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Stanford’s COVID Censorship A Microcosm of Eroding American Freedoms

Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2023
by Matt Kane

Recently, a long-time Stanford Professor of Medicine, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, published a disturbing yet sadly unsurprising article about his experience at the university during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have not yet read it, I encourage you to do so. He uncovered the new philosophy adopted by many areas of society that so-called “experts” words are to be accepted as absolute truth and to question them is an inherent wrong. Essentially, they are your God now. Bhattacharya earned two degrees in economics from the university in 1990. He has been a fully tenured professor at Stanford’s medical school for nearly 15 years. Based on how he was treated during this experience, however, you would never know it.

A Brief Summary

In October 2020, Bhattacharya co-authored a proposal called the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD). The purpose of this was to consider moving away from the lockdown-centric strategy deployed by most of the world (following the lead of communist China). Why? Because no scientific evidence proving lockdowns to be effective existed. In fact, evidence proving the opposite was far easier to find. Bhattacharya explained at the time of his proposal that lockdowns had done tremendous harm to much of the population, particularly children, the poor, and the working class. Additional reports from the CDC showed a significant increase in suicidal considerations in young adults. Furthermore, an estimated 130 million people would experience food starvation due to strict lockdowns.

Initially, overwhelming support rolled in from thousands of people in the science community. But shortly after that, the far-left mainstream media, including The New York Times and the Washington Post, swarmed, asking Bhattacharya why he wanted to “let the virus rip,” even though that was the exact opposite of his proposal. Unfortunately, the examples of evidence that led to his entirely rational proposal also did not sit well with some of his work colleagues.  

Bhattacharya was blocked from organizing a seminar where he would publicly present the ideas of the GBD, despite having previously held dozens of seminars over the years. A secret petition circulated throughout the medical school seeking to censor Bhattacharya, followed by a public pressure campaign around campus that involved his face being plastered next to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ to intimidate him. He received secret messages from supportive colleagues too afraid to publicly support him, in addition to others who felt they had to forcefully sign the censorship petition to protect their futures at the university. 

How This Relates to America as A Whole

Consider this excerpt from Bhattacharya: “It was at first quite perplexing to be the target of what turned out to be a well-organized, government-sponsored campaign of smears and suppression of scientific argument and evidence.” Doesn’t this sound all too familiar? 

Since COVID began, healthy dialogue has been suppressed by the government and mainstream media. But this does not apply exclusively to covid. This attack on Americans has long been speculated but has now been confirmed with the release of the Twitter files.  

Though America does not need any more of these, Bhattacharya’s experience should be a wake-up call. These stories are no longer “fringe conspiracy theories.” Now is not the time to turn a blind eye to these issues because whether we like them or not, they exist. It may be dejecting to do so, but we all must look at how the powers that be have systematically begun to destroy America to fully understand the severity of what is happening. This is unlike previous times. This is not as simple as “we just need to vote them out!” Our elections have never been less secure, our votes less meaningful. This is, unfortunately, a far more profound and sinister time than other eras of American history. 

There is now documented evidence that exposes governmentsuniversities, mainstream media, and other entities for participating in a coordinated effort to silence Americans for any reason they choose. Bhattacharya is the most recent example of a good-intentioned citizen who was silenced for attempting to make a positive change. He is far from the first and certainly won’t be the last. They de-platformed a sitting President from social media, removed anybody who dared to question their analysis on COVID lockdowns and the efficacy of vaccines, including the side effects, and hired 87 thousand new IRS agents to assert themselves in your day-to-day lives further. They have displayed their evil agenda for all to see, now so comfortable with it they don’t even attempt to hide it. The easiest way for them to continue to do this is for those who know it is wrong to sit idly by and allow it to continue. Pray this does not happen.  

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.

1 year ago

Yes, more academically gnu-contemporary philosophy making the rounds. Pray – not if it happens or doesn’t happen – this is not effect prayer.

Professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has covered a new philosophy- a new philosophy adopted by some factors, mostly in academia, and not even esoteric at that- if that this new discovered philosophy is the new absolute truth by the experts – it’s more lies perpetuated by academias . So let’s entertain these crooks for not too long, and then dispatch another discrepancy of
the demagogues drooling about the lectern these days. Phewww

Oh please
Oh please
1 year ago

No one removed people who questioned COVID vaccines.

thats what COVID did lol

glen reid
glen reid
1 year ago

common sense out weighs academia , in these times. just look at all the turmoil being created on purpose. marxism on the move, attack within! wake up America !

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
1 year ago

This dangerous philosophy is nothing new. It was posited by progressive (and racist) president Woodrow Wilson over 100 years ago. We’ve been slowly and steadily paying the price ever since.

1 year ago

The brain washing in our national school system is almost complete! Common Sense ISN’T common anymore! Our Freedoms as a Nation are going to DISAPPEAR and I’ll be glad I shouldn’t be living when it completely happens! How did this happen here in America?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

What all Univs & Colleges are who are Woke

1 year ago

Our colleges and universities have disqualified themselves from consideration as “higher education”; now classified as “Buy-A-Degree”. Hertz might do well to consider diversification into this field.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

American Colleges and Universities have become irrelevant, as places of Higher learning, no longer are they a place where freedom of thought and exchange of ideas can be presented.
In my college days your thoughts and Ideas could be presented, while others may not agree with you, your thoughts were still treated with respect. That was the cornerstone of our growth as a nation, the free exchange of Ideas.
When you only have only one opinion you have a Socialist/Communist world, and the world of advancement stops.
Parents, if your child express’s the idea that only they are right in their thought, you are wasting your money on sending them to college, and your money would be as well spent flushing down the toilet.

1 year ago

I will continue to call fields fields. Cancel me all you want. I have been cancelled by my handicaps 24/7 for years. Your cancel of my thoughts and voice are 100% meaningless and do not scare me.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

We should all be very concerned that the Biden administration often treats those who have a different point of view as enemies of the state. Even Biden’s way of talking often reminds us more of a dictator than the leader of a Constitutional Republic. Biden has a strong tendency to call his political and social opponents horrible names such as racists and terrorists. He has increased the division and hatred in our country at an alarming rate.

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

We no longer have colleges and universities. They are just political PAC.

We no longer have medical doctors. We have highly paid parrots that hand out the drugs they are told to.

American medical superiority is gone. We are a third world country entirely due to the democrats and these go along to get along college certified people.

Another Linda
Another Linda
1 year ago

I remember. It has almost a million medical and scientific signatures. It was by the grace and strength of God that I held my ground. Great thanks to them.

1 year ago

When the lockdown attempts are resuscitated this winter, it is our OBLIGATION to refuse to comply. Our compliance enables their tyranny!

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
1 year ago

Until the fury of the loyal Americans rises to the level of effective action— more than just being an informed voter—nothing will change. We must all be willing to stage open protests at every opportunity to call attention to the violation of our freedoms. We cannot sit back and complain. We need to call out those leaders who swore to uphold and defend the constitution and then they trample it with censorship and political oppression. And we better get on our knees and ask God to forgive our sin of making pleasure and material wealth our gods. Early American patriots were willing to be hanged! Are we?

1 year ago

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. From Ephesians chapter six verse twelve. All of the bad things currently happening are led by Satan and those who work with him. God is giving him leeway as humans decide whose side they want to embrace. God’s side will consist of joy, peace and love. The other side will be do whatever you want until God ends it all in judgement. God loves and wants to save everyone. That’s why He allowed His only Son to atone for our sins. However, He has given us free will, so we must make the choice. Ask Jesus today for salvation and forgiveness.

1 year ago

But one may ask, how did we get to this disturbing place. Ill offer one bit of the puzzle- ive long noted that left leaning people worship aspects. In a macro sense, they worship parts of nature but never its creator. In a micro way they idolize certain people for their attributes, especially intellect . The whole person is ignored. Such a person might be brilliant in their field but a monster in person but lefties care not. As such, lefties defer to degreed intellectuals blindly. They hold out their hands, eager to be bound and expect all of us to go along.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

We have to support dr Bhattacharya even to our detriment. What his colleagues should have done. The scare tactics and intimidation put out by the White House, CDC and most of all Dr Fauci has been very successful. Those of us being opposed since the onset of COVID have been treated as scum. Been called names and told to shut up. I will never shut up. Having experienced WW II and how the nazis manipulated the people is now what is going on here in America.
Instead of killing us in concentration camps they are using the vaccine which we voluntarily take after they scared us with the COVID virus, to kill us the cheapest way to depopulate the world.
More people have died and will keep on dying from the vaccine.
Stand up people or we will all be living under a dictatorship that will control your every move.
Think it can’t happen? We are half way there already.

William Boylan
William Boylan
1 year ago

Forget the hyperbole, stick to the actual facts. The IRS has not hired 87k agents. Yet.

1 year ago

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is good men do nothing” Edmund Burke

Roberta Cromlish
Roberta Cromlish
1 year ago

As a nurse, I was against the lockdowns and vaccine mandates that were unproven. Also,the FDA and CDC are heavily dependent on outside funding–hmmm–can you say pharmacies?

1 year ago

The overuse of the word “expert” is ubiquitous. But, what makes it so much worse is the media – as the article points out and I was a signer in support of the document, all of the other experts were, as Mr. Kane points out, surpassed. Lets be honest, fear sells and Covid was a boon for the media.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
1 year ago

First grad degree from Stanford 1970. Left CA and didn’t look back. Already they were becoming stoned and weird then. General decline ever since. None of this is surprising. And, no, I once gave them money but not for several years.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

When experts debate, solutions can be discovered; when they don’t, we’re screwed.

1 year ago

I haven’t seen the term educated idiots in a while, but it sure seems relevant here.

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