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Leftists Twist Words and Laws

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
gender laws

Much of what passes for logical, progressive, legal thinking is none of those – it is illogical, regressive, and twists the law. No one will say this, but the left is setting up twisted liability. Those meant to be protected are being hurt. Examples are legion – and demand attention.

Years ago, in response to sexual harassment in the workplace and schools, state and federal laws emerged to protect those needing protection, chiefly women and girls. A central tenet of these laws and cases was the “hostile environment,” which tolerated discrimination.

Fast forward to 2022. Laws protecting women are bending back on themselves, thanks to the left. They are being used against biological women and girls in education, not for them.

Title IX lawsuits that empower biological girls by preventing the denial of separate female teams, locker rooms, bathrooms, and competitive environments are now about to be used against biological girls and those who defend them as the Biden Administration redefines Title IX.

Where humanity and law have long understood two genders, male and female, across the animal kingdom, the left indulges radical redefinition, asserting 72 separate genders (based on mental health), including “agender, cisgender, genderfluid, genderqueer, intersex, gender nonconforming, and transgender.”

In the leftist zeitgeist of this era, mass-redefinition of all things gender and race to border protection and legitimate causes for disaffection, boys and girls no longer exist – except, of course, they do.    

This has significant implications for the application of historically clear laws in utterly unforeseen situations. Thus, a boy who believes he is a girl can now assert the right to compete in girls’ sports and soon sue for Title IX violation if blocked – after the Biden Administration redefinition.

The implications are not good, and not thought out. While some accommodation for emotional and mental dysphoria may be fitting, disenfranchisement of all biological girls – and sudden liability for those who defend biological girls – makes no sense.

The law is being twisted in a way that turns Title IX’s shield to protect girls into a sword to impale them, deter them, demotivate, disenfranchise, and victimize them.

But this is just the start. Think about the entire body of laws called “hostile educational environment” and civil rights that focus on protecting biological women from discrimination rooted in prejudice toward their biological femininity or gender.

Suddenly, these laws can be used against biological women – who have long counted on their anti-discrimination provisions. Instead, 71 genders (or however many one imagines) can now sue biological girls, women, and those who defend them, using the very laws meant to protect them.

Go a step further. Look at the twisted way of thinking the modern left – the Democrat Party – is now giving us, allowing the application of other laws wholly out of context.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) involves teaching that racial identity unchangeably defines one’s potential for success in society, however, measured. In effect, using the Marxist principle of immutable classes, CRT teaches unchangeable institutional racism.

Now, imagine that you are someone who disagrees with the idea that race defines human potential, but with the idea – embodied in our Constitution – that God gives all humans an equal right to success and that society should work to assure that God-given promise gets fulfilled. 

In effect, you are anti-CRT, which means that you are viewed by those who teach this brand of Marxism, based on teaching unchanging racism, as a racist. Now, those who are devotedly anti-racist, who subscribe to the Constitutional promises of equal protection and individual liberty unrelated to race, are liable for promoting what leftists call racism.

In other words, laws that push equal opportunity, equality before the law, and constitutional norms that elevate the individual regardless of skin color, are now presumed racist.

Shift again to ideas like citizenship, which is constantly being transmuted, watered down, and given away to those who can crash the border and get here physically but have no legal claim to citizenship or its benefits. The left now empowers them with civil rights, used against citizens.

Shift again to criminal law and consider the way in which basic ideas are being twisted. A biologically female child (unfortunately this has happened) who is assaulted in a girl’s bathroom or locker room by a biological boy who “identifies” as a girl, is now disadvantaged by the idea that the assault was somehow not the school’s fault. Plainly, occurring where it did, with permission given by the school for deep privacy violations, it was.

And think about how the law of assault, which involves putting another person in fear – a reasonable person being in fear – is being twisted.

A girl is no longer expected to entertain any kind of fear when confronted by a biological boy in her bathroom. She is deemed to be the offender, her fear unreasonable if she suggests as that the situation engenders fear. Is that reasonable? Defensible? No, of course not.

What is happening is that basic words, long used in the law in predictable, acceptable, understood ways – are changing. Expectations of what is reasonable are being changed by the left, as well as expectations of privacy, safety, respect, and healthy child development.

Where does all this lead? Back to start, back to a reexamination of what kind of society we wish to live in, one that understands reasonable expectations and majority sensibilities as defining forces, or one that is prepared to throw everything away, from boys and girls to assault.

Perhaps the most prominent unspoken fact is the political left misapplying long-established words and laws in ways that hurt those meant to be protected – girls, women, citizens. The time is now to say words, laws, biology, borders, and safety have real meanings. Time to strop twisting them.

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2 years ago

Well said. I agree with every word.

2 years ago

RBC, your every word is correct.

2 years ago

They are trying to tear our world apart! Women are women, Men are boys! Nuff said!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Think you will be able to AFFORD MILK by July 4th, or anything else for that matter?
We haven’t even got to Fall and Winter yet. Think you will even be able to HEAT your HOME?
How about our MILITARY? Being turned into a bunch of little girls. Not to mention their STUPID Zero Tolerance Policy. A Pilot makes one normal HUMAN reaction while OFF DUTY and the NAVY kicks that Pilot OUT. WE JUST LOST A HIGHLY SKILLED PROFESSIONAL COMBAT PILOT because of FASCIST liberals and DICTATOR Beijing biden. That is INSANE. It just HELPS COMMUNIST China and DESTROY the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
This is ALL FINANCED by SOROS, ZUCK, HILLDOG Clinton, DNC, COMMUNIST China, and Cartel.
Makes me sick and disgusted typing AMERICA LAST.
Think for a moment about that and how it would effect your family.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

What I question is where did all of these LBGQ people suddenly come from? It seems there is suddenly a huge number of them in politics and our schools attempting to induct society in general into their freakish mob! Those of us who are normal need to form a huge movement to stop these acts by the abnormal from infiltrating our schools, youth groups and politics. It is bad enough that we currently have a Marxist federal government running amuck and trying to destroy America without the LBGQ group trying to get control of our children!

2 years ago

Hallmark characteristics of the LGBTQ community: they’re impulsive, over-reactive, and they overreach, in desperation of making the world safe, for weirdos, creeps, queers, freaks and pedophiles –

john sylvester nunan
john sylvester nunan
2 years ago

what can we do about these crazy laws and such

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

They are the authors of confusion. Guess who they take their orders from?

2 years ago

REAL women are being written out of existence by all this delusional gender crap! Those who have a problem being what they were born to be need mental help, not elevation! What’s happening is the dehumanization of everyone in the long run! This then allows the Marxists to eliminate those they deem dangerous to their conformity to their ideology which the Marxists religion! I pray for those being born into this chaos!

2 years ago

The left in this country is very well versed in twisting existing laws to suit their own desired outcomes. There are many ways in which to the left can collapse or transform a country from within. Doing so via the legal system is but one aspect they regularly use with surprising success.

The left understands how the legal system can not only be used to resolve legitimate legal disputes, but to also fabricate and then either exaggerate or expand perceived “rights” or grievances to “win” or achieve a larger desired goal. Some of those societal changes you’ve already touched on in your article, but many more have been successfully litigated over the decades as part of the broader re-making of the country.

The United States is not the only country where the left has leveraged the legal system successfully to achieve some aspects of their overall objective. Much of western Europe today has long ago been radically altered by the left through their use, or should I say intentional misuse, of the existing laws and the legal system to impose the desired changes.

The next time you go to almost any country in western Europe, take a deeper look into how the left in those countries have successfully molded all manner of societal norms and personal freedoms and rights to conform to adhere to their desired socialist model as compared to say the same European country of the 1960s or early 1970s. In many countries it is now against the law to even publicly criticize the government or its leaders and policies without threat of a fine or imprisonment. Something the left in this country, via the Democrat Party, wants to impose here. That is just one small example of how the left has weaponized the legal system to strip citizens of their ability to even voice their personal views without government retaliation.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Dumb, B@#t@rds

2 years ago

You can’t blame the LGTBQ community for all of this. It is like any other organization, you have your radicals on each side. I agree that they are twisting the meaning of the laws that have been written to protect women. These laws were enacted to say “hey I am doing the same job, I should have the same pay”. I believe the Left goes to the extreme to move the line slightly. They may not win the “war”, but they are winning small battles. We need to get back to common sense, but as my mother would say, it is a flower that does not grown in everyone’s garden.

2 years ago

I come from a time, as I am sure do many AMAC members, in which “gender reveal parties” were never even a thought. Just saying that because…
What will gender reveal parties be now?
Will they become gender Decision parties?
Will we let It live? What gender should we make It? We have 72+ choices, should we have a drawing for the gender “winner”? Murder or Life?

2 years ago

The deviI twists, it is Iies. Ieftists “twist”, it is Iies.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Excellent article, RBC. I would add that this is all being orchestrated on a global scale. dims are merely pimps for the nwo. global “elitist” know that the best way to conquer people is to sow division, hate and chaos among said people. This goes beyond the freaks and weirdos. It goes beyond the dims. This is part of the “great” reset and agenda 2030…and it’s all too real. The people of this country, in fact, pretty much everybody in Western civilization had better WAKE UP! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! Hopefully it’s not too late, but I have my doubts.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

we’ve come a looong way baby

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago

The Demon-Rats have to go. They are immortal, unethical, and downright devious.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Most Leftists are not only stubborn, myopic, and incompetent, they usually are aggressive bullies. Not too long ago, most fringe humans were happy just being left alone; however, now it’s become very woke to insist that the world (actually the US) must be 100% on board with whatever the Marxists are demanding. Those who still believe that healthy, natural sex is between a man and a woman are treated as if they are evil monsters. Heterosexuals don’t even have the right to think that same sex relationships are not normal. Forget about simple male v, female. The leftists insist that sexual identity is purely up to the unique quirks of individual humans. How long will it be before humans can individually consider themselves pets, plants, robots, etc.? What will this nonsense lead to? How can the United States of America possibly remain a Constitutional Republic?

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

The left is so twisted and sick; it’s unbelievable !

2 years ago

if some freak fool who does not know if it is female or male and walks into a bathroom where my wife or daughter is, IT Will meet ITS Maker and both IT and ITS Maker can figure what IT IS.. Faq U Democrats

Jane CA
Jane CA
2 years ago

Boy, I can’t wait to vote!!

2 years ago

72 genders? What’s next – I identify as a tree or a dog or a space alien? Many in our society are mentally ill and our government is sanctioning this insanity. It has to stop.

2 years ago

The Biden democrats, making our public restrooms a safe, wonderful place for the weirdos, the creeps, the queers and the pedophiles.

2 years ago

Should make sure all females have pepper spray with them when they go in public restrooms

2 years ago

Society’s bigger problem I think is that, a new law will correct all problems, when in fact a new law only provides us more problems.

2 years ago

If you notice, it’s (majority) the male that wants to use the female bathroom, join female sports, or use a female locker room. So far, I’ve never heard of a female wanting to do the opposite. That should tell you something. I know AMAC will probably block this. It’s not against men. Hey, I’m married and have 5 brothers. I’m just stating facts. This is not to offend real men. But even real men should look at the facts. It’s about truth.

2 years ago

And don’t forget the ‘Furries’. They are asking for litter boxes in restrooms. I say we divide the US straight down the middle. Patriots and normal on one side. Criminals and insane on the other. Our side for God and Country, and her people. The other side … well, I’m at a loss to explain it. And build a wall with barbed wire in between.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

The radical Democrats are the spawn of Satan, the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, according to the Christ. We should never be surprised by the lies and nefarious schemes of the left. They will never be satisfied until they completely destroy our nation. Obama said that he wanted to transform our nation. We need to pray, repent, and turn back to Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

2 years ago

It sure is a truth; the Left destroys everything it touches; Economy, Education, Border, Health Care, trust in government. etc. etc, etc!

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

A bumper sticker says: “Liberalism is a mental illness”. That pretty much says it all!

2 years ago

Reprobate Minded, one who has lied, morally corrupt, rejects. The Progressive Socialistic Left are Morally Corrupt. They have no morals. They reject what is morally correct so much that they can’t get tell what’s moral or immortal!

2 years ago

Validating dysphoria isn’t a treatment protocol but the opposite of one. Parents willing to butcher, even under an approved medical professional care, a minor child should face charges. We should stop pandering to this destruction.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Or expression? These people are just plain nuts, my should not need to worry about someone expressing themselves being a big burly dude who feels like his feminine side wants to be seen. This is why Democrats should need to sign into every town they live in if they condone this kind of crap.

Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
2 years ago

Hold on! You’re actively fighting for and celebrating the fact that the stacked corrupted Supreme Court seems to be ready to reinstate slavery for American women and little girls by forcing them to surrender the sovereignty over their own bodies to make them the property of the state, but the freedom to choose whether to socially identify as a man or a woman is oppressive? … While you “twist” making it more difficult, if not impossible for the American people to vote depending on their address into upholding “election integrity”?

2 years ago

The gender if easy.. If you have a penis you go in Mens or Boys bathroom. If you have vagina you go in Womens or Girls bathroom No brainer. The Woke people must have been born with a “stupid” pill in their brain.

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