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Pelosi’s Legacy of Failure and Political Malfeasance

Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Late last week, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi formally announced that she would officially step down from leadership, marking an end to a two-decade reign as the top House Democrat. While elected Democrats and the mainstream media have unsurprisingly heaped praise on the 82-year-old Californian, gushing about the “historic” nature of her speakership, the harsh reality is that Pelosi’s tenure was marked by some of the most disastrous decisions in U.S. history, the radicalization of the Democratic Party, and the degradation of American political culture more broadly.

Pelosi has often said that her entire approach to governance can be summarized by a vital lesson her father taught her in her formative years: “No one is going to give you power. You have to seize it.” From the time she first rose to prominence as the House Minority Leader in 2003, Pelosi has taken that refrain to heart, constantly clawing for as much power as possible. While in the minority, Pelosi had a limited ability to stop Republican legislation. But where she could cause the GOP headaches, she did, including on popular border security and Social Security reform measures.

Democrats finally won back the House majority in 2006, handing Pelosi the Speaker’s gavel for the first time, and she was reelected in 2008. The defining moment of her first tenure as Speaker would come in 2010 with the passage of Obamacare. With large Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress, a Democrat in the White House, and a liberal Supreme Court, Pelosi mortgaged the political future of dozens of House Democrats to ram through a gargantuan and deeply unpopular bill that upended the American healthcare system.

In defending the legislation, Pelosi inadvertently let slip one of her most infamous quotes: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” When Americans did find out, they were none too happy, and Democrats lost 63 House seats later that year.

For most politicians, such a historic defeat would have been a career-ender. But to Pelosi’s credit, she proved herself a survivor, hanging on to control of the Democratic caucus. Perhaps even more impressively, Pelosi managed to maintain control through three more losing election cycles for House Democrats.

In 2018, Democrats finally managed to win back control of the House, with a big assist from a media desperately spreading conspiracy theories about Donald Trump and “Russian collusion.” But even though Pelosi had seemingly led her party out of the political wilderness, her re-election as Speaker was far from assured. That was because 2018 also saw the rise of the progressive movement within the Democratic Party with the election of figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan who demanded younger leadership that would likely be more amenable to their demands.

In order to hang on to power, Pelosi struck a deal with the progressives that Donald Trump would come to call “the corrupt bargain.” In exchange for their support of her Speakership, Pelosi would embrace their radical agenda and far-left progressivism would become the de facto position of the Democratic Party. Just as she had throughout her whole career, Pelosi showed she was willing to sacrifice anything, even her own previously-held policy beliefs, to cling to power. As part of this deal, Pelosi also promised to step down by 2022 – one promise she actually kept.

Once back in power, Pelosi relentlessly politicized every last legislative tool at her disposal. She used her position to strip minority legislators from committee assignments and launch a series of endless and largely baseless investigations into the Trump administration. Most infamously, she is the only Speaker in history to preside over two failed impeachments of the same president. Despite constantly lecturing the country about “democratic norms” and the “death of civility” in politics, Pelosi also directly contributed to deepening political divisions, including throwing a temper tantrum and tearing up President Trump’s State of the Union Address on national television.

It was also during this time that the Democratic caucus descended into the depths of left-wing extremism, as members of “the Squad” called for defunding the police, spewed antisemitic rhetoric, and pushed ludicrous environmental pipe dreams. Pelosi often quelled the protests of other more moderate members, making clear that it would be AOC and her ilk, not old-school more moderate Democrats, who would be the future of the party.

Voters delivered a stinging rebuke of this more radical direction in 2020, nearly erasing Democrats’ House majority even as Joe Biden won the White House and Democrats flipped control of the Senate. Again, Pelosi had clearly failed, and yet still she remained atop the House Democratic caucus.

Now working with a slim majority of just a handful of seats, the progressive faction of the party was more powerful than ever, and Pelosi was more than happy to oblige their every whim. Over the past two years, House Democrats have passed the most extreme slate of legislation in American history, ranging from a bill that would federalize elections and mandate universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting to multiple multi-trillion-dollar spending packages that have sent inflation skyrocketing. After vocally opposing big spending policies during the Bush administration and ridiculously criticizing the Trump tax cuts for being “fiscally irresponsible,” Pelosi has now overseen one of the largest unfunded spending sprees in U.S. history – more than $10 trillion since Biden took office.

Unsurprisingly, voters again fired Pelosi earlier this month and are sending a Republican House majority back to Washington in January. Pelosi’s second term as Speaker will end much the same as her first, with the American people sending a clear message that she has failed.

Of all the things Pelosi did in Congress, however, the most damning indictment of her leadership might be the decline in the state of the country under her watch. Her tenure saw the collapse of middle America, the outsourcing of manufacturing, complete congressional abdication on border security, and the erosion of the American Dream more generally.

Arguably the most ignominious factor for her pseudo-retirement is to whom she leaves her position. Instead of handing party leadership to longtime second-in-command Steny Hoyer, her most loyal lieutenant, the radical-left Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is poised to assume control of the caucus. Nancy Pelosi may be riding off into the sunset, but she’s leaving her party and her country in the darkness she has left behind.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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1 year ago

Hey, Pelosi leveraged her political career to personally enrich herself and her family to a degree she would have never been able to accomplish in the private sector based on merit. Insider trading and front-running investments based on advance knowledge of which companies and sectors of the economy would be positively or negatively impacted by future legislation, which she helped craft all along the way for a couple of decades, has turned out to be very, very good for the Pelosi clan. As it has for a lot of the professional political class in D.C..

As for the country, well obviously much less so. Pelosi was your typical career politician coming from a family of career politicians, so her focus was 2 fold:

1) Personal enrichment and acquisition of power in order to achieve more personal enrichment all along the way.

2) Keeping her major leftist donors very, very happy, in order to ensure a continuous stream of campaign re-election funds throughout her career, as well as advancing whatever agenda they wanted enacted into law to personally benefit them and their bank accounts.

For the country as a whole, Pelosi was obviously disastrous. Her focus wan’t on the well being of the country, her oath to the Constitution or even to the vast majority of the people of her district in San Francisco. It was strictly to herself and what would keep her in power, so she could personally enrich herself and family as much as possible. Even though she will no longer be Speaker, since the Democrat Party wants a “true believer” in socialism in that position going forward, I’m sure she will continue to find ways to continue leveraging her job as a mere congresswoman to continue making money off the office. Isn’t politics grand?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 year ago

I’ve highlighted a key error by the pen named author to this otherwise reasonably well written article, i.e. Biden did NOT win the 2020 Presidential Election, not even remotely close in fact, so this needed to be addressed imho & I quote, ” Voters delivered a stinging rebuke of this more radical direction in 2020, nearly erasing Democrats’ House majority even as Joe Biden won the White House and Democrats flipped control of the Senate. Again, Pelosi had clearly failed, and yet still she remained atop the House Democratic caucus.”
Joe Biden had the so-called election win handed to him as he picked a losing future VP pick in her debates resoundingly by other candidates on that stage…
I don’t believe any reasonable person on either side of the aisle ever believed that ” hide in the basement Quid Pro Joe ” won anything, he was installed, end of discussion as all of us live with the ramifications of a rigged 2020 Presidential Election with those same dirty tricks playing themselves out again in the 2022 midterms with VOTES still not counted again in Maricopa County AZ along with ( 4 ) additional counties now disputing the results of the ballot counts because of 1000’s of primarily disenfranchised Republican voters once again losing the ability to vote in their districts because of faulty printers and/or faulty tabulators & once again as in 2020, more Democrat ballots than there are voters, i.e. PA once again experiencing the same thing & I believe more states will be added to this grievous list of cheating in our US elections…
In closing, Nancy Pelosi will NOT be missed, the harm she has done to this nation is unfathomable…
It will take more than a generation to correct the damage this woman was allowed to inflict on the American people on what was once a great nation on the rise under the 45th president, that is until they completely disenfranchised one of our greatest accomplished presidents, DJT, save Ronald Reagan, another president the left went into full attack mode because of his Conservative values & his love of country. Rest in peace Ronald Reagan & his beautiful wife Pat…
Happy Thanksgiving to one & all,
Bill… :~)

Allan Terry
Allan Terry
1 year ago

So she admitted that she grabbed as much power—and money—as she could during her long career in politics!
Mega-donations (example: George Soros-funded PACs) bought Democrats far more political ads during 2022 than their GOP opponents could afford.

Nancy Pelosi’s leadership and wisdom didn’t cause Democrats to almost keep their House majority.
Since Pelosi has been demanding release of Donald Trump’s tax returns back six years, the new GOP House Majority must demand hers.
Earning a salary of less than $200K per year, the currently owns assets of more than $400,000,000 ! Where did all that money come from?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

One word covers SWAMP QUEEN pelosi’s legacy and that is; CORRUPT.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Pelosi has never cared for those who are less than her money wise. Look at her own city. I feel sorry for her constituents. I mean, look at the people of San Francisco. What used to be a lovely city is now pollution, feces ridden and full of drug users. My city has turned around from being the murder capital of the United States to be a sanctuary city for the unborn. Truly a worthy day for us yesterday and I am grateful.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

The most corrupt anti American speaker ever.
I hope the cow doo doo on her shoes will follow her for along time. Investigate and lock her up.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

WEll, she has plenty of ice cream and liquor to keep her occupied for awhile.

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

The only thing “historic” about her tenure as House Speaker is that she is female. Lefties seem to worship everything not straight white male. Her expressive hands flying all over the atmosphere surrounding cameras and microphones will be missed/not missed—in a democracy, your choice.

Rick Jory
Rick Jory
1 year ago

I absolutely love Amac (no, I’m not a staff member and this is not a paid-for complement). It’s articles like this that make me appreciate what they do and how they say truth when the Main Street Media is on the bandwagon to broadcast lies and cover up truth. Great article. Ding Dong the Witch is . . . retiring.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been a failure day 1 in office to date

1 year ago

It would be appropriate for the Republicans to give a going away present of an electric lawn mover because, thank heavens, she will never have any other meaningful power in the future. Or maybe a present of an electric power tooth bush to remind her she can brush all the nasty, mean dishonorable lying power comments she made serving in the H or R.

1 year ago

Pelosi’s retirement is just another case of supporting a Constitutional tenure limit amendment for House and Senate Leaders as well as VEEPS and Exec Heads (e.g. FBI, IRS, State, etc.).

1 year ago

Good article. That pretty much sums it up. One thing she was successful at is pushing the left wing agenda.

1 year ago

The House passed 213 bills in the last two years. I would say she was very successful.

1 year ago

If president’s have term limits why doesn’t congress? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

She is a drunken, corrupt, self-serving, pocket lining serpent that sold her soul to the devil…repeatedly. I see absolutely no positive human qualities in that vile bi…er…witch.

Donald Hanson
Donald Hanson
1 year ago

Well her kids, her family and their families got very rich, isn’t that really the great part of it?

1 year ago

You can disagree about the Affordable Care Act but giving access to healthcare to over 10 million Americans at virtually no cost to the government was not a bad thing.Dodd Frank was not a bad thing and saving the economy in 2008 was not a bad thing.Fighting anti democratic election deniers was not a bad thing and Pelosi’s God fearing and civil discourse was not a bad thing.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

A “woman” (is she under the new rules?) whose daughter said she could cut your head off before you even noticed. What kind of woman is that? Her brother and daddy both loved The Baltimore mob: that kind!

1 year ago

All the Dem spending was paid for, not “unfunded”. Unlike the short time when Trump had all the power, before he entered a long long streak of losing. First the house, then the Senate, then the White House. I will never get tired of his losing!

1 year ago

The idea that Pelosi, or any other Democrat, is a ‘moderate’ is ludicrous. There are just radical Democrats from districts where they can be honest about their radicalism and radical Democrats from districts where they have to be a bit more discreet. But they all believe the entire Woke doxology hook, line and sinker. Pelosi is Old School and sees things in terms of how they’ll play politically. Those who follow are fanatics who dont care whose feathers they ruffle so firm in their belief are they that they are incapable of error. That would kind of make sense if anything they believed had any validity at all but as William F Buckley once said, “I’d rather be governed by people picked at random from the phone book than the faculty of Harvard.”
The faculty of Harvard are running things now and I yearn for those phone-book people.

Ron Miller
Ron Miller
1 year ago

Just another right wing nut job piece

1 year ago

Poor little Nancy, she will have to surrender her little hammer.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

I think she was in office many years but did she do very much in all those years just like many in government I think they all just hold a job collect a paycheck and do nothing for the people of this country so she was in office for many years but did not do much to help this country and she is not alone there are more like her in office that should be gone.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Watch for Democrats to say something should be passed because Nancy wants it. If it’s televised the GOP can chuckle, giggle, and snicker.

1 year ago

Pelosi epitomizes all that’s wrong with politicians in this country. On top of that she’s a communist who deserves the label of traitor to be added to any mention of her legacy. Her name is synonymous with pure evil.

1 year ago

An honest media would point out how far back Pelosi set women’s rights. Much like Obama’s failure set black’s back decades.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

There was a lot about Nancy Pelosi that was egregious, but nothing more than standing behind the President of the United States and tearing up his State of the Union address. What a poor example of “unity” and decorum she presented at that time! I don’t think that the democrats are even trying to be the United States of America; they prefer the power trip!

1 year ago

Tearing up the State of the Union address behind President Trump was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me . I couldn’t stomach looking at her after this childish act. The ice cream in her freezer. The date with the hairdresser unmasked, when it was mandatory for all Americans to wear a mask, even toddlers. The money she, and Pauly made in the stock market , passing bills when she knew the stocks would be effected , and it’s time to buy . (I believe Martha Stewart went to jail for that same reason) 35 years in government, and what has this woman accomplished for We The People ?

1 year ago

She is a piece of work that this nation could get along very well without. And her chosen successor, who is not white, will term everything done by the majority as racist. Mark my words.

Ernie Payne
Ernie Payne
1 year ago

The press has too much influence and ther it no stopping thewm from practicing deceipt. That and the voting joke has brought the USA to near nil.

1 year ago

Now that Nancy will have so much free time, she should spend it visiting her father and brother in Hell!!!!!

1 year ago

“Pelosi’s second term as Speaker will end much the same as her first, with the American people sending a clear message that she has failed.” Failed at what? She has succeeded at destroying her country! The damage may never be undone.

James J
James J
1 year ago

Every Devils Jackal Dogs will urinate on your grave. Remember Nancy its for the Children. You Demoncrat Libtard Abortion Murderess

james Carlyle
james Carlyle
1 year ago

Pelosi is synonymous with disaster from any perspective.

1 year ago

Never should Pelosi have one day of retirement where she is not talking to her lawyers about some new lawsuit filed against her. This Pig should be hounded the rest of her life until all her wealth is redistributed to the American people.

1 year ago

Pelosi should write a book on how she pilfered money from law abiding taxpaying citizens!!! How she used every possible avenue to steal money. How she is like a snake in the grass!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Given her history of hypocrisy I’m betting she retires in Florida.

1 year ago

I really don’t think that NP has a soul; but, if she has one, she needs to give back all the money that she gouged during her years serving in Congress. San Francisco needs reparations for bad representation. Too bad, she will never admit that she is a terrible person because she carries a letter “D”, which makes her a “good politician” but with a long generation of failures for her community.

1 year ago

Pelosi for president

1 year ago

The advice from her father about seizing power, while valid from a Machiavellian point of view, flies in the face of the founders’ ideal of political power resting in the hands of the people.

Tom P
Tom P
1 year ago

All this b*tch did was make America worse.

1 year ago

Dear Nancy, go away. Take Slithery with you. Maybe save room for Michelle.

1 year ago

Pelosi is nut crazed lunatic. Power hungry and crazy. She is way past her retirement 82 is too old.

Teri Brezin
Teri Brezin
1 year ago

At the ripe age of 82, we can look forward, relatively soon, to the news of the death of pelousy. That day will be celebrated as another day almost like the day of independence. That day, I will be singing, “Ding, dong, the Witch is Dead” loudly and often!
I promise all of you that I will NOT PERSONALLY be responsible for anything that happens to this B..ER..Witch, however, she has taken the job of DESTROYING OUR country personally and was determined to do a complete job of it. Well, she has made sure that OUR country and our citizens will suffer for a very long, if not permanently. She deserves nothing more than a life sentence at GITMO with NO possibility of parole or pardon.
I apologise if I sound “hateful”, but I’m very tired of trying to forgive the most HATEFUL regime to ever INFEST OUR country!

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