Leftists want to tear down the Supreme Court, be clear about that It is one of the few high-credibility institutions left in the country. Using abortion as a pivot, a draft Supreme Court opinion was released. That has never happened before – ever. It is an intolerable violation of trust, ethics, and law.
While the draft opinion in question would reverse Roe v. Wade, allowing states to decide on abortion rights, and permitting their legislatures to ban the killing a sentient child in the womb, this is a bigger issue than abortion.
Yes, judicial conservatives – and other legal scholars who admit skepticism in private – have long known the Roe decision is a legal outlier, a juridical aberration, a decision that asserts grounding in the 9th and 14th amendments, but in reality, is without foundation. It was a work of creative minds for politics.
That has been discussed, admitted, punctuated with regret by great legal minds since the decision, not unlike the “separate but equal” decision of a different era, also reversed. While precedent is important for predictability, being right, using sound reasoning, upholding constitutional integrity matters more.
All of this will create fodder around the likely-to-hold reversal of Roe, which will simply return this decision to the place in which most decisions tied to life and death, rights and wrongs belong – state legislatures, which are closest to the people of each state and thus reflect that state’s disposition.
The bigger issue is that the overwhelming body of Democrats in this country, virtually all Democrat Senators, Congressmen, state legislators, the current US cabinet, vice president, president – and former Democrat officeholders – did not condemn the leak, a breach of integrity that undercuts the High Court.
To be clear, decisions come and go. This is an important one, and it will change America in a way that returns us to a more moral, thoughtful, contemplative, and good nation, putting the onus for deciding life and death for a child in the hands of legislatures, until such time as the child is otherwise recognized.
But what has happened is more important than this leaked decision, as important as the decision is. What has happened is that the poetical left, which has taken over the Democrat party, has begun eroding, one might even say bulldozing, the integrity, trust, respect, and high regard for the Court.
They have done this because, at this moment, America is on a swing back toward a non-activist judiciary one that respects the limited role of justices and judges – applying law to facts – in preserving limited government and the integrity of the Constitution. Words matter, and documents do not breathe.
Put differently, the political left is seeking to cut down, undermine the legitimacy of, and make political one of the few institutions left in this country that is not infected by leftist politics, or politics at large. Like the US military, the judiciary is not supposed to be political, but independent of politics.
At the fringes, all mankind and all institutions have an element of politics to them, but an independent judiciary – above the ebb, flow, grime, and tawdry nature of politics – is one of our few guarantors. An independent, respected, trusted, thoughtful, high-integrity federal bench – is vital to preserve liberty.
What has just happened is the first body blow to our independent judiciary, a way of diminishing the decisions, sanctity and solemnity of their reasoning, and the institution itself. This is a warning shot, and one that should cause all to shudder.
Next come threats to justices, judges, attempts to pack the court with political actors, to bend the rule of law to rule by politics, and destroy the most sober of our federal institutions.
Worse than any aspect of the discussion over ending abortion, is the fact that major leaders of the Democrat Party are not willing to condemn this savaging of the High Court’s place in our society, and its innate, necessary, stability-assuring dignity – by some political leftist.
If there is an echo in the air, it is the echo of silence by those who should be speaking, and the reality – what this means. The Democrat Party has become the party of leftism, ends justifying means, and if that means tearing down the US Supreme Court, as they have other institutions, so be it. This is an ominous turn, one that every American – including thoughtful Democrats – should pause and ponder.
This needs decisive action. The protestors who haunt the judges homes need arrested. Everybody who breaks a law, no matter how small, needs arrested. All who are arrested need tried and, if convicted, punished.
All rioters need arrested. Some need shot, like the ones burning cars with folks inside.
If the laws we have were enforced, things would settle down.
Of course, that means closing the borders, arresting Dr. Falsie, arresting the three Bidens, AOC and her buddies, etc.
The question is, will the leaker be caught and punished?
It’s a diversion from the pfizer data dump & 2000 Mules. Those protesting are showing their ignorance of the Constitution. Absolutely nothing changes if Roe v Wade is overturned. Democrat states will continue to murder & Red states won’t.
If the Supreme Court has indeed already made their decision regarding Roe, then why not just come out with it instead of leaving everyone in suspense and giving the left and pro abortion movements more time to attack those of us who support protecting life in the womb.
Contraception is a CHOICE! It is NOT a crime. This CHOICE is any one’s RIGHT.
Murder IS a CHOICE! It is also a CRIME. CRIME is NOT a RIGHT.
Abortion is MURDER, therefore it is a CRIME. Abortion is NOT anyone’s RIGHT!!!!!
As I have said before…the Supreme Court never had authorization to rule on Roe v Wade in the first place as this should have been sent back to the individual states as the Constitution requires. This goes for the same sex marriage and civil rights of the abominations.
Dems like what is happening. When democrats don’t get their way, they are like spoiled children and yell, cry, and pout until it’s to their liking. Rude, selfish people!
The marxist democrats silence tells you every you need to know.
The democrats are behind the leak,the violence ,the democrats are dirty,anti American, self serving,greedy traitors!
This is a moral issue. The individual that leak the information should be arrested. Amen, you’re correct … The supreme court should’ve called it out right murder. Yes, the Democratic Party has become a Marxist party, socialist and fascist. God help us!
Ao it’s okay for them to storm the Supreme Court building, one of the most government buildings in the USA ?At least Jan 6 the protesters were let in. So I take it that these protesters will be deemed Terrorists and held in prison? They better be.
This is going totally Against the United States CONSTITUTION! If The Reprobate Minded Left Are Allowed To Do This There’s Nothing That “WE THE PEOPLE” Have To Go To For A True Legal Final Decision. We Certainly No Longer Can Depend On Judges In Our County Courts. No Longer Can We Believe In The FBI Not Other National Security Agencies!Once The Progressive Socialistic Left Sees What It Can Get Away With Without Recoil From “We The People”, The Legal Citizens Of The United States It’s Only A Period Of Time That They Destroy Our Freedom Completely!Father God Is Not Happy With The Political Decision Of Roe vs Wade!Evil People Are Trying To Destroy Our Freedom And Independence On Them And Any Other Countries. Are You Woke Or Are You Awakening Citizens Of The United States???
Let’s ruin the Dems before they do more damage. These babies didn’t ask to be born and yet they want to murder them. There is no question that this has to stop.
Schuky Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are responsible for this!
I totally agree. Roe v Wade will not end abortion but put the decision back to the states where it belongs. What is being done to SCOTUS is by far worse. We cannot let this happen.
Return favor to the Dems IE theyre homes, let them “taste” what they sow
Or No change
lf this was about some ruling that IiberaIs Ioved and Conservative Americans were protesting in front of IiberaI judge’s homes, you can bet that Iefties would demand that tanks be parked out there and that Conservative protesters wouId be shot on sight.
Leftists and Democrats have done not much good for people on this planet.
We now have the most corrupt dumocrat party in the history of the USA.
Leftists have one advantage over us. They generally are violent in nature, have low IQs and have no common sense. Because of that they have no sense of law or what’s right and wrong. So they have no problem being violent against people they don’t like or agree with. Add to that they are almost never held to account for their violent actions and they are just plain bullies. And if a bully doesn’t receive a punch in the nose early on the bully will continue the reign of terror and become even worse. I don’t know the answer because if we become the same way we will be put down quickly and decisively by the powers that be. Only thing I can do in my life is vote and pray. KAG
Except, the Supreme Court is no longer “high-credibility” due to having several justices anti-Constitution, ruling on feeeeelings, and/or compromised (Bribery? Blackmail?).
Why has the informant not been disclosed? Who is protecting their identity?
Watch this carefully. Most leftist takeovers go after the judiciary first. The legislature will follow shortly after that if they succeed leaving only the executive and then they put a tyrant in.
Really Folks, this is how stupid that people on the left are, this issue of abortion is not a federal Government issue its a state issue because of the 10th Amendment the 10th amendment reads —- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people. — Nowhere in the constitution did the federal Government reserve the right to determine things like abortion or a multitude of other issues, if they had they would have reserved all the Rights and Liberties. It was so important that the Founders made it the final amendment to the Bill of Rights, and for the brain-dead imbeciles on the left who have their panties all in a bunch over Roe – vs – Wade, I would like you to read the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Bill of Rights and tell me how the Federal Government or States can alter them without Due Process, gun owners’ rights are far more violated than the women who wishes to be gut and red of her un-born living human being.
God Help Us!
Where is the outrage from the right? Dont expect anyone to believe they dont know who this is. Another cover up by the left. They will get away with it and disappear into obscurity. Bad enough we dont trust the FBI, Homeland Security, CIA and all the rest of the crooked organizations that are there to protect we the people. What about all the protesters intimidating the Judges at their homes? You think this would go on if conservatives did this? Although we would never, we have too much integrity and respect for our constitution. I just hopw justice will be served in all these instances because faith in this system is wearing very thin on “we the people”.
the left has had the judiciary in their pocket so long, they think it’s their entitlement. Shopping for courts that will give the ruling they want–often on the other side of the country. They can’t stand to have anything that resembles a neutral playing field.
Let’s experiment by just sitting outside Keagan’s house and appreciate the apoplexy of the left.
Tell POTUS Biden & AG Garland to enforce Federal Law SS1507 that says that a person can be arrested if they protest at Justice’s homes to try to sway the votes of SCOTUS. Tell them, you have 12-hours to leave these areas or you will be arrested & face Federal charges. What is wrong with White House that they are letting this happen? This must stop, it is not right to terrify the Justices & their families like this. And WH should never give out address or phone numbers of any employee.
Both the protests at homes of Justices & the Jan 6th attack on Capitol are similar, in that they will end up costing taxpayers a lot more money. There was not a need to build $Million fences in DC until Jan 6th & also exposed a weak security plan at Capitol and now the justices will need more security forces from Government to protect them from radicals. People that are elected should never have to worry about being threatened or attacked for fulfilling their job .
No government should have the right to stop a woman from exercising her inherent right to govern her Own body; including aborting an unwanted fetus under16 weeks of gestation. If they do; there will just be a glut of unsafe abortions like there used to be in the bad old days.
In my 90 years on this earth I have come to observe a few things that always prove to be true. One of the things I believe to be true is that there is a difference in the brains of Liberals and Conservatives. The reason I believe that is because politically all Liberals think and act alike and all Conservatives think and act alike. Every Democrat I know will not discuss politics unless it is what they want to hear, they think the federal government should be in charge of everything, that our children belong to the government and the schools and supports what the socialist/communist Biden Administration does. Every Conservative I know thinks just the opposite of those things. I wish a brain study of Liberals versus Conservatives would be done. Ever since the 2020 election was fraudulently stolen the Democrats have denied it, and since the proof has finally been proven and revealed they still deny it. The Biden Administration and Democrat House have turned the country into a Marxist run Communist state, essentially eliminating our rights and the Constitution. But their biggest error is not thinking ahead of the consequences they will face when Conservatives are back in control!
The Supreme Court doesn’t want to get rid of abortion. What it is trying to do is give that responsibility back to the states where it belonged in the first place. State sovereignty.
Simply put. These people need to be killed, because that’s what they intend for you/ us!
These types of behavior will continue until the left conquers all government institutions and schools, or freedom loving parents decide they love their children enough to do what is necessary to assure they bring up good people, and not let the government usurp that roll. Bringing up good people starts at home. These good people then carry this behavior into schools and the workforce.
This a good and truthful piece.
Although those who seek a higher moral stand should not spit out a vitriol akin to those who only have chaos as their theme.
This particular subject is the only point that I strongly disagree with the republican party.My personal belief that a woman has a right to choose whether to have an abortion or not. I don’t believe the government has any place in this decision. This choice is between a woman and her maker. No one has a right to tell her yeah or nay. Show me a law that restricts a man on any choice regarding his body. Why then does this party think they have a right to dictate to us their opinions of what is right or wrong for us?We answer to the same God as you do. He and he alone will judge us. JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED.
I think Webster’s definition of democrat is: hypocrisy.