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The Death of Accountability

Posted on Friday, December 22, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

President Joe Biden goes over the week-ahead plan with advisers in the Oval Office on Sunday, October 1, 2023 after Congress avoided a government shutdown late the night before by passing a stopgap funding bill that keeps the government open for another 47 days through November 17, 2023. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

The media has long lamented collapsing public confidence in important American institutions, blaming it on everything from “misinformation” to COVID-19. But a more compelling argument explaining this phenomenon is that the predominantly left-wing individuals who run these institutions have avoided any accountability for a string of failures and egregious abuses of power.

For recent evidence of this, look no further than the fact that Claudine Gay is still the President of Harvard.

Earlier this month during a House Education Committee hearing on antisemitism on college campuses, Gay testified that the question of whether calls for genocide against Jews violate Harvard’s rules against bullying and harassment “depends on the context.” Then, just a few days later, reports surfaced alleging past instances of plagiarism in Gay’s published academic work. The number of apparently plagiarized passages in her work is now more than 40.

Despite these multiple scandals and the loss of a number of major donors, Harvard’s board has stood by Gay and even defended her actions. Harvard Corporation, the university’s highest governing body, issued a statement on December 12 affirming “our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing.”

Gay, it should be noted, is an avowed leftist who has promised to include “anti-racist action and the infusion of inclusive practices into all aspects of our teaching and research mission.” As Kaylee McGhee White argued in an opinion piece for The Washington Examiner, Gay is “unfirable” because terminating her would mean holding accountable the people who hired Gay on the basis of her commitment to leftist dogma rather than academic prowess.

Harvard’s leadership declining to punish Gay for failing to condemn calls for genocide against Jews and engaging in rampant academic dishonesty also likely won’t do much to change the fact that just 36 percent of Americans say they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the country’s higher education system.

The failure to hold academia accountable mirrors the death of accountability in the media and government in recent years.

The most glaring example is “Russiagate” and the fact that no one has yet been held accountable for spying on Trump’s campaign or deceiving the public to manufacture a false narrative that Trump was a Russian operative.

In fact, two of the chief Russiagate propagators, FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, have been richly rewarded for their dishonesty.

As Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and former New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth extensively detailed in a report for The Columbia Journalism Review, the media has also utterly failed to account for its role in propping up the Russiagate hoax. Both The New York Times and The Washington Post received a Pulitzer Prize for reporting Russiagate as verified fact, and have yet to return the awards or apologize for knowingly misleading the American public.

Is it any surprise, then, that just 37 percent of Americans (and 17 percent of Republicans) have a positive view of the FBI, while confidence in the media has reached a record low of 32 percent?

Confidence in the country’s public health institutions has also collapsed following a series of failures during the COVID-19 pandemic for which no one has been held accountable. Dr. Fauci has still not faced any consequences for discrediting the COVID-19 lab leak theory and potentially lying to Congress about the National Institutes of Health’s role in funding the Wuhan lab from which the COVID-19 virus may have escaped.

Meanwhile, avoiding accountability has been the calling card of Joe Biden and his administration from day one.

When inflation began soaring soon after Biden took office and Democrats passed trillions of dollars in spending, the White House variously blamed Donald Trump, congressional Republicans, COVID-19, “corporate greed,” and the Russia-Ukraine war. When gas prices soared to record highs last year after Biden slashed domestic oil production, the president likewise dismissed his role in the crisis, saying, “Can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible.”

Biden also infamously failed to take accountability for the botched evacuation from Afghanistan, calling the operation that led to 13 American deaths and the fall of the country to the Taliban an “extraordinary success.” (Relatedly, no one in military leadership was fired for the disaster, likely part of the reason public confidence in the military has now dropped to its lowest point this century and every branch is experiencing a severe recruiting shortfall.)

Biden has also faced no real repercussions for mishandling classified documents long before he was ever president (possibly dating back to his time as a senator), weaponizing the FBI against parents, pro-life activists, and his political enemies, apparently using the presidency to help his son avoid criminal charges, or engaging in a blatant influence-peddling scheme to enrich himself and his family.

Biden’s top lieutenants, taking after their boss, have shirked accountability for their own failures. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is still in his post despite bungling his response to a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, that poisoned an entire community, along with at least four other transportation-related disasters that have occurred under his watch.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has similarly escaped accountability for actively fueling the ongoing border crisis – despite insulting the public’s intelligence by giving himself an “A for effort” on dealing with it back in 2021.

Unsurprisingly, Biden appears to be in a terminal polling decline, with his approval rating hovering around 40 percent in the RealClearPolitics average and dipping into the 30s in some polls. Americans are increasingly unwilling to put their trust in a leader who refuses to take responsibility for his decisions and continues to double down on failed policies.

In the case of Joe Biden and his Democrat enablers, Americans will have the chance to pass judgement on them at the ballot box. But for the other institutions suffering from a public confidence crisis, Americans continue to wait for answers and accountability – a prospect which, at the moment, seems unlikely before January 2025.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
9 months ago

My House of Rep member told a friend of mine that he can deal with his fellow politicians, but the bureaucrats in the government are impossible to deal with. That’s frightening if our elected officials are powerless to a bunch of unelected employees of the gov’t. If Trump wins, he needs to start by getting rid of the top 4-5 leaders in each agency if not eliminating the agency completely. I have no doubt they will try to take him out if elected or even before the election.

9 months ago

The FAILURE of the Republican Party Leadership to PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE THAT WAS GUARANTEED TO US BY THE CONSTITUTION is why we are now in Crisis Mode to SAVE AMERICA!

9 months ago

Sen. Henry Reid when asked about the lies he told about Romney, his comment was, “he didn’t win did he”. Democrats will do or say anything to win. Lies are just a way to win.

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
9 months ago

The scales of justice have been replaced with a book from Karl Marx

9 months ago

The election is not going to break the disease that has gripped our country. Their fraud election is still in place. The left lies and imprisons people who do not agree with them. The MSM is supporting them as well as the DOJ FBI and large businesses. It is a conspiracy by the WEF and the UN to create a new world order. They are rewriting our history by taking down all symbols of the past. Statues of George Floyd are honored but those of our founding fathers are destroyed. They want to do away with the constitution. They are telling the people what Trump will do when he is president again. They are just telling the people what they have been doing all along themselves. America has to go as a powerful free nation and become a communist dictatorship. They want a country like Sodom and Gomorrah to keep people under their thumb. Don’t think for yourself, pay the people but not help the people. There never was an investigation into the COVID nor into the vaccine. Now there are more people being sick with COVID than when the so-called pandemic was at its peak. But nothing is done about it. How come? Because the COVID is nothing more than another strain of flu but by hyping it up and creating fake death numbers people believed it. And what good has the vaccin done. That also has not been investigated by the MSM. We who investigate ourselves have seen many reports and proof that all this was a hoax to manipulate people to become compliant with government rules. The MSM never talks about what is going on with big pharma. They already had the vaccin ready. The biggest manipulator business in the world. That is why they want to keep the dems in power. America became great because the people ruled. The people build her, protected her, fought for her. Only the left with the dems help don’t care about the people. They are in the way of the rich and powerful. The sooner all Americans realize this the sooner we will have America and our constitution and our freedom back. Only I am afraid we are too late. Pray for America.

John Bass
John Bass
9 months ago

Accountability? Please, according to the Democrats it’s all Trumps fault. Anything the Dem’s do that fails or is immoral or unpopular…It’s Trumps fault. If something should actually go right or is perceived as good by the American public, then the Democrats are the first ones up to the microphone telling the world “we did that”!
Trump 2024

9 months ago

this problem began with Lincon after the war he changed our form of gov to a democracy which was manipulated by gov and politicians every year after. remember jefferson said no money from the gov was to go to anything other than gov expenses. now the deep state spends money on anything they want like the destruction of america

9 months ago

All completely accurate. If some people find the truth too much to admit to, then that is their problem. Sheep rarely have the option of selecting what is for dinner, when they are surrounded by wolves.

9 months ago

when trump wins head must role.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I heard Harvard couldn’t fire her because 51 intelligence officers signed a statement stating Gay’s anti-Semitism was Russuan disinformation.

9 months ago

I just hope and pray that the primaries vote out the RINOs, and true conservative, common sense, Constitution believing Republicans, local state and national, along with President Trump are voted into office next year. If not, our republic, I fear, will be lost!

9 months ago

This administration claimed that it would be the most transparent. I guess they have been pretty transparent in how much they hate the constitution, liberty and freedom for all Americans. But all you have to do is look how the open border has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood this country planning on doing who knows what! Biden is a blatant criminal and he doesn’t care what you think about it. We have a very tainted country and I just hope it’s not too far gone to get it back where we should be……

9 months ago

Its not about accountability IMHO but its all about results, results that support an agenda. As long as it supports the Leftist’s agenda, any method is acceptable. As the press is really just the propaganda arm of the DNC, all is fair which supports the agenda.

9 months ago

As we must be constantly be cognizant of, is that as always, the socialist pact is to use the ethics of the righteous against them.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
9 months ago

As long as the Democrats remain in power, we will have no “justice for all” in our country. These Marxists have worked 40 years to take over ALL power in DC. There are no checks and balances, they run the DOJ, IRS and FBI and they are reigning hate and terror over the land. What’s worse is we have several so-called Republicans in Congress that are actually RINO’s. If the Conservatives do not win a bigger majority in Congress AND win the presidency, I fear we will not longer have any semblance of a FREE, Prosperous country. How we stop their cheating, is a mystery to me but I pray someone will find the answer.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

There is no department branch or institution that is not corrupted to the core Accountability would bring the total collapse of the whole tent of illusions and magic tricks

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
9 months ago

If we had accountability in governance or rather mis-governance, that would be great. A more important death more attention should be paid to is the death of this nation. Our social order has been destroyed. Respect for law is gone for everyone including our elected representatives. Our arts and culture are but a distant vague memory with many now awaiting AI to create our art for us, from painting and drawing to music. Hell, soon a craze will develop for CGI comedians spouting AI generated “humor”(perfectly PC of course).
As for the pursuit of happiness, that now is gone and along with it the hopes of the members of the middle class ever owning a home of their own is all but gone. College bankrupts its misguided students before they ever enter the workforce which usually consists of low paying menial service work that never has and never will require even a high school diploma. Too bad all you English, Arts, Gender Studies and other crap majors chosen because “I don’t get this Math stuff”.
The nation is lost and the return of Trump can only buffer the pain for a time. Look around you. The lies of our government have caught up with us.
Merry Christmas

9 months ago

As far as “Americans having the chance to pass judgement on them at the ballot box”, that would be true only if we have honest elections. I fear that has gone by the wayside. Support the Second Amendment!!!

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
9 months ago

Well, when Harvard collapses as people quit attending and businesses quit supporting it, we will start to see others go south too. Gpd is still in control. The fallout will happen some day. There will be consquences. It’s just a matter of time.

Kathy Cauthen
Kathy Cauthen
9 months ago

Sad but true! Do you mind if I share your comment? Thanks.

9 months ago

What we have is a two tier legal system in what has become a police state. Pretty much sums it up.

9 months ago

All of these so called hearings on capital hill that never go anywhere should show the American people that we no longer have a Representative Government . It is all show and distraction. The so called Republican lead house could shut the purse to all of this corruption but they don’t. Ever ask yourself why? Because we are being manipulated by a UNI Party.

Kathleen N.
Kathleen N.
9 months ago

The republicans in office are about as useful as water in a flood.

9 months ago

We no longer have a government of the people by the people for the people. It is a government of the government by the government for the government.

9 months ago

The media should “lament collapsing public confidence in important American institutions, blaming it on everything from “misinformation” to COVID-19″ since they, the media, are responsible for that collapsing confidence!!! They are responsible for the lies being told to the public because they are liberal and have an agenda to carry out!!! Accountability is something that isn’t happening but should be a very important part of our government!!! Accountability is what keeps corruption and crimes out of the government – the same corruption and crimes that are very apparent in the government now!!! If all politicians were actually held accountable who are in Washington D.C., how many would still be politicians and how many would be in jail??? They are up there just having the time of their lives, passing laws that tell us what to do while they profit from everything they mandate us to do!!!

james carlyle
james carlyle
9 months ago

A very sorry, disappointing record for the Democratic Party for which they are seemingly proud and which meets their goals.

9 months ago

Voting for Commiecrats has consequences, ALWAYS negative consequences. Democrats destroy, it’s what they do.

K. Martin
K. Martin
9 months ago

Americans will have the chance to pass judgement on them at the ballot box” — Really? Has anything been done other than lots of right-wing, election-fraud outrageousness to prevent another 2020?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

If I were Trump, I wouldn’t accept any boxes of wine anywhere in the near future… especially if it’s Delaware vintage. Real vintage.

9 months ago

IF the mainstream press was HONEST we wouldn’t have the lies and disinformation coming from our government…

9 months ago

Democrats=masters of the blame game. What more needs to be said?

9 months ago

Is the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians acceptable?

9 months ago

Sure wish the LEGAL AMERICAN PEOPLE AND VOTERS were a priority with this administration. BUT as voters, we should make better choices for politicians and not be lead like SHEEP

9 months ago

Accountability with respect to the government and its agencies are an oxymoron. There is no such thing as holding anyone accountable unless they are Conservatives or Republicans.

Kathleen N.
Kathleen N.
9 months ago

The republicans in Washington are about as useful as snow in Alaska.

9 months ago

The one named Gay IS Gay!

9 months ago

The one who is named Gay is Gay!

9 months ago

This guy who is named Gay is Gay!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Began with Deep State under Trump to date

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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