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Small Business Saturday Calls YOU to Make an Impact on NOVEMBER 28

Posted on Monday, November 23, 2020
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

smallReady, set, go! Mark your calendars for a special event to celebrate America’s small businesses that have become the backbone of our economy. Whether you live in a thriving metropolis, or in a quaint town, small businesses have positively impacted the American economic landscape and have brought our system of production, distribution, and consumption to greatness. Now, with the Covid-19 pandemic, these small and sometimes family-run enterprises are counting on your support on Saturday, November 28th, for the observance of Small Business Saturday 2020. Nationwide, and globally, people are encouraged to support small US businesses that offer unique products, many American designed or made, and indulge in quality foods and services that are second to none.

Small Business Saturday was established in 2011 with the Senate’s unanimous passing of a resolution. Officials and businesses in all 50 states participate in this annual event, aimed at providing exposure to small businesses within communities and encouraging public support of them. The definition of a small business, per the Small Business Administration (SBA), is one with fewer than 500 employees. This includes startups and small companies operated from homes. Per SBA’s 2020 profile, there were 31.7 million small businesses that accounted for a whopping 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. These small enterprises boasted the employment of 60.6 million workers, making up 47.1% of United States employees. Additionally, the number of minority-owned businesses in the US has grown over the years to 1.1 million, made up of mostly small businesses that employ 8.7 million workers. However, the pandemic is critically impacting many small businesses, with a notable decline in business activity among Black owners – who face nearly three times the decline than other owners. By endorsing Small Business Saturday, AMAC seeks to help these businesses keep their doors open, thrive, and remain confident about their future.

When we think of commerce in America, our minds may drift to huge commercial retailers or shopping malls. Today, it is difficult for small businesses to compete with larger ones that can produce and sell items in mass quantities. However, the quality of goods and services purchased from small businesses often are far superior. To help a small business owner is a rewarding experience, for they are among the hardest of workers. To begin and operate a small business requires not only serious financing, but an investment of time, dedication, and personal sacrifice. Regrettably, Investopedia shares somewhat grim data that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. In addition, only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. Apart from competition and overall consumer spending factors, internal issues, such as high taxes or rent, or the ability to retain quality employees, can drive these numbers up. However, small businesses are not without hope as consumer participation can drive up demand and keep their doors open across America. In some cases, the pandemic has made doing business more difficult than usual. For this reason, many are attempting to increase their online presence to keep their businesses going.

For decades, small businesses have positively impacted our neighborhoods and left imprints on our hearts. Picture the small boy who got his first haircut and lollypop at the local barber shop, the teenager who went inside the florist to buy his first crush a single rose, the young lady who bought her elegant prom dress at a local clothing boutique, the young man who bought an engagement ring for his fiancé at the town jeweler, and the family who regularly gathered around the red and white checkered table cloth at the local pizzeria to enjoy a piping hot fresh pie; these businesses are the heartbeat of America. Don’t forget that many small businesses step up to support the community. Often, the owners are members of the local chambers of commerce, they host fundraisers for schools and those facing illness, they chip in for community redevelopment, they decorate for the holidays to spread cheer, and more. Not only do they help the economy by paying taxes and employing people, but they also provide essential goods and services that we all want and need. If you love America, love Main Street USA, and yearn to deliver the same experience to a newer generation of people, please support America’s small businesses. Give them a boost this Saturday, November 28, and be sure to frequent these businesses during the holiday season, and all throughout the year.

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Verna C. Brown
Verna C. Brown
3 years ago

I live near W. 95th St. in Chicago. During my daily walk, I pass by many family owned businesses. One day, while passing this particular restaurant, I noticed the owner seemed very discouraged and my prayers centered around him. This article has encouraged me to make a mental note to support his business this holiday season.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Dr Siegel says virus is heavy in Govt Bldgs vs small business.
Heard last night on FNC FBN.
Shutdown DC, Albany, Sacramento etc.
Make= make fair
State, Fed, Local Govt bldgs.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
3 years ago

Assuming that there are any small businesses left after the “pandemic “

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

I AM NOT CELEBRATING ON 11/28!!!! I already do this a matter of habit!!! I live in a rural/suburban community surrounded by other larger towns of similar makeup. My estimate is that my trade is 95% LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS. These people know me and appreciate my business traffic. I’ve done business with them for 5 to 30 years. Some of these folks are friends now and will continue to be so.
PS: My wife has her own small business and I am one her most dedicated clients. I HAVE NO CHOICE.


3 years ago

Fellow Americans, if Jackass Joe Biden IS ALLOWED TO STEAL THE PRESIDENCY, say Goodbye to the America WE ALL grew up in. WE ALL KNOW HE DIDN’T WIN!!! … The amount of fraud that was perpetrated by the Progressively Communist Democrats was downright illogical to anyone with half a brain and 73 million + voters know it. The amount of fraudulent votes cast includes dead people, illegals, signatures that were never verified, forged ballots and ballots that were repeatedly counted multiple times. THE SUPREME COURT NEEDS TO DEMAND PROOF OF VOTE VALIDATION OR WE SHOULD NEVER ACCEPT THESE RESULTS PERIOD!!!! Pray but Act and Revolt!!!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

You hit on a critical problem, DJ Wison.
Small enterprises are hurting, particularly in the service industry.
Patronize a local eatery. Give an extra generous gratuity. These fine people are hurting.
Buy “American made ” although this is tough in an era where China made products are everywhere.
Many of the fine people in the service industry are struggling to feed their families.
Give generously to a local food bank.
It might not necessarily get you out of Purgatory any sooner, but it will make you feel good.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

I try to buy locally as much as possible.

3 years ago

As soon as BIden-Harris get in full swing, there won’t be any small business left, with higher Taxes, Green new deal, foreign intervention, more regulations, big box stores getting special treatment from big Government and the American’s living off big government handouts and only being able to afford the bare necessities. if things don’t change we can kiss America good by.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

Socialist/dems kill innocent children, at risk seniors, small businesses and are attempting to kill AMERICA, WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO STOP THIS MADNESS! MERRY CHRISTmas!!

Allan Bremors
Allan Bremors
3 years ago

I will continue to support small local businesses as long as our Soros-based County and City governments allow them to exist.

Faye Sarren
Faye Sarren
3 years ago

Thank you. A lot go to the bigger business, that don’t need it, like the smaller business do.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

I celebrate small businesses on Mondays and Tuesdays, that’s the days they have less traffic in my town. They are really busy on Saturdays! In fact, that’s the ONLY day they have HEAVY business.

3 years ago

I have been trying to support small businesses for several months now. It’s sad what is happening to this beautiful country of ours! with the voter fraud it’s just another “knock down” ugh! it’s ridiculous that some places can be open and others closed. eg – houses of worship closed in many places yet casinos opened!! all this power has gone to these dem mayors and governors heads. they have shown that they don’t care at all for the people. yes, the virus is real but how come states with Republican governors/mayors are doing ok! poor management of democratsd and they want to run this country. I sincerely hope that President Trump can make a difference in this voter fraud dilemma. its a disgrace!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In 1963, my Father told me that the sole purpose of the Small Business Association (SBA) was to have the government take-over all hiring and firing for all Companies with 25 employees or less! The drive to make the United States of America a Socialist Country has been going a full steam since the middle 1800’s!!  Marx: “Socialism is the necessary middle step in the Goal of “Communism – defined as a society with no need of Government”!!! Anyone who does not understand this fact has been “brainwashed” by our government and the “world” media!!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The vast majority of Mail-In Ballots were not approved by their State Legislature and are therefore not Constitutional!!! Get this issue to the Supreme Court and America’s battle is WON and the cheating DemocRat/Communists LOSE!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

My Wife and I will be out, Saturday, doing our part!

3 years ago

Joe Biden will take care of it. Shut down small businesses.

3 years ago

Praise God for the small businesses still fighting to stay open after liberal left helped orchestrate the pandemic to shut them down along with the strong economy we were enjoying under Trump’s administration. Praying for a miracle to save us from the radical and liberal left.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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