen overnight.

3 years ago

The simple truth about inflation is the overspending of the government….with money it does not have or is able to back with true wealth. This is almost always the case… every inflationary cycle, the beginning is excessive deficit spending. I am no economic wiz-kid, but I have owned and operated businesses, and have been a consumer of goods and services all my working days…..every time our government goes into debt, inflation rises. The trouble today is that we are so far behind in debt there isn’t enough wealth/taxes/etc to cover the spending…..and it will be generational…..and lead to eventual bankruptcy….or an outside takeover of the economy (ref. China). Worse still is the total lack of will on the part of most polititians to be party to change that will save this nation.

richard arveaux
richard arveaux
3 years ago

Anyone want to bet that it won’t show up in our cost of living increases next year?

3 years ago

AMAC, how about a followup article on how your members can prepare for this coming economic hardship.

edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
3 years ago

Watching the far left systematically destroy our country is a source of great anguish.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Thank you for giving us perspective. I have been noticing higher prices especially for food and fuel.

3 years ago

The very worst part of this inflationary ATTACK this time around is that it is being done to GIVE AWAY AMERICA’s WEALTH to foreign countries and the invited illegal aliens.
Back in the 70s it was due to the Vietnam War. There was a reason. This has NO reason.
There are two surefire ways to usher in Communism.
1. Bankrrupt the nation.
2. Flood it with foreigners.

Does any of this sound familiar?

3 years ago

Socialist use hyper inflation to weaken the economy and make people more dependent on the government. If your money can’t buy what you need to survive then you are forced to rely on the government. That’s why you see empty shelves and lines of people waiting for help in the socialist countries around the world.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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