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Pro-Life Centers Attacked – Where is DOJ?

Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

One year ago, a Planned Parenthood center in Michigan was attacked. Within four days, an arrest was made. Yet between the June 24, 2022, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision, overturning Roe v. Wade, and late July, there were 92 attacks on pro-life centers (32 on churches) and no arrests. Why?

In an age when political leaders – at the White House, Justice, and FBI – push anti-conservative bias with impunity, refusing to protect conservative justices and ransacking a political opponent’s and former president’s home, many Americans wonder if Lady Liberty is blind.

Now we find evidence of more unequal treatment. Attacks on pro-abortion centers produce fast arrests. By contrast, attacks on pro-life centers produce little. The contrast is stark.

Big picture, political violence of all kinds is wrong – no matter who pursues it – in a constitutional republic. But when political violence occurs, it must be treated with universal condemnation – not allowed on the left, while condemned on the right.

Arrests are frequent, consistent, and numerous when an abortion provider is attacked, yet unresolved attacks are the rule when pro-life centers the victim. To date, 19 State’s Attorney Generals have asked the Justice Department (DOJ) to act, little to show for their appeal.

Nor are attacks on pro-life centers minor. Churches have been invaded and defaced, words like “abort the church” and “if abortions aren’t safe, neither are you” let behind. A group called “Jane’s Revenge” reportedly firebombs and vandalizes pro-life centers.

The kicker is – despite congressional Republicans seeking action, public outcries, concerns for safety of those offering pro-life advice – DOJ seems to be doing little.

Here is the rub. Sometimes perception is reality or can become reality. Perception is that DOJ does not care about political violence against pro-life centers, only against pro-abortion groups.

More worrisome, those within the Biden/Harris/Garland DOJ are reinforcing this perception. Thus, a civil rights division chief disparages violence against pro-life groups, arguing these groups were “harmful” and “predatory,” their missions and violence unimportant or “fake.”

Not prosecuting political violence against pro-life groups is bad enough. Disparaging those who become victims of leftist violence, excusing it based on political bias, is the height of audacity.

A White House that boldly ignores a plea by 120 members of Congress to address violence against pro-life centers – is hardly unbiased, Lady Liberty for now not blind.

Where does this lead? Where does it leave pro-life citizens? How many Americans are being affected by DOJ’s pro-abortion, anti-conservative bias? And what can be done about it?

Raw truth: As of this summer, 55 percent of Americans are “pro-life,” according to Gallop. The Dobbs decision is encouraging those formerly afraid, now to speak up. In the process, we are rediscovering our nation’s conscience, saving unborn children, preserving families.

But to be clear: The battle is not over, rather just beginning. “Chilling” – intentional intimidation of pro-life Americans – is occurring. Any White House or DOJ that enforces laws unequally against political violence – allowing anti-conservative violence to proliferate – encourages it. 

Americans have a Supreme Court handing down sound decisions. We are fortunate there. Now, we need a DOJ equal to the task of enforcing laws equally. As the 5th and 14th Amendments say, government cannot “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So, attention Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Mr. Garland, and pro-abortion Democrats: That guarantee includes equal protection for those who respect the unborn, choose life, and are conservative.

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2 years ago

Because the Democrats are in charge!They are they 4 Monkeys: See No Evil, Hear No Evile, Speak all Kinds of EVIL AND DO NOTHING TO STOP THE EVIL!They want the chaos to continue.

2 years ago

One day Biden,Harris and Garland will have to stand before God to be judged along with those who support the murder of the unborn.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Democrats, one way-their way.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

There has been a double standard toward the left for quite some time. The rule of law doesn’t seem to matter to the DOJ. This is not surprising. The DOJ is just another weapon of this WOK administration (whoever it is that is pulling the strings). I don’t believe it is Biden. This man has some major cognitive problems.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DOJ too busy SPYING and HARASSING INNOCENT AMERICANS instead of arresting Hunter biden, Hillary Clinton, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, HUSSEIN Obama, Eric Holder,
and DICTATOR Beijing biden for TREASON.

2 years ago

When the DemocRats are inpower they consider the law what is best for the DemocRat party and its patrons. To the DemocRat party, the law is what they want it to be, and if they don’t like or approve of current Consitutional based law, they don’t enforce it. That is COMMUNISM in its truest form. As for the DemocRat party, its Commie goals are simple …. they want to RULE the Nation, not just GOVERN the Nation according to its laws and protections. The major feature of a democracy is that the Majority GOVERNS according to Constitutional laws….. the DemocRat party believes that it Rules according to the disguised whim of the DemocRat Party’s upper echelon, And a large faction of the mainstream media loves the DemocRat’s propaganda and Commie process.

2 years ago

The baby killers have the marxist democrat party, joebama and a party first politician in useless gretchen halfwhit as Michigan’s governor to continue destroying innocent lives.
ALL of them will have their judgement day before God for the awful deeds they supported and the death they promoted.
Wake up America, these truly EVIL people, who care ONLY about power and money, are Satan’s representatives.
How could ANYONE condone murder of the most innocent,unprotected humans on earth???
For this immoral group, what’s next???

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

Still “think” that the doj is your friend and is there to help you? “Think” again. Obozo politicized it years ago. The bush and clinton regimes didn’t help matters.

2 years ago

No arrest because it doesn’t go against the demoncrat agenda.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

When we take Congress back in November, we must light a fire under conservative leadership and keep it lt vigilantly.

2 years ago

Perhaps a few examples hanging from trees is all that’s really needed! . . . These Commies NEED to see ACTIONS, NOT WORDS!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Merrick Garland is the Tony Fauci of the legal world, expect nothing.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

I think the Democrats fear of a second coming insurrection is well-founded.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

But hey if we label it as a peaceful protest just like antifa we can get away with it

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

I am amazed at everyone placing their hope on November election, but I’ll believe it when it happens. I’m afraid though that these woke Marxists, now that they have power, will never let it go. They will lie cheat, steal, cause violence, to stay in power with the help of Soros & others, the tech giants, the elitists, and the CCP. So I hope conservatives take back what they say in the red wave, but if it doesn’t happen with widespread cheating & fraud by the demoncrats, then we have no choice but to start an armed revolution that makes the civil war look like a skirmish!!!!

2 years ago

demonic jackasses are these attackers. the DOJ only is there when their baby killing camps are attacked or their gods of the demon rat party are attacked like the nazi commie pig Soros

legally present
legally present
2 years ago

So people that want to destroy their own baby in the womb, are to stupid to use birth control??? What about the equally ignorant men??? There are so many forms of birth control, but they’re either to lazy or too stupid.

2 years ago


2 years ago

It’s time for the people to take this matter into their own hands. The pigs are the enemy and so is the left. Find the vandals and off them.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

“Pro-Life Centers Attacked – Where is DOJ?” Rhetorical question, RBC? Responding to those attacks would counter their Christian conservative terrorist narrative. NOTHING in the dc sewer is predicated on law and order any longer. NADA! This country has, without question, descended into banana republic territory. If you oppose this regime or its 3 letter enforcers, you will be a target.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Take names. Make lists of those officials charged with providing public service they choose not to perform. If the party of the outs truly believes it will take charge next January, prepare for much-deserved retribution. This time, don’t wait and waffle. Get on with it!

2 years ago

The answer to your question is very simple. Nobody cares – not just the Biden administration. Nobody. Pro life groups wanted this. You got what you wanted. It’s infuriating to have your religious will imposed on the otherwise civilized society. You did it to yourselves. No one is coming to help you now. That’s what you get. Now you’re in danger because so many people are mad about this. I’m not a violent person. I don’t vandalize churches but if I saw one getting vandalized because of their pro-life extremism I would pretend I didn’t see it. If I saw a person holding a pro-life sign and their life was in danger I would do nothing. It’s funny how pro-lifers care about everyone’s babies but now look – no one is helping you. No we’re secretly celebrating all the violence that happens to you and laughing at you behind your back. Meanwhile, women who want abortions are still getting them. Idk maybe you pro lifers should mind your own business.

2 years ago

The situation is this: we now have de facto two countries and two justice systems coexisting as one. Only one will prevail and it looks like the communistic one is way ahead.

2 years ago

I’m realy happy about these knew law becoz their not includin an exeption for rape. I an ugly white men an these is the only way I will half child is to rape a girl. Now I can rape an get her pregnant an the girl can’t get an abortion. It’s a win win for me becoz I won’t half to pay child suport in prison. I no it sound crazy but GOD wants me to do this. He told me. I want a beautiful white woman.

2 years ago

This DOJ is unjust to conservatives. This a den of rats.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

This is Biden’s idea of justice. Protect only those that agree with you. We have seen this with the riots in the cities and the destruction of monuments. Conservatives are no longer safe in Biden’s America.

2 years ago

So if a pro-life center is being vandalized I can shoot and kill the vandal and nothing will happen to me. Right? After all, it’s at a pro-life center. Right?

2 years ago

This is not responsibility of DOJ: the local law enforcement agencies should follow up & arrest people responsible for attacks to any entity within their domain. The DOJ blew it when they did not enforce Fed Laws prohibiting protest at SCOTUS justice homes … that was their responsiblity.

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