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Could A Manson Murderer Roam Free?

Posted on Friday, June 3, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

manson follower Krenwinkel
Patricia Krenwinkel and John Hinckley.

Two announcements were made in the last week that may have gone under the radar for you but exemplify how much trouble our culture is in and what happens when society’s ‘leaders’ lose their grip on principles and values. Patricia Krenwinkel, one of Charles Manson’s murderous followers, has been recommended for parole, and John Hinckley, the attempted assassin of President Ronald Reagan, will be unconditionally released from all psychiatric and court supervision this month.

The order to unconditionally release Hinckley was issued last September, with the implementation date to be this month. “Prosecutors had previously opposed ending restrictions, but they changed their position last year,” reported the Associated Press, conveniently as Democrats took over all three branches of government.

The judge assures us that Mr. Hinckley, who shot Reagan and three others, including James Brady, who died of his injuries in 2014, is “no longer a danger to himself or others.” A jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity in 1982, after which he was committed to a psychiatric hospital. He was allowed to conditionally leave that confinement and live with his mother in Virginia beginning in 2016 with the court and hospital supervision. The Associated Press notes some of those restrictions included “allowing officials access to his electronic devices, email, and online accounts; being barred from traveling to places where he knows there will be someone protected by the Secret Service; and giving three days’ notice if he wants to travel more than 75 miles (120 kilometers) from his home in Virginia.”

All of that will be over on June 15. And what is Hinckley‘s reaction to his new-found freedom? He has announced he is a musician and is launching what he calls his “Redemption Tour.” According to multiple reports, his ‘concert’ in New York City is sold out.

A self-reverential concert tour is not exactly reflective of Hinckely understanding or accepting the seriousness of what he did. We’re told his mental health is restored, so one would think this would include being horrified at his actions and wanting to shrink away into an obscure, anonymous life after having caused so much violence and destruction of people’s lives. Instead, launching a “Redemption Tour” signals that the stalker of Jodie Foster, killer of James Brady, and attempted presidential assassin believes redemption means fame and fortune are finally due him.

According to the Associated Press and reported by the Washingtonian, “Hinkley wants to use music to make a new name for himself. “I’m a musician. Nobody knows that,” he has reportedly said to his doctors. “They just see me as the guy who tried to kill Reagan.” Poor him.

Last year, the Democrats’ dangerously lackadaisical attitude toward crime and violence visited us on another front. We endured shocking California parole recommendations for Sirhan Sirhan, the murderer of Robert Kennedy, and Leslie van Houten, another of Charles Manson’s followers and convicted murderer.

Fortunately, embattled California Governor Gavin Newsom put the kibosh on both of those releases after national outrage. In the case of Sirhan, Mr. Kennedy’s family including his widow Ethel were forced to chime in imploring the governor to stop the release.

But the California parole board, of which only 1-3 of its 17 commissioners participate in parole hearings and decisions, keeps trying to let the worst among us out onto the street. They have now recommended parole for Patricia Krenwinkel, one of the most bloodthirsty members of Charles Manson’s “family” who participated in the notorious 1969 murders in Los Angeles of actress Sharon Tate, her unborn baby, and her four friends. Krenwinkel was also an active and brutal participant in the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca the next night.

Charles Manson, Krenwinkel, and his other followers responsible for the spree murders were originally sentenced to death. California briefly reversed the death penalty in 1972, commuting everyone on death row to life in prison with the possibility of parole.

That idiotic pique was eventually reversed but condemned the victims’ families to relive the horrors of their loved ones repeatedly as they endured attending and speaking at parole hearings throughout the years.

Los Angeles Magazine reminds us that at the Tate home on that horrific evening, “Abigail Folger was two days shy of her 26th birthday when Krenwinkel chased her onto the lawn of the Tate home on Cielo Drive, wrestled her down, and stabbed her repeatedly. According to Krenwinkel, Folger begged her to stop stabbing her, saying, ‘I’m already dead.’ The next night, Krenwinkel, Watson and Family member Leslie Van Houten broke into the Los Feliz home of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary. Manson and Watson had directed Krenwinkel to do something ‘witchy’ so she stabbed Leno multiple times in the stomach with a two-tined serving fork.”

Charles Manson had noted that Krenwinkel was the most like him. We can see that. Sharon Tate’s sister Debra Tate has initiated a petition at to stop the Krenwinkel release. She pleads, “For years, this woman laughed about the murders in court and showed absolutely no remorse at all. She admits she was not on drugs the nights of the murders & committed them to ignite a race war. Society cannot allow this serial killer who committed such horrible, gruesome, random killings back out & I am asking for your help by letting the parole board know that you do not want to see her get released by signing this petition.”

The next steps could take five months, as the parole board recommendation is reviewed by their legal division. If they approve it, which is expected, it goes to Governor Gavin Newsom for the final yes or no.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Sure the SOCIALIST liberals will let him out. Why not? DICTATOR Beijing biden is running around (in circles) free.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

One correction, the U.S. Supreme Court (not the state of California) invalidated all state and federal death penalty statutes then on the books in 1972. All death sentences imposed under those statutes were overturned and could not be reinstated.

That decision had no effect on convictions but it did mean that some of those convicts might eventually be paroled.

2 years ago

Charles Bronson anybody?

2 years ago

Ever since the Obama era, evil started dominating our country. Lawbreakers get reprieves in their prison sentences, evil is praised as good and good as evil. The cause of all this can be summed up in the phrase “Democrat Party”.

2 years ago

Why not, we are going to allow John Hinkley Jr. to roam free —

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago


2 years ago

Hinkley will re-offend.

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
2 years ago

what are the ages of these people? Most of the time these articles are so long and wordy, such as this one , I don’t read them.

2 years ago

I agree and disagree with your statements above. It is the police and other innocent people who get shot, but the gun is not doing the shooting–the person holding the weapon is the one who is doing the shooting/crime. There are law abiding gun owners who do not kill people. Maybe you meant to say criminals need to start killing crooked politicians with their criminal guns and criminal ideas?

William R McDaniel
William R McDaniel
2 years ago

I think they should both stay behind bars until they are carried out in a box but with that being said, I am going to play devil’s advocate here, as far as the Manson family member being released. There are countless other murders that have been released that have committed far more heinous crimes after serving a fraction of the time she has served. Just saying.

2 years ago

What good would stricter gun laws do? What the courts need to do is actually enforce the laws that we already have.

2 years ago

The elimination of the death penalty is just another sign of a weak and decaying society. Death removes these monsters permanently and thats the way it should be. As to mental illness and its use as a defense: if the crime is planned and escape is sought that means they understand what theyre doing. Hinckley knew what he did was wrong . That Was The Idea; its radical nature was what he hoped would impress the actress. As to his redemption tour: if true that its sold out each and every one of the trash that attend need to rot in hell.

2 years ago

So Hickley wants to do a redemption tour because he”s a “MUSICIAN”, a big thrill. Yet, some idiots in N.Y. think this is great, and he has a sold-out concert. Just goes to show just where the moral aspect of humanity is. I wonder just how many of those supporting him, would support this tour IF he had murdered a loved one of theirs, or attempted to murder one of their own? I BET they would want him to be prepared to stay on death row or meet his final fate. The same goes for any of these criminally insane actors. Seems we are now allowing those committing crimes to be exonerated and set free. Yet, they want to take away guns from law abiding citizens so that we can NOT protect ourselves, or loved ones, yet, we WOULD be incarerated, indefinately. GOD help us.

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

And people wonder why these mass killings are becoming more and more frequent? Why not, you get to go on a tour.
If you kill someone in a “witchy” way to start a ‘race war”, WHY NOT LET HER OUT? All we need now is for her to organize and start that RACE war. With the Democrats in charge, they need civil unrest and how sweet it will be, if it is against the blacks! We Americans are so racist.
When will the insanity stop.

2 years ago

Here’s the link to the petition on to keep Patricia Krenwinkel from getting out of jail. Please copy, sign, and share on all of your social media websites:

2 years ago

IMHO: I think that we should put the people who want to release them in prison with them, in the same cell.

2 years ago

I agree, he would no longer be a danger to society once he is EXECUTED for his murderous crimes as should be. . . . After all, an eye for an eye!

Rally Rider
Rally Rider
2 years ago

The Communists party, the DNC, operates in every way through death, deceit, and the destruction of all good and noble standards, ideologies, provisions and human individual and corporate actions. It stands reasonable the Left adds to their riotous, murderous, treasonous, treacherous roving henchmen a few more assassinators and mass murderers.

T. Anderson
T. Anderson
2 years ago

I am stunned and the only words that come to mind are “who the hell thinks these two people belong in society?” Anyone who will attend Hinckley’s concert needs serious mental health evaluations themselves.

Kyla Beckham
Kyla Beckham
2 years ago

The felons should NEVER be released!

2 years ago

… I was in Evergreen, Colorado, right across the street from his parents house the day Hinckley shot Reagan. There was a secret service communications podium set-up at the end of the driveway, right in front of his parents’ house. I imagine, by now, his parents have long since passed away. Hinckley’s parents were loaded. Their nutcase heir is worth millions –

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

With Soros DAs Id say sadly Yes

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Try releasing Mark David Chapman and watch the left go nuts… but anybody shooting a Republican is okay, right? The left riot, burn and murder for over a year but where’s THAT “Bipartisan commission”? Its okay if a Democrat does it… thats why I predict a gentle handslap from “justice” for a drunk driving Mr. Pelosi.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

we have the same problem in NY with soft on crime DAs, governors and parole boards. And yet people still insist on voting them into office. How many innocent people have to be victimized by career criminal before the soft-on crime DAs, governors and parole boards wake up and realize these monsters need to STAT IN JAIL!

2 years ago

hinkley murdered manson?

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Hopefully he won’t be allowed to buy a gun. As far as I am concerned there should be a law that if you try to assassinate a president, ANY president, you will face the death penalty. Quickly. End of story. It would have saved the tax payers a LOT of money. We are overplaying the mental illness card far too often.

2 years ago

Both of these people should have death penalty & never enter society again. How many other countries would allow a person to shoot President & not give them death penalty? Why should we keep people like this in prison paid for by millions of taxpayer dollars. I would like to see a bill passed “You shoot our President, then you go to death chamber in next 3-months & you will never enter society again .

2 years ago

Why is Kenwinkle even still alive? What good has she done on this planet since those 2 nights when she went on her killing spree? Yes I think the death penalty was in order for her and within 5 years of her killing spree max.

2 years ago

Hinkley and Krenwinkel can ride again. They can be useful in giving the DemonRats votes (altho they were probably disenfranchised as a result of their criminal convictions?) Personally, I would feel really unsafe in any environment I was in proximity with that contained either of those two criminals). This a good example of having a law that if anyone is excused from application of a death penalty, they still must remain incarcerated for the rest of their life. I guess this is an historic era in which cold-blooded murderers and crooked politicians are in fashion politically.

2 years ago

Being the POTUS, I believe the last thing that I would do is let out a murder that has a history targeting the POTUS…. Just my opinion.

Antonio Marinelli
Antonio Marinelli
2 years ago

So we have thousands of innocent babies every day in this country and this is celebrated, then we release convicted murders and the same death cult celebrates that also. God will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if America is not judged, and God will not apologize. Repent or bust.2 Chronicles 7:14

2 years ago

I am in total agreement with this author. As a physician with years of experience, developmental abuse during childhood can produce warped thinking that is NEVER reversible. I believe Krenwinkel is one such individual.

2 years ago


Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

I am quite sure that a Manson style murdeter could ( and would ) remain free to murder again ! USA is quickly becoming the “LAND of LAWLESSNESS. AND CATCH AND RELEASE POLICY!

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