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Corporate America Gave $83.1 Billion to Black Lives Matter

Posted on Tuesday, March 21, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan


In a brand new database, the Claremont Institute, a California-based conservative think tank, assessed hundreds of corporations’ pledges and contributions to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and other related left-wing causes, shedding new light on who funded the riots that devastated many U.S. cities in the summer of 2020.

The Black Lives Matter Funding Database, which assesses the contributions of hundreds of American companies, found that an astounding $83.1 billion have been given to BLM and related initiatives since 2020, which the Institute says is “more than the GDP of 46 African countries.”

The database, launched on March 14, is the first such initiative targeting the BLM movement, which played a significant role in fueling the mass riots in America’s cities in 2020 and, among other radical policy prescriptions, has vowed to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

The leaders of the BLM movement are also notoriously corrupt. Tax filings last year revealed that one of the organizations co-founders dished out hundreds of thousands of dollars to her family members for obscure “creative services.” Another one of the group’s leaders allegedly bought a $6 million mansion with charity funds.

“Until the release of Claremont’s BLM database, there has been no systematic attempt to collate and centralize corporate giving to the greatest shakedown of the American economy by left-wing activists,” the press release said. “We hope that the information brought to light by our database proves useful to those wishing to hold companies accountable for their actions.”

“The politics of racial grievance and anti-meritocracy are indeed profitable, and have been brought to us, as it turns out, by some of the biggest name-brand corporations in the world. Everyone from Coca-Cola to Google is complicit,” the press release continued.

Implicated companies include corporate giants like JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Bank of America, Starbucks, Target, PayPal, and the recently collapsed Silicon Valley Bank.

The database was funded by the Institute’s recently opened Washington, D.C.-based Center for the American Way of Life, the mission of which is to defend “republican self-government against the existential threat of identity politics.”

Among the biggest contributors to BLM, according to the database, is JPMorgan Chase, which pledged $30 billion to its so-called “Racial Equity Commitment,” which directs billions of dollars in investments to closing “the racial wealth gap” and building “diversity into the supply chain.” Microsoft pledged $244 million to similar initiatives, including $250,000 to bail out rioters during the George Floyd riots of 2020.

Notably, Claremont found that the Silicon Valley Bank—which collapsed just days before the release of the database—donated more than $70 million to BLM-adjacent organizations. In an August 2020 report from the group, the Bank’s CEO wrote that the group would emphasize its commitment to causes like “social justice, sustainability, and supporting women, Black and Latinx emerging talent, and other underrepresented groups.”

As Claremont notes, these corporate contributions come with drastic implications for shareholders and will likely make companies vulnerable to lawsuits based on breaches of fiduciary duty.

“This redistribution of corporate wealth—wealth that rightly belongs to shareholders, including pensioners and retirees, and that should have been used for increased wages, dividends, stock buybacks, capital investment, or research and development—is historic, and may be viewed as a form of reparations made to self-declared enemies of the American nation and way of life,” the group said. “And such a wealth transfer is inconceivable without BLM.”

The Institute also proposed several ways Congress and other federal actors can begin to buck the trend of corporate giving to radical left-wing causes.

“There are several ways to address this threat, including reining in corporate ‘charitable’ giving, reforming nonprofit law, and freeing companies from the clutch of ESG. Any of these will require action by regulators or Congress, both of which have proven spineless,” the Claremont Institute wrote in a Newsweek op-ed. “Casting light on the issue is the first step toward fixing the problem, but the work has just begun.”

Corporate America’s commitment to so-called “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” standards over its fiduciary duty to shareholders is regrettably nothing new. But by shedding light on the remarkable extent to which the advancement of leftist social causes and street activism are now driving forces in corporate life, this database is giving the American consumer a much-needed opportunity to hold these companies accountable and force them back to their proper, apolitical place in American life.

The BLM Funding Database can be accessed here.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

BLM, my ass…bunch of crooks and hoodlums..and i’ll also make note of these corporations making the donations so i can make sure none of my money will ever go to one…BLM can kiss my ass.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Criminal’s funding Terrorist.

1 year ago

I don’t understand how Lowe’s can charge me for the money they contribute to BLM. How can this be legal? Congress needs to put an end to this. Don’t forget either that half the rioters were school teachers being paid by these folks as I understand it. 83 Billion dollars can do a lot of harm to this country.

1 year ago

It’s utterly disgusting that Capitalistic Corporate America is funding the Marxist Domestic terrorist group like BLM and ANTIFA. Over 500 riots and 18 deaths and >2B$ in damages…..thanks alot corporate America for funding your own and our countries demise.

phil turner
phil turner
1 year ago

Use all the Extorted money for reparations…what a joke !

1 year ago

How Did Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars Improve The Minority Community..? It Didn’t..! ! !
The Only Lifeforms That Benefited From That Giveaway Was The Demoncrat National Convention. *Deeeesgusting*
B.L.M. Never Filed For Tax Exemption Status And Never Reported The Earnings..
Total Blatant Corruption…

1 year ago

Thank you AMAC for reporting real news. You guys are the real deal. If I got my zeros right
Bank of America gave 18 Billion to black lives matter affiliates and SVB gave 70 million, when banks are going bust? Wake up people.

1 year ago

How in the world did we ever get to this point in this country where corporations are involved activists in controlling politics, ideological matters and spiritual matters, you name it, etc., instead of just selling their product or service? Corporation’s were chartered to only buy/sell their product or service in the market place. Leave the other stuff for the consumer to decide.

1 year ago

If the $83 billion given to BLM was instead equally distributed to all 41.1 million people in the USA who state they are “black or African American” , each would get about $2000.

1 year ago

But, but, just look at all those schools, community centers, food pantries, shelters, etc that BLM built with all that money! I’ve looked and can’t find any.

1 year ago

Everyone should leave chase
Bank with another institution

1 year ago

I found an awesome website that gives extensive info on which companies are conservative, somewhat woke, and completely woke. . I refer to it frequently whenever I plan on doing business with a new company. FJB!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Good they can pay those cities from the 2020 riots to rebuild

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

I wish, I wish I wish…..I had known this information a couple years ago. My wife and I bank with Chase, who is apparently at the top of the pile with their BLM contributions. Sadly, the main-stream-media is complicit in fake news, withholding news, or outright creation of news stories to further the BLM narrative on their terms. Additionally, trying to find a ‘conservative’ banking company just gets shoved under the rug because of the same main-stream-media power over what gets seen by the public. I don’t know the solution…….

Oliver Davidson
Oliver Davidson
1 year ago

Looks like Corporate America paid their PROTECTION MONEY,hope it was worth it.So small Companies should be allowed to sue Corporate America

1 year ago

WOW! . . . BLM has learned that CRIME DOES PAY! . . . Companies in effect, are BRIBING BLM to effectively NOT RIOT AND DESTROY THEIR BUSINESSES! And guess what? . . . It seems to WORK!

Ron Standridge
Ron Standridge
1 year ago


1 year ago

Don’t they know this group is terrorists? Founded by three Marxist? Does no one listen to Candace Owens?

1 year ago

A slightly different view – I don’t think the money will be used wisely. In other words, black lives will not be enhanced with this money.

1 year ago

It astounds me that CEOs and Boards of major companies are willing to dole out their profits to an organization whose founders are admitted socialists, to an organization that bristles when someone says “all lives matter,” and to an organization that promoted the vandalizing and rampaging of American cities from coast to coast. Maybe it shouldn’t astound me, because corporate America seems to prosper well from favorable government treatment. The SVB bailout is a classic example of government lending support to investors who made the “correct” donations while running their business into the ground. Bailing out even those SVB investors who are linked to the CCP is a classic example of how supporting leftist organizations and politicians pays off for the rich, powerful and even those who are obvious enemies of this nation. Disgusting!

1 year ago

I wish that whoever has the information about which Corporations supporting BLM would “out” them so that i could do my part to Boycott them .

1 year ago

I’m not sure why anyone would think this is unusual. Seriously. I understand why people are rightly outraged over the ludicrous decision of a lot of these companies to simply write multi-million dollar checks and genuflect before every left-wing scam organization that comes along, but the thing most Americans have to realize is this sort of corporate response is the result of decades of corporate lawyers and corporate PR teams constantly telling the senior management of these large, multi-national corporations that it is more cost effective and less risky for these companies in the long run to simply pay off these radical groups like BLM, ANTIFA or any of the literally 100s of radical leftist groups than risk the downside damage of televised protests outside their corporate offices being amplified by a sympathetic MSM and social media platforms for days, weeks or even months on end. Only to in the end have to end up writing an even bigger check to these leftist organizations to finally make them go away, as well as spend several million dollars on PR campaigns to try and reverse the damage done to the corporation’s image. Remember, almost all these left-wing, social activist groups exist for one reason and one reason only: To extort as much money as possible, from as many people as possible, to enrich the leaders of these organizations and their financial backers.

Almost all corporations today, not headed by their original founders who usually have more spine and real skin in the game when it comes to the businesses that they have built, are run by professional management people that have been schooled to avoid or mitigate any potential downside risk involving protentional profit loss or public relations issues. Every decision made by the Board of Directors is run by the corporate legal and PR teams. So, the default response when a group like BLM comes calling and states “You will be targeted for LOTS of public demonstrations and negative press coverage, if you don’t “support” (meaning write a really big check and announce publicly you support our cause.” is to whip out the corporate checkbook and ask “How much will it cost us to make this problem go away and what do we have to say?”

As I said earlier, the leaders of these groups like BLM are NOT a bunch of left-wing social activists, who believe in their cause, but rather groups formed by their financial backers to routinely and regularly extort large sums of money from the corporate and private sector to help finance a much larger objective. That some of the money extorted from these corporations ended up being used to buy expensive real estate and other personal luxury items for the heads of BLM is NOT unusual. They are allowed by their financial backers to skim a little off the top as a reward for a job well done. The real thing everyone should be focused on is where did the bulk of the $83 billion dollars extracted by BLM end up? That is what Congress should be focusing on, as well as our DOJ if it weren’t so corrupt at this point as to not even care. So, if Congress is seriously interested in doing a proper investigation, they should be focused on where the big pile of money vanished to. Not where a few crumbs ended up. The amount some of the so-called “leaders” of BLM skimmed isn’t even a minor rounding error in terms of the total money extorted.

This is probably a bit too deep for most people here to appreciate, but I thought it would be beneficial to some to explain both why corporations make some of the decisions they do and to also explain what the real purpose of most of the so-called left-wing social activist groups were really created to accomplish.

1 year ago

I wonder if many of these companies had a clue as to what they were supporting? I saw major insurance companies, credit card companies, banks and major stores. If they knew or not what they were supporting, it came back to haunt them.
It’s impossible to boycott every corp that supported BLM because too many we are tied to by everyday living.
I just hope if another group like this evolves, corporations will think twice before handing over money.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Good Article. Covers a lot of important points. The year 2020; yet, another wave of Marxist endeavor after decades upon decades of a communist infiltration. Maybe, there are ‘Classified Files’ from the 1960’s about this invasion. (Bet, there is all kinds of stuff about this in government ‘Pee-Chee Folders!’) Today, the names have been changed and the rhetoric. Marxism/Devil has dealt us a similar ‘cover story’. Yes, Communists/Marxists are a ‘little’ more out in the open and less covert. They tout being for the ‘little guy’ ; Wrong. They tout for diversity and equality; Wrong. They espouse helping minorities: black, black women, lower class women, and any unfortunate minority; WRONG. The top class of the Marxists have mansions, their own airplanes, and many other luxuries. The top commies tell everybody that their personal extravagance is ‘commonly shared’ by all the other commies; or commonly shared communist wealth. WRONG. Back to 2020: wasn’t that a great made for television miniseries? Somebody’s ‘sweet & radical kid’ participated in the Portland, Oregon toppling of President George Washington’s Statue. This is Portland, Oregon 2020 or so, give or take. She probably got off on bail; with some type of later court date. AND THEN GOT OFF! Its mere conjecture; but, now that the Marxists have taken over the country law and order left. You remember still the defunding, demonizing of police officers? Oh yes, many police took their retirement or were forced to quit. This was the Demo/Biden policy. ALL of this socialist/communist stuff was the policy of the CCP/Democrats. There is some type of committee investigation going on regarding Biden & Company and funds from China? You the public are beginning to get this. Meanwhile, the author also, discusses: “disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure”. This is where they teach the youth of this country to HATE: God, Bible, Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our History; and most especially, they want our kids to despise us! This is important to them because it helps to deposit communist seeds more deeply into the country! There has been a great deal of ‘thinking’ on this by the Marxists. It all has to appeal to our young. The socialists haven’t skipped a beat. Schools espouse brain/body sterilization without the consent of parents. Demonization of all authority and traditions such as the family, police, and Santa Claus too! This is a rampant infestation of communist philosophy espoused by a once Democrat Party. When did it stop being the Democrat Party? When it started taking treasonous funds from the CCP & Russia? Just catching on here. You know more details. May God Bless, Protect, & Guide These United States of America!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

These companies should all be boycotted except many of us have to do business with them.
ESG is going forward since Brandon just vetoed what the Congress had passed. 74 million people were just thrown under the bus by that action. We don’t matter. America is becoming a communist controlled country with criminals and pedophiles running the asylum.
Instead of war with guns they throw money at it and those who don’t see what is going on help them succeed. By buying their products we are indirectly supporting their plan.
Our grandchildren’s children will be living in that world and will be happy, quoting Klaus Schwab.
Talk about a conspiracy.

1 year ago

Woke idiots.

1 year ago

What did they expect when you give money to a bunch of thugs? They won’t change anything as long as the cash flow continues.

1 year ago

The only ones that gets it stuck to them are white America, the real working people.

Bill Lee
Bill Lee
1 year ago

There’s the money for slavery reparations.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Where the San Hill is all the money and who other than BLM leadership did it benefit? Millions to a criminal organizations are nuts.
Financing rioters is also immoral, the same as financing terrorists.

1 year ago

Did the BLM pay proper taxes on all of this money or is that tax free?? They are a far-left black nationalist anti-capitalist 501(c)(3) political lobbying organization. There seems to be a major disconnect when it comes to their statement that they are anti-capitalists and yet they were so pleased to accept the “$83.1 billion that have been given to BLM and related initiatives since 2020”!!!! If they are anti-capitalists, how do they expect black people to succeed?? Is the BLM going to employee all black people with that $83.1 billion?? If they are pushing the socialism like their friends, the Democrats, I know that will not fair well for lower and middle class of any race will not fair well under socialism!! I would like to know if there is a list of those corporations who decided it was better to contribute that much money to lobbyist instead of spending it on actual people??? That $83.1 billion could go a long way to helping the people that need it the most but the BLM leaders got dollar signs in their eyes and they went all goofy!!!!!

Face it – BLM isn’t for the black people of the world, just like politicians, they don’t care about people, not really!!!!

1 year ago

O.K. How about listing the “corporations” by name and the amount each donated to BLM! Some of us would like to avoid those.

terrie h Mcnair
terrie h Mcnair
1 year ago

Isn’t this criminal????

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Consider this their reparations since the entire country has been duped.

1 year ago

so everyone is paying triple amounts on everything because of their stupid, social idealism

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

why are they kissing a s! blm is a terrorist, biggoted group – good for nothing, spineless, corrupt dopes. and i would go on tv and say it bc i am not afraid!!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
1 year ago

Horay!! I am now encouraged to proceed with my new start-up diversity acknowledgment group. But first, a little about me. I’m a White guy who lives in a all-White community in upstate New York. I have no racial biases but lately, I have become aware of a curious reverse bigotry among minority groups toward White people. I really think that such bigotry is totally unwarranted.

That’s why I feel that White people need better representation that would enlighten all others about the inherent rights of the majority group in North America. To that end I will work to organize an exclusively White movement to restore the proper place of this majority in our society. I mean, the minority groups are receiving financial support from both the government, and the corporations. Proportional financial support for Whites is the only fair way to proceed, right? Even the minority group members would be compelled to admit that withholding comparable funding from the White citizens would be exceedingly discriminatory. The corporations gave 83-billion dollars to the BLM group. Since the Blacks compromise 13% of our society and the Whites amount to at least 40%, I would expect to see at least 250-billion dollars earmarked for my new White-oriented organization.

Naturally, membership in this new movement must be exclusively limited to Whites only. It would be hypocritical, to say the least, to allow non-Whites to become members. Now I need to come up with a catchy acronym for easy public recognition. Perhaps some of the readers could suggest a nifty acronym? Please don’t offer the “Clu Clucks Clan” name because that Democrat founded organization might object.

Dr. George Rivera, Jr.
Dr. George Rivera, Jr.
1 year ago

Nothing is new under the sun – snake oil is as snake oil does.

1 year ago

Suckers.All these corps did was help these BLM RaceBaiters to buy mansions, and enrich their crooked families.

1 year ago

They should be defunded for not being a true 501 3 C. No legal paper work completed.

1 year ago

Come on. $83 billion I don’t believe this number. lol

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
1 year ago

Such a terrible waste of money!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Today corporate america is looking for anything to be guilty about. Black lives, the environment,
EQG, DEI, employment diversity, paying enough tax, overpaid CEOs, and on and on. The guilt
load on corporate america is enormous and corporate american is dumb enough to give in to it.
Not me. If “black lives” or black americans have a problem they can fix it themselves I won’t
and I’m proud to be sensible about this. Remember this. No one is leaving. They are just
staying here to b*tch so they can find the next San Francisco. Millions are trying to get here so
they can complain their way to wealth also. They picked the right place. You don’t work to achieve
success in the US anyone. You just b*tch your way to wealth. And it works.

1 year ago

I give up. Can I be a slave for a black person ?

1 year ago

How can I join BLM ? Its a goldmine How can there be any poor blacks with BLM shaking down the entire nation ?

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

Did they get a window sticker to put on their window?

1 year ago

Meanwhile, people are dying of cancer, our Veterans are homeless and without medical care, children are being abused, people are hungry, our kids are being sex trafficked, but let’s fund BLM because 200 years ago they were oppressed and think they are entitled to reparation. I am sick to death of this bull.

1 year ago

Living in the same town as Wal-Mart headquarters is located and having known Mr Sam Walton before he died, I know Mr Sam is turning in his grave knowing how much of his hard earned money was thrown away when the corporation gave millions to BLM!
Shame on you, Walmart!! May you reap what you have sown!!!

1 year ago

Corporations take the money from its customers and then give it out like candy to their pet woke projects. No matter how you look at it, government taxes and corporate profits come from every citizen and customer. We are constantly being fleeced by both, and there’s no end in sight!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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