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Is Biden Bringing the U.S. A Nightmare Winter?

Posted on Monday, September 25, 2023
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

Thermometer on snow shows low temperatures

With winter fast approaching, the United States may be headed toward a nightmare scenario where hundreds of thousands of households find themselves without power as frigid temperatures set in as a result of the Biden administration’s war on fossil fuels.

Regional electricity providers are reportedly “begging” the Biden administration to delay the planned retirement of fossil fuel plants as renewable energy sources fall woefully short of meeting current energy demands. The warning comes as Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency is considering a rule that would force natural gas- and coal-fired plants to reduce emissions by 90 percent before 2040 – a demand that would force most to shut down operations entirely.

Lanny Nickell, the executive vice president of Southwest Power Pool, which operates in 14 states, has said it is time “to slow down on the removal” of fossil-fuel power plants. Meanwhile, Tri-State Chief Operating Officer Barry Ingold suggested that wind and solar still need “back up” from fossil fuels. “As we’re taking coal plants offline, our challenge is going to be can you build a gas plant that bridges that gap?” Ingold added.

Dr. Hans Vollmueller, a former Swiss energy policy specialist who advised several European governments, has called Biden’s planned shift to renewables a “gargantuan task” which involves “not just upgrading the power grid, but building it anew with different technologies.”

Even Biden’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seems to understand how unrealistic and risky Biden’s plan is.

In a statement that went almost completely unnoticed by the mainstream media in May, FERC Commissioner Mark Christie said that the United States “is heading for a reliability crisis” in energy production.

“I do not use the term ‘crisis’ for melodrama because it accurately describes what we are facing,” Christie wrote. He also pointed to large backlogs of renewable projects waiting for approval, “cascading retirements” of fossil fuels plants, and an alarming lack of investment in new fossil fuel infrastructure, including natural gas plants.

In its 2023 Global Outlook, Exxon Mobile concluded that in order to meet energy demand, fossil fuels would have to remain “a critical component of a global energy system through 2050,” with coal – the biggest energy bogeyman according to the left – accounting for at least 14 percent of energy production.

Yet despite these dire warnings from industry experts, the Biden administration has continued to pour resources into wind and solar energy projects while taxing and regulating fossil fuels into oblivion.

Currently, the U.S. grid in most cases generates a surplus of energy thanks to fossil fuels. When demand increases, power plants can easily increase power production to meet it.

But as wind and solar become more ubiquitous, the ability to boost supply to meet demand is disappearing. Wind and solar plants can’t make the wind blow any harder or the Sun shine any brighter. They are at the mercy of the weather, and thus so are the American households that rely on them.

The supply crunch is set to become even worse amid Biden’s incessant push to force as many Americans as possible into electric vehicles. Even at the current pace of EV adoption, which is seemingly set to accelerate in the years ahead, the country would need to increase its power production by 10 percent just to keep the lights on and everyone’s EV charged.

Biden has claimed that his administration has a plan that will add more than 47,000 gigawatt-miles of transmission lines by 2035 to meet this added demand. But given that it took 17 years to check all the bureaucratic boxes to commence a project with less than two percent of that capacity, this goal seems borderline fantastical.

One potential solution that the Biden administration has steadfastly ignored is nuclear power. Despite the fact that nuclear is exponentially safer than coal, natural gas, and hydroelectric power generation on a per-unit basis, while also having a relatively minimal impact on the environment, the Biden administration has practically halted the mining of nuclear fuel.

Even if Americans can get enough energy, it’s going to cost them. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, electricity prices rose by 11 percent in 2022 and are expected to rise another 4 percent this year. That increase has translated into the average family spending $2,800 more per year in energy costs on average.

Much of this cost increase is due to the fact that new renewable power projects are enormously expensive. According to Utility Dive, the cost to connect wind and solar power plants to the grid is “sharply higher than for natural gas-fired power plants.”

The cost of new regulations added by the Biden administration have also caused prices to skyrocket. Overall, the average cost to connect a new power plant to the grid soared by 728 percent from 2020 to 2022. Consumers are feeling that increase directly in their checkbook.

With the Biden administration showing no signs of heeding the warnings of energy industry experts, the United States could be headed for a worst-case scenario.

In 2021, the failure of renewable power sources in part led to mass power outages in Texas during the winter months that left more than 240 people dead. Without a serious course correction, such tragedies may become commonplace in the years ahead.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 year ago

Joe Biden is a LIVING NIGHTMARE and will CONTINUE to be so as long as He inhabits the White House!

1 year ago

I’m sure Biden and all the rich legislators will have heat in their homes. Biden and the progressives put policy before people. They really don’t care.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Just like carter did 50 years ago. turn your thermostat down to 66, drive 55, and pay double for everything due to shortages, inflation,and interest rates.

Democrats just suck.

1 year ago

Biden does not care about the citizens of the United States. He will be warm and able to cook his meals, therefore, why bother about the “peasants”. That is what we are to him – unfortunately, the U. S. is now a socialist/communist country where the leaders get all and the citizens (peasants) get nothing and hurt. He needs to go and he needs to be tried for his acts against the country, which to my mind, are treason.

Scott L
Scott L
1 year ago

The madness that mandates increased demand for electricity while simultaneously reducing supply will wreak destruction on America the likes of which Hitler could only dream.

1 year ago

I am from Montana. We had hard winters and sometimes the power was out. I also lived in the mountains in New Mexico and we had power-outs a lot and were snowed in a few times. Gas stove will still work for awhile if you have wooden matches to light the burners. don’t set your self or your place on fire. Your BBQ will work if you have those little charcoal things and the starter fluid. If you have a gas furnace, know how to light the pilot.
My advice is prepare. We have no clue how far these destroyers of our way of life will go. We already experienced some pretty bad governmental behavior during COVID.
Search your local thrift stores for heavier coats, sweaters, hunting socks. Having a camp stove and some propane bottles. Find a camp stove you can use indoors.
Have emergency food that is easy to prepare. Make a plan for your animals. House dogs and cats might need a sweater too or extra bedding. Have emergency water and other drinks in case your pipes freeze. Even those who live in city apartments can do disaster planning. You might have a stack of boxes in your living room, but it’s better than starving in the cold.
Cold weather without heat can be survived if you plan for it. Have emergency lanterns and flashlights, extra batteries and a charging cord you can use in your car. Have a stash of pet food – they need to eat too. Toilet paper and kleenex is a good thing to stash as is a first aid kit.Try to get an extra refill on necessary prescriptions too if you can.I bought a small camping solar panel that I can set in the sun and charge lanters, flashlights our phones and my vapes. Gotta have those. Keep you gas tanks full!
As long as no one nukes us into a smokin’ hole, we can get through whatever s**tstorm the biden admin sends down the pike. Don’t forget ammo, but that is probably preaching to the choir. Home defense is also a topic to consider. Hungry people do terrible things. I had a friend once with an apartment on the second floor with stairs to her door. She was not a gun person but she kept a can of easy-off oven spray by her door in case of intruders. Wasp spray works well too and it goes really far! We may be forced into defending home and food stashes. Lots of talk about food shortages. We already saw the trial run of that a couple years ago.
Maybe I sound crazy to some of you, but some will know I am mostly correct. 🙂

1 year ago

Biden is not a dictator. He can’t make laws and it is way past time for Congress to reduce the power of the executive branch to pass and enforce laws & regulations without congressional approval. Agency regulations and enforcement is contrary to democracy where only elected officials hold that responsibility.

1 year ago

Just another part of Biden’s plan to destroy the United States. I don’t know why Democrats hate this country so much but they will totally destroy it if they stay in office. They’ll kill off half the population and hopefully the other half will rise up and kill off the Democrats. They are a domestic terrorist group and need to be eliminated, not defeated they need to be eliminated

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

I have not unloaded on the platform for a good while now been setting back watching the fireworks. But we are back and here goes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Biden is a LIVING NIGHTMARE and will CONTINUE to be so as long as He inhabits the White House!
Biden does not care about the citizens of the United States. He will be warm and able to cook his meals, therefore, why bother about the “peasants”. That is what we are to him.
Biden and all the rich legislators will have heat in their numerous homes. Biden and the liberal progressives put policy before people. They really don’t care.
” NO THEY DON’T and why do we just now realize this”? President Trump is a moving target he never stands still he is in more places in this country in one week than OLD MAN BEDEN will be in the next 10 months. Bedens handlers are not up to the task I guarantee. But they have the cash from the CCP to delve out to the masses to buy votes. It is amazing to me that Trump is ahead by as much as he is today. I am certain in the coming months his lead will increase by 10 to 15 points OR MORE in ALL POLLS. That is what will shut them down. Seeing the light at the end of the TUNNEL AND THAT LIGHT IS REALITY AND TRUTH ONCE AGAIN.
What is interesting and kind of encouraging, I am reading and hearing rumblings from the NE. from contacts, friends and family that are up in that region of the country and they are feed up with this DOLT, and his dumb*** family telling them how to live.
If it ain’t broke don’t spend billions trying to fix it. Pretty simplistic actually. Leave the Fossil fuels group/people alone, supply and demand will govern what takes place in the next 10 years as it has for the last 250 years. Why are there gas stations on every corner “supply and demand folks”, Why are there not enough electric vehicle charging stations across the country ( Per 60 Minutes report on Sunday evening ) “Supply and demand folks”.
Why did Boeing build the biggest Air transport planes in history, both Civilian and Military? ” SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOLKS ”
The words that come out of that OLD MAN’s mouth are NUMBER 1 – placed there by others. But overall, they are words that have very little meaning beginning now and for the next 10 months. That stupid idiot that sits in the oval office up there is a pure nothing, less than a GHOST. A manipulated PUPPET that can barely get out of bed in the mornings. Someone other than the BEDEN’s are running this LIBERAL DOG AND PONY SHOW. “”” EVER SEEN THE FILM ( WAG THE DOG ) “””that is exactly what is going on now and has been for 3 years. Amazing that Hollywood set the theme and the script for this administration to follow some 20 years ago. Stay on course people stay on course,
Trump can and will prevail. I had my doubts but seeing the numbers now I recognize that he is back and on a fast track. Now watch the Democrats as they begin to gnaw on each other, as they realize they may be out the door in 14 months. My fear is they will destroy the country by next May to prevent Trump from defeating them again. AND BLAME IT ALL ON HIM. If Trump wins and does nothing but sit in the OVAL OFFICE and Smile, it would be better than what has occurred with this administration.

1 year ago

This is Communism…every act is totalitarian..make people suffer and they will continue till they have complete control..just like China, N Korea, Russia.

1 year ago

All I can say is elections have consequences (even manipulated ones) and everything that has gone horribly wrong over the last 2 1/2 years would have NEVER happened if Trump was still in the White House. If people die this winter due to either a lack of electricity or energy sources to keep them warm, you can chalk that up as another mission accomplished in the Biden ledger. The globalists want a greatly reduced population is virtually all countries around the world, so people dying here from the heat or cold is as an acceptable method as any to them.

Europe as a whole routinely has tens of thousands of deaths a year since the leaders of those countries bought into the man-made climate change scheme and made due to lack of either air conditioning in the summer or adequate heat in the winter. The electrical grids all across Europe have become less and less stable and reliable, since the EU declared full speed ahead on shutting down natural gas and nuclear power plants. Energy costs have increased 5X in the last 15 years across Europe. Trump understood all this, which is why he refused to sign onto the ludicrous Paris Climate Accords. Of course, one of the first things Biden did upon being installed in office was to join that mutually assured suicide pact known as the Paris Climate Accords and immediately cripple our domestic energy industry. Energy prices, inflation and an unstable power grid have all followed and we are still not caught up to the prices our European counterparts pay. As I said, elections have consequences.

1 year ago

It has been proven that solar and wind power is not producing enough power. Cost to install solar panels and windmills far outweigh the power that it produces. Many people will feel the cold or feel the high cost of this idiotic plan. Instead of phasing in alternative power sources ole Joe just went cold turkey. The American people will feel the effect of this idiotic plan. Does ole Joe care? Or listen to the experts? No, only we the people have to obey the experts as far as the COVID vaccine goes. And the so called climate change.Why? To make America a third world country and make the middleclass poor and thereby dependent on the government. A communist tactic.

1 year ago

Joe and his cronies pulling the strings are pushing us all closer to the brink of disaster.especially in the energy department. If you liked 2023, you are going to LOVE next year. What he hasn’t screwed up by now, he will fix next year. It is not too late, but we better make sure someone that is not a democrat occupies the White House next term. This all began with Obama and Joe is just putting the finishing touches of the road to socialism. To all the people who voted for Biden: Are you happy now?

1 year ago

Executive orders should be eliminated, only used in acts of war time if our shores or land is bombed or invaded. Wait our borders are being breached as we speak and congress needs to start doing their job and quit pandering to the Executive office.
Congress passed and President Obama signed the bill into law to build the wall on our southern border. When Trump was in he started to build that wall and now that material is being sold at a great loss because of Biden. Biden also sold our oil reserves to known enemies, has not replenished the reserves and now restricting our lowest cost of energy that took decades to be efficient, create jobs, tax revenues from corporations and individual earnings, thereby destroying our economy and making us vulnerable.
CONGRESS PLEASE GET TO WORK AND DO YOUR JOB! EACH ONE OF YOU MADE A PLEDGE TO UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION not a pledge to the Republican, Democrat, Independant, or any other party. You alone are responsible for keeping your pledge honorable.

1 year ago

Just saw this on whatfinger: ‘Biden was installed in order to make controlled demolition look like incompetence’. The left is animated by hate. If they can drive us out of our single family homes and gas powered cars they will be happy for a millisecond, then back to hate.

Sam Adams
Sam Adams
1 year ago

Yeah, this should teach all the New England liberals a lesson! Then again, they won’t learn, they are Marxist Democrats with their heads up their a____

1 year ago

Population control… George Bush Sr. extolling the “New World Order” in his presidential acceptance speech “We must usher in the New World Order”…over 60 million unborn American citizens slaughtered in the “name of choice”. 15,000 grandpas and grandmas died during covid in New York when Cuomo put covid positive patients in nursing homes. Illegals pouring in (who will no doubt be given the “vote” because the left will be handing out freebies). Our non-existent border has nothing to do with humanity and all to do with the destruction of this Constitutional Republic. Nancy Pelosi: “should be able to vote.”
Barak Hussein Obama was Biden’s “president” for 8 long interminable years…the same Hussein who first attempted to obliterate our borders. The same Hussein seen “visiting” the Biden White House numerable times. The same Hussein who in his first two books made it clear his hatred for this nation…our nation is in danger of extinction and it’s just begun. This once Constitutional Republic must be destroyed at all costs. It’s not part of their “plan”. Those familiar with the Bibles description of the end times might be seeing the future.

1 year ago

Democrats say the planet is over populated don’t you know this!

So we need people to freeze, and starve, we need more abortions, and 0more war. and We need more sodomites (who don’t reproduce) and more trans (who not only don’t reproduce but have the added bonus in that they kill themselves!)
We also need more druggies, and murders, and more assisted suicide.
Its the only way we will survive. Ya know, killing ourselves, our young, and our future generations. Or very least dying horrible deaths of starvation and privation.
Its the Democrat way….Uh.. I mean for you that is.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Yes he is for those in the NE
They voted for him Reap the reward
Fund Nuclear OK

1 year ago

If they want to retire fossil fuel, then our fossil president needs to be retired ASAP. Again, I think the hidden agenda is to rid America of its population–the aged, the poor, and those who don’t agree with the Democrats and Liberals.

1 year ago

More people die from the cold than the heat, Learn from Germany and Texas, Merkel shut down the Nuke plants (dismantled) to go with Putin’s Natural Gas deal, Putin cuts the gas flow, people froze, no Nukes for back-up, they went back to coal. Texas fell for the Global Warming Hype, not winterizing their power plants, an unforeseen winter storm (high winds lots of snow, low temps) hit Texas hard. No sun= no solar, high winds= no wind mills !! Their back-up Fossil Fuel plants had frozen up. Learn from HISTORY or REPEAT IT= WISE WORDS Pass this on to Dementia Joe, he can’t remember what he had for breakfast.

1 year ago

Biden is an idiot. He is being controlled by someone. Wish we could find out who is actually doing this to America. I believe they got him into office as they knew he could be told what to do. I am tired of how we the People are being treated.

1 year ago

My heart is breaking under the communist rule of this regime.

1 year ago

Biden and the Democrats don’t care how many people die in order for Biden’s legacy being… He saved the planet! These leftist fools think they are gods! That’s the Marxist mentality. If millions die for the good of the planet, it’s worth it to them, those millions were just collateral damage but we saved the planet! Disgusting fools!!!

1 year ago

the leader of the free world is a clueless buffoon.

1 year ago

We should all refuse to buy electric cars and definitely don’t agree to mask up again. We need to make a stand. And if you’re a Democrat, don’t be stupid. The Left is not on your side.

1 year ago

Hillary sold much of our uranium to Russia, never forget !

1 year ago

If you are not preparing the home and family, then yes, FJB is going to bring you a nightmare. 100% your choice.

1 year ago

Is he aka Nicolie Carpathia?

1 year ago

what happened in Texas was a wake up call. Few seem to have fully absorbed the lesson.

1 year ago

There is nothing the average American can do to alter this undeucated course of events. It is a Congressional concern and they need to oppose ANY “climate” related change this administration is trying to make.

Marc Ziegler.
Marc Ziegler.
1 year ago

Biden and the mob syndicate they call the Democratic Party, which ever since its inception, has always been on the wrong side of every issue. The fake doctrine of “Climate Change” has been pushed by Biden and the Dem’s to point now that it will start being deadly, especially for the elderly. The blood of many people freezing to death because of limited supply of oil, will be squarely put on Biden while he is warm and toasty in all his illegally bought mansions!

1 year ago

Just another example of how the present incompetent, lying and in your face regime are trying to take our country down and don’t give a damn about us in the least bit…they got to go and never have a say in our great republic ever again. Idiot communist socialists!

Debra Reynolds
Debra Reynolds
1 year ago

Thank you for this article. The situation is dire, and worsening.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I just filled up my little 94 Ford Ranger… for $50 when three years ago it was about $25. Later today, I need to put gas in my Mom’s car for her… probably cost the same. So AMAC monitors I think I toned down my REAL feelings when I say… FICK BUDEN!

1 year ago

You can’t fix stupid!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

I’m fairly protected at least for this winter. I live in a very rural setting and have propane I use primarily for milder temps and a large airtight woodstove to use in really cold weather. In early summer I asked for and obtained a contract price for propane so the price propane was at the time is now locked in until summer 2024. Anyone else out there using Propane, call your company to see if its not too late to also set a contract price
As for getting a woodstove…….where I live it paid for itself in 4 seasons over using propane alone (and occasionally using a baseboard electric heater in the bathroom for showers and such).I highly recommend wood heat but for you that depends on the availability and price of cord wood

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Since Dictator Beijing biden has cut ALL production of Coal, Oil and Natural Gas through 2024, we can expect continuing Very High Priced Utilities. Especially, this winter, a lot of people will FREEZE TO DEATH. So much for the Global Warming lie.
Instead of keeping our Energy Independence under President Trump, we will SUFFER and be MORE BROKE and MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE under Dictator Beijing biden’s Global Warming lies.
Just like Dictator Beijing biden is WASTING and SENDING OUR TAX DOLLARS to poor, third-world countries as “Climate Reparations.”
As usual, Dictator Beijing biden puts America LAST.

Richard Stewart
Richard Stewart
1 year ago

Another indication that this administration has no concept on how to manage change or “follow the science”, unless it suits their agenda. Incremental change is required in order to manage, and react to, the multitude of potential unexpected consequences hidden in a complex problem. Sad!

1 year ago

Biden and his henchmen will continue to do any and all actions that will cause harm and hardships to America and the American citizens! I guess the their followers aren’t smart enough to realize they will suffer with the rest of us!

1 year ago

How great! The Senile in Chief wants us to depend on windmills and Chinese solar panels to power the Chinese batteries in our EVs and operate our households. Just for the record, here in NJ we are on our third day without sun. I wonder how much energy those solar panels are creating. This administration has us on a steep ramp to the bottom.

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

This defies common sense. The rational way to do it is, as non-fossil fuel sources become available an equal amount of fossil fuel sources would been required to be shut down. A smooth sane transition.

1 year ago

I’m so frustrated. I’m in my 80’s & I’ve never seen a President & Congress so bent on destroying this nation. Worse, no one seems to be doing a thing about it except complain or act infuriated! Surely there is a way to stop this outrageous spending. Sending billions of dollars and military equipment to nations that hate us does not seem like sound policy to me, but all I hear is ‘talk!’ I don’t seen any action! Threats! That’s another one, the government talking about changing to a digits dollar & destroying any semblance of privacy (what little is left) in our lives. We’re being invaded, and the Democrats are supporting the Invaders! But again, all I hear is talk, no action…I hate to look at the news anymore. It’s disgusting.

1 year ago

As the dems push toward more reliance on wind and solar, thousands will die with the next weather event. California couldn’t provide enough power to its residents and forced brownouts and blackouts as a result. Imagine what can happen when the temperature dips below zero in CA or TX. If the states see this happening, I should hope they will do whatever it takes to keep their citizens alive. Meaning…disregard the mandates of the left and turn fossil fuel power plants back into full operation.

James A Bolfer
James A Bolfer
1 year ago

Biden lives in La La Land and his puppet masters are having a blast. Everything is going as planned. This country is being run by people who do not give a dam about the American people.

1 year ago

I enjoyed your article and agree with the premise you cite.
Please understand thatt his group of clowns in Washington do not care what additional burdens and costs they force upon the Real Citizens of America, its power, money and the marxist democrat party’s agenda of Our Country’s destruction that they desire!

1 year ago

When we stop asking federals for permission and start going about our business as we see fit, then this ridiculous federal over-reach ends.

1 year ago

If all the energy producers would get together and tell the federal government to go pound sand in a rat hole due to their unreasonable restrictions, we wouldn’t have a problem. The very first city to be cut off if there is an energy shortage should be Washington, D.C.. Of course the climate change folks could just go and sit in their electric vehicles with the heaters on until they run out of energy. Maybe we can all build hamster wheels and produce our own energy. I’m sure Ocasio or Kamala or a climate czar will figure it out. They certainly wouldn’t want us to freeze in the winter. Would they? OR….we all could storm the southern border…from the opposite direction. After all, it’s warm down there.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

joe biden is Joe Btfslk from the Al Capp cartoons.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

He is only a face of a nightmare and another is probably already picked up to replace his Could be scarier

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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