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CDC Reports Elevated Levels of Influenza; AMAC Urges Those Who Have Not Yet Been Vaccinated Get Flu Shots

Posted on Thursday, January 31, 2019
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

flu season shot elderly vaccinated fluNew report suggests the flu may increase the risk of a stroke by as much as 40%

WASHINGTON, DC – There’s still time to get a flu shot if you haven’t done so already, says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. He warns that “it’s turning out to be a major threat to the nation’s health this year, particularly among America’s oldest and youngest populations.”

Weber cites recent Centers for Disease Control [CDC] reports that as many as seven million cases of the flu have been reported so far in the 2018-2019 flu season.  The CDC says that as many as 84,000 people have been hospitalized as a result.

The University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center (NORC) polled more than 1,200 participants in a survey conducted in November.  They found that 41% of them had not gotten flu shots and had no intention of getting the vaccine anytime soon.

Weber says that is “an alarming result.  Equally concerning is the fact that nearly a quarter of respondents over the age of 60 said they had no plans to get vaccinated.”

A news release issued by NORC noted that nearly two-thirds of those surveyed were unaware that the 2017-2018 flu season was among the worst on record.  Some 900,000 people were hospitalized and 80,000 died after coming down with the flu.  Most of the deaths were adults 65 and older and children.

“Unfortunately, many people are still not getting flu shots due to broader misconceptions about the value of receiving a flu shot and concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” according to NORC’s Caitlin Oppenheimer.

The flu season got off to a slow start last fall, but the CDC now reports that outbreaks of the flu are at elevated levels across the country.

Meanwhile, the Science Daily Web site reported this week that “flu-like illness increased the odds of having a stroke by nearly 40 percent over the next 15 days.”  The report said that the “increased risk remained up to one year.”

AMAC’s Weber urges everyone to heed the CDC’s advice and get a flu shot.  “If you have any doubts, consult your doctor.  Ask him or her whether it is a good idea to skip vaccination.  Indeed, there are those who might be allergic to the vaccine, but the great majority of us don’t fall into that category.  Too many people died last flu season.  Let’s not take risks this year.”


The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] [] is a vibrant, vital senior advocacy organization that takes its marching orders from its members.  We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests and offering a practical insight on how to best solve the problems they face today.  Live long and make a difference by joining us today at

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Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

Ah yes, anti-vaxxers.

If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

Edwin Barreiro
Edwin Barreiro
5 years ago

Based on the science, I choose not to get the flu shot ever again. It contains aluminum (linked to Alzheimer’s), and it causes many other negative side effects. The CDC has already paid $4B in damages to people injured by vaccines. The majority of the negative effects were linked to the flu shot. Everyone should go to the CDC website and research the ingredients, side effects, and the $$$ paid for damages. It’s all there for the public to see.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Want to know the truth about vaccines ?
Check out and get yourself educated.
Note to editor: If you delete my post on this subject one more time I
will let it be known on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook as well as other social sites
that you are censoring your members free speech rights.
Think I’m joking ? TRY ME.
A screenshot of this post has already been taken.

Cathy Bickerstaff
Cathy Bickerstaff
5 years ago

The flu shot only covers 3 viruses out of thousands. You are getting a shot of mercury when you take the flu shot. The numbers are skewed as well.

5 years ago

I joined so as not to be “pushed” . Please stop with the flu sermon. We are grown adults?

5 years ago

You have not done your research!! You would not be recommending ANY shots if you had looked into the facts from reliable information sources and not just government propaganda. Please do better.

Allan Emigh
Allan Emigh
5 years ago

Run like hell from every vaccine they are deadly to all living things. Here is a little perspective, Bill Gates Foundation provides vaccines to Africa to in their words eradicate the diseases that are killing people. The Bill Gates Foundation is the largest provider of funds to the abortion industry in Africa. Bill and Melinda Gates both belong to the World Eugenics Society a group who believe they must remove from the world the less desirable populations from society. All of this is true and can be easily proven in a search so if there is such a move by the Gates to help people with vaccines why then are they also working so hard to eliminate vast populations? Could it be that the vaccines are a Trogen Horse to health?

George Trachtenberg
George Trachtenberg
5 years ago

Not only what Edwin Barreiro said in his comments is correct but the flu shots are not very effective. In actual numbers, they are effective in only a relatively small percentage of people. I will not get the flu vaccine nor will I get any vaccine for the same reasons. People, do your research!

The real benefactors of vaccines are the manufacturers and those who deliver the vaccines.

Mike D
Mike D
5 years ago

I wrote to the CDC a few years ago expressing concern about the dramatic increase in flu and other lllnesses. This was during a large influx of illegal aliens. The CDC wrote back saying there was no connection. Now I see on TV that the Mexican Marines wearing surgical masks and gloves are serving illegals in food lines. Some of the illegals are also wearing surgical masks. This is another reason to build the wall to block against a potential deadly consequential viral germ invasion. It’s alone should be reason to block entryentry into our country. We need transparent honest statistical reporting from the CDC regarding illegals health status for those that make it into our country.

Jim Z
Jim Z
5 years ago

Ok AMAC get out of the influenza vaccine advertising business for pharmaceutical companies. We get enough vaccine advertisements from television and newscasts. People are getting too smart about the falsehoods of vaccines.

Richard Buchas
Richard Buchas
5 years ago

People, check out PEMT Pulse Electro Magnetic Therapy. I won’t name the product I use because I fear my post will be eliminated but it begins with the letter ‘B’ and is from Germany. The product is all over Europe and used in hospitals for the last 18 years but now here but the drug companies fought it coming here and helped influence the FDA to give it a Class 1 rating as a medical device which means it isn’t covered by insurance. This product increases your blood circulation so that the tiny capillaries can reach all areas/organs and by doing so, help strengthen your immune system so that I NEVER GET COLDS OR ANY FLU. I recently had an EKG and have NO BLOCKAGE IN MY ARTERIES OR VEINS and being single. I eat a lot of junk foods. I’m 71, and I don’t worry about strokes or heart attacks and don’t listen to my doctor who in my opinion, is a “legalized” drug pusher. Check it out, but not with your doctor who is bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry.

5 years ago

I hate to sound like a liberal but my body so if I don’t want a vaccine leave me alone. If the vaccinated are so safe, don’t worry about me. AMAC should stick to just to what they know which obviously don’t know the truth about vaccines. Many of the comments give good websites to get informed. The CDC is corrupt like many government agencies. Some whistle blowers have reported many in CDC don’t follow their own guidelines. I will never take another vaccine. Why do I want to put poison in me. Exercise, mostly organic food, and supplements like Vitamin C and D have helped me so far. Wash your hands and sneeze and cough on your shoulder, don’t cough on your hands.

Robert Michetich
Robert Michetich
5 years ago

Stop pushing the vaccines They over tax the immune system. Why don’t you publish how many folks that caught the flu that had the shot and how many died

Steven Mettler
Steven Mettler
5 years ago

My wife works in a nursing home where the flu shot is “mandatory” for all workers. Last week both the CEO and finance officer (who had the shot) were diagnosed and treated for influenza.

Raymond Miller
Raymond Miller
5 years ago

Way too many vaccines for the immune systems of little children and kids. It disrupts what God wanted for us. Natural immunity. Superbugs came about by being medicated way too much and mutated. Don’t you think the same thing happens to all the vaccines we are given throughout our life. Tenfold plus what we used to get and we did awesome. Now the CDC snd Big Pharma and it’s minions are killing us or making us inactive in our life. We need to hold these organizations accountable for their actions like we do other businesses and corporations but on a transparency basis for all to see. If their on the up and up they should not have any problem being transparent. My kids and grandkids are important to me and they should be to everyone. Put pressure on your congressman to do their diligence to save our kids. We want the truth in transparency whether I am right or wrong. We need to know now.

Nancy L
Nancy L
5 years ago

as a “conservative” news for seniors, I cannot believe you joined the bandwagon on suggesting seniors get their flu shots…I suggest you research before you push this information on your site…I am dissappointed as a new member.

5 years ago

It is not necessary to get a flu shot to avoid the flu. Just keep your immune system strong! Vitamin D 3 is important, but we also take 4Life Transfer Factor to boost our immune system. Neither my husband or I have ever had the flu vaccine, (we are 83 & 75) and we don’t get the flu, or colds, for that matter. We are never sick, so don’t tell me I have to put poisonous vaccines in my body to stay well.

Bruce Weaver
Bruce Weaver
5 years ago

I personally would not encourage anyone to get the flu shot- it is neither safe nor effective. If people follow proper nutrition (supplementation as necessary also), they will be able to deal with the flu. Vaccines are all about $$- the CDC is not ‘immune’ from the money grabbing either.

5 years ago

The safety of all vaccines is in doubt. Mercury, aluminum , formaldehyde etc. AMAC should do more investigating before recommending people to get a flu shot. Look at the man who was paralyzed after his flu shot. My mother couldn’t walk for 48 hours after she got her first and only flu shot. No more after that and she lived to be 89. A big moneymaker for Big Pharma nothing more. Build up your immune system with natural supplements.

roger rohe
roger rohe
5 years ago

Isn’t it something – people still believe “I’m from the government & I’m here to help you”. Truth is CDC owns & profits – to the tune of $4 Billion a year – patents on many vaccines. The people in government have no problem pushing their agenda. Food & Drug Administration top person comes from drug company & after a stint in government, goes back to drug company with a big bonus to start. EPA = chemical company person. You get the idea. Best thing you can do is take vitamin C by 1,000 mg doses. I take 6,000 daily. Vitamin D3 – 5,000 units. I take 10,000 daily. Also, GOOD multi vitamins – one a day will not do squat. You need to realize no one in big government wants to get out without a soft landing. Follow the $$$$$$$. Do research on your own. The federal government has a board that pays out for a few of the many injured by shots. Over $3.5 billion since 1986 when our government screwed us & said we couldn’t sue drug companies.

5 years ago

I am sorry, but comments below are correct!

Vaccines are NOT safe. John you really need to expand you research base!

Terry D McClelland
Terry D McClelland
5 years ago

Studies are showing that the flu shot has no effect in lessening the death toll in the elderly, my feelings are that it increases it, more and more studies are showing that these shots are dangerous and have little or no effect, please research this before recommending that people blindly get these shots, there are no long term studies to determine what happens when you receive these shots every year, in fact some new studies are inferring that getting a shot every year is lessening your immune systems ability to fend off the flu, also the CDC recommends these shots for pregnant women with no studies to back their safety, I keep my immune system built up and eat healthy, I have not been sick in years and work in a hospital

John Lyon
John Lyon
5 years ago

Mr. Barreiro is absolutely correct. Anyone getting a flu shot these days is risking an outcome far worse than the flu.

5 years ago

I’m actually shocked that AMAC is pro-vaccine.

Are you ignorant of the subject or on the payroll of Big Rx? I can’t think of a third alternative.

Please – people’s quality of life and even lives depend on your giving accurate info… or just abstaining. But don’t be like AARP and misinform Us, the People for your own gain.

Diane Sheppard
Diane Sheppard
5 years ago

I will never get another flu shot. They aren’t effective anyway. I’m not allowing all those chemicals into my body. The CDC inflates Numbers. Doctors have been told to lie about side effects of these shots. You all need to really read up on these things!!

5 years ago

When ALL TOXIC CHEMICALS are removed and the effectiveness is constantly above 75% than I will consider any vaccines.

R. Davis
R. Davis
5 years ago

When I was 48 years old I had the Flu. I wasn’t hospitalized, but I was so sick and weak, I thought I would die. It took months to finally get my strength and energy back. I get a Flu shot every year now. I never want to take a chance on ever getting the Flu again.

5 years ago

Why not do a poll and see how many people agree or disagree with vaccines?

5 years ago

Wow , AMAC , you really do Not know your audience ! Most people who die from the ‘ flu’ really had pneumonia. Get som facts .

David Mocsny
David Mocsny
5 years ago

No stats cited in article, only opinions. CDC is unable to get reliable info. Many causes of flu like symptoms exist.
Very easy to “diagnose” flu when faced with a flood of ill people and no time for real diagnosis; the CDC demanding
untested (virus mutates too quickly) vaccine be used.
NO MENTION IN ARTICLE OF MDs injecting themselves with the newest vaccine.

cheryl m thacker
cheryl m thacker
5 years ago

Absolutely, unequivocally NOT, I will never get another flu shot, over 30 yrs ago, tried them for 2 yrs in a row, got deathly ill both years. Have now survived influenza twice in the past 8 yrs, minus the “tender mercies” of the medical profession!!!

Burton Dodick
Burton Dodick
5 years ago

I spoke to my doctor about it. Last year it was less than 20% effective. Maybe Slightly better this year. By the time it’s released the flu virus has mutated several times anyway. Plus most vaccines contain mercury, a known neurotoxin. I’ll pass. Wash your hands and cough and sneeze into tissue.

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
5 years ago

There are many alternatives to getting a flu shot, a risky proposition that offers a limited range of benefits. Let me offer what has worked for me. I eat a grapefruit EVERY day. Maybe in summer when they are hard to get, a half. But I eat grapefruit every day. Grapefruits are not harmful. I drink green tea every day. Green tea is not harmful. I avoid going out so much as I can, and I avoid crowds. I don’t hibernate, I do what I have to do. I just use a bit of discretion. This time of year, when people are getting colds and the flu more often, I also have an orange every day. This is probably stupid, but I also take a multivitamin every day. Who knows what’s really in it? But it hasn’t killed me yet. I avoid using stuff like hand sanitizers, things that can weaken your immunity to everyday germs. I dial the thermostat WAY down in winter as well to become acclimated to the cold. And as a result of doing these things, and probably some degree of good luck, I have not had a cold in about 20 years. Who knows, a similar regimen may help you too. I haven’t had a flu shot yet and refuse to even consider getting one, for any of the myriad good reasons enumerated in the comments. There is clearly room for debate around this issue.

5 years ago

I was shocked when I began reading about Amac not only supporting the flu vaccine but encouraging people to take this poison! Then I began reading your comments and took a big sigh of relief because your are educated and, informed about the dangers of vaccines, especially the flu vaccine. I do believe they are being used to get the world population down by 90% which is the New World Order’s goal. Notice how they push quite a few vaccines on the “older” population. Super strength flus shot for us, why? I doubt that’s it’s because they want us around for any long period of time, “useless feeders”, their words, not mine. Check out the documentary Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2, roman numerals. You can order it through Amazon, I believe. I’m not sure the second one has been released yet. This will open your eyes. Amac please do your research, we all can’t be wrong bout these vaccines. I would like it if you did your research and then come back and let us know where you stand on the flu vaccine afterward. I bet dollars to doughnuts you will have a different point of view on this subject., I pray you will. I haven’t taken a vaccine in years, not since I educated myself on the dangers. I take vitamins , herbs and incorporate homeopathic medicine, massage & acupuncture & I’m pretty healthy for a 71 year old. Please do some research on this subject. You are on the wrong side of this subject. God Bless

5 years ago

Do you recall the AMAC newsletter article “Everyone Needs a Flu Shot, Particularly Those at Greatest Risk – the Elderly, says AMAC” published on September 27, 2018? There are 144 comments at the end of that article with maybe 6 people supporting the flu shot. Steve – I would consider those comments to be an accurate poll, at least concerning the flu vaccine. About 2 weeks later, I contacted AMAC asking them to address all of that negativity about the flu vaccine. Haven’t seen or heard anything
yet and I hope today’s article isn’t AMAC’s idea of a follow-up. I posted this comment with the web address of the Sept. 27 article 3 hours ago and it’s not up yet. I’ll try this again without the address. The article can be found by clicking the link “Read more articles by John Grimaldi” between the article and the comments.

5 years ago

This article is disgustingly disappointing, especially coming from an organization that is supposed to be letting the members give the marching orders. It is full of bogus factoids. The fact is, the flu shot does not protect MOST people from the flu and can make things WORSE for many people, and as noted, it contains aluminum, which, together with fluoridated water, creates aluminum fluoride, which is known to cause lesions in neurons. And that IS what Alzheimer’s is all about. So one runs a slight chance the shot will help, and sets up for long term dementia. Aluminum is POISON to the human body. I wouldn’t eat it, let alone get it injected into my tissues. Doesn’t make sense!

My parents forced me to get an annual flu shot when I was in high school. I got several strep throats a year. When I went to college, I didn’t get the flu shot, and in spite of the fact that I had to walk to class in snowy weather, I did not get the flu or a strep throat all year. I haven’t had the flu shot, a strep throat, or the flu since then, and that was over a half century ago. Never again will I get the flu shot.

There are many natural ways to boost immunity. They work far better, and they are safe. You should be educating us about this, not recommending we take poison into our bodies.

When you repeat fake news like that, with such recommendations, you’re practicing medicine without a license. The fact is, the biggest enemy of health these days in America is the medical Establishment. An organization such as yours should be advocating FOR us AGAINST those who want to poison us with multiple pharmaceuticals (which ARE poisonous in larger doses, which is why they “work”). It’s not your job to help brainwash your members into becoming victims of the medical Establishment. If you aren’t willing to take our side, you’re no better than the AARP. Shame on you!

5 years ago

Mr. Weber, please do not recommend anything you don’t know about. Tell me, would you trust the government with your health? Would you?

I work in a science-related field, and have a lot of experience with immunization and immunology. I have not gotten a flu shot since the debacle of the ‘swine flu pandemic’ (which never materialized) in 2009.

You see, there is this thing with big pharma with regards to making a lot of money. This year (and previously with the untested, unproven swine flu vaccine which was rushed to market) there is something called squalene, which is being added to the flu shots. It is an ‘adjuvant,’ meaning this substance supposedly ‘soups up’ the immune response. This adjuvant has been approved by the CDC for the 2018-19 flu season. This is a first.

Squalene is shark liver oil. Now, taken as an oral supplement or massaged into your skin may be fine, but having it injected into your body is something else. It was added to the vaccine in Europe, with disastrous results: Alzheimer’s, Guillen-Barre syndrome, death. It was also added to the shots administered to service people before their tours of duty in the Middle East. If I told you that this was the origin of the illness called ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ would you believe me?

Here’s the deal: Big pharma will tell you that squalene will boost your immune response when, in fact, all it does is increases the number of shots you can get from a vial of vaccine; a 10-shot vial becomes 20 shots. Follow the money.

Funny thing: the shots containing squalene (I can’t mention the brand name, but you can look it up) is recommended for people over 65. What does that tell you? A dangerous substance is being marketed to seniors.

As other posters have said, keep your immune system in top form with supplements and exercise. Stay away from obviously sick people. Wash your hands raw and wear a protective mask, if you feel the need.

Do NOT trust the government with your health.

5 years ago

As much as I agree with AMAC on must things, this is one issue I completely disagree with you. You should not be pushing anyone to get vaccines of any kind. Even cursory research shows that vaccines are dangerous, especially for seniors. Check out The Truth About Vaccines.

Larry Lynn Davis
Larry Lynn Davis
5 years ago

The last time I got this shot was in 1981, I only did it then because I was serving in the US Air Force and I was ordered to do so. Result was I got so sick I almost died. I tend to think this is a money maker for the makers of this crap. They could care less who they hurt to make money.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

Influenza (the flu) is ever mutating and the vaccine is always behind the latest strand of the virus. Just like the less dangerous common cold, it’s impossible to make a vaccine to cover all the strands.

I have a question about vaccines, all of them now used in the U.S. Where are they made? A number of the pharmaceuticals and health supplements we take are produced in Red China, a country noted for it’s loose or poor standards of everything they export to us, many times intentionally. With the current political regime in power in Red China right now, I put as little trust in them as would have been due to the 1940 Japanese military government officials if they had been sending us medicines.

Ellen M
Ellen M
5 years ago

Gee, AMAC, you sound an awful lot like AARP. Are the Pharmaceutical companies underwriting you? This article is totally unexpected. I really thought you would be writing in a much more neutral way. Perhaps you should give the arguments for both sides and let us decide. Granted, many already have made their decision, but hearing real facts can be educational. Tell people what sites give good information. Stop spouting MSM-speak. I can get that everywhere else.

Terry Fulton
Terry Fulton
5 years ago

Because of this BS is why I will NOT be renewing my AMAC membership

Carol Minehardt
Carol Minehardt
5 years ago

Don’t believe the flu stats. The results are skewed because we older folks have many diseases and they (BIg Pharma and CDC who are co-conspirators to sell vaccines and the biggest lobby cohort in DC is Big Pharma) do not distinguish those who die from multiple disease failure, from those who have contracted the flu. Check it out with but not with the CDC, FDA or any Big Pharma organization. Everyone who dies is lumped into one category -“died of the flu.”

Also all the vaccines are riddled with aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbates and etc. These are carcinogenic and deadly. They serve to infiltrate the blood brain barrier, hence the neuro toxic results that occur from vaccinations.

Check the web site for VAERS. The government wouldn’t have started this vaccine injury adverse reporting system IF vaccines didn’t cause fatal and life debilitating injuries.

Finally vaccines do not work, only natural immunity grants the ability to keep you healthy. Fix your gut, eat organic when possible, filter your water, don’t use plastics, don’t use Round-up and stay away from the dirty foods. Check out

Leslie F Ruff
Leslie F Ruff
5 years ago

Why would you encourage flu shots? Get educated AMAC

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
5 years ago

No thanks!!!

5 years ago

What kind of a kickback are you getting from big pharma to run yet another pro flu shot article? It wasn’t too popular last time!

5 years ago

The only time I got sick was when I was forced to get a flu shot in the Navy!!! WAS SICK FOR TWO WEEKS!! NEVER AGAIN!!

5 years ago

Why not focus on healthy lifestyle instead of injecting garbage into a body. I really don’t need Amac telling me what to do…

5 years ago

Flu shots do not work well on those over 65! check it out! Flu shots make you more susceptible to flu the next year! and Flu shots only cut the hospitization rate for complications (not the flu itself) by 1-2% of the 6% chance you will get the flu! It has animal and human DNA in vaccines, perservatives, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury…CDC gets income from vaccines… You are being lied too, the Dr.s take the CDC and pharmaceutical companies research and it is not tested!They don’t test them, they assume they work and say it is unethical to test them properly. The test is giving it to people. What is the results of getting all these vaccines? After 1986 you cannot sue for vaccine injury or death. People do die or are injured from vaccines.(research this !) Vaxxed. You might get a settlement if you wait and ‘prove it’ in 8 years, and you get a hush order. Pharmaceutical companies are the only ones researching and pretty much own the Medical teaching hospitals…Dr.’s are not allowed to go against protocol or lose their license. Yet some Dr. and Nurses have turned against the lack of truth about all the corruption and greed of pharmaceutical companies. The third biggest cause of death is Medical Care mistakes and drugs! Don’t do it! Can’t believe they are giving them to pregnant women! They admit it increases the chance of miscarriage! who knows what else….

Edwin Barreiro
Edwin Barreiro
5 years ago

I am very encouraged by the responses to this article. My daughter and my wife will be making public comments in front of the AICP committee at the CDC in Atlanta on this very issue later this month. We have done a lot of research on vaccines. This is a real problem for our children and even for us adults. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Vaccines are killing us. Vaccines are not being properly tested. We need double-blind placebo studies done on ALL vaccines. Vaccines are not tested the same way other drugs are tested because the drug companies CANNOT be sued for vaccine injuries! Mr. Grimaldi, did you know that the flu shot has not been properly tested and that the vaccine court has paid out billions of dollars for Flu vaccine injuries? Also, many vaccines contain aborted fetus cells!!!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH!

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