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House Speaker Vote Good for America, Bad for Tlaib and her “Squad”

Posted on Friday, October 27, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
New House Speaker Mike Johnson speaking after his election

For thousands of years, Jews have been persecuted and murdered by antisemites who falsely claimed the Jews brought the attacks on themselves by their own conduct. This lie has surfaced again after Hamas’ barbaric October 7th assault and massacre. The Iran-proxy terrorist group continues to fire thousands of rockets into Israel, which continues to defend itself and has vowed to annihilate the genocidal entity.

While Israel continues to be attacked, and as pro-Hamas mobs have been demonstrating around the world, for the last three weeks Americans have also been watching the chaos of the House of Representatives as the GOP had a very public fight choosing a new Speaker after booting Rep. Kevin McCarthy from the job. Finally, this week Representative Mike Johnson was elected as the 56th Speaker of the House. Speaker Johnson told the media that there would now be an “aggressive schedule in the days and weeks ahead,” and he wasn’t kidding. First out of the gate was an important and simple resolution—HR 771, affirming America’s support of Israel and condemning Hamas’ terrorist attacks.

Shamefully, some far-left congressional Democrats have joined the Israel-bashing chorus of Hamas, Muslim nations, the United Nations, the left-wing media and others. This comes even though 32 Americans were murdered Oct. 7 during the terrorist attack on Israel, and with at least 12 Americans believed to be among hostages Hamas is holding in the Gaza Strip.

Most members of Congress are supporting Israel following the unprovoked surprise terrorist attack. The House voted Wednesday for the resolution titled, “Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists” which passed by a vote of 412 to 10 with six members abstaining. The resolution says the House “stands with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas” and “condemns Hamas’ brutal war against Israel.” It says Hamas should “cease these violent attacks” and release all hostages.

Never in my life could I have imagined any member of our Congress voting “no” on a resolution supporting an ally, but even more so condemning a savage, inhuman attack on unarmed civilians including infants and children, pregnant women, the disabled, and the elderly. But we didn’t have just one, we had ten voting “no,” and then equally as disgusting were the six who abstained. How do you abstain from condemning genocide?

Not surprisingly, one of those voting against the resolution was Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., a leading opponent of Israel in Congress. She often makes note of her “Palestinian” heritage and behaves as though she is more concerned with representing Palestinians and demonizing Israel than with representing the people of her district.

Moreover, this week the Jerusalem Post reported the Canary Mission, a group committed to fighting antisemitism, issued a report revealing disturbing claims of campaign finance links between Tlaib, Hamas-linked organizations, and activists. The Post reported, “The group states that Tlaib used the Facebook group PAC-USA (Palestinian American Congress-USA), for her congressional campaign. This group, Canary said, shared pro-terrorism, antisemitic, and Nazi propaganda content. The group no longer exists but had over 12,000 members in June 2020,” said the newspaper. “Moreover, Tlaib allegedly hired the founder of the group as the chairman of her campaign’s Finance Committee…”

The Canary report itself states: “Canary Mission can confirm that Rashida Tlaib has extensive fundraising ties to Hamas supporters. She employed no less than three Hamas-linked activists to fundraise for her 2018 election campaign, one of whom spent 8 months in prison for his alleged connections to Hamas.”

Democratic House members (many with long anti-Israel records) also voting against the pro-Israel/anti-Hamas resolution were “Squad” members and more: Reps. Jamaal Bowman of New York, Andre Carson of Indiana, Cori Bush of Missouri, Al Green of Texas, Summer Lee of Pennsylvania, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Delia Ramirez of Illinois. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., also opposed the resolution.

The six Democrats voting “present” were: Reps. Greg Casar and Joaquin Castro of Texas, Nydia Velázquez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Jesús “Chuy” Garcia of Illinois and Pramila Jayapal of Washington state (chair of the far-left Congressional Progressive Caucus).

Tlaib endorsed a propaganda claim by Hamas last week promoting the now internationally debunked Hamas claim that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza and killed 500 Palestinians. Despite the United States confirming the rocket was launched by Islamic Jihad, Tlaib has called for an independent investigation, saying: “I cannot uncritically accept Israel’s denial of responsibility as fact.” Tlaib continues to victim -blame insisting Hamas’ “resistance” (Tlaib’s euphemism for bloodthirsty terrorism) is the fault of Israel because of its treatment of Palestinians. This is absurd.

Meanwhile, at the notorious snake pit of Jew-hating also known as the United Nations, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has taken much the same position as Tlaib. He said Tuesday that “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. was so outraged by the victim-blaming that he demanded Guterres “resign immediately.” But to no one’s surprise, Guterres didn’t step down.

When certain members of Congress vote “no” or abstain on a resolution condemning terrorism and violence against Jews, a very specific message is sent  to the terrorists and thugs of the world—that genocidal mass murder is an acceptable act against not just Israel, but Jews everywhere. Sixteen American congressmembers refused to condemn a level of inhuman violence worthy of prehistoric beasts. Yes, it was an attack against Jews, but in its genocidal savagery, rank barbarism, and the desire for it to metastasize and infect the rest of the civilized world, Hamas’ actions are no less than a crime against humanity.

On the shameful vote of Tlaib and the others who voted no on the resolution, Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee told Brian Kilmeade on Fox Radio:

Those nine Democrats are a complete disgrace. Cori Bush comes from my home state. She advocates for defunding the police. The city she represents, in my home state, per capita, has more murders than anywhere else in the United States. These people are not rational. They want to destroy our society and they promote propaganda that is as fake news as you possibly can find. The fact that they’re harboring and supporting terrorists who have killed more Jewish people since the Holocaust is absolutely unacceptable and these people do not deserve to serve in the halls of Congress.

Now that the House has its new speaker, it appears two Democrats will be facing censure votes. A resolution to censure Congressman Jamaal Bowman, responsible for pulling the fire alarm at the Capitol complex, has been introduced, as has one for Tlaib. Both face possible removal from committee assignments. Considering the violence and chaos unfolding here and around the world, losing committee assignments is the least they deserve. They certainly do not deserve to hold any position involved in determining this nation’s future.

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11 months ago

Only American born citizens should be allowed in congress. All foreigners in congress need to be removed immediately!!

USN Retired
USN Retired
11 months ago

Regardless of religious beliefs and stance, we must support Israel as the stabilizing force in the Middle East. People supporting demise of Israel need to pack their bags and leave America. They are ignorant sheep supporting the collapse of freedom, whether they realize it or not.

11 months ago

Treason pure and simple. All who support Hamas should be arrested and sent to the Muslim nation of their choice. Just get them out of my country.

Diane Slider
Diane Slider
11 months ago

Why in the world are these 10 still representing ANYONE in USA. All of these American haters need to be reported along with the 8 million! Trump…do it!!!! First order of business!

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

House Speaker Mike Johnson is Very Good for the United States and is a man of GOD.

11 months ago

How do all these anti American people keep getting elected. Is this more destroy America from Soros and Obama? It is very disturbing that they enjoy the benefits of our country as the strive to destroy it. Maybe they need the same treatment we would offer hamas.

11 months ago

When will everyone understand that there is no Palestinian people? There never was a nation of Palestine.Those calling themselves Palestinians are the poor and uneducated that other Arab countries, including Jordan and Egypt, kicked out. And again now, proving their bias, these countries are refusing to let the Gaza refugees into their countries and allowing Hamas to use them as human shields. Jesus, a Jew walked the same land at least 600 years before Islam even existed (circa 600 A.D. Mohammed established that religion — in the Dark Ages!) Now the “Palestinians” are very useful scapegoats for Arab potentates — people like Arafat (Egyptian) and Hamas leaders got very rich off the monies donated to help the refugees,money that was supposed to provide for a better quality of life for them. And, of course, Israel is their biggest scapegoat, their reason to raise money which I’d bet, they are pocketing. How else do they live so richly in Quatar? This history needs to be shouted loud and clear. It is time the Chosen People are no longer chosen to be hated.

Dave Mahan
Dave Mahan
11 months ago

First, nothing the squad and stupid Al Greene does is a surprise. They are some of the most brain damaged people in Congress. But Thomas Massie?! Maybe the good people of Kentucky need to look for someone much better to represent them.

Larry Lee
Larry Lee
11 months ago
  • Both of these people should be permanently removed from their committee assignments. They should never have another assignment on any committee.
Mary Ann
Mary Ann
11 months ago

Ilhan Omar, D-MN, is the most disgusting of them all. She married her own brother to allow him to enter the USA. Although this is well-known, nothing has been done about it. She should be kicked out of the country for violating immigration policy.

David Coe
David Coe
11 months ago

Rep. Tlaib and her cohorts need to be immediately censored thus sending Irag, Hamas, and all those who want to destroy not only Israel but the United States a clear message. “We will not stand for genocide, we will not stand for anti-semitism- we will defend our allies, the Jewish Nation of Israel.

11 months ago

This is America…why are these foreign terrorists part of any American decision making process that makes laws for US citizens. They were voted in is no answer. A stronger more robust background should have revealed their political allegiances, their connections to terrorist groups, and their anti-American position. Sorry liberals, democrats, and RINO’s, voting is not reliable and so convoluted that the election of these guttersnipe slime should never have happened. All in the name of diversity we are allowing America to be taken over by the these uneducated cretins. Time to return to majority rule.

Ruth Robeson
Ruth Robeson
11 months ago

Right On, Tammy! I have shared your article with my friends and connections. It is time to shut these radicals down and send them to a place where their loyalties lie.

11 months ago

Please Deport the Squad..Hate America/Violating the Oath Taken..(Didtheysign) Remove Them To Any other Country of their Choice

11 months ago

I’m curious, did the families of Tlaib and Omar come to this country in order to make it like the country they left or to give their children better opportunities?? These Squad members think they are so cute sitting up there bashing Israel when they did nothing but defend themselves!! Anyone who is a supporter of terrorists should definitely NOT hold any office in the land, none!! If they don’t like that, they can leave and go hang with their terrorists bffs!!! I don’t appreciate you coming over here and trying to change our way of life in our country!! You are free to continue yours unless you decide to force it on us – haven’t you learned anything from the woke campaigns and how they actually affected people?? Your ideologies don’t align with ours and any religion that tells you to kill anyone, much less infidels, is not welcome here!! Christians feel that an infidel might just be that person who needs enlightenment instead of killing!!! Gods should not be cruel and merciless, Gods are compassionate, kind, fair and trustworthy!!

11 months ago

Mike Johnson is a breath of fresh air. A man of integrity and living by His beliefs.

11 months ago

The quad should be expelled from congress and deported to Gaza.

Robert Kappenberg
Robert Kappenberg
11 months ago

After 9/11 we should never allow a Muslim on USA soil and one that are here should of been rounded up and deported. This includes those who are citizens for they don’t assimilate and refuse to be part of American culture.

John Noonan
John Noonan
11 months ago

It is my opinion they should be impeached. We can not have anti semetism or hate coming from so called leaders

Sharon K Danks
Sharon K Danks
11 months ago

We must not allow these people who came here from lousy countries to influence our policies in any way. Let them go back if they are not happy. They should not be allowed to run for office.

Ralph S
Ralph S
11 months ago

Kick the UN out of America! I would suggest Antarctica, but that would be an awful trick to pull on the penguins.

11 months ago

These folks are a cancer to America, slowing eating away at the heart of our country. They are racist, socialistic, and many times anti-american in their policies. They have no solutions but to burn down America and replace it with their rules and dictatorship.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

We support UN which is openly anti Semitic and anti American Through them we support terrorism against us What is wrong with this picture I won’t be opening champagne yet to celebrate a new speaker if the agenda stays the same As the saying says I’ll believe it when I see it

11 months ago

If they were under Sharia law, as I understand it, they would not be a part of a governing body because they are female. They would be very limited in their freedom to come and go without an escort in their daily routine. Is that what how they want to live? Thank the Good Lord that I was born in the USA!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
11 months ago

Lt. Beale, you are 100% correct. Tlaib and Omar are dangerous haters who want to destroy our Constitutional Republic.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

As fars as I’m concerned, the Squad are no better than Osama bin Laden. They get away with their BS because the Democrat Party lets them. Why? They believe what they do but they know actually SAYING IT has electoral ramifications for them. As far as those wannabe Nazis marching down the street with, as Biden put it, literal “veins bulging in their necks”, I’m all for the 1st Am. but this is INTIMIDATION just like when they were screaming outside SCOTUS homes. Nobody would support actual Nazis doing the same; neither should we their CLONES.

11 months ago

Maybe we ought to relocate many of the illegal immigrants Biden is importing into this country into Tlaib’s & Omar’s Muslim enclaves to offer “diversity” their to their communities. If anyone believes that there can be a 2 state solution as long as Hamas is representing the Palestinians should take a saliva test. The Hamas Charter demands the destruction of Israel. There is an old saying that the Jewish people have said since the end of WWII, “never again”. Hamas is soon going to understand that statement when they are all wiped out by Israel. Hamas has violated every code of human decency and anyone who supports them should suffer the same fate.

Terry Brinker
Terry Brinker
11 months ago

These people need to be voted out of office. Both Bowman and Tlaib need to be censured and removed from committee assignments. Actions must have consequences.

11 months ago

These people are not Americans. They have not assimilated but work for their country of birth. I never understood how Tlaib could be elected and then be re-elected. Just to show how nice we are to foreigners? Give me a break these 16 should be voted out. Be censured or even be impeached. The 91 charges they heaped on Trump cannot be compared what Tlaib especially but the rest of the a15 did by voting no or abstain from voting, they just aided the enemy and that is a federal offense. Where is the DOJ where is Garland and most of all where is ole Joe. But it is all okay with him because he is supporting both sides, is that out of stupidity? After all he reads what they put in front of him including the period at the end of a sentence. Where are we, at the dawn of a world war? I hope not but fear the worst.
The UN and many western countries are standing with Hamas. Klaus Schwab has warned us a great change is coming and there is nothing we can do about it. It is a great plan put together many years ago and we are in the last phase to become reality.

J. Fetter
J. Fetter
11 months ago

Agree. Can’t stand how we have people in Congress who hate us. How does that happen? Only people who are born and true Americans should be on any government position.

Terry Whote
Terry Whote
11 months ago

Bowman should be forced out if congress. What he did was a felony in all states, but he is being charged with a possible 6 month sentence for a misdemeanor. That’s BS. Tleib should be forced out of Congress and deported back to her country of origin where she can play footsie with hamas and her taliban buddies!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
11 months ago

Those people in the Congress and & Senate who voted against HR771 should be expelled from the Congress and or Senate. and any member who has anti-semetic beliefs or endorses Sharia law or any Terrorist organization should be arrested and thrown in jail and charged with Tyranny…..

11 months ago

Claims made using generalities such as “they committed acts of violence” is easily verified by demanding each act of violence be named and any available evidence of is displayed and publicized. This goes for all alarming and accusation-type statements. Get them to show specific instances of it.
That’s the only way to break down an attack like this.

A Voter
A Voter
11 months ago

You can rant and rave all you want about these individuals, but remember, al lot of SOMEBODIES voted FOR them, or they would not be in congress. So never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
11 months ago

They’re bad enough, but what’s it say about those who elected them? There lies the Real problem.

11 months ago

I can not believe this is happening in our country. It is insanity. My heart goes out to the Jewish community. Millions more of us support Israel than will ever side with the Palestinian Hamas derelicts.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Oh but make sure they wrap themselves in Rainbow flags so they’ll see the REAL Islam.

11 months ago

Agree 100%!

Jerry Allen Dexter
Jerry Allen Dexter
11 months ago

They should be tried for treason! They love our enemies!

11 months ago

What’s “funny” about the list of Democrats mentioned in this article is the question of how they were elected and re-elected for their districts. I can only speak for Bowman’s district and I know that he is dissatisfied many of his constitutes with his stunts in his protest actions. he is getting enough emails and whatever negative complaints that his staff can’t hide the information and merely send out form letters of an acknowledgment as answers because he has had to tone down his retorts. And he’s the mild progressive of the Squad. So unless there’s a tremendous push of first-time voters who just registered, ( a typical Democrat ploy) the regular voters are not OKAY with him. The problem lies with getting the truth out there about who can vote and how to register to vote, especially since NYS has made it tremendously easy to register and to vote.PROVIDED you are a citizen, have a legal address, and have registered in time to vote. Right now they are spreading the story that one can walk into a polling place, register, and vote on the voting machine. totally leaving out the fact that you have to have the required information of your identity verified for your vote, which will be by AFFIDAVIT BALLOT verified to have that vote counted unless you get a court order allowing you to vote on the machine. The Democrats are denying this information as necessary

11 months ago

Talib was born in Detroit to immigrants coming from Palestine. Omar was a refugee from Somalia and comes from Minnesota where many Muslims are living thanks to Obama. My observation brought my opinion of the two and others like them that they may be natural or naturalized US citizens, but they are NOT Americans. They have not embraced the history or culture of this country. They have no place in US Congress. The US is guilty of some things but what significantly comes to mind is the generous admittance of those who will never identify as an American citizens. Those pushing to change our US Constitution, change and disregard the laws of this country should be ousted.

11 months ago

They should be EXPELLED and barred from holding any gvt. office/positions anywhere in US. Stripped of any way to work at a school board, local town etc. Maybe McDonalds will hire them. Bet if they were audited and investigated- they’d find possible traitor/sold out. This includes Omar, (especially since she violated Immigration law by marrying her brother- she should be expelled out of the US) AOC Bowman Bush Tlaib Pressly- the entire “squad’. Not the first time they have inspired hate, repeated lies, supports and supported BLM/Antifa! Come on Repub. Grow a spine!!!

11 months ago

It is going to take a monumental effort to turn this American impending disaster around. The Progressive socio fascist Democrats have had free reign for so long in our educational system, government, social media etc. meanwhile conservatives have been of the attitude, “live and let live” not realizing the danger….Even now the party is disjointed as so many are RINO. Good Luck America….your going to need it.

Thomas F. Olszewski
Thomas F. Olszewski
11 months ago

Get em out of congress.

11 months ago

I haven’t heard anyone sound as genuine and solid in a very long time. Mike Johnson could be the magic that Republicans have been missing since Trump moved out of the White House.

FJB Trump Won
FJB Trump Won
11 months ago

You have to ask yourself, “If the USA is such a bad place, why does nearly everyone on Earth want to move here?”

11 months ago

Give these little commie infidels the royal boot!

Pontiac Paul
Pontiac Paul
11 months ago

I live in Massachusetts, Welcome to my world. The things they do here will make your head spin!!!!

11 months ago

Why are we allowing this in our government. This is bad. These people hate America but we allow them in
Congress. Duh we must be stupid. I think they should be gone ASAP! Bowman should be in jail and the only reason he isn’t is because Democrats are in power.

11 months ago

Yes I agree. Please go back to your toilet countries you hailed from. Leave us alone in the land of the free and home of the brave.

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