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Cancel Culture Continues – Against Conservatives

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The cancel culture is alive and well. A high school student was recently suspended for talking about his Christian beliefs in private texts and in “a hallway.” The real question is – when will Americans allow other Americans, who necessarily differ in beliefs, as we are individuals – to speak openly about them?

The case in question is a Michigan High School student who apparently was suspended for discussing his Christian beliefs. The Detroit News indicates the student voiced two forbidden opinions, first that the Bible describes homosexuality as a sin and second that men and women are biologically different. See, e.g., Student suspended for privately discussing Christian beliefs sues school district; Christian student suspended after sharing beliefs on sexuality and gender, lawsuit says.

According to public accounts, his suspension was related to “stealing others’ happiness.”  When the student sought to clarify his views, arguing that those who wanted him silenced had a larger agenda, namely to “shame, intimidate, and silence conservatives and Christians,” at least once critic concurred. See also, Michigan High School Student Sues School for Suspending Him for Privately Talking About Christian BeliefsSchool sued over social media ban on religion, restriction on religious expression at school.

The suspended Christian student then sued, claiming his right to speak his views was impaired. This case is likely to be of continuing interest, highlighting the sad state of public dialogue in America.

Historically, without reciting a string of cases, the First Amendment – while having “time, place and manner” restrictions per the US Supreme Court, errs on the side of offensive speech. The reasons are clear, and amply supported by case law and reference to the founding documents.

The point of free speech is to permit differences of opinion for their own sake in a free country – and to permit corrective speech, in effect serving pursuit of truth through unfettered exchange of highly divergent life experiences, opinions, perceptions, beliefs, and views of the world.

To shut down speech because it reflects starkly different views of the world, even views offensive to one individual or group, is to miss the opportunity to educate, persuade, understand, inform, reflect, deepen knowledge not just of a view but of society, and of the various parts of a pluralist society.

Absent that communication, that willingness to hear the offensive, we lose our own ability to judge with full knowledge the world in which we live. We become captive to our own preferences, prejudices, experiences, and taught and learned beliefs. We also lose the ability to interact understandingly.

So, what does this case teach us? Even at this unsettled point, it tells us that we are not becoming more reflective, understanding, and able to appreciate and learn from each other, but less. We are reminded that a certain fragility – a kind of news delicateness – is afoot in society, one that does not toughen us but weakens us.

Moreover, this case reminds us that fear is afoot, the kind that causes normal people to reject other people because they fear the opinions they hold; that is true of those on the left especially, since they seem unable to process that they may be wrong. At times, it is also true of those on the right.

Looking back in time, across the vast expanse of American history, this is an anomaly, making this period unusually sensitive, an outlier period – we do not normally react with fear to differences, but with an awareness that differences are what define our unique society, with confidence and engagement, not retreat into condemnation, vilification, and disengagement.

Where does all this lead? That is the million-dollar question, since a healthy democratic or republican form of government always depends on open communication, the more informed, the better – but that “getting informed” process invariably requires a curious mind, listening, and openness to differences.

For those who think we are turning a corner, Americans sick of being shut down, shut up, shut-in, and told to follow government dictates, mandates, and speech codes, you are probably right. Americans are getting tired of rolling, growing restrictions on their base constitutional rights. But be aware – there are still large pockets of liberty-restricting thought that do not want more liberty-loving thought. Just a thought.

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2 years ago


You ask “Where does all this lead?” Well I think we both know where this all leads, if the American people don’t stand up for their rights and freedoms. At least the Canadian truck drivers are standing up for themselves and pushing back against authoritarian rule. Which should hopefully motivate some Americans to follow suit here.

We’ve seen how this government suppression of rights and freedoms plays out in multiple countries over the last 100 years, once it gets rolling, and it isn’t pretty. It never just goes away on its own, because those seeking more power and control over the population see no reason to back down. It’s ultimately up to the American people, if they want to stop this nonsense or not.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been that way since 2020 campaign to date by Big Tech, Media

2 years ago

So, what can we do to combat the far left and cancel culture? Many are watching, not “ignoring or hoping it goes away”. Most just have no clue what to do about it.
Many people are timid, also. What can be done to instill bravery to confront the illness in society?
One more comment: I find it humorous that liberals are still outraged over Donald Trump. You’d think they’d have more sense. Guess it gives them something to do in their spare time, when they are not otherwise involved in turning America into a Socialist regime.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Does anyone remember Anita Day? The reaction to her opinions? Was she ever right and then the group of mothers who wanted to stop heavy metal penetrating every inch of the space they were against the “art and culture” that was reactionary and recist some art we now have it all around us so uplifting is rap both sides are cowards one is afraid to voiece opinion the other can’t face it and act like a man Only a child would try to hide behind a lie

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Cancel culture works both ways. Just saying.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Until the American public learns to push back and not just complain, it will continue until our demise.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

In the ‘geographically’ beautiful state of Oregon I reside in, our Dictatorship has legislated into law banning ‘hate speech.’ Which in Progressives minds is anything that hurts their feelings.
We all know where this is going. What that student did at that school I can only assume he acted as his Christian beliefs taught him, some act under their own power, not supported by Christ’s guiding Spirit. But whatever the case in this example, school authorities suspended him for speaking his beliefs. The new law for hate speech will be directed at Christian’s whose duty it is to Christ, to go out into the world preaching the Gospel. The Left has nothing better to do than to try to stop what they see as that nagging voice which always tells them what they don’t want to hear, that voice that informs them how they’re choosing to live their life is wrong, or that they’re going to Hell for their sins. Nobody wants to hear that, but only those who unbeknownst to them, would rather follow the Devil and hiss and foam at the mouth and attack because they can’t stand to hear it. It’s called Spiritual conviction.
Of course there is nothing new about any of this…it’s been this way since Satan was cast out of Heaven. What matters more is how many of Christ’s followers will allow themselves to be silenced through whatever persecution they face ‘on behalf of Christ?’ Will this be the sign of the ‘great falling away?’
We have been taught that in this life we will have tribulation and persecution, Jesus said, ‘because they persecuted (Me). He also told us the world would hate us because it first hated Him. He concluded with the words, ‘rejoice and do not be discouraged, that He has overcome the world.’
We are soldiers in God’s Army, and we ‘take up our cross and follow Him.’ If we love Him, He said we will obey His Commandments.
These are the times we’ve been warned about and our faith will be tried as to what sort it is. This verse in the Bible has always stuck with me:
‘Will He find faith on the Earth?’
Let’s pray He will find many many faithful to the end, to the resurrecting of our souls.

2 years ago

Great article Mr. Charles!
I find the Michigan students case alarming, who do these politicians and woke participants think they are???
This is America, Our God given rights are WAY above the authority they bestow upon themselves as our temporary representatives. Obviously they have forgotten they are merely public servants who work FOR the Citizens!
It’s especially enlightening when a Citizen attempts to correspond with Our public servants , it’s nearly impossible to reach them or sometimes you’ll receive a preformed response,which answers nothing.
I wanted to forward the article about the Michigan student and ask Governor whitmer how she’d respond if it was her child. Of course her public servant schedule is too busy ruining Our state and destroying Our country with the anti American democrat party to answer the Citizen she’s supposed to work for!
It’s clear to me that Our freedom, and God given rights are secondary to whitmers power and money grab!
She’s just another swamp politician that needs to go!
Wake up America , these marxist democrats are here taking away YOUR FREEDOM!

2 years ago

You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you CANNOT please all of the people all of the time. We human beings ALL have our own beliefs and opinions and that will never change! Get over it!!!

Denise Ledford
Denise Ledford
2 years ago

Lots of people on here commenting that no one is fighting back. So what are each and every one of you doing to fight back? What steps are any of you taking to push back against the cancel culture.?

2 years ago


You ask “Where does all this lead?” Well I think we both know where this all leads, if the American people don’t stand up for their rights and freedoms. At least the Canadian truck drivers are standing up for themselves and pushing back against authoritarian rule. Which should hopefully motivate some Americans to follow suit here.

We’ve seen how this government suppression of rights and freedoms plays out in multiple countries over the last 100 years, once it gets rolling, and it isn’t pretty. It never just goes away on its own, because those seeking more power and control over the population see no reason to back down. It’s ultimately up to the American people, if they want to stop this nonsense or not.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been that way since 2020 campaign to date by Big Tech, Media

2 years ago

So, what can we do to combat the far left and cancel culture? Many are watching, not “ignoring or hoping it goes away”. Most just have no clue what to do about it.
Many people are timid, also. What can be done to instill bravery to confront the illness in society?
One more comment: I find it humorous that liberals are still outraged over Donald Trump. You’d think they’d have more sense. Guess it gives them something to do in their spare time, when they are not otherwise involved in turning America into a Socialist regime.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Does anyone remember Anita Day? The reaction to her opinions? Was she ever right and then the group of mothers who wanted to stop heavy metal penetrating every inch of the space they were against the “art and culture” that was reactionary and recist some art we now have it all around us so uplifting is rap both sides are cowards one is afraid to voiece opinion the other can’t face it and act like a man Only a child would try to hide behind a lie

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Cancel culture works both ways. Just saying.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

Until the American public learns to push back and not just complain, it will continue until our demise.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

In the ‘geographically’ beautiful state of Oregon I reside in, our Dictatorship has legislated into law banning ‘hate speech.’ Which in Progressives minds is anything that hurts their feelings.
We all know where this is going. What that student did at that school I can only assume he acted as his Christian beliefs taught him, some act under their own power, not supported by Christ’s guiding Spirit. But whatever the case in this example, school authorities suspended him for speaking his beliefs. The new law for hate speech will be directed at Christian’s whose duty it is to Christ, to go out into the world preaching the Gospel. The Left has nothing better to do than to try to stop what they see as that nagging voice which always tells them what they don’t want to hear, that voice that informs them how they’re choosing to live their life is wrong, or that they’re going to Hell for their sins. Nobody wants to hear that, but only those who unbeknownst to them, would rather follow the Devil and hiss and foam at the mouth and attack because they can’t stand to hear it. It’s called Spiritual conviction.
Of course there is nothing new about any of this…it’s been this way since Satan was cast out of Heaven. What matters more is how many of Christ’s followers will allow themselves to be silenced through whatever persecution they face ‘on behalf of Christ?’ Will this be the sign of the ‘great falling away?’
We have been taught that in this life we will have tribulation and persecution, Jesus said, ‘because they persecuted (Me). He also told us the world would hate us because it first hated Him. He concluded with the words, ‘rejoice and do not be discouraged, that He has overcome the world.’
We are soldiers in God’s Army, and we ‘take up our cross and follow Him.’ If we love Him, He said we will obey His Commandments.
These are the times we’ve been warned about and our faith will be tried as to what sort it is. This verse in the Bible has always stuck with me:
‘Will He find faith on the Earth?’
Let’s pray He will find many many faithful to the end, to the resurrecting of our souls.

2 years ago

Great article Mr. Charles!
I find the Michigan students case alarming, who do these politicians and woke participants think they are???
This is America, Our God given rights are WAY above the authority they bestow upon themselves as our temporary representatives. Obviously they have forgotten they are merely public servants who work FOR the Citizens!
It’s especially enlightening when a Citizen attempts to correspond with Our public servants , it’s nearly impossible to reach them or sometimes you’ll receive a preformed response,which answers nothing.
I wanted to forward the article about the Michigan student and ask Governor whitmer how she’d respond if it was her child. Of course her public servant schedule is too busy ruining Our state and destroying Our country with the anti American democrat party to answer the Citizen she’s supposed to work for!
It’s clear to me that Our freedom, and God given rights are secondary to whitmers power and money grab!
She’s just another swamp politician that needs to go!
Wake up America , these marxist democrats are here taking away YOUR FREEDOM!

2 years ago

You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you CANNOT please all of the people all of the time. We human beings ALL have our own beliefs and opinions and that will never change! Get over it!!!

Denise Ledford
Denise Ledford
2 years ago

Lots of people on here commenting that no one is fighting back. So what are each and every one of you doing to fight back? What steps are any of you taking to push back against the cancel culture.?

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