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Ron DeSantis vs. Wokism: How Florida’s Governor Has Battled Back

Posted on Thursday, July 21, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mainstream media became hyper-focused on how different states governed themselves. Their goal was to portray Republicans as failing and Democrats as saviors. Some in the press were hailing New York Governor Cuomo and evening comparing his weekly press conferences to President Trump’s, as they immediately followed one another. Like New York, California and other liberal states were lauded in the media for their oppressive lockdowns, curfews, mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine requirements. At the same time, the mainstream media turned their sights on Republican-led states like Texas and Florida that refused to turn their communities into a police state. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis bristled feathers from the start. The Governor became public enemy number one to the radical left and mainstream media. It started when DeSantis faced criticisms for not locking Florida down, keeping businesses, schools and churches open, and giving people the freedom to choose whether or not to wear a mask and choose whether or not to take the vaccine. At one point, the DeSantis administration was accused by a fired employee of forcing her to alter the state’s official COVID-19 data – the number of cases and deaths reported daily to the Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention (CDC). State and national media ran headlines stating DeSantis “misled the public on the COVID-19 pandemic,” that he dismissed a “Scientist For Her Refusal To Manipulate State’s Coronavirus Data,” and that he “tried to hide COVID info.” A state inspector general investigation report found her allegations “unsubstantiated,” “unfounded,” and that they “did not occur.” Just another day of The liberal media smearing a Republican based on completely verifiably false rumors.

Then came Mickey Mouse, or rather, Bob Chapek, CEO of Walt Disney World, who was forced by cancel culture forces to oppose a state bill that would protect young children in K-3 from being exposed to gender theory and sexual orientation discussions. When Disney came out strongly against the bill and the Governor, the Republican-led Florida legislature stripped Disney World of its special operating status, undoing nearly 70 years of precedent. 

Next comes the world of women’s college swimming. In March, transgender athlete Lia Thomas won the NCAA Division I swimming title, becoming the first transgender athlete to win a championship. Thomas beat Florida-native Emma Weyant, who placed second and is an Olympic Silver Medal champion. Governor DeSantis subsequently issued a proclamation declaring Weyant the rightful winner, saying, “By allowing men to compete in women’s sports, the NCAA is destroying opportunities for women, making a mockery of its championships, and perpetuating a fraud. In Florida, we reject these lies and recognize Sarasota’s Emma Weyant as the best women’s swimmer in the 500y freestyle.” The media’s predictable meltdown followed, but the public, who by and large still accepts basic biology, undoubtedly noted the Governor’s courage when so many remained silent about a clear subversion of women’s sports.

A few months later, Governor DeSantis took further action by signing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act into law, which protects female athletes from having to compete against transgender athletes. DeSantis said that men who compete against women like Weyant are “robbing women and girls of achievements, awards, and scholarships.” Groups like Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Council shot back, and the latter is suing Governor DeSantis in federal court. According to the left, standing up for women and girls and the integrity of collegiate sports is unconstitutional. 

The barrage of hits on DeSantis is amazing to witness. He takes fire from Disney and the NCAA and is berated in the media for keeping schools open and opposing mask mandates and lockdowns. Nevertheless, the Florida Governor keeps taking the hits and gaining in popularity. DeSantis is fighting for what he believes in despite the critics and negative headlines from the corporate press. America’s Governor has drawn a line in the sand for the woke left. Voters in Florida and across the country are paying attention.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action 

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2 years ago

Drawing fire from the Commie Lib DemocRats and their Media loonies is a sure sign that he is a future viable candidate for POTUS. The DemocRats know that to beat him, it will take a huge amount of election rigging.

2 years ago

How does DeSantis feel about Biden using executive orders on climate change to destroy our economy. Is he for Green energy?

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Love my Gov!!!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Here’s one AMAC;
have one of your investigative persons in your administration go to RED states to ask those Republican Governors what they are doing to fight against the Overlords insanity.
We’ve heard about Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, and some from Arizona Governor, Doug Doucy, but what truthful media sources we have, it seems they aren’t doing enough to shed light on other Republican Governors who may be taking a stand. I would really like to know just how many more RED state Governors are protecting the rights of their citizens. Governor
Ron DeSantis is a gift to Florida and I would think more Rep. Governors would be apt to follow his lead. AMAC, I hope your administration will do this, or, if you already know what I’m asking about, it would be nice if you let me know what other Rep. Governors are doing and thinking.

2 years ago

DeSantis,, would be next pic for POTUS ,, and if he gets the nod i hope he will pick out a good strong running mate and take us back to where we were before 2020 ,, and the killer Marxist , communist, democRats ,, running our nation ,, PLEASE VOTE IN NOV. PEOPLE SO WE CAN SLOW THERE DOWN AT LEAST ,, UNTIL 2024

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Apply to all Red States

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

This sort of issue usually can be traced to money. Those not opposing hateful Progressives are either benefitting monetarily or not being penalized monetarily. We need representatives in government to actually represent US, not “them”.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Hoorah for Desantis and Go Brandon

Diana Collins
Diana Collins
2 years ago

I am a died-in-the-wool Conservative, Christian, Constitutional Texan. I completely agree with Gov Desantis and wish our Gov Abbott would be more conservatively aggressive. He seems to be getting more in line whete he should be. We MUST close the international border in south/southwest Texas!! I am extremely proud of the Texas GOP.making such a conservative, Christian based platform a week ago. Those who want govt control we openly encourage them to move elsewhere.

Scotty mom
Scotty mom
2 years ago

My governor! He’s the best

Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

I have a lot of esteem for Gov de Santis , as well as Gov Abbott. These guys are not afraid to embrace and stand up to the sick evil wrongdoing that is permeating our government !!!!

2 years ago

Freedom and freedom of speech in America is at risk by the people who loves only power like kings.

2 years ago

DeSantis has a pretty good track record , especially if you compare to Democrat Govs. But I do not agree that any Governor has the power to strip any company of their rights as he chose to do with Disney. That is a Bully tactic & is too much like Trump actions.

2 years ago

It’s about time someone stood up against all the crap going on out there, I wish we could get a Governor like that in NY. Unfortunately the votes are controlled by the left in the larger cities (New York, Albany, Rochester, Binghamton,

2 years ago

I wish we could have a governor like Ron DeSantis in New Jersey. The people of Florida are so lucky, and I hope they know it.

2 years ago

Trump and DeSantis seem to be the only 2 men in all of America who have the cojones to stand for what is right and good. Maybe Trump Jr, too.
Trump should have his Commie-ruined 4 years back, another 4, then DeSantis for 8 years. Then Trump Jr for 8, and hopefully a few more real men will turn up. We might get America back. It has taken the Communist Party 110 years to wreck America. It’s going to take decades — if ever — to fight our way back to our Constitutional country…..

2 years ago

I’ve often wondered why we don’t re-annex Mexico, clean it up, and re-distribute its citizens back to their “own” country.

Mike B.
Mike B.
2 years ago

So living in the suburbs of Illinois, we have the honor of having JB Pritzker / the athletic iron man. The citizens of California have Gavin Newsome / pretty boy . These 2 are possibly making a bid for president in 2024 . These 2 have ruined everything they have gotten their hands on. We can’t go downtown because the Magnificent Mile is no longer. Lori Lightfoot, along with JB, have destroyed Chicago. These 2 are more interested in pronouns, and taxing the s~~t out of working citizens. My point is, if this is all the left has for candidates, I think we’re in good shape. I would hope DeSantis runs. He’s the best choice .

Robert F.
Robert F.
2 years ago

I encourage all of you to visit the Convention of States website and get invited.

2 years ago

He has my full support even though I live in South Carolina.

2 years ago

I support Governor DeSantis wholeheartedly. I am, unfortunately, a resident of Washington state which is a Democrat run state. Jay Inslee (Dimslee) is proceeding to make the the West Coast the murder capitol of the world. Also with his cohorts Brown and Newsome he is maintaining a coast of convenience for women who will sacrifice their living beings to Molech. It’s a travesty brought to you by dim witted Democrats.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

I would vote for him for president in a hot minute!!!!!! He is a true conservative which the
Republican party is lacking. I would feel sorry for the Florida citizens if he runs but it would be really good for this country. I think he could win!!!!!

Don V.
Don V.
2 years ago

We need Trump, a Molotov Cocktail, hurled back to Washington to bring things back to where they were before Elmer Fudd slithered in and destroyed everything he accomplished. After four years he should have everything back to normal…then it’s time for DeSantis

Lee Starr
Lee Starr
2 years ago

It’s good to have Governor DeSantis in your corner here in the sunshine state. I will be voting for him this November 8 2022.

Susan Miller
Susan Miller
2 years ago

I’m very impressed with DeSantis and wish we had more governor’s like him.

Sylvia McAdams
Sylvia McAdams
2 years ago

Thank God for men with moxie. Need more to stand up for truth

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Murphy’s Law of politics: “every state with a Democrat administration sucks”.

Henry McElroy
Henry McElroy
2 years ago

NOTE: The following paragraph explains the Rule of Law processes in Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution that “Each State is to give full faith and credit to the public acts and records of other States.” Meaning several things, one of which is: If “TYRANICAL MANDATES are attempting to be MANDATED by our temporary delegates in our State,” We The Sovereign American People (WTSAP) can Lawfully replace such TYRANNIES minimally with the “Lawful public acts” of another State. The 2ND paragraph below is a model for your written rebuttal to such TYRANNIES, should you want it for the public record.
 “If your Sovereign State’s temporary officials are “TYRANNICALLY” attempting to mandate you to do something like: Wear a mask, Take an Injection, Follow WOKISM, Or close your schools as described in the attached AMAC Article, “Ron DeSantis vs. Wokism: How Florida’s Governor Has Battled Back,” and 1- You also want to Lawfully “BATTLE BACK” against such TYRANNIES, and 2- Another Sovereign State’s temporary delegates are COUNTERING such “TYRANNIES,” do not despair.    We The Sovereign American People (WTSAP) in our Dispersed, Diverse, and Defensible Local Sovereign States have the answers to such TYRANNIES.  These answers are in our “Self-Governing Republic’s” de jure Extraordinary, Written Rule of Law.   Yes, the same Extraordinary ROL with Providential Finger Prints All Over It.   As you would also know, WTSAP’s bodacious “Self-Governing Republic” –the only one on Earth– is still a “thorn” in the eye of every Power Mongering: >Establishment, >Chameleon Colored Tyrant, and or >Monarch on Earth. 
A model for your written rebuttal for the record, should you need it, to your “TYRANNICAL” state delegate’s attempted “TYRANNIES” against WTSAP is: “I, _________, (your name) pursuant to Article IV Section 1 (Full Faith and Credit Clause) of the de jure Constitution for the united States Lawfully choose to adhere to the Lawful Policies related to ______________(your issue) of the Sovereign State of _______ (Florida / Texas / other), not those of my Sovereign State, ____________(your State).”  Selah. 

2 years ago

DeSantis is a common sense patriot that values morality and freedom. All the left knows is to demonize and destroy anyone or anything that stands for morality and common sense. It can’t be more clear. In November, we either vote for freedom or oppression. Choose wisely!

2 years ago

Thank you, Ron.
I believe it is okay for anyone to think or do what they wish as long as it HARMS no one and is within the realm of being legal. When sweeping, unwelcome changes are forced upon us by a select few, that, in my opinion, is not okay. If transgenders wish to compete in sports, perhaps we can go as far as setting up a new catagories with transgender events. That way everyone should be able to compete FAIRLY. Traditions, as well as progressive issues can be served and a middle ground can be found.
Of course, there will be those who feel that this, or any close version of this, is in no way acceptable, they simply want it their way. These seem to be the people who wouldn’t be happy with a winning lottery ticket because they would have to drive someplace to collect their winnings.
Again, thank you, Ron. I imagine your job is not what you would call easy.

2 years ago

Tyranny has NO place in America. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is for us to protect ourselves against tyranny. Just kill the tyrants. The 2nd Amendment is our justification.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

Here in FL, we conservatives LOVE DeSantis. We’d like to see DeSantis & Haley for our presidential ticket in 2024. If not, maybe Trump & Haley; Trump & DeSantis, followed in the future by Trump Jr. We gotta get rid of the commies and the DUMB Dems who don’t realize what the progressives will continue to do to this country: inflation; open borders, dictatorship, crime, etc.We need to get ’em out, or at least dis-empower them NOW.

2 years ago

If transgenders want to participate in sports they should have transgender opponents and a separate team. Also have Transgender Olympics. This is fair to all!!

2 years ago

Phil Murphy in New Jersey is a terrible governor. We would love a Governor Ron DeSantis in the state of NJ. Wish Murphy would go back to Goldman Sachs. Good riddance!

2 years ago

Makes a person want to move to Florida for a little sanity in government.

Mrs. Donna L. Moore
Mrs. Donna L. Moore
2 years ago

DeSantis for President

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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