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Portland Rioters Using Coordinated Tactics to Launch Laser Attacks on Federal Officers

Posted on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
by Outside Contributor

thirtyPowerful commercial-grade lasers have been used by rioters to hurt more than 100 law enforcement officers protecting the federal courthouse in Portland in recent days, according to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) senior official Ken Cuccinelli.

“We’ve had more eye injuries from lasers … these are commercially available that you are seeing used now in Portland to a degree that we have never seen before,” Cuccinelli told the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution Tuesday during a hearing on Antifa violence in recent months.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is chairman of the panel, while Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) is the ranking minority member. The hearing was entitled “The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence.”

“We’ve had more eye injuries than I can ever remember among our officers in another incident,” Cuccinelli continued. “Of all our injuries, eyes are number one, 113 out of 277” injuries to DHS officers in Portland.

Cuccinelli is performing the duties of the Deputy Secretary of DHS in an acting capacity.

The DHS official testified that the commercial grade lasers are able to inflict serious eye injuries within seconds, due in part to the human eye seeing green much more intensely than other parts of the color spectrum.

“Your eye, the human eye, sees the green part of the spectrum more brightly than, say, red, something like 10 times brighter,” Cuccinelli explained.

“The body has about a .02 second look-away reaction and one of the challenges is, if you are not looking at the person who is assaulting you with the laser, you can’t figure out who is performing the assault,” he said.

Officers are often assaulted simultaneously by multiple rioters using the lasers in a clearly coordinated manner, he said. Such assaults are much more difficult for officers to defend themselves against.

“This is sort of the Portland formula. There is peaceful protesting until 10 or 11 pm, and then they go away and maybe some of them come back, but the group that comes back is, A, much bigger, but also, they come back for violence,” Cuccinelli told the panel.

Also testifying before the panel was Erin Neeley Cox, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas and co-head of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Task Force on Violent Anti-Government Extremists.

In response to a question from Cruz, Cox said the FBI has launched “since May 28, over 300 domestic terrorist investigations. That does not include any potential civil rights violations investigations, or violent crime associated with the riots.”

Also scheduled to testify during the hearing was journalist Any Ngo, who has covered Antifa’s growth and activities since 2016. He came to national attention last year when he was physically assaulted by multiple Antifa members while covering demonstrations in Portland. Ngo told the subcommittee during his opening remarks that his family has received multiple threats of violence from members of Antifa.

During his opening statement, Cruz showed a brief video that contrasted peaceful demonstrations led by the Rev. Martin Luther King during the civil rights movement with a succession of violent scenes from the Portland riots that have been nightly occurrences for more than two months, as well as somewhat less regularly for more than a year before the present destruction.

Democrats on the panel offered few specific condemnations of the Portland rioters.

“Nobody is condoning violence by any one against any one,” Hirono said in her opening statement, but she devoted the majority of her comments to her contention that “white supremacists” were mainly responsible for the violence in Minneapolis following the May 25 killing of George Floyd by a local police officer, while accusing federal agents of “using violence and excessive force to break up these protests.”

Hirono accused Attorney General William Barr of directing federal law enforcement to use violent tactics in June “to clear Lafayette Square … so President Trump could get a photo opp in front of St. John’s Church.”

Protestors had set fire to the historic church near the White House, which has been visited by nearly every president following his inauguration.

“President Trump has ignored factual evidence showing that white supremacists have hijacked peaceful protests to incite violence and to stoke racial conflict such as in Minneapolis,” Hirono said.

A spokesman for Hirono did not respond to an emailed request from the Epoch Times for clarification on whether the Hawaii Democrat was suggesting that white supremacists were behind the nightly violence in Portland, or the illegal takeover of the Capitol Hill area of downtown Seattle, or of violence in other cities like St. Louis.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Signs of organization IE MN, other cities those preplaced brick piles, Being backed by Soros, then who, China, UN?
Feds should use commercial Lasers , sonic weapons etc in Inventory today & std arms.
Make terrorists pay Dearly, blind 100 of them.
Use drones to plot caches for groups, etc.
Fight fire with fire IE Lasers alone.

4 years ago

shut the gates to the cities, let the b@stards kill each other. Then bomb the hell out of whats left.

4 years ago

These criminals not protesters or even rioters are malicious criminals that will affect these officers the rest of their lives WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY THE INTENT! They must be dealt with in the harshest ways!

Guren Blonsky
Guren Blonsky
4 years ago

With the resources that the Feds Have, they should have a laser sniper, and target those with lasers, sort of like fighting fire with fire.

4 years ago

We have to find the source of the supplier of this equipment!!

4 years ago

Honestly, something has got to be done. My feeling is gather them all, put them on a cruise ship by themselves, move them to the middle of the Pacific Ocean and leave them. No employees. Let them fend for themselves. Have just enough gas to get them in place and anchor.

Joseph Harrington
Joseph Harrington
4 years ago

These leftist politicians are obsessed with white supremacy. There are like 2 of them left in the entire country hiding under a rock somewhere. But there are tens of thousands of these violent leftist anarchists out in full view doing their damage. If democrats don’t recognize that or don’t want to recognize it, well not much you can do except vote against them in November. There has never been an election so important.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
4 years ago

There should be no room for meetings, discussing what’s going on, and on and on. The evidence is clearly right in our faces. All this talk and no action to put a stop to all this. As I see it, all who agree to keep this going , being Democrats or Republicans, or what ever, comes under the banner of TREASON. They will be held accountable for neglecting to protect our country. These anarchists should be rounded up and forced out of the country. Anyone who sides in with destroying our country, wanting to get rid of the constitution and all it means, you to can leave also. All I hear is talks, but not much action. Looks like they want America to fall.

4 years ago

Time to use whatever means necessary to put a stop to the violence and disrespect. These people are being paid by scumbag. Teach them a lesson. They are criminals.

Geneva Runyon
Geneva Runyon
4 years ago

While looking into who is bankrolling all this damage being done, they also need to be looking into the financial records of the mayors and governors who allow this to happen. These politicians are not allowing this to happen because they believe the world should be all sunshine and lollipops. I would say they would find some large amounts of money hidden somewhere in the politicians accounts.

4 years ago

Maybe its time to take on the actions of the left….I’m not visiting or touring any of Hawaii’s islands. Spending my tourist dollars in states that respect our laws and standards of decency.

PhyllisL Poole
PhyllisL Poole
4 years ago

This is hell! Do you want to go there?! The devil has been loose since the 1880s to take over our world This is the book of revelation in the Bible.
Our ONLY defense is prayer. And how often do YOU talk to God and ask His mercy.??! He will answer IF we ask.
SO. PLEASE. ASK!!! NOW. And often.

4 years ago

I am hearing that BLM is demanding funds (extortion payments) from businesses in Los Angeles and demanding they put on the outside of their stores BLM Supporters and they will by pass those businesses when riots break out. What is our country coming to that these terrorist can intimidate business small and large to their criminal demands of extortion? May God pass judgement on these terrorist and please Lord let it be swift.

Donna Marshall Ziehm
Donna Marshall Ziehm
4 years ago

Truly these are very organized domestic terrorists. They all need to be arrested and thrown in prison without possibility for parole. Their behavior is reprehensible. Also, DHS and other branches of the Federal Government need to unmask those “progressive/communist” millionaires and billionaires who are funding these terrorists. They are too well organized, too well trained, have too many incredibly damage causing tools such as bricks, bats, Molotov cocktails, lazers, etc. to be simply “protestors”. Wake up America before it is too late!

4 years ago

when are we shot to kill show them what communism is all about before you have a civil war on your hand, why don’t the go after Soros and confiscate his money.
4 years ago

Bring on theNational Guard!

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

This is felonious assault!! Attacking another person with a dangerous weapon that could inflict serious injury. This has the potential to cause serious permanent injury. This is premeditated; and shows wicked, evil intent. If these protesters cause any officer to have permanent blindness; they should get maximum time in prison. Since, it causes the victim to have a permanent serious disability; maybe, the maximum penalty! No possibility for parole!

Joan Walsh
Joan Walsh
4 years ago


4 years ago

And all those supporting these actions with their money as treason brought against all allowing this to happen. Includes former presidents.

David D
David D
4 years ago

That red comment button in the lower left corner is VERY annoying. How do I remove it?

4 years ago

This insanity needs to end now! Send in the Feds and get ‘er done!! Start treating the criminals the way they should be treated and the rest of the nuts will probably go home.

4 years ago

Democrats ALWAYS LIE! The so-called “white supremacists” are nowhere near these protests! I’ll bet they are gathering arms to protect their own homes and families when these terrorists start roaming neighborhoods! And the terrorists WILL come to neighborhoods if these incompetent Democrat mayors and governors keep up this “defund” the police garbage and not to anything to STOP these terrorists (immature selfish spoiled brats)!

4 years ago

This is totally wrong & is as bad as use of chemical weapons as the only intent is to cause bodily harm to officers. In this case, I think that officers have the right to protect themselves & use snipers to shoot anyone using the lasers. Also, anyone arrested with one goes away for a long time. They must put a stop to this terrorist tactic on American soil.

4 years ago

What does burning bibles & American lives have to do with helping cause of BLM ?? Some of these people are nuts.

4 years ago

I appreciate Amac covering this important hearing. Describing what is going on as peaceful and protected by the 1st Amendment while ANTIFA and other violent people have participated has created confusion, making response difficult and generalities in debate more deceiving. Cuccinelli speaks of specific destruction. Hirono can only get by with her white argument by confining her support to generalities.

4 years ago

Will the police officers be suing the laser manufacturers? Just wondering….

Old Papa
Old Papa
4 years ago

The world is watching ! Lasers are an effective weapon to blind your enemy. Why has someone not yet invented a green blocking goggles or glasses ? Then keep them for military and law enforcement only. this has gone on for far too long. Meet their force with overwhelming force.

4 years ago

All of this is not going to turn out well. If it is not taken care of, there are those who will take care of it! You can only push so far and these terrorists have gone far beyond that point. Are there protective eye gear to counter laser attacks? These people have no souls to do the things they are doing. This is all from the pit of hell!

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
4 years ago

Just exterminate the rioters and get this crap over with.

Peter K
Peter K
4 years ago

Senator Hirona’s attitude and smug behavior differs little from Democrat leadership which sets the standard for bad and very unprofessional behavior. I watched a 1983 video speech of Chuck Schumer yesterday where he decries illegals entering our country and mentions, on several occasions, why they must be stopped and removed. The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

Fred J Noel
Fred J Noel
4 years ago

It’s time to take the gloves off and let Federal and local law enforcement officers defend themselves. Bring out the riot control guns, aka shotguns. Load the first two rounds with rock salt and aim at the lower body. Let the peaceful rioters know the first two rounds are loaded with rock salt, after that it will be buck shot and all bets are off. Rock salt is not lethal but sting like all get out. Having a shotgun discharged in your direction is terrifying.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

They need to pick out the organizers and shoot a few of them. The B.S. would be over real quick!

4 years ago

My feelings on the laser attacks? If you see them being used, it’s open season on the rioters – no bars held.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

I saw a video interview with of one bernies leftist aides in which he stated that this violence would happen if bernie did not get the nomination, I think he would be a good first investigation into all this violence, and I do not accept this is just a coincidence, This is communist primary tactict, they have declared WAR on AMERICA! enough “TALK” It is time for action, these people are guilty of treason, which is a FEDERAL OFFENSE and the PRESIDENT has the POWER AND RIGHT to take action. WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND JUSTICE and WE are still the government, lawyers, judges, mayors, governors, polticians at every level WORK FOR US and WE SAY DO YOUR JOBS OR GET OUT! MAGA, KAG, MAHA! VOTE REPUBLICAN!!

4 years ago

Nothing peaceful about that form of assembly, therefore it’s insurrection! Live ammo could be justified!

4 years ago

We send our troops in to countries all around the world and remove these kinds of enemies using any force necessary, yes even lethal and deadly force. Why are we NOT using the same force with the same troops here in America?

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Two things that will CRUSH the young communists – The debates – and – the electoral college. Did I mention a heavily armed ‘silent majority’ ?

Terry S
Terry S
4 years ago

They want War then lets give them War, these are terrorist acts, this is Our Country, Our Beautiful Landmarks and Our Treasures; most of these punks have never paid taxes or left Mommy & Daddies basement, they think the are tough. We send in a Company of our Finest and lets show them what a real fight is, put them down as the worthless scum they are and remove these Governors and Mayors with them (lori lightfoot – arrest me first NOT A PROBLEM hope you like Cuba) that are more evil than they are. They want to be adults send them to Guantanamo Bay and let them grow up.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

I will guess that the hungarian NAZI and his family are living on borrowed time. Just a guess.

Brian Monson
Brian Monson
4 years ago

What about using cameras to look for the laser combatants? Enable the police officers to find the source and shoot the basterds and at the same time protect their eyes.

Susan P
Susan P
4 years ago

Anyone with half a brain knows these are NOT “peaceful protesters”. They are hardcore criminals and should be treated as such. Every one of them needs to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anyone found with a laser in their possession gets the harshest sentence the law allows with no possibility of parole for good behavior.

4 years ago

How much longer do we have to wait, before we start fighting back?? They keep hurting are law enforcement officers and we just report the numbers everyday. When are we going to allow our law enforcement officers who are protecting us, start to protect themselves.
If it means taking some of them out, one way or another. It’s more than time to do it.
Come on America, do it now !!!

4 years ago

Anyone with one of those lasers, should be caught, fined, & imprisoned for 25 years

4 years ago

The ONLY way to stop these antifa and blm terrorists is to fight fire with fire. Arresting them just to be turned back out to do more damage hasn’t helped anything. Use lasers on them and let them get a taste of their own medicine. So far they feel emboldened because NO ONE is really fighting back. STOP GIVING IN TO THEM!

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
4 years ago

Great Article, However, the violence is not that of ANTIFA alone but that of BLM as well. It does carry the earmarks of Al Sharpton, and the NAACP who is stumping for BLM. These Luciferian attacks on the citizens of the major Democrat states and cities where the local government has enabled the lawless to continue with the violence way beyond the Floyd issue. Trump’s involvement is limited to protecting federal property unless requested by the municipal authority to the state authority and then the State Authority request the help from the federal government. Unless of course, Trump declares martial law in those municipalities under siege by the BLM-ANTIFA mobs, and that is not going to happen with the election only a few months away; not so much for Trump, but for the election of Republican congressional hopefuls.
What many of us would like to see and what will actually happen over the next several months will be two different things. I foresee more violence and intensified violence as we attempt to cope with the riots, the Luciferians in Congress, and the faux COVID-19 issues. BUT LET JUSTICE ROLL DOWN LIKE WATERS, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS LIKE AN EVERLASTING STREAM.

4 years ago

There are some videos out there with these young kids spouting about how they are going to burn down this country to start a new world. You could tell they were just spouting what they have been brainwashed to say. They do not HAVE A CLUE they are stepping into a hell they will learn right quickly they really don’t want to be in. BUT by the time they have come to their senses(IF THEY EVER DO)it will be too late for them. Right now, these liberal mayors and govs have let them do whatever they want. This is the reason we NEED to fight back with the same intensity they are showing. When a bunch of them get maimed for life or die, that is when REALITY will set in for them. I don’t think many of them will have the stomach for what will become of them. They are NOTHING but useful IDIOTS to a bunch of TERRORISTS that could care LESS about these idiots.

4 years ago

You’re expecting Republicans to do something? What parallel universe are you living in? The republicans are as useful as a bucket with a hole in the bottom. There are only a handful of real Republican patriots in the. House and Senate. The rest are there to enrich their bank accounts

Pat Zemlock
Pat Zemlock
4 years ago

So, maybe an executive order requiring protesters to register and go through security (i.e. airport or courthouse, etc) and anyone found with a laser device gets an immediate arrest and forfeiture of the device. Might as well confiscate other weapons too. This is for the overall safety of ALL protesters, and the police. Indiscriminate laser use (for example) could harm dozens of innocent citizens includeing young people and cripple them for life with eyesight issues or failure. Not one of the guilty protesters will have financial responsibility for that and it, too, will fall on the tax payers. It should be declared a terrorist act.

Georgia Broz
Georgia Broz
4 years ago

Set up snipers and shoot anyone targeting police with lasers. This insanity must be stopped.

4 years ago

Quit messing with the anarchists. Take them out!

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