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Is Pelosi Losing Her Gucci-Gloved Grip on the Gavel?

Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


As harrowing images and videos continue to emerge from the United States’ disastrous exit of Afghanistan, the Biden administration is rightly facing major scrutiny and public outcry for what increasingly appears to be a complete lack of preparation or any sort of coordinated plan to leave the country. Following days of chaos and broken promises, President Biden and State Department officials have suddenly found themselves on the receiving end of a barrage of criticism from both sides of the political aisle. But even as the Biden team attempts to weather the media storm, the domestic political fallout from this tragedy may have only just begun. For one Democrat in particular, her full-throated defense of Biden’s Afghanistan policy and hapless response to the crisis are the latest in a series of blunders that may break her already tenuous grip on power: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

While Biden has received his share of criticism for his response (or lack thereof) to the Afghanistan debacle, arguably no other single individual has displayed a more complete and total lack of political awareness than Pelosi. Even as Afghan government officials fled the country and the Taliban tightened its control, she applauded President Biden for his “clarity of purpose.” Americans were left to wonder what that purpose was. The Speaker did not elaborate.

As accounts of torture, rape, and murder at the hands of Taliban forces surfaced on social media and from reporters inside Afghanistan, Pelosi offered another similarly meaningless platitude, saying that she was “deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.” She then said that “the U.S., the international community and the Afghan government must do everything we can to protect women and girls from inhumane treatment by the Taliban.” A good place to start would have been coordinating an orderly withdrawal so that the Afghan people she claimed to have concern for wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place.

The statement was blasted as tone deaf at best and outright delusional at worst. The Afghan government has all but crumbled and President Biden has made it clear that he will not challenge the Taliban. Though Pelosi has survived other messaging blunders, the Afghanistan debacle for the Democrat Party comes at a time when Pelosi is facing leadership challenges from the left, right, and center. The crisis may prove particularly damaging in light of her other recent failures.

Pelosi’s control over the House was once described as an “iron fist in a Gucci glove,” but questions about her continued capability as a leader first started to seriously arise following the 2020 election cycle. Despite unprecedented campaign spending, promotion, and an all-out effort by the media, Democrats lost 15 seats in the House of Representatives, shocking pundits and progressives across the country.

The lackluster results, specifically in the House, led many to question Pelosi’s priorities and leadership over the prior four years. While impeaching President Trump was clearly a key priority of hers ever since 2016, her almost unhinged commitment to doing so whatever the facts raised many questions, even among moderates in her own party.

Then under Pelosi’s leadership, the Democratic Party made “Defund the Police” and “Socialism” two key pillars of its messaging strategy. When that failed, her fellow Congressional Democrats blasted her and distanced themselves heavily from the strategy she promoted.

Pelosi also now appears to potentially have a full-blown mutiny on her hands with regard to President Biden’s legislative priorities. After the Senate passed both the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” package and Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, Pelosi announced that the House would return next week to vote on the partisan $3.5 trillion plan first before voting on the infrastructure bill, which did receive some Republican votes in the Senate. The move appears to be aimed at pleasing progressives, who have long advocated for such a massive spending plan that would radically change the country.

There is just one problem: a group of nine moderate Democrats have announced that they will not vote for the $3.5 trillion plan until Pelosi brings up the $1.2 trillion plan. With majority-making factions threatening to pull their support no matter which bill Pelosi brings up first, Pelosi’s control of the House – and Biden’s legislative agenda – are effectively being held hostage by moderates on the one hand and progressives on the other. That type of leadership failure has earned the ire not just of Congressional Democrats, but also the American public, as Pelosi also faces dismal approval ratings, with only 38% of the country supporting her.

The vulnerable members in her caucus are also said to be increasingly panicked about the multitude of crises facing the country under Democrat leadership—not only Afghanistan, but the southern border crisis, surging crime rates, runaway inflation, and the Biden administration’s failure on the pandemic. Just this week, American Action Network, a leading conservative group, announced a $5 million campaign opposing the reconciliation bill designed to put pressure on Pelosi’s moderate House Democrats.

All of this raises the question of whether, in the event of a Democrat collapse in the polls, Pelosi can maintain her leadership position even to the end of the year, nonetheless until the next election. If many of Pelosi’s members return home over the August recess and find their districts infuriated by the avalanche of Democrat disasters, she could have a revolt on her hands in a matter of weeks.

To be sure, removing a sitting speaker is extremely difficult. The last successful attempt was the removal of former Speaker John Boehner in 2015 after only 6 years in office. The coups that threw him out of the speakership came as a result of his evident disdain for the more conservative elements of his caucus, specifically the Tea Party. The failure of Republican leadership to stop the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, as well as the failure to curb illegal immigration, was a double blow that Boehner was unable to absorb. Toward the end of his tenure, Boehner was pilloried as a member of the “establishment” who was out of touch with his own party. The rejection of incumbents like Boehner in favor of novel outsiders directly foreshowed the eventual rise of Donald Trump not a year later.

As the 2022 election draws near, Democrats are already bracing for a loss. The question is already being asked if Pelosi’s presence is a net positive or negative. Losing a speaker would invite questions of competency within Democratic circles. However, increasingly desperate and vulnerable members in Pelosi’s caucus might calculate that fresh leadership could save their party from a catastrophic defeat.

Pelosi was weak even before she appeared clueless on Afghanistan. She is only more endangered now. Should the spending bills fall through, Democrats might have a crisis of confidence in their current leadership. Should they pass, some might say it’s a sufficient note on which the Speaker can retire. Either way, that Gucci glove may be losing its grip on the gavel.

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Roger Barnett
Roger Barnett
3 years ago

You folks need to also post on MeWe! I copy from FarceBook and post there, but strip out the FB linking info 🙂

Michael D
Michael D
3 years ago

These alleged Americans seek only more and more power. They have been completely corrupted at the expense of our once great republic. They are completely bereft of any moral compass!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

It is past time for Pelosi to go. She will do anything or say anything to get power. I have never seen anyone hate a person like Pelosi hates Trump. She and her fellow democrats want to sell out our country to the communists in order to have the democrats stay in power. SHE, SHUMER, BIDEN AND HARRIS NEED TO GO. IMPEACH THEM!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Hope so looks like it

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

The wicked witch of Cal-E-Forn-E-Cate is going to lose more than that before it is over with. She better put her knees on the ground and ask GOD to forgive her for her sins as she will definitely lose her soul if she doesn’t. Satan to Per-Loose-E–“Welcome to the smoking section”.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Pelosi, unlike creepy Cuomo, will NOT step down until WE vote her out by electing a bunch of patriots in next year’s election. She’s enriching her husband’s businesses way too much to quit now. Plus, she’s power hungry!
If she gets too near a flame, maybe her plastic face will explode!

3 years ago

It’s just too bad that people weren’t paying attention in the 60s and 70s when the demonRat party became so evil and vile. None of their current behavior is new. It began in 1960. That vile party, and all of its leaders, need to die off and leave America alone.

3 years ago

Nancy needs to go and retire. No one has been as bad for this country than her. She didn’t give a crap about the American people when she was impeaching Trump. Shes going to do what she wants. I hope the House gets together to trade her in for a better and updated model.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Pelosi lost her Gucci glover grip a long time ago, its just the the Idiots on the left believed what this Hair Brained Socialist has been saying. She has never made sense on any subject, and has not made one right decision in the whole time she has been in Congress. as long as people refuse to think for themselves and want a free ride the Pelosi’s of the world will live among us. If you are an idiot, you will vote for idiot, you can’t fix stupid.
God Help Us !

Dennis M. Struk
Dennis M. Struk
3 years ago

**IMPEACH ALL DEMOCRATS** Thank you, thank you…

3 years ago

Pelosi needs to be kicked out of office. She has done nothing but disrupt the country. While Trump was President, her hate of him drove her. Get rid of her, Schumer, Biden and Harris.

3 years ago

One can only hope!

3 years ago


Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Pelosi is a disgrace to our nation and always has been. However, she has served one hopefully useful purpose if my suggestion is adopted. I had no idea that a Speaker of the House could control our entire government! She apparently has the authority to control every single piece of legislation, whether it gets considered or not, in the House where most legislation begins. She controls the assignments for many committees like the 1/6 investigation by not allowing McCarthy’s appointments and substituting dedicated anti-Trump Republicans, she can unilaterally initiate impeachment proceedings, she controls all office space for representatives meaning she can punish anyone who irritates or opposes her wishes, she controls the Capitol Police, and the list goes on. In short, as Speaker she is a petty dictator with far too much power. The lesson here is obvious. No Speaker should ever be trusted with the incredible power she wields in a purely partisan manner. My suggestion: A large part of the Speaker’s power needs shared with the Minority Leader by law, not at the whim of any Speaker.

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

Get some rope, find a tree, and line ’em up! Traitors!

3 years ago

Unfortunately not. America has no say in regard to pelosi’s fate. It’s up to the forever non redeemable socialists in San Francisco.

3 years ago

Never mind the gavel…her grip on reality is what she has lost!!

3 years ago

can’t stand her and would LOVE to see her gone!

3 years ago

I say load up the swamp in one of our big planes and send them all to live with the middle east murderers!
I pray one of our Miltary Generals will go against this horrific administration and lead our troops to protect America and her allies.
I don’t think they would have to worry about Biden or Harris cause they would just go hide somewhere.

3 years ago

I would love seeing Nancy Pelosi booted. She’s been a thorn in our sides for far too many years already. I just pray that whoever might take her place is a true Patriot who loves America and puts her citizens on the top of their priority list!

p h
p h
3 years ago

Both bills should not be passed, because they are both extremely expensive and disastrously evil. Flush them both and pass a much much smaller actual infrastructure bill, with infrastructure being what has traditionally been considered infrastructure–roads, bridges, not electric charging stations, broadband internet and so-called “human infrastructure:.

3 years ago

Give a Fascist Liberal woman a seat in power and this is what you get….hang all the traitors and get this country back to conservative roots.

I am an Italian American and she is a disgrace to both hard working Italian roots and being a female…shame on her!

3 years ago

When we get rid of Joe Biden, we MUST get rid of Kamila Harris/Nancy Pelosi/Schumer/all Democrats who back what is horrifically going on now. All of these people have lost face for America, not for the United States of America legal Citizens.

3 years ago

What is happening in Afghanistan is horrible. We need to get these people out. They are destroying America and our Allies confidence in the United States. The people that helped America will be marked for life if not killed on sight. They have their names and if they are left the Taliban will kill them as they know they have no allegiance to the Taliban. I pray that all are brought to the United States safely as well as our own people.

3 years ago

I agree with every last word………….

3 years ago

I’m beginning to have serious doubts as to whether this Nation can survive a full 4 years of Biden … and I’m virtually certain Camel Hairs is not going to be an improvement (but probably in different ways). I hope all Americans realize we are at this point in time and history because we allowed a defective voting system to be rigged to elect and idiot, crook, and incompetent puppet staged out by a DemocRat Party that wants to go to some hybrid form of Communism that superficially looks like a Constitutional Democracy. FIX THE VOTING SYSTEM OR THE WORSE IS YET TO COME!!!!

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

Pelosi and Biden need to go they have lost the plot. Maybe they should retire to the home for the mentaly bewildered. in New York and join governor Cuomo!.

Marlin Cayton
Marlin Cayton
3 years ago

Pelosi and Schumer are so poor they can’t even pay ATTENTION.

3 years ago

Patriots, Without mass demonstrations we are sheep to the slaughter. We have no Republican leadership to rely on. I fear America will become a Socialist puppet State by year end.
Thanks again to all the SOB’s who voted for Biden. I hope you are reaping the consequences.

3 years ago

Consider for a moment. Is what this administration doing doing what they are doing intentionally? As obama said, i want to change the nation. Well think about this “administration”, recycled obama/biden retreads,policies,directives. Who do you think is really running the show behind the scenes?
now we have the continuation of the obama apology tour, now called the biden capitulation tour. I think it, Americas destruction, is marxist in essence as well as revolutionary and fully intentional by those marxists..

glenna cox
glenna cox
3 years ago

We can hope

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

That dingbat lost her grip…on reality…a long time ago. She’s clinically psychotic.

3 years ago

Useless and failed, pelosi,schummer,Schumer, and commie harris are all pathetic LOSERS. ALL need to go away with the other corrupt Democrat lemmings who follow this group of anti American pond slime.

3 years ago

how ignorant just looking at the “pic” our 4 people gov’t standing so far apart all wearing mask trying to get their messages out….. so ignorant

3 years ago

I wish this WITCH PELOSI and MUMBO JUMBO BIDEN could be sent to AFGHANISTAN and see what is actually happening because whatever comes from their lips was is and will be a complete lie/ The Taliban could make Pelosi happy by her being a ride at 80 instead of a 12 year old for 3-4 tribesman/and Joe Dementia Biden could be the laughing stock of the middle east and set up tents for the Taliban//What a joke for the SQUAD=They are in hiding because the women are being used for garbage jobs and then killed/

3 years ago

Just like Biden pelosi is to old and evil to be in a government position. Why would they want to work for a country and people that they hate.They are working for the devil and they are going to lose.

3 years ago

Pelosi has been losing it for quite some time. She should retire gracefully but she enjoys the power too much. She is despised by many but she seems unable to let it go like a normal person would before she is forced out. She is delusional.

3 years ago

If we look back and ask when did what we see happening in our Nation start it might be good to look at 1963. In the infinite wisdom the Highest Court in the land “we” started pushing Him out of our Nation. He being the gentleman that He is, moved away. He stayed close enough that if we called Him back He would have come running. But sadly we continue even to this day to push Him further away. We are now reaping what we have sown. Our Nation does not need Trump, or Republican or moderate Democrat, what has to happen is that we all need to bend the knee, ask for forgiveness, turn from our wicked ways, seek His face and He will hear our cries and heal our land. He is ready, are we?

3 years ago

Pelosi lost her grip on power within 6 months of AOC and the rest of the squad being first elected to Congress. If this hasn’t been obvious to AMAC and its writers, then you haven’t been paying attention very well to the politics of Washington.

AOC and the squad only permit Pelosi to retain the ceremonial use of the gavel as long as she does everything they demand. Both Pelosi and Schumer are terrified of being ousted by more progressive candidates supported by far left, that now completely controls the Democrat party. AOC has threatened to support a primary challenger to Pelosi’s seat, if Pelosi does not comply. By the way, AOC did the same thing to Schumer to keep him in-line. Given Pelosi’s voting district is populated by extreme leftists, this is NOT a idle threat Pelosi can afford to ignore. So she does what she is told, as does Schumer.

As for much of the content of this specific article, the writer seems to be trying to paint John Boehner as some sort of victim. He was a RINO and ultimately lost power, because he cared more about preserving his own personal power, at any cost, than serving of the people of the United States. What’s next AMAC? Are we going to be treated to an article about how wonderful Paul Ryan was too?

3 years ago

Agree100%. Could not say it better. Thank you for telling it like it is.

3 years ago

“Losing a speaker would invite questions of competency within Democratic circles.” – Hmmmm, are there still any questions on the lack of Democrat competency? BAHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAA. No there is no question.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

Pelosi is literally insane.

How long are they going to blame Trump for all their mistakes? It’s Trump’s fault that Biden evacuated the military before the civilians? Did Trump tell him to do that? Biden needs to man up and accept responsibility for his incompetent actions and stop lying to the American people.
None of them know what they are doing and are destroying this country day by day. It’s so frightening. Even the Pentagon and military generals that have press conferences are obviously stupid.

Scott E Berg
Scott E Berg
3 years ago

Take a good hard look at the D’Alessandro family and you to will be degusted at how long they have been raping the citizens of this country and Nancy Pelosi is a direct product of that family’s practices !

Norvil Brown
Norvil Brown
3 years ago

Maybe we need some grass root recall petitions to oust some of these congressmen/women including Pelosi.

David w stanfield
David w stanfield
3 years ago

I miss Donald!

3 years ago

If a speaker can be removed once it can be done twice but I’m actually hoping she keeps her gavel. This, as the Dems continue to slide down the slippery slope of their own incompetence.

Oust as many as are up for re-election or running in 2022. Vote for non-Rino, non-never Trumper conservatives.

3 years ago

The Leftists in Democrat & the RINOs have the same agenda, POWER & $$$$. They have been working hard to eliminate the conservative majority so we can never have true liberty ever again. These communists have pulled the wool over the peoples eyes. The RINOs were never there to help the people. They are lying Liberals who registered Republican to destroy the conservative majority. Like Mitt Romney who used religion to convince people he was a conservative good guy, is actually an evil scumbag.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 years ago

Pelosi is a power mad politician. When she was handed the gavel after her party won the election she smiled and said “this represents power”. Even though she is a despicable person she has proved to be a very effective leader. The House has bent to her will time and time again with unanimous Democrat support. She is in real trouble this time with a serious split in her members between woke and moderate members and I hope it torpedoes her so called infrastructure shams. However, I wouldn’t count the old harridan out just yet.

Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
3 years ago

Clueless, Lackluster, Vulnerable, Weak??!!! Did we all forget: “Well, we will just have to pass the bill to see what is in it.”

3 years ago

It would certainly be a blessing to have this woman loose her place at the top, but I won’t hold my breath. She, like so many other long term representatives have the unnerving ability to spring back. The only sure way is to have her lose her seat as a representative of her state…..but as long as the people of California remain burdened with idiocy, she like so many will get reelected, and continue to drive this nation into the ground. Same for Shuman, and all the rest who have been in office far too long….be they democrat or republican….makes no difference.

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