
Newsline , Society

Blame the Media for Biden’s Incompetence

Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

President Joe Biden participates in an interview with MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace of “Deadline: White House”, Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Amid the fallout from yet another foreign policy disaster under Joe Biden’s watch, the administration should be under serious pressure to answer for its glaring failures. But team Biden has by now learned that they can get away with anything because they will not face any of the media pressure normal administrations (and particularly Republican administrations) face not to make major mistakes, or to rapidly correct problems when they arise.

Mounting evidence suggests that the Biden administration’s actions emboldened and empowered Hamas ahead of their brutal assault on Israel. Hamas leaders have boasted that the attacks were funded by Iran – just weeks after Biden released $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets. Soon after taking office, Biden also resumed sending hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority, which has a long history of using aid money to fund “pay for slay” attacks on Israelis and Americans.

These facts are indisputable, and an honest media would be hammering Biden over his culpability in the horrific crimes being perpetrated on the Israeli people.

Yet the president can rest easy knowing that there is virtually no chance of the media holding him to account for his failures. Instead of asking why the White House chose to release $6 billion to a country that chants “death to America” and fund an authoritarian regime whose sole mission is the destruction of the United States’ strongest Middle East ally, CBS, The New York Times, the AP, NBC News, and other prominent outlets all released glowing coverage of Biden’s remarks condemning the attacks, followed by headlines dismissing any criticism of Biden’s foreign policy as a baseless GOP talking point.

This is a pattern that has played out throughout Biden’s presidency, with the media acting as Biden’s personal PR firm rather than the voice of the American people.

From the onset of Biden’s presidential run, it was obvious that a 77-year-old has-been career politician in an obvious state of cognitive decline stood no chance of winning the White House without an intense, coordinated effort to boost his candidacy.

So, the media elites launched a campaign of their own to portray Biden’s shortcomings as strengths and incompetence as wisdom. COVID-19 allowed them to bill Biden’s refusal (or inability) to leave his basement as legitimate concern about the virus. The embarrassing lack of enthusiasm for Biden’s candidacy was likewise chalked up to the pandemic.

Biden’s repeated gaffes on the campaign trail – a trend that has continued into his presidency – were dismissed as the result of a “childhood stutter,” despite the fact that he seemingly had no trouble speaking during his decades in the Senate. Videos showing Biden forgetting where he was and even what office he was running for were simply “missing context,” the media insisted.

Lest there be any doubt about the extent to which the media was willing to go to mask Biden’s glaring deficiencies, they then played a central role in the scheme to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story just weeks before the election.

With Biden in office, the media’s job has expanded from just hiding Biden’s incompetence to also excusing the tangible policy failures of his administration.

As inflation rose throughout 2021 and 2022, the media blamed everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine war – everything except the $6.5 trillion Biden added to the deficit. When the country entered a recession last year, the media instantly adopted the administration’s new definition of a recession, sparking a battle over the technical definition of the term that was intentionally designed to distract from the dire economic realities facing the American people.

Lacking a viable excuse for the millions of people illegally pouring across the U.S.-Mexico border, the media has engaged in a coordinated blackout on that crisis, simply refusing to cover what can only be described as an all-out invasion. Even as border communities desperately plead for more federal resources and a change in policy, the legacy press has refused to consistently pressure the administration on the issue, allowing Biden to avoid scrutiny.

Biden has similarly been given a pass by the media for his botched handling of multiple disasters, including the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment, another fatal train derailment in Montana, and the Maui wildfires.

After some initial outrage, the media quickly moved on from Biden’s shameful Afghanistan debacle, and have steadfastly refused to call for any accountability for that failure. Other foreign policy fiascos like a bungled submarine deal that led to France recalling its ambassador from Washington were also shamefully underreported. But could we really expect the media to give these embarrassing flubs any sort of appropriate coverage after they promised throughout 2020 that Biden’s record would make him a great diplomatic success story?

It is certainly true that the American people should blame Biden and his lieutenants for their gross incompetence and ineptitude. Biden is ultimately the one who makes the final decision on administration policy; moreover, he is the only one whom voters can directly replace.

But Americans also shouldn’t forget who has been enabling and cheerleading Biden’s failures every step of the way. The media set out to force Biden on the country, and they succeeded. Then, they tried to gaslight the entire nation into believing that things weren’t actually getting more expensive, and the world wasn’t actually getting more dangerous, while at the same time convincing the administration to continue down the destructive path it was on.

They’ve made themselves complicit in Biden’s disaster presidency as a result.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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11 months ago

I don’t blame the media for Biden’s incompetence. He is incompetent. I blame the media for not reporting on it.

11 months ago

YES, the Facts Are Indisputable!
But you can count on Jackass Joebama to FAIL JUST RETALIATION!

11 months ago

MSM doesn’t hold Biden responsible for anything. They (MSM) are as corrupt as the rest of D.C. politics.

11 months ago

The MSM is the propaganda outlet for ole Joe and the gang. Has been that way always, but they are not hiding it anymore. Educated people still believe the news they bring and how do we get them to see that this is not news but propaganda? You can’t, too much power and money stands behind the dems. And ole Joe contributes to that division every day by calling his opponents terrorists. While he plays footsie with Iran. One question Joe, WHY????

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Been like this day 1

11 months ago

First: Blame Biden and his incompetent wife, she is just as power hunger as any leftist first Heffer, second: blame the half-wit Morons that he picked to destroy America, third: blame the left leaning News Media who are just as culpable as the first two, Forth: but most of all blame the idiot voters who cast their ballots for him and the corrupt voting systems across this country, voters who failed to vote for a candidate that would uphold the Constitution and civil liberties, got sucked into voting for a corrupt candidate because they were told to by the corrupt media and the Marxist College Professors, who are from the acid heads of the 70’s told them too.
People vote for a candidate because they are for smoking dope, because they let the little college slut get an abortion, because they think they will get a free college education, as long as people think they will get something for free they will vote for the worst of the worst and to hell with our freedoms.
Blame the parents, of a lot of the voters today, when I was growing up, my parents made me show that I was willing to behave and contribute and earn my way and tout me there is no free lunch, if you have to have it, EARN IT!
God Bless America – Long Live Freedom!

11 months ago

Blame the DemonRat Lemming Sheep people who voted for this Stupid Disgusting pos China Biden into office for the last 50 YEARS along with all the Communist Demonrat Party. They are the party of the Klan & Margaret Sanger, Barrack Hussein Ovomit who is a Racist dumbo elephant eared mooslum Not a United States Citizen started all this bs

11 months ago

Bogus headline. Biden’s incompetence is all his own, the media is just complicit in covering his @$$. Seems the media hates individual freedom as much as the democrats do nowadays.

11 months ago

FJB 100% owns his incompetence. If it is claimed that he has dementia then Jill Biden 100% owns the incompetence. There are zero excuses. History needs to treat this administration as the worst failure in the history of the USA.

11 months ago

People who watch MSM will never have their eyes opened or their minds changed.

11 months ago

They get 6 billion while chanting., “death to America”. In the mean time, Biden’s inept and incompetent open border in itself,… is bringing, “death to America”.

11 months ago

One thing we all need to understand is all the National News Medias are working for ABC, NBC, CBS, MSDNC, CNN, they are working to become the official news media of the communist controlled America, like Pravda!

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

I blame media for shielding him and hiding his incompetence He is competent to be incompetent all on his own

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

Jackass Joe will tell you it’s a peaceful war between Hamas and Iseral. Kyle L.

11 months ago

Who cares what the Libtard media thinks, we have ignored them since 2000!!!! 🙂

11 months ago

The treason running deep and wide. Exposed, out of the closet, has been known for decades. Now infecting the Republican side as well. Politicians, media, oligarchs will sell out their souls, their countries, the world, their own children, for their own greed and self interest. It seems to me to only remaining elephant in the room that they won’t address: once they’ve taken us into the next “war to end all wars,” from where will they “rule?” Maybe their caves. Are things going so well in this age that contemplation of eternity is no longer in “vogue?”

11 months ago

The current mainstream journalists are unpatriotic, attention seeking, self-serving, clueless, antiAmerican, and should no longer be called journalists.

11 months ago

Biden can’t handle the stress. He has no clue what to do. He has screwed up everything he touches. Not to mention can’t beleive a word that spouts out of his blow hole! They had a rough time trying to retreave him from under his bed, to show his face. Yes there is things he can do about Iran, but won’t. We are in a terrible situation ourselves with terrorism. OPEN BOARDER. We all know they are all ready here! Just a matter of time again. We need to get the illeagles OUT of the United States. And send Biden and Harris with them. God save us all.

11 months ago

Stupid illiterate Americans tolerate the complicit media!

Sharon K Danks
Sharon K Danks
11 months ago

One of our biggest enemies!

11 months ago

He is incompetent. He and Obama both are traitors and conspiring on most of it. This is the problem.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

What disaster. ??? Peaches and cream in Biden land. Kyle L.

11 months ago

Controlled media sources do not report facts. They are strongly prohibited to do that!!!

11 months ago

This is old news.

11 months ago

Ted Kennedy said that slow moe joe was the dumbest person in the senate: b i d e n – biggest idiot dems ever nominated!

11 months ago

also blame the supporters of biden and his ilk!!

11 months ago

Blame Biden/

11 months ago

The Taranto Principle, named after (James Taranto) by Spectator editor R. Emmett Tyrrell, posits that the liberal media’s uncritical coverage often disserves liberal politicians by making them complacent, thus encouraging bad or foolish behavior. The classic example is from 2004, when journalists failed to question John Kerry’s self-presentation as a war hero. Along came the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and Kerry was undone by a scandal for which an adversarial press would have left him prepared. (See “Kerry’s Quagmire,” TAS, July/August 2005.)

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
11 months ago

One can only blame the media for not reporting about Joe Biden’s incompetence. Biden was already showing symptoms of dementia when the Democrat Party nominated him to be its candidate for the Presidency. It would be pointless to blame Biden himself for incompetence because his dementia is obviously in an advanced stage.
Valerie Jarrett’s position in the White House is advisor to the usurper Biden. She, in turn, gets her instructions from the Indonesian national, i.e. obama. The blame for the Biden family criminal activities must be laid at the feet of that family. The political blunders are obviously due to the agenda of obama. Psst! Want to predict what Biden will do next in the foreign relations arena? Easy to do if you understand what the Muslim puppeteer obama would do.
Joe Biden should be in a nursing home where his dementia could be cared for. obama should be deported back to indonisesia where he would feel more comfortable among all of his follow Muslims. Kamala Harris? She could make a fortune in a red light district house where her knee pads would come in handy.
However, the salient cause of the incompetence in the White House are the Biden voters. These are the people who thought Joe Biden would be a competent leader.

11 months ago

OK people: Yes, Biden is totally incompetent to the core. I cannot begin to describe to any of you how much the very sight of Joe Biden disgusts me. Ukraine is a total waste, please don’t get me started on the border issue.
But when it come to Israel / Hamas let’s not forget one very important fact: In 1948 IDF rolled across Palestine giving inhabitants 45-minutes to vacate their properties. Some of those properties were farms that had been in those families for 2000 years. America is lickspittle because Jews control a large part of the worlds money supply, Banks, Wall Street and the media. Have you ever seen an American politician grovel for anything else?
Like it or not we all have to face Truth.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

Is the media the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, or is the Democratic Party the political wing of the media?

Ralph S
Ralph S
11 months ago

In the early 70’s The Peter Principle was required reading. The Biden administration is the epitome of this treatise. Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.

11 months ago

If Joe Biden was a pro golfer the media would have him ranked number one in the world based on all of Mulligans they have given him for his many failures in domestic & foreign policy. The Left Wing Media is totally complicit on Biden’s failed Administration and has zero credibility. Without an impartial Media that is willing to hold both political parties accountable for their actions, the American people can be misled and manipulated in a way to favor one party over the other. Censoring stories, downplaying stories and just not reporting them at all have given the Democrats carte blanche to do as they please and not be held accountable for their actions. The Media needs to operate within the confines of our Constitution or shut down if they don’t.

11 months ago

Great article, Shane! We can debate whether Biden and his inept freak show of an administration are just nincompoops or evil or both; however, what is purely evil is the corrupt media not reporting accurately, viz. lying, and the devastating effects on American society.
If you are just a busy hardworking citizen, a student, even a child in front of a screen you are to be pitied if the networks or cable or any other form of mainstream corporate media is your source of news, entertainment or a source of what is good and truthful. From rippling jiggling singing fatsos who have their diabetes under control by staying obese and shooting up with a drug meant to control blood sugar in the unwell to college students from elite schools who champion the beheading of babies while getting tearful over possibly endangered newts in California, be warned that nothing you see or read from the vendors of lies is true, in fact, it’s just the opposite.

11 months ago

The media will one day have to live in the America they helped create!! Or in the destruction of it!

11 months ago

Shane – you neglected to tell us who owns the libturd media companies!

7 months ago

Why aren’t we invoking the 25th ammendment???

Chuck Pfeifer
Chuck Pfeifer
9 months ago

I’m truly embarrassed by Joe Biden! In every category, he is a third rater(not even a second) I wonder what the rest of the world thinks of this crooked imbecile? OUCH!!!!

11 months ago

Hate to inform the media, but their lying to cover for Biden will get them the same fate we will all suffer. Oil is gone, military is depleted. Ammo in short supply, cost of everything is skyrocketing, the border is wide open for any terrorist that wants to come in is allowed. So! What could go wrong that will. Our defeat will also be suffered by the left wing media too. We are all going down together so keep lying about Biden and the ideology of Marxism. I hope to survive and live to
rejoice in the medias fall!

11 months ago

Blame the media? How about we blame the wicked in power? Regardless of what position they hold!

11 months ago

We do still have reporters who hold people accountable, reporters looking for the truth. But there are not many. Rupert Murdoch’s final message was affirmation of freedom of speech. Truth seems to not be the goal for many. More often they follow the crowd.
Yes the media is going along, but the fault lies with Biden himself.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
11 months ago

“Instead of asking why the White House chose to release $6 billion to a country that chants “death to America” and fund an authoritarian regime whose sole mission is the destruction of the United States’ strongest Middle East ally,”MSM knows WHY Joe released $6B, my redneck math says thats $600M for the big guy.

11 months ago

Maybe the media realizes that Biden is just the fall guy. He is following along and implementing the goal of his old boss, Obama. Who, if we remember, said that he wanted to fundamentally change the America and that is what Joe Biden doing. Just a thought.

11 months ago

I support and respect TRUMP he has commitment to America! He is not stopped by persecution and prosecution by Dem Comrades. OTHERS [including myself) complain, grumble, worry and pray! We truly need to follow his example! And pray daily for our country, and our families and loved ones! America is in a VERY scary precarious position May GOD BLESS US ALL AND HELP US AND GUIDE US! AMEN!

D Parker
D Parker
11 months ago

We all knew that a Biden Presidency would be a dumpster fire and here we are!! That happens when the winner is selected not elected. You have someone that has lived off taxpayer money their whole life. The intended behavior by the Founder’s was to serve a couple of terms and go home (NOT A CAREER)! They did not foresee the corruption that we now have and we need TERM LIMITS!

heil biden
heil biden
11 months ago


11 months ago

The Biased Corporate Media with their constitutional protected ability to smear and slander candidates they dislike (conservatives) and shelter and protect those they do like (progressive socio fascist) really are the greatest threat to our constitutional republic.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

The MSM are the US version of “Bagdad Bob” for the Democrat Party. As far as their Israel coverage: history will repeat when the “sympathetic press” obtains videos of a hospital, school or other Hamas human shield location inadvertently destroyed by Israeli shelling. They’re already protecting the Squad from backlash over some of their comments. Soon they’ll be joining them.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
11 months ago

The media does nothing but cover up for Biden they know he is weak and that goes for that VP as well all they do is one cover up after another to keep him in office no matter how he destroys this country they do not care.

Jeremy Goldberg
Jeremy Goldberg
11 months ago

This happened because the Israelis won’t stop grinding the Palestinians into dust. And that’s not because of anything they do, it’s because they want their land. All of it. The Americans who are to blame are the ones who enable this evil policy.

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