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The Crime Wave In America Is Crippling Our Nation

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2023
by Outside Contributor
An anti theft device on an expensive article of clothing.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, crime has precipitously skyrocketed in cities across the country, as demonstrated by a recent report published by Our America. One crime in particular, retail theft, has destroyed businesses across the country, hurting consumers and businesses alike.  

While shoplifting is nothing new, there is more than meets the eye with this recent trend. Progressive prosecutors who refuse to prosecute retail theft are enabling Mexican drug cartels, international money launderers, and other highly sophisticated criminal enterprises.  

Leftwing reformers hold out the late surge in shoplifting as a non-problem and have refused to prosecute – or even denounce – smash-and-grabs and other brazen thefts. This policy choice, championed by prosecutors aligned with George Soros, fails to appreciate the serious role organized retail theft plays in transnational crime.  

It’s a grave mistake to wave organized retail crimes away as a problem of corporate balance sheets. Much like a hub and spoke, organized retail crime is linked to the most heinous transnational criminal organizations. Investigators and industry experts are finding that these Mission Impossible style crimes are a gateway to the world’s worst criminals.  

Organized retail theft is sophisticated, high-volume shoplifting that involves two basic players. “Boosters” steal products in bulk from major retailers. Boosters target high-value goods such as medication, beauty products, or power tools. “Fences” acquire stolen goods at a fraction of their retail value, then sell them at a profit.  

Online marketplaces, such as eBay or Facebook Marketplace, are a common vector for redistribution of stolen goods. But sophisticated fences often present as wholesalers and sell pilfered products in bulk, sometimes even to the company from which they were stolen in the first place.  

Organized retail crime supports the world’s most dangerous criminal networks. The Homeland Security Department’s ‘Operation King of Thieves’ is a case in point.  

The operation targeted two closely associated retail theft rings working in Texas and neighboring states, according to a third-party report. The ring leaders, two Palestinian brothers named Yasser Ouwad and Bilal Awad, paid coyotes to smuggle boosters into the U.S. Most coyotes are agents of the drug cartels who dominate the U.S.-Mexico frontier. Boosters were made to steal for the brothers until their coyote-fee “debt” was repaid.   

The rings targeted chain pharmacies and stole expensive but easily concealed products such as shaving razors and diabetic test kits. Boosters cleared shelves at as 30 stores per day across multiple states, packing products into aluminum-lined bags that defeat store alarm systems. Some thefts were more brazen, with boosters pushing shopping carts full of stolen merchandise out to a waiting car, a sight that’s become depressingly familiar. 

Ring leaders hid stolen products in storage facilities before shipping them to a New England wholesaler who sold the goods back to major retailers. Authorities estimate that the brothers moved $8 million in stolen goods before they were caught.  

King of Thieves investigators identified a wealthy Houston-area businessman, Mohamed Mokbel, as a fence working with the brothers. Mokbel has since been indicted in a $150 million healthcare fraud scam that targeted senior citizens.   

Retail theft rings do not brush up against transnational crime by coincidence. Shoplifting sprees are a low-risk, high reward proposition for crime lords accustomed to darker trades. Stolen products also facilitate money-laundering. One advanced money-cleaning technique, called trade-based money laundering, moves value through trade transactions to disguise illicit cash.  

The Associated of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMLS) describes one such scheme in this way: syndicates in the U.S. steal or fraudulently obtain cellphones from a major retailer. Thousands of phones are stockpiled, then sold to a Chinese “money broker.” This transaction is often executed via shell companies. The money broker, a free agent who facilitates money laundering, sells the phones in a different country. The proceeds from that sale are then used in any number of cash-cleaning operations for any number of unsavory characters.  

These are not pesky shoplifting rings. They are international criminal enterprises integrated with elder fraud, money laundering, and traffickers in drugs and people. At the risk of stating the obvious – not all, or even most shoplifters are international criminal masterminds. But when rogue prosecutors abdicate their responsibility to enforce the law, they create the conditions in which genuinely dangerous syndicates thrive.  

New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and the Baltimore-D.C. metro area lead the nation in reported organized retail crimes by volume, according to the Coalition of Law Enforcement And Retail (CLEAR). Soros prosecutors lead LA, Philly, and Chicago. And one of Gotham’s five DAs, the infamous Alvin Bragg, was elected with Soros money.  

Soros prosecutors hold themselves out as upright people with big minds and bigger hearts. But their refusal to take shoplifting seriously is a boon for the worst criminals on Earth.  

Ken Blackwell is the former mayor of Cincinnati and undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

Reprinted with Permission from Townhall – By Ken Blackwell

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10 months ago

It’s easy to see that soros is behind everything ruining our country. From allowing criminals a free pass to interfering in the election of, in my opinion, the only man who can save our country. Vote Trump!

10 months ago

Progressive Communist Democratic Prosecutors have FAILED to Prosecute people caught shoplifting so naturally this crime is not only going to continue but it’s naturally going to greatly increase also.
It’s just Common Sense but then again most Democrats don’t seem to have any!
I just feel sorry for the many businesses forced to suffer from it!

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Is it possible that mayors DAs and other state and city officials are on the payroll of the bosses of the thieves and shut their mouths and eyes for that reason?

10 months ago

Those of us who don’t live in NYC, Chicago, LA, Philadelphia, or DC may be tempted to think that we are not affected by this. However, in order for a business to remain in business for long, it has to make a profit, or at least break even. Retailers have, for years, marked up the retail price of their merchandise to allow for not only cost of goods sold plus overhead plus labor, but also for inventory shrinkage; i.e. theft. As this has become more of a problem in the past few years, they have cranked in more markup. So when customers see higher prices, some of it is from the traditional forces of inflation, but some of it is the consumer paying for the stolen goods in addition to the amount for their purchase. Of course you don’t see it added on, such as you do with sales tax, but it is tucked into what you pay. Thus we are all the poorer for the negligence of our Prosecutors who ignore the “petty ” crime of shoplifting.

Juana Contreras-Mendoza
Juana Contreras-Mendoza
10 months ago

Why are you guys tiptoeing around China?
Is not the COVID virus is the China virus.
President Trump made a little effort to call it the China virus but goes back calling it COVID 19

Why do we call the other pandemics by the name of the country but we are so afraid to call it the China virus

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

They hate America and everything it stands for. They hate Israel for the same reasons. Biden is even losing the anti-Semitic vote so he’s failed EVERYONE.

10 months ago

The left has been working on this for years, with lawlessness comes anarchy and run away inflation. If it comes to this then in the name of law and order the democrats declare martial law, create a new constitution and eliminate all opposition It has happened in Germany, Russia and China in the last century. Don’t think it can’t happen here.The democrats must be stopped.

10 months ago

Pathetic what Soros has done to America..

10 months ago

Nothing about blacks doing the robbing. I would think AMAC would have more courage than this.

10 months ago

Democrats, Left, Progressives, Idiots, Slime-Balls which ever you want to call them, have taken away the very thing that is most effective at preventing crime and that is strong punishment laws and the enforcement of those laws.
When I was young my parents had rules(laws) that their children had to live by and if we violated the rules, we lost some of our freedoms and the only way we got our freedoms back was to change our ways, and in a civilized society it works the same way.
This is all by design, and with intent, it is to break down our Society and our way of life in America, the more you see a break down the more apt people are willing to give up rights like believing in God and right to Worship, Freedom of Speech, and your right of self-defense, (gun control) because people are gullible, in thinking Government knows best, and as someone once said, if Government is the answer, it must have been a stupid question!

10 months ago

It’s a crisis being created so government can step in to solve it. No one will benefit from the solution.

10 months ago

Note that only Bidums leftists called to make most crimes misdemeanors, “Defund the police” and to charge and put any police in jail who used their weapons. The result, police stopped using their weapons. The result, all crime has escalated immensely. You did not hear Republicans calling to defund police! Once beautiful, safe cities are now stinking with urine and feces and you have to be careful to keep from stepping on needles. But it is also unsafe for anyone to walk the sidewalks and not be robbed and beaten. Even members of Congress have been attacked in D.C.! We visited and enjoyed San Fransisco a few times in the past, but would not consider it safe or pleasant to visit again. This is what Joe Bidum has brought to America!

10 months ago

Keep voting democrat. It can get worse. The whole country can become crime ridden like the sh**hole cities already have.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
10 months ago

Very important article Mr. Blackwell , this information should be appreciated by everyone here in the United States of America who wants to have this Country remain the land of the free and the home of the brave. This sort of crime affects the entire economy, as well as the Nation’s defense system – at very least it presents a major distraction from other things that need attention to maintain a healthy economy and a National Defense (Security ) system There are only so many people available to handle various tasks involving economic planning and national security , so it looks as if the strategy of those in charge of planning this sort of crime know that and have a method for doing what they do, and when and how they do it. One way respectable American citizens can help is to maintain a high level of intelligence , have courage and be resourceful , supporting local police in various ways , thinking in terms of this situation being part of the invasion by the enemies of freedom and part of the plan to undermine all that is good about this Country. Let those of us who believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights take a stand and respect the principles of Honor,Honesty,Integrity,Courage and Loyalty and do what is needed to defend the ideals of Faith ,Family and Freedom.

10 months ago

Here you go America, CRIME running rampant, uncontrolled all brought to You by the marxist democrat party!!

10 months ago

How about investigating prosecutors, Judges, mayors, City Council members etc, they can’t be ignoring all this without some kind of compensation!

10 months ago

Add it to the list People, more corrupt, immoral, law breaking activities destroying America and attacking lLEGAL Citizens ,brought to Our Country by the marxist democrat party and their bans of misery!
Have those of you you voted for these failed clown had enough yet?
It’s your Faith,Family and Freedom they are intent on destroying!

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
10 months ago

Seattle should also be in this discussion. The city council attempted to reduce the police budget by 50%. While they were not able reduce it by 50%, they did cut it drastically. Many police left for greener pastures. The chief of police resigned and now the city is 400 officers short. All crimes, not just shoplift are at record levels. This is a self caused disaster. My wife and I moved out of Seattle S it had become too dangerous.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
10 months ago

That suits O Bama just fine. Kyle L.

10 months ago

The network of crooks described in this article are Palestinian. I wonder if they use some of the money from the stolen goods to fund Palestinian terror in Israel and Gaza. I sure hope they don’t have plans to use this money against American targets at home. We are such an easy-going, anything-goes, welcoming nation.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
10 months ago

 “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama,

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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