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Fascist Terrorism Towards Israel is Not Protected by Freedom of Speech

Posted on Friday, May 3, 2024
by Tammy Bruce
columbia anti israel protests

Disgusting Jew-hating anti-Israel lawbreakers acting like fascist thugs by disrupting U.S. college campuses need to learn a lesson: Freedom of speech gives you the right to peacefully express your opinions, but not to impose them on others and deprive others of their rights.

Some colleges finally began teaching this lesson by allowing arrests of those spewing genocidal chants against the Jewish people while making it impossible for the universities to function. 109 agitators were arrested Tuesday night at Columbia University in New York City where the protests began two weeks ago. At this writing, Axios reports there have been 1300 arrests of protestors at 40 campuses nationwide.

Setting up illegal encampments on campuses, students joined by outside agitators have forced classes to go virtual or be cancelled entirely for hundreds of thousands of students, prompted cancellation of commencement ceremonies, vandalized property, occupied college buildings and threatened Jewish students. 

Protesters have cited Israel’s conduct in its defensive war with Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip as justification for their actions. They have demanded their universities halt investments in Israel and in companies doing business with Israel, end academic cooperation with Israeli universities, and call for Israel to stop fighting Hamas.

It has, however, become increasingly clear that what has been happening on college campuses, while cloaked as “protests,” have in reality been concerted and organized efforts to terrorize and deprive Jewish students of the freedom to live their lives in peace and safety. Considering the blatant antisemitism throughout the demonstrations, it was not surprising to see reports that one group involved in organizing the Columbia protest has allegedly received millions in donations from “charities” linked to Hamas.

Many of the protesters have said they would refuse to compromise on their demands and would continue their occupation of university property indefinitely, giving college officials no choice but to call in police to arrest them.

No college or any other institution could exist if any group was free to violate the law to force compliance with its demands. We have laws to prevent such blackmail. But the laws are meaningless if they aren’t enforced. 

Republican officials, such as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, responded swiftly to stop the blackmail attempts. Abbott sent more than 100 state police to the University of Texas at Austin to arrest dozens of lawbreaking protesters on two different days.

Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said Wednesday: “To every college president, I say remove the encampments immediately, vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn.” Trump criticized President Biden for not speaking out more forcefully and taking action against illegal protests.

Some Republican U.S. senators called for Biden to send National Guard troops to campuses to protect Jewish students, and called on the Justice Department and Education Department to act to restore order and protect Jewish students.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and four GOP House members visited Columbia University last week to meet with Jewish students and called for the president of the university to resign if she didn’t quickly order removal of the anti-Israel encampment. 

Democratic officials and college presidents in blue states were initially reluctant to remove encampments and evict protesters occupying buildings. But this week, some Democrats— fearful of losing the votes of Americans outraged by the growing chaos on campuses — joined in commonsense calls to restore law and order and fight antisemitism.

A majority of Democrats voted Wednesday for a GOP bill in the House, which passed on a vote of 320-91 and defines antisemitism as some types of hatred expressed toward Israel, in addition to hatred of Jews. The measure, which faces an uncertain future in the Senate, would give the federal government the ability to take actions against some anti-Israel protests on campuses.  

Let’s not forget, the Israel-Hamas war began Oct. 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, murdered over 1200 people, committed sexually violent atrocities against women and men, and took about 250 people to Gaza as hostages, where an estimated 130 are still being held. Yet the protesters against Israel haven’t mentioned or protested the Hamas atrocities. Now why would that be?

Many of the college lawbreakers have even expressed support for the genocidal goal of Hamas terrorists: the destruction of Israel as the world’s only Jewish state and its replacement with an Arab state of Palestine. Protesters have hung banners calling for intifada — the Arabic term used to describe a violent uprising against Israel. 

For perspective illustrating the stunning lack of courage and leadership from the Columbia administration during the chaos: Only a few hundred students and outsiders were involved in the illegal anti-Israel protests. But Columbia has nearly 37,000 students, according to the most recent figures. Yet the small percentage of lawbreaking protesters were able to hold the entire student body hostage to their demands until police intervened.

There is nothing wrong with peaceful protests that adhere to the law and university rules, and don’t threaten anyone. But if anti-Israel protesters are allowed to occupy buildings and campus lawns and force schools to shut down, you can bet other groups of extremists would do the same thing.

What if racist students and outsider allies demanded that only white students be admitted to a college? Or if students opposed to eating meat forced a campus closure unless a university agreed to serve only vegan meals? Or if protesters established illegal encampments for as long as a university did business with any country the protesters disliked? Should colleges have to stuff their multibillion-dollar endowments into giant mattresses to avoid any investments that would offend anyone?

We must not turn over university governance to mob rule. Students who break the law and university policies must be suspended or expelled and prosecuted for criminal conduct. Foreign students who engage in this conduct should lose their visas and be deported. Federal funding for schools that allow lawbreaking and hatred of students based on religion, race or any other demographic characteristic must be cut or eliminated.

Getting a college education is a privilege, not a right. Families scrimp, save and sacrifice to pay for a higher education for their children. Students devote four years of their lives to getting degrees now required for many jobs. Lawbreaking protesters fueled by the obscenity, hate, and bigotry must not be allowed to run wild on campuses and hold law-abiding students and their campuses hostage any longer.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association of Mature Americans (AMAC). She has a new book set for release on July 23rd, “Fear Itself: exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda.”   

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

In addition to the demands of the so called “protesters” being denied (especially their demand for amnesty), The following consequences need to happen: 1. The “students” who participated in the occupation of campus property, the damaging of property and the harassment and threatening of Jewish students need to be expelled. Any members of the faculty who participated in this behavior need to be fired and their tenure needs to be revoked. Any faculty member who has not been granted tenure yet needs to have that status denied. 2. Any college and university who condoned this behavior needs to lose federal and state funding and have their endowments taxed. Anyone engaging in behavior on college campuses that results in Jewish students feeling unsafe need to learn that said behavior has consequences.

5 months ago

Anyone who says “I am Hamas” should have their U.S. citizenship revoked as a self-admitted TERRORIST and automatically be deported to GAZA or GITMO!

5 months ago

Ask yourself how fast will this be shut down and how fast would this be prosecuted as hate speech if this was against blacks not Jews. The identity of every rioter and the faculty needs to be exposed. This is more Insanity brought to you by the Democrat Party just like they excused BLM murder and destruction of property as peaceful protest. Burning buildings down with people in them is attempted murder and fully condoned and encouraged by democrats

5 months ago

The democrats are supporting these Hamas protesters. Like ole Joe is doing, all he says is DON’T. Iran sure listened to that. The Hamas protesters didn’t obey either. The universities and their communist agenda has to become the way we live in America. In total anarchy to obey the small minority with an agenda. Trans, pronouns, DEI, CRT, Racism, Defund the police, Abortion till full term or beyond, illegals we have to welcome with open arms. The rest of us are branded as domestic terrorists. The dems like this war that is being played out at the university. Takes the eyes of what they are doing in meantime. Like bringing Palestinians here from Gaza. Just wondering which state will become the new Palestine. Michigan? I admire those students that stand up against the protestors and display our flag and sing our national anthem. Those parents that have children at these universities should join these students to show that the Hamas protestors are not representative of the American people. There are still good God fearing Americans in this country. That treasure freedom and cannot be brainwashed by the current regime. America first, foremost and always.

5 months ago

This is not about Hamas and Israel! Hamas made it clear when they marched stating death to America, we do not need to accept this! They should be arrest and deported from our country! I’m sick of people who want a better life so they come to America and then they think we should tolerate their ignorance! 

5 months ago

Those egotistical, young kids who think they know so much about a world they’ve barely begun to live in, and unknowingly commit social and intellectual suicide by preaching invalid “principles” while vandalizing buildings in the name of their own “wannabe superiority”… should be dropped off in a place where Hamas is still in control… so they may actually KNOW, FIRST-HAND, who they’ve been defending. Pride is valid ONLY when one’s motives and conduct are worthy.

Alfred D Smith
Alfred D Smith
5 months ago

It is truly an Communistic Uprising who just only want to cause hate and discord throughout all US colleges in hopes of stealing the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Just look back to what happened in 2020 all the riots, burning of buildings, killings, and guess what nothing was done about it all. BLM, Antifa, and all the other hate filled radicals just run wild in our cities with it end in site. When is this crazy misled Democratic party gonna wake up this is still the United States of America. If any or all of those elected officials can not stand up to your oath you all took, get the ____ out of America. If all the things that are so great about America don’t agree with your oath GET OUT, Get out, and don’t come back all you Hater’s. I was born here and raised here, but for those so called legal aliens if you can’t stand living here go back the country of your choice.

5 months ago

Wow, does history repeat or what? With hitker youth like these, we’re very close to burning jew authored books in bonfires and ransacking jewish businesses. From there its an easy step to banning jewish students and personal violence. But never forget that these little robots were programmed starting at a young age at home. Their indoctrination was completed at college by venomous snakes posing as professors. I dont know if they have a coherent end game in mind, but their love of radical islam is unrequited.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

No adult in the house Brats are running amok

5 months ago

At Columbia, arrests were made. However, those arrested were back on the street in hours. With DA Alvin Bragg in charge of prosecutions, and the liberal weenies at Columbia afraid to hand out actual punishments, such as expulsion from campus – can’t offend those liberal, communist leaning students in an election year – we can’t expect much in terms of student offenders getting anything more than a warning not to do it again.

5 months ago

The notion that privilege is bad and those who excel must be knocked down is pure hate. Now we know “hate speech” is only illegal if the target is not white or successful or Jewish. That is a perversion of the law.

5 months ago

Sounds like insurrection, will they be sentenced without bail? Pray for the political prisoners of Jan 6th. They protested for America freedom. These people protested for the death of America and Israel.

5 months ago

I love Tammy whenever I have heard her! But I don’t get this… Everything she said there is True, except for ONE small sentence, ‘…the measure would give ‘Feds’ the ability to take actions against SOME anti-Israel protests on campuses.’ That’s it??? No, it would do FAR MORE than that. It’s Dems getting their ‘toe’ under the frontdoor, AGAIN. We can’t ALLOW this kind of stupid ‘Bill’ to pass. Speak OUT. This is another Dem RUSE on America. First clue: it’s Dems. WHY are so many Reps. joining with Dems??? Dems know how to PUSH OUR BUTTONS! That’s what THIS IS. And once again, Reps. FELL HEADLONG FOR IT! Wake UP! This Bill is NOT what we should be doing to ‘support’ Jews and Israel. We have to STAND UP against LIES and HATRED. This does NOTHING to halt the anti-Semitism that’s pervading our American Institutions! We have to hit it where it HURTS – in the pocketbook!!! America! De-Fund them! Make these universities obsolete! Take your kids OUT of them. Their ‘Name’ doesn’t mean anymore what it used to mean – all it means now is ‘Dumbed-Down’. Do we REALLY WANT an America where ONLY Dems can get the ‘good jobs’ that pay the highest salaries??? Do parents REALLY WANT their children to ALWAYS have to work for Liberal Management??? everywhere they DO to find WORK??? That’s what this monopoly on your Children is producing. YES WE HATE Anti-Semitism!!! Yes, we LOVE Israel!!! But THIS does NOTHING to help Israel, but it will only make things WORSE because of the ‘LOSS OF RIGHTS’ we are throwing away, thinking Dems CARE about ‘Israel’ OR ‘Jews’. They don’t. They don’t. They care about MONEY and CONTROL over YOU. They care about WINNING ELECTIONS so they can DO THAT. Dems aim is to ‘take over America’, (like they have NY, CA, WA, MI and other states – states that will NEVER AGAIN HAVE any Republican Gov. again because Dems have taken over the Sec’y. of State positions that CONTROL ELECTIONS. We can’t afford to ‘give in’ to Dems, and FALL for every ploy they throw at us!!! We better learn to STAND. We better learn how to ‘unite’ against their ‘corruption’, if it isn’t already too late.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Another scenario: “What if school administrators determine speech made by a Republican is ‘hate speech’ and stop Republican speakers from speaking on-campus?” This legislation could be used as an excuse to stop any speech except theirs by designating it “hate”! We don’t need more laws, we need enforcement of the ones we have. Yes, they are considered private property but when probable cause exists that a crime is being committed, police do not need administrations “permission” to arrest the perpetrators on-campus! So… arrest them!

5 months ago

Regarding campus protesters, maybe we need the Trump “Punch them in the face” tactics in order to stop this from happening. And if protester is not American citizen , deport them back to where they came from.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Families scrimp save and sacrifice Not the families of a student “protesters” Can anyone imagine what would happen to students screaming death to China in that country? Cannon and not the water one

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
5 months ago

Biden has a solid track record of ignoring laws and the Constitution. That evidence alone should change voters minds about voting for him.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
5 months ago

I’d still like to see what would happen if someone behind one of these crows quietly spoke into a megaphone, “On My Command Fire.”

5 months ago

Biden is almost ignoring this problem and does this admin have a AG in DOJ. The DOJ and Garland turned a blind eye to protesters last year that were breaking Federal Laws by protesting in front of SCOTUS homes., To my knowledge, no one was are=rested for breaking the law at these homes, even tho lives were in danger. Wake up Biden and stop this mob violence.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
5 months ago

Why so much hatetridge for Hymie and Sol. They are just 2 students in class. They dont bother anybody. How do you know they re Jews. ??? Maby they dont give a flip about whats goin on over there. Kyle L.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Same for J6 right Make=

Ms. Billie
Ms. Billie
5 months ago

Foreign students must be returned to their home country immediately if they have taken part in the anti-Israel protests.

5 months ago

You are so right. What a wonderful, clear description of these low-lives who have tried to take control of our universities. And what is wrong with the people who run the university? They don’t seem to care at all to prosecute these fools. I have noticed that at several universities (Rutgers, Ole Miss) students have countered, appearing with American flags chanting “USA” which is what we need to counteract these fascists. Whether you are Jewish or not, you know it always starts with the Jews, but it never ends there.
Thanks for a very good description of what’s happening. I have seen you on Fox and always enjoy your commentaries.

5 months ago

All of the demonstrations happening at the same time show the power of the leftists. I wonder how much money it took the leftists to organize and fund all of this and put all into action. Let us on the right pray for the conversion of those on the left.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

When these “students” are interviewed, some don’t even know WHAT they are protesting while others cannot TRUTHFULLY state the facts of the “Palestinian” problem. If you are really “pro-Palestinian” (a non-entity), you want Hams to be removed as they STEAL the billions sent for aid to enrich themselves. Yasser Arafat, their hero, became a multimillionaire while the people lived like rats!

5 months ago

Biden has done nothing for 47 years why should he start now! Of corse he has he has had
a great many other than himself to help out & tear our country compleaty apart! Nice going
you bunch of demarats~~~

5 months ago

Gee, I wonder what would happen if HAMAS terrorists came through the college “encampments” on motorcycles and savagely murdered individuals and then posted video and celebrated the massacre? Many of these hate Israel, hate America “demonstrations” might instantly end. Hmmmm.

5 months ago

I strongly agree with Tammy Bruce and praise her for truthful rhetoric in her essay, It is too bad she began her essay with “Disgusting Jew . . . . I would suggest she reword her beginning sentence, which shocked me for a moment to: Disgusting fascist-thug like haters of Jews…”
A new term has recently come to me and I share it here: The Hate Hags of Hamas; the hate hags include members of the squad.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Support for Hamas means death to Judaism and Christianity They are brain dead and they are allowed to vote Not one of them is willing to go and fight for the cause Gulag is the only place for them and even that is too good

Francis Borrelli
Francis Borrelli
5 months ago

1) Any college/university who accepts money from foreign interests must publish it including how much they received and what countries they are accepting money from and what that money is used for. (with severe penalties as appropriate)
2) Anybody working in this country who is receiving any part of their income from foreign interests must file as a representative of a foreign gov’t and state how much they received and what countries they are accepting money from and what service they are performing. (with severe penalties as appropriate)
3) College/Universities need to expel those who interfere with the learning process of others and perps must suffer a loss of credits.

5 months ago

This didn’t happen overnight. Our college campuses have become a platform for political agendas and propaganda. While many ignore the consequences and allow censoring opposing views. With our educational system under attack by subjective views rather than objective truths, the quality of a college degree doesn’t mean as much as it used to. Some will highlight that our educational system is still highly valued, but it can’t be successful in the long term by denying the truth and making everything political.

5 months ago

Tammy’s comment, “We must not turn over university governance.” Is on spot. Make no mistake that this is the same thing happening in our country. Biden is the ‘faux’ leader of the mob against our country. He should be asked to resign. The Soros family and others in cahoots with them are the string pullers, buying up radio stations to control Espainic and ILLEGAL immigrants voting, setting paths for ILLEGAL voting, promoting the faux leader to hand out awards to traitors of America. We the people must start holding our elected leaders accountable. The vote should be a mighty force used by the people. Our biggest enemy in losing control of our country is that we have been too comfortable in our own skin. Look at the percentage of citizens that don’t vote. It tells us we are a complacent society. The danger in that is that it allows traitorous forces to weild their strength. That is something that the founders did not intend to happen. It is past time for all Americans to stand up and be counted. We can stop this cancerous insurrection, but it will take the very most of the population to do it. The traitors can’t win against ALL of us. If Americans want the freedoms we have enjoyed to continue, then now is the time to be heard. The arrogant control of our government over us is happening. We need to get the traitors out of control and restore ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’

5 months ago

Where is Biden and AG ??? Things might get so bad they will hollar DON’T at protesters & that works out really well.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
5 months ago

We are all equal, and nobody has a right to start a war. Some people agree with one side, and others agree with the other side. We all have freedom of speech as long as it’s done peacefully. We should listen to both sides, and learn from each other. How many of us actually know which side is right, but we should try to find out peacefully. Then it’s none of our business, so let them fight their own wars.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
4 months ago

Hitler’s brown-shirts are alive and well at so many universities.

5 months ago

How many of those protesting are not students, but agitators? Any students who are protesting that are here on a visa in order to attend schooling should have their visa revoked and be deported immediately. College presidents need to stop these George Soros supported protests immediately.

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
5 months ago

Should colleges have to stuff their multibillion-dollar endowments into giant mattresses …?” None of these super-rich collages should get one dime of taxpayer money.

5 months ago

Cities such as the disgustingly filthy and crime-saturated New York City has always been a very race-conscious racist city, quiet as it’s kept and hidden by corrupt pols and media such as NY1, NYPost, NYTimes and numerous others. NYC has a very long history of racism towards Jews, blaks, hispanics and other ethnic groups to date. Not only are the anti-semite (semites include arab nations) liberals, they have an ‘anything goes’ mentality.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
5 months ago

I far prefer the Israeli methods in Ghaza to the US methods in Afganistan which was 21 years of pandering with no result
The Israeli method will get results. Maybe not tomorrow but in time the Israelis will rule the middle east with an iron fist as it should be because it is the only modern civilization in the area. You don’t change the primitive thinking of the middle east by diplomacy. It is done by guns and death

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
5 months ago

I am online researching organizations that set up demonstrations such as many of those that we have seen in the past month on campuses. These are professional groups. I am trying to find out is what is planned for the Dem Convention in Chicago which may the largest demonstration in this country’s history.
Crowds on Demand is one such group. In the famous 1968 demonstration in Chicago, during another Dem Convention, Chicago was run by Mayor Richard Daley who tolerated no violence and promptly shut it down. Now, Chicago is a wide open and is policeless city. The results of a demonstration in Chicago this year could be disastrous.

California Gulag Prisoner
California Gulag Prisoner
5 months ago

I recently read an old AMAC magazine from 2020 discussing the BLM riots. It’s uncanny how similar the pro-Palestine “peaceful protests” are to those four years ago.

leland patterson
leland patterson
5 months ago

these people need to be deported immediately!!!!

5 months ago

Arrest them all. Offer them jail OR release into gaza. Will be the best learning those “students” have had.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

We are paying the price of Marxism, which has taken over our “educational” (indoctrinational) system. Anti-semitism has been thriving on the left since before WWII when leftist “media: (propagandia) actually praised Hitler and denied that he was (as they are) anti-Semitic. Not only these absurd “protests” but our demonic rat pRESIDENT who is financing the war against Israel. The horrors that those “Palestinian” animals inflicted on Oct. 7 is horrifying beyond comprehension but where are the reports? What you do see are groomed reports. Most leaving out details of the mass sexual violence. This is the work of a very dark force!

5 months ago

I can’t help but wonder how many of the 1300 arrests of protestors at 40 campuses nationwide were non-students &/or illegals, thank you Joe Biden our illustrious President for our open borders and 7Mil + illegals plus another 7Mil get-a-ways. That’s at least 14Mil + to vote for the Dems this Nov. elections.

5 months ago

We won’t win be trying to change the leftists. We can win if the majority of people vote.

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
5 months ago

Who are these ignorant haters? They don’t know that all people are the children of ONE Creator who made all life worldwide. When they attack others, they are attacking the Creator’s works. I have never joined a religious group, but I was taught as a child that PREJUDICE IS PRE-JUDGEMENT. I have read the Bible myself for 40 years and understood the pure message brought 2000 years ago…DON’T judge someone else! Are any of us so perfect that we have the right to sit and judge anyone? It’s sad that a religion called Christianity had corrupt rulers change the original message… to support money-making institutions and change the original message. We would have world peace by now, if middlemen had not changed the message. Kipling wrote in his poem IF.. “…words being ‘twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools.” The essence of the Bible was LOVE! Matt 22:35-40 On Two Commandments hang all the law: Love the One who created the earth and all life… and Love thy neighbor as thyself,

5 months ago

Expel them all, forfeit this semester’s credits, and let them finish their degree somewhere else.A PRICE MUST BE PAID!

5 months ago

I can agree with the consequences imposed on the students who committed crimes but I do not agree with any removal of their rights to say what they want. Also I do not agree with anyone that would suggest laws need to be made to limit civil speech or opinions on any subject.

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