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The Deplorables vs. Justin Trudeau

Posted on Friday, February 11, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman


The French Revolution had the Sans Culottes, the German Revolution of 1918 had the sailors and soldiers councils, and the Russian Revolution had railway workers. While the media coverage of the Canadian truckers has tried to cast them in a similarly bloody and insurrectionary light, Canadians are nice people, even if they are tired of their hapless Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

Rather than the violent revolution, their opponents seek to portray, the actual scene in Canada today bears more resemblance to the series of nationwide strikes by truckers which paralyzed Chile in 1973. Those protests paved the way for the fall of the Communist government of Salvador Allende. Certainly, Justin Trudeau is unlikely to meet the same end as that Chilean leader, defending his governmental office in Ottawa with a pistol in hand in a romantic gesture of defiance. (Self-sacrifice is not really a Trudeau family virtue, after all.) Yet there is a deep irony to the situation in which Trudeau now finds himself. Having dealt in the politics of imagery for seven years, Trudeau has been unable to adjust to a real threat to his leadership in the form of the trucker’s strike.

Let’s be clear from the start. For all the enthusiasm it has generated not just in Canada but around the world, the strike by Canadian truckers which has shut down the capital of Ottawa as well as a number of border crossings with the United States is not a plot to overthrow the Canadian government, as Jagmeet Singh, leader of the left-wing New Democratic Party, has chillingly alleged. Nor is it an operation by “little green men” masterminded by Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin, as CNN bizarrely claimed, without evidence.

Rather, the so-called Freedom Convoy is a populist reaction against COVID restrictions in general, but also something far greater. It reflects a growing backlash against a Canadian political system that fails to represent large segments of the population, and a Prime Minister who has built his career on making popular representation even narrower, using divide and conquer tactics to maintain power with well under a third of the vote. Millions feel disenfranchised by a government that has won fewer votes than the opposition two elections in a row, yet not only remains in power but acts as if it cannot possibly be defeated. A government whose approach to opposition—especially regarding COVID restrictions—has not been to persuade or conciliate, but to rub critics’ faces in their own impotence.

Democrats in the United States have taken to talking a lot about “democracy,” “legitimacy,” and the national “popular vote.” The dirty little secret of Justin Trudeau’s tenure is that his support never approached a majority, and he has maintained power with ever-shrinking proportions of the vote. In 2015, the Liberals under the fresh-faced Justin won 39.47% of the vote, which, while enough to produce a landslide result in seats, was less than the 39.62% of the vote Stephen Harper had won for the Conservatives in 2011. Four years later, Trudeau’s support fell to 33.12% of the vote. This was less than the Conservatives’ 34.34% of the vote, but enough to deliver his party 155 seats compared to 121 for the Conservatives. Critically, the Liberals won only 4 of the 62 seats in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, revealing massive geographic polarization between the rural, energy-producing plains, and Ontario, where Trudeau’s vice-like grip on the Toronto suburbs helped him narrowly hold power. In 2021, when Trudeau called an early election, his support fell even further to 32.62%, while the Conservatives won 33.74%. Yet Trudeau’s Liberals actually gained seats, winning 160 to 119 for the Conservatives.

Following the 2021 elections, both Trudeau in government and the Conservatives in “opposition” acted as if he were politically invincible. Trudeau imposed some of the most vigorous vaccination mandates in the world and moved to eliminate religious exemptions. More jarring, the Conservatives, shaken by their defeats, backed the government not just on COVID, but controversially on a ban on “conversion therapy,” which in effect made it child abuse for parents to even question their minor children if they sought to change gender. The decision of the Conservative leader Erin O’Toole to force every Conservative member of parliament to vote for the bill undermined O’Toole’s position (which he lost last week), but it also convinced many that there was no opposition. If Trudeau could not be defeated, and even if he could be but the opposition supported all of the same things, was Canada really still a “democracy”?

Officially, of course, the strike is about COVID restrictions, which in Canada have lasted longer and been far harsher than anywhere else in the Western world. Whereas lockdowns in the fullest sense were an artifact of the spring of 2020 in most of the United States, and received sequels in Europe in 2021 with a total national lockdown in the UK in the spring of 2021, Canada is the only major country outside of Australia where full lockdowns were attempted in response to the Omicron variant in December. While Boris Johnson in the UK resisted pressure to shut down Britain a third (or would it be a fourth?) time, Ontario closed restaurants, gyms, and schools for the month of January 2022, while imposing strict vaccination requirements. While Justin Trudeau would be quick to note that this move, like many others, was carried out not by the federal government he controls, but by a provincial government led by Rob Ford of the Conservative Party, the complicity of Canada’s most powerful Conservative politician made things even worse.

These protests then are as much against the Conservative Party and its uselessness as an official opposition as they are against Trudeau. And in that respect, they have already succeeded. The arrival of the truckers in Ottawa was the signal for the removal of Conservative leader O’Toole, who had tried to expel Conservative politicians who met with protestors only to find himself thrown out by a vote of 73-47. His interim successor, Candace Bergan, is an outspoken right-winger who is pro-life, an unusual position for Canadian politicians. She has refused to condemn the convoy, and her disagreement with O’Toole over the latter’s desire to back Trudeau was a major reason for his ouster.

The protestors have therefore already succeeded in carrying out a revolution within the Conservative Party, ensuring that it will now actually oppose Trudeau.

What of Trudeau himself? The Prime Minister vanished for several days at the start of the “crisis” ostensibly due to COVID exposure, though while this would explain his physical absence, it does little to justify why he went silent. Most of Trudeau’s response then and since returning has been a mixture of confusion and outrage over how anyone could try and engage in political opposition outside the contours of the rigged game he has established. He accused truckers of waving Swastikas and of representing a “fringe minority,” apparently blind to the irony of a government which won 31% of the vote claiming to represent the popular will.

By threatening the use of the Army, he further antagonized the protestors and demonstrated that he viewed them not as constituents but as enemies. Then, by declining either to actually use force or to negotiate, he outsourced the entire problem to local officials without guidance, leading to clashes with locals that he is now trying to blame on the protesters, shady American backers, or Vladimir Putin.

Trudeau seems to have hoped ignoring and then insulting the protestors would make them give up and go away. After all, that worked with the Conservative Party for the last seven years. Instead, he has made them feel vilified, and motivated them to continue. Even some of his own MPs have begun to have doubts. Liberal MP Joël Lightbound suggested that “a decision was made to wedge, to divide and to stigmatize.” As Politico notes, dissent within the Liberal Party has tended to be short-term and ended in near-immediate expulsion. Lightbound, however, is Trudeau’s caucus chair in Quebec, where the Conservatives have historically been weakest. If Quebec is wavering, then Trudeau may have wider problems.

Trudeau’s whole strategy throughout his career has been to always appear merely preferable to the alternative. In Canada, that meant the Conservatives on the right, or the New Democrats on the left. Internationally, it meant Donald Trump in the U.S. For once, however, Trudeau’s own “successes” may have left him with no one to contrast himself with. There is no Conservative leader who can shield him from criticism. Bergan has made clear she feels this is Trudeau’s problem, not Canada’s. Internationally, his efforts to claim Donald Trump has been behind the protest have been laughable, and Tucker Carlson and other figures have responded with the most dangerous of assaults on any leader – mockery. Reviving longstanding rumors that Fidel Castro is the real father of the Canadian Prime Minister, Carlson has turned Trudeau into a punchline.

The protest may not be the end for Trudeau, but it certainly looks like the beginning of one. His isolation is now clear, as is his impotence. His entitlement is displayed before Canada and the world as the bedrock of his political legitimacy. The opposition has undergone a revolution and, win or lose, will no longer play his game. Trudeau, who for 7 years has been able to blame everyone but himself for problems, now stands alone, an Emperor without clothes. A man who represents not a country, not an electorate, not a principle or even an idea, but merely himself. We have the truckers and other members of the “Freedom Convoy” to thank for that.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.  

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Deplorables Win 2 Coming to DC next

David Phillips Cole
David Phillips Cole
2 years ago

The early founders of our great Constitutional Government understood that there may be other times ahead we need to revolt to save America. Time to wake up and demand our rights for liberty, freedom, and fairness of justice and equal application of the law. Politicians and leaders are elected to do the will of the people, and not dictate that will or rule of law.

2 years ago

I was recently sent an article “World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed. in 1992 when the Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development was unleased on the world, the Young Global Leaders were selected to be raised up for just this generation. Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron (who recently visited Putin), Mark Zuckerberg, Leonardo Di Caprio were amongst the list of 36. The article was posted on Technocracy News. Interesting read and I was not aware of this part of Agenda 21.

2 years ago

How about suggesting..a campaign song for the Canadian & American truckers????..”Do you Hear the People Sing”…from Les Miserables…you can see the musical movie scene on UTube.

2 years ago

Kick commie tale. Eh?

2 years ago

we all know they’re busy working on how to destroy this convoy! stay strong truckers!

2 years ago

Typical anti freedom response….words like” we will never be slaves again”…is about freedom for the individual.

Ramblin' Rogue
Ramblin' Rogue
2 years ago

“Let’s go Justin!” Can anyone name a political leader in power, in North Ameria that is worth their paycheck?

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

For Americans, this is a welcome history lesson. Many of us did not know most of the facts herein. Thank you

2 years ago

Interesting article. So, will we hear for a call of No Confidence in the future ?

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

This reeks of the policies of the democRATS that for now”rule”AMERICA.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Patriot Will you’re right on & spot on! Splendid, absolutely have captured the very essence.

2 years ago

“Trudeau acts as if he is an out of touch elitist who can do whatever he wants.” Well, that is because that is actually what he is and how he was raised his entire life. Look at his background and the background of his family. He grew up the pampered son of a rich, entitled elitist, who only associated with other left of center and openly socialistic people.

I agree with you that Canada should deserve better, but don’t forget he was also recently re-elected despite his incredibly destructive policies. Either the people of Canada are all stupid, which is highly unlikely, or he won re-election in much the same manner Biden “won” here in the United States. At least the Canadian truck drivers, who are NOT what Trudeau described them to be, are standing up for what few rights and freedoms they have left up there. Their biggest mistake was sitting by when Trudeau announced the upcoming firearms confiscation. So all the Canadians really have left is civil disobedience after April this year.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

IDK all of Trudeau’s background but would bet that (like Biden) he has NEVER held a REAL job in his life. That’s how he can so easily slander REAL workers who have to WORK to make a living!!

Gordie Hower
Gordie Hower
2 years ago

WAKE UP CANADA, and vote this punk Marxist Trudeau out of office. What a disgrace to your great country. In November 2022 us Americans are reclaiming our country from the Marxist Democrats

Clint Kegel
Clint Kegel
2 years ago

Good article but it failed to forcefully point out Trudeau has an obvious way out. He can and will eventually be forced to admit he was over zealous, that after reviewing how other leaders have handle the the non-crisis of covid he now sees all his restrictions were useless and he is going to allow Canadians to get back to the business of living.

2 years ago

Have the Canadians not yet taken up the “FJT” banner? Or maybe “Let’s go Truckers”.

Tony Shay
Tony Shay
2 years ago

Article well done…Philip H. got it right about Trudeau.

Paul B
Paul B
2 years ago

Great Job AMAC, For all you do for the conservative body. Term Limits in the US would solve a lot of this nonsense!!

Laura Fallin
Laura Fallin
2 years ago

Well if Castro and the rest of the conservatives are so under represented there id really NO HOPE for Canada. They will go the way of Cuba and Venezuela.

2 years ago

Amen, I say to you amen! Great article and I will be backing the TRUCKERS in Canada for as long as they need backing. And I hope we will do the same in the USA as we are being held hostage by the REAL DEPLORABLES who seek only their gods, POWER, CONTROL and their GREED! I read this article all the way through and I shall pray that my God who is always in control will stop more of those minions of the devil in their tracks. I usually read Mr. Charles as he is so eloquent in what he says and does but I need to give Daniel a shout out also. Let’s see how long it will take for xfinity-comcast to kick me off again. Thank you and blessings, Carol

2 years ago

Justin Trudeau worse prime minister Canada ever had, so privileged and WOKE. A creepy man that has done nothing good for the Canadian people. GO TRUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 in 10 Canadians drive a truck. They receive poor pay, no security, and inferior health care.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

“Instead of meeting with the truckers and listening to their concerns, Trudeau acts as if he is an out of touch elitist who can do whatever he wants.”

That’s because he IS an out of touch elitist who thinks he can do whatever he wants. And we have plenty of them in Washington as well.

2 years ago

I thought Trudeau’s position was that of Crime Minister. Isn’t what he’s doing a crime against anyone that disagrees with him? Hmmm, I guess I was spelling it wrong.

2 years ago

Trudeau, like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and most old guard politicians, is nothing more than a damaged and spoiled kid looking for importance, purpose, riches, and meaning through autocratic rule and authoritarian governance. Like most Democrats, and a lot of so called Republicans, he was probably a little bratty boy who never observed true leadership, never accepted consequences, and never grasped the principles of integrity. Most of these types are chalk full of catch phrases and nonsensical platitudes spoken with a great deal of insincerity and woefully dis-connected from reality. Why do we se so many of these types of people in “public” service when the only thing they truly aim to serve is themselves? TERM LIMITS FOR ALL THESE CROOKED FOOLS!

2 years ago

Trudeau, the woke worthless ballerina coward, just signed his own political obituary, he will never recover from this. Never. Thank you hard working independent minded Canadian truckers.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The truckers need to stay the course and also be joined by the Conservative Party in Canada. As time goes on, the status quo has to become untenable for fruitcake Trudeau, especially if he can’t use the Canadian version of martial law. I won’t pretend to understand Canadian politics, but based on the numbers, how can an individual who was supported by only 32.62% of voters (based on the 2021 election results) continue to lead. The remaining 67.38% of Canada’s citizens appear to be disenfranchised. Something is wrong with this picture. It’s certainly not democracy where the majority rules, nor is it a shining example of how democracy is supposed to work to those communist dominated countries.

raymond baxter berry
raymond baxter berry
2 years ago

He got there because of his father, which was questionable so now I hope for the canadian people a good canidate will be able to step up and take over. I have family up there and wish them the best, as I know how they feel about their government.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Do not forget these people are the offspring of those born into subjection to a crown, English, and French never having fought to rid themselve of that millstone so he considers the people his subjects rather than as citizens. Does that give them a hint?

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

He’s a student of KLAUS SCHWAB ( look him up a very disturbing human being if you can even categorize him as one) literally he and a plethora of other Marxist leftist elites have gone to his university, oh so did bezos, gates, and a whole lot more of these billionaires. There actually fearful of a real insurrection from disheartened hard working deplorable’s and would fold instantly if they were challenged about their true planned strategy to destroy western civilization. It’s there utopian dream and they want to complete their mission no matter what the destructive consequences are to everyone and everything.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago


Donald Pope
Donald Pope
2 years ago

With to shortages in all products in America due to the mandate the American truckers need to take a lesson from Canadian truckers.
this garbage in America needs to stop!!!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Trudeau is Nero without his fiddle along with his buddy south of the border, Biden without a brain…
The people of Canada are speaking loud & clear, enough is enough, end the mandates immediately.
Today is Sunday, WOKE Super Bowl & it marks the the start of the west to the east trucker’s convoy here in America…What will Biden’s puppet masters do? I predict they will do what Trudeau is doing, lash out against the American people yet again.
We The People of America want the same things the good people of Canada want, end the tyrannical mandates immediately, enough is enough, we want our lives back now…
Populism has spread around the ENTIRE planet, global tyranny is DEAD…
Bill… :~)

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Best comment, hands down Patriot Will…Comatose Biden is next as today is the Sunday Woke Super Bowl & the American Truckers Convoy begins in the west, heading east…
This retired truck driver says GO TRUCKERS!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago


2 years ago

How easy is it for these fools to forget that if you push the people too far, they will revolt in unison. How far will the people of this country or any other country go before they realize just how much power they really have.

Willard Killingsworth
Willard Killingsworth
2 years ago

Impeach Trudeau now. If he resist throw him out. Take your country back. Trudeau is a commie

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

What’s it going to take to wake people up in the US?

Stephanie Staker
Stephanie Staker
2 years ago

Now Trudeau has invoked “emergency powers” and it looks grim for the truckers and protestors. Let’s pray for the truckers and protestors and even Trudeau (that he’d have a change of heart). Prayer changes things even evil.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

Two years ago, Justin Trudeau was asked which nation’s type of government he most admired besides Canada’s.
His answer: China’s.

Is it any wonder that he’s acting like a dictator now?

P. Wright
P. Wright
2 years ago

turdope is a communist, traitor, tyrant, Marxist, Nazi lover and a liar of the worst line. A trust fund baby who worships communism, as did his father, and is a wokeism promoter bent on destroying Canada’s oil and gas Industry, particularly in Alberta. It (to use the proper pronoun) hates the west, especially Alberta and has colluded with the the ndp (communist party of
chinada), so that it can win the next election as it knows that it would be impossible with all the voters that HATE lieberals and IT mostly.IT has purposely put our country into debt by the billions (after inheriting a balanced budget) in Its term so that we will be easier led into ITS favourite government CCP style communism. It has sold the lithium mines to china CCP and the ports in our country as well as the diamond mines in chinada. It has allowed chinese military to march on Salt Spring Island, carrying weapons that IT has also BANNED to Canadians.The USA would be wise to help STOP IT, because this country is now full of terrorists that IT encouraged to immigrate by bribing them with free money, good housing (free) and interest free loans to start businesses,none of which, legally immigrated and born Canadians have Ever been allowed. IT legalized marijuana so ITS mother. Oils smoke it legally and the young would vote IT into government. It promised the First Nations people that they would all have access to fresh potable water in their homes, which of course, was just another bare-faced lie to get elected as well. I could go on and on, I hope we can soon come to the USA as political refugees to escape this oppressive, tyrannical government.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Deplorables Win 2 Coming to DC next

David Phillips Cole
David Phillips Cole
2 years ago

The early founders of our great Constitutional Government understood that there may be other times ahead we need to revolt to save America. Time to wake up and demand our rights for liberty, freedom, and fairness of justice and equal application of the law. Politicians and leaders are elected to do the will of the people, and not dictate that will or rule of law.

2 years ago

I was recently sent an article “World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed. in 1992 when the Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development was unleased on the world, the Young Global Leaders were selected to be raised up for just this generation. Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron (who recently visited Putin), Mark Zuckerberg, Leonardo Di Caprio were amongst the list of 36. The article was posted on Technocracy News. Interesting read and I was not aware of this part of Agenda 21.

2 years ago

How about suggesting..a campaign song for the Canadian & American truckers????..”Do you Hear the People Sing”…from Les Miserables…you can see the musical movie scene on UTube.

2 years ago

Kick commie tale. Eh?

2 years ago

we all know they’re busy working on how to destroy this convoy! stay strong truckers!

2 years ago

Typical anti freedom response….words like” we will never be slaves again”…is about freedom for the individual.

Ramblin' Rogue
Ramblin' Rogue
2 years ago

“Let’s go Justin!” Can anyone name a political leader in power, in North Ameria that is worth their paycheck?

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

For Americans, this is a welcome history lesson. Many of us did not know most of the facts herein. Thank you

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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