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Someone to Count On

Posted on Wednesday, April 10, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
character; someone to count on

Much is written on leadership – caring for people, taking responsibility, earning and vesting trust, sharing burdens and credit, living by honor, preserving dignity, showing respect while setting high expectations, then putting consequences with those. Central is being someone others can count on, and by example teaching others – to be that person. Where is that now?

Most of us, looking around for leadership in our town, city, state, and nation, not to mention across corporate and academic landscapes, see weakness, ignorance, absence of courage, knowledge, independent thinking, and little concern for others of the sort that demands hard work.

Here is a core truth: The world does not need to be this way – and was not always so. Leadership, distilled to good judgment, trustworthiness, responsibility for mission and people, is achievable.

More than a historic anomaly, it can be learned and taught. Put into practice, leadership becomes a binding force, a living fractal pattern, radiating outward like a branching tree, veined leaf, frost crystals, lightning strike, expanding from one strong person to a family, to civic group, to nation.

Why do you think the United States of America has been followed, a physical and ideological beacon, for four centuries? Why have we stood the test of time, consistently attracted those of daring, courage, willing to risk all for a dream, work their hearts out, those who ached for freedom?

Because we are a nation of leaders, people who can be counted on, historically founded on the idea that we will take responsibility for our destiny, are undaunted, unbending, and will fight to the end.

That is leadership, in a person, family, town, city, state, and nation, and that is us. So, what is happening, and why have our “leaders” grown so weak? The answer is complex and simple.

The simple part is that those we call leaders are not leaders, no longer expected to be accountable, not elected with an eye toward leadership, or to be counted on. They are placeholders.

Why is that? Because, until recently, we thought government was secondary, tended to run itself, and good people would step up in both parties, occasionally a third. We could just step back.

How wrong was that? This is the complex part.  To have a nation led by real leaders, those who reflect our innermost principles, emphasis on character, and judgment like our Founding Generation, Abe Lincoln, TR, Truman, Reagan, and our best citizens, we have to believe that leadership matters, our vote matters, accountability matters. That is the beginning of wisdom.

We have to believe that – just as we expect something of a mechanic, doctor, nurse, lawyer, pilot, police officer, and those to whom we trust something of value – we have a right to expect, an obligation to insist on, accountable political leadership. What matters more … than the country?

So, what do we really want? We want people in our highest elected and appointed offices, in any office, in fact in every office, whom we can genuinely – when the lights go off – count on. Period.

We want people motivated by things we think of as real leadership, good judgment, trustworthiness, responsibility for mission and people, daring and follow through, commitment to limited government, individual liberties, and freedom, so we … can exercise our own daring.

We want leaders who understand the nation’s history, appreciate, love, and honor it, not some cheap rewrite of it, not some politically motivated narrative, but the real thing, who we are.

We want depth, responsibility, accountability, and respect for the nation, and we want that to define who they are. When everything is said and done, we want them to let us live in peace, perhaps guide us, educate us, definitely protect us, but respect us – and respect truth – at all times.

Is that too much to expect?  What do most want – real, thoughtful, courageous, accountable, self-limiting leadership, honesty at the top, and respect for liberty at the bottom.  Give us that, and we will be happy. Nutshell, we all want someone to count on at every level, nothing more, nothing less.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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5 months ago

RBC, nice article. I look back over the years since Pres. Reagan, where our leaders (politicians for a big example) have turned to power and greed for themselves and began ignoring the welfare of the nation. Leaders began importing ideas/ideals from Europe to instill on the nation despite the known facts that these European policies did not work. It goes to show how much outside influence has infiltrated our society as our nation continues on its downhill slide. We know that the enemy is moving rapidly to cement their hold on this nation before the upcoming elections, making it harder for recovery. We can only hope that the voters will put representatives that will renounce the evil and put this nation back on track for good.

5 months ago

Almighty God is the only one we can truly count on. We can hope that men and women who love God and realize that they are ultimately dependent on His almighty hand, will run for and be elected to office. We are created in Gods image, but have fallen woefully short. I pray for a revival in our nation to restore our nation to one nation under God.

5 months ago

One big difference in President Reagan and the current flock of so-called leaders in government: Reagan was a follower of God and he prayed everyday for guidance in his decisions. Biden is not and does not do this, as well as his supporters (cohorts).

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
5 months ago

President Trump is a human being with his fair share of weakness and quirks. However, he is also a true leader who cares for the American people. President Trump’s policies helped America economically and militarily. Biden, on the other hand, is clearly seriously flawed ethically and patriotically. Biden caters to those forces that strive to destroy the United States of America. He helps China and Iran become stronger and stronger, while economically and militarily the US becomes weaker and weaker. Biden’s policies have destroyed our ability to protect ourselves from drug cartels, human trafficking, and significant inflation. When President Trump speaks, he shows concern and empathy for traditional values, hard work, the nuclear family, and meritocracy. Biden is obsessed with hate mongering, critical race theory, and sexual fringe groups. President Trump proudly believes in the US historically, while Biden chronically tears our country down as being anti-black and pro-white. Biden acts as if the whites owe the blacks. President Trump acts as if this country is still the land of opportunity. Biden is an expert at tearing this country down, while President Trump enthusiastically builds this country up.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

This article gets the gears turning , and when gears mesh as they are designed to do the machinery functions for the intended purpose – and that is good. All complex machines are combinations of simple ,basic machines and that is something that can be compared to political systems, to governments as well. Simple, basic ,keeping things truthful and open to everyone who is a legal member of society – usually is an indicator of things on the right course, headed in the right direction. Praise for this article Robert , it helps to see the strength of limited government and the value of integrity . Courage , let liberty be the watchword , the leadership will develop from those who respect truth and recognized by right thinking people as being of good character and in tune with the will of God, those with a genuine love of Country.

5 months ago

Looks like “cliff” in the comments section was on a bender last night. LMAO!!

5 months ago

I just saw my post was waiting for approval. I guess that means this is also a censored comment site and not all opinions are acceptable and need approval? That would be very disappointing.

5 months ago

Someone to count on? Seriously? Who would that be exactly? We have been betrayed by both sides. We already knew the Communist/Socialist election stealing and power mad Dem’s wanted to destroy us and this country. That is why they are bringing in 10-20 million or so reliable D voters to replace those of us who STILL want our real President back in office. Illegals, who will be allowed to vote, will vote for the side providing them with free stuff.
The Republicans in DC are not exactly fighting back. They allowed 2 stolen Elections to stand. They are allowing the open border to stand.
I want my shiny new AMERICA AND AMERICANS FIRST MEMBERSHIP CARD! I want my vote to count. I want the border closed and all of the illegals shipped back. Can you even grasp how much of our tax money has been wasted housing, feeding and providing medical care for these people who have never paid one dime in taxes and will most likely never will.
I want our Veterans cared for and provided with decent housing instead of illegals! Not one single illegal should get ANYTHING while thousands of our Veterans sleep in cardboard boxes.
All I can say is I am grateful to live in a 2A Sanctuary County in a 2A Sanctuary State. With millions of criminals from all over the planet are coming into our country, it may come to a place where we are sitting on our porches at night with a thermos of coffee and a shotgun.
I am not a crazy person. I live a little over 100 miles from the border.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Our ed system abandoned honesty responsibility and honor decades ago Those were hurtful an white supremacy qualities that made other feel less valuable In the name of self esteem those terms were eradicated Cheating and lying became normal excellence was a discriminatory term Everyone became a winner Why should we be shocked now at the quality of leadership and professionals Our army speaks for all of it

5 months ago

Interesting that I just posted a comment and it is awaiting approval from the AMAC hall monitor. I didn’t know Amac had a problem with mentioning God. This is further proof of what I had just post. Hope this goes through.

Bill McCormick
Bill McCormick
5 months ago

I agree with this article. The problem is that neither of the leading candidates matches the description.
The Republican candidate is a lying, power grabbing narcissist who encouraged (at least) an unconstitutional rebellion rather than transfer power peaceably. He improperly shared national defense secrets.
The Democrat candidate is feeble of mind and heart. He spends our money to assure his power. He has caved to the agenda of the far left, which is now center of the Democrat party. His family makes money directly by selling the potential for access and influence.
Both candidates are a disgrace to this country. Why is AMAC favoring the republican candidate instead of speaking against both candidates and rejecting them as unfit to serve?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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