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Biden’s State of the Union Address Is Not Aging Well

Posted on Friday, March 18, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Luke Allen


It’s been less than three weeks since Biden delivered his first State of the Union Address, and already his promises and predictions are collapsing. Even as Biden has pledged to solve the many crises facing Americans and the world – when he has even had the courage to admit that a crisis exists – he and his administration continue to act directly counter to American national interests.

“We stand with Ukraine,” Biden said.  Except of course, Biden hadn’t taken effective steps to strengthen Ukraine. Had Biden not followed Europe’s disastrous green example and sacrificed the energy independence and energy dominance that President Trump had achieved, both NATO and the world would have something they now lack, energy leverage over Putin.

Moreover, just days after the speech, the Biden administration botched a deal with Poland to send fighter jets to Ukraine, for which Biden now faces bipartisan rebukes. Moreover, at the same time the White House is publicly declaring its disdain for all things Russian, Biden is working hand and hand with Putin to try and revive the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Biden also promised to tackle inflation and then bragged about the American Rescue Plan that he pushed through without a single Republican vote. Apparently, Biden skipped economics class – the inflation he correctly named as a major crisis for America was a direct result of the law that he had championed. Republicans were not alone in predicting the catastrophic effects of the runaway spending contained in it.  Democrat President Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Larry Summers specifically warned that inflation would be the inevitable result of approving the legislation. 

It should be unsurprising, then, that inflation reached yet another record high a week after the State of the Union. Nevertheless, Biden has continued to push Congress to revive components of his so-called “Build Back Better Act” (rebranded in his State of the Union as “Building a Better America”) which would send inflation skyrocketing even higher.

Many of Biden’s other promises in his State of the Union were exposed as lies even before the day of the speech. While Biden pledged to address the rising threat from China, just one week prior he terminated a DOJ program to investigate Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft at American companies. And just days before the speech it was reported that the Biden team knew that China had given U.S. intelligence on the Russian threat to Ukraine directly to the Russians. Yet to this day, Biden has done nothing about China’s connivance with Russia and continues to fruitlessly pursue Chinese help to deter Russian aggression.

And of course, Americans already knew that rising gas prices weren’t because of Vladimir Putin, Biden didn’t “solve” COVID, Democrats are the party of defunding the police, and Biden is directly responsible for the border crisis – all issues on which Biden desperately tried in his speech to change his positioning to align himself with prevailing public opinion.

The media haven’t covered any of this – to the contrary, they praised Biden’s speech and then quickly moved on, as if hopeful that no one would notice its blatant deceptions.

The sheer audacity of delivering such a dishonest speech can only be explained by Biden’s complete trust in the power and influence of his allies in the liberal media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. No matter how dubious the statement, no matter how demonstrably false the claim, this administration knows that whatever it deems true will be fact checked as true and repeated as true by nearly every media and cultural institution within 24 hours. Biden’s speechwriting team knows that no matter what they write, an activist media and Democrat fanboys on Twitter will echo it into reality.

But in the end, convincing Americans to ignore the facts before their eyes is not that easy. Biden and the Democrat Party’s faith that they can sell the audacious lie of a successful presidency, whether that be in the State of the Union, the daily press briefings, or in the midterms, rests on the implicit conviction that the American people are stupid and naive.

But as poll after poll shows, the American people will not be fooled. No matter the partisan spin put on Biden’s record, it still reeks of failure. Voters are fed up with incompetence, and they’re ready to make that frustration clear at the ballot box this November. Biden still has two years and two more State of the Union Addresses to try and turn things around. But for a President who is so willing to fill his biggest speech of the year with lies and deception, that doesn’t seem likely.   

Luke Allen is the penname of a former speechwriter, energy advisor and current author.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

If anyone who had the fortitude to watch the SOTU speech as I had to force myself to do it, came away from it with anything good to say about it, then you are a doomed individual where any sense of intelligence is concerned…
One lie after another & every bit as bad was watching the ( 2 ) clowns perched behind him trying to put on a serious face, this was Kabuki theater at it’s worst!
” We need to secure our southern border, ” now there is a beauty…
” We need to fund our police, ” another beauty!
The demented Piglosi got so antsy in her seat I thought she was going to jump right out of it & plant a big wet kiss on Sleepy Joe’s pie hole…
In summary, the demented ones’ sotu was a disaster & quite frankly it was so disgraceful to watch.
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

As the author himself admits, the SOTU speech was nothing more than a string of lies. So why would anyone be either surprised or shocked that its contents haven’t aged well? It wasn’t meant to age well. It was simply another empty speech delivered by an enfeebled old man, who isn’t even making any of the critical decisions that impact our country on a daily basis. He’s merely the useful puppet reading speeches written for him and signing whatever his handlers put in front of him.

The SOTU was merely theater for propaganda purposes. In that regard, it served its intended purpose and is now of no consequence. It’s like the meaningless “unity” speech Biden read on his inauguration day. Simply a piece of theater followed almost immediately by actions that completely negated everything he read just hours before.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
2 years ago

Remember: Fear Threatens Rational Thoughts ! Don’t ever let him get in your head again .

2 years ago

Biden hasn’t obviously aged well either.

2 years ago

In addition to all the other lies and misconceptions in Clueless Joe’s SOTU speech was the part where he told business owners to “just lower your prices” in order to slow inflation. Of course he never owned a business or worked in the private sector, so he wouldn’t know that a company has to cover all the expenses and make a profit on top of that to stay in business.

Just like Obama, biden and the dems are clueless when it comes to how the economy and business work. We’re sitting on huge energy reserves, yet this idiot in the White House can’t make the connection between high energy prices that HE caused and the subsequent price hikes for everything that depends on energy to manufacture and to ship.

Morons, they’re all morons. And so are those who continue to vote for them because it’s easier to vote D as they always have than it is to actually find out why the country is going to pot.

2 years ago

State of the union was a joke. The American people know full well the state of the union is in chaos from the top down beginning with the man in the WH shoving negative policies on America and its people that have emboldened our enemies and weakened America. This man could not successfully orchestrate a one man parade going int the right direction! State of the union a pack of lies! There has been not one policy that has enhanced America in the last 12-14 months! His open door policy has placed America at risk from those who wish us harm. It took only 11 barbarians to bring this country to a standstill on 911. What are the odds considering when 2 million illegals have crossed our borders from various countries? Why is he still in office when the primary role of a President is to protect and defend this country from those who wish us harm? 1.5 trillion bill passed and not one mention of securing the border.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Lee Harvey……….where are we when we actually need you?

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Did anyone really believe biden would razzle-dazzle the crowd? Did anyone really believe biden would have anything new and important to say? Did anyone really believe would have a solution, any solution to any problem at all? Did anyone really believe biden would show us his eyeballs?

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Whe. Everything you say is a lie it slow unravels like a broken spring.

Nothing the democrats have said for 20 years has been honest.

Just the other day I had a democrat claim health care is cheaper today then in 1998!. He was defending Obama care. I said that is such a dumb comment that there is no reason to respond

He insisted so I said a 2% inflation rate alone with make Healthcare 50% higher priced. Then you have to adjust for obama adding demand without adding supply and then you have to add the cost of the obamacare added required coverage.

Prices had to go up.

You know what his answer was? Well they went down.

Democrats always lie.

Carl Spletzer
Carl Spletzer
2 years ago

It is not failed policy. It is TREASON.

2 years ago

Joe Biden is a “hollow man.” He is also at the mercy of the leftist wingnuts in the “D” party.He has to lie because if he told the truth he would lose the 40%(?) support that he allegedly has as the sheep herd is still large. The MSM has to go along with his clownish behavior. If they didn’t,they would have to admit that that they were wrong to back him because their main thrust was to destroy President Trump.

EJ More
EJ More
2 years ago

What a great President! He’s all you could ask for, a run of 50 years in not being right. I hope you 81 M voters are proud.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

After sitting in the White house for over 400 days, Joe gets an hour in front of millions of people to brag about what he hasn’t accomplished and the press cheers as Joe’s failed policies are destroying this country. Are you happy that you voted for Joe?

Steve Goetz
Steve Goetz
2 years ago

The corruption and cover up are real, and the American citizens seem to know this. We’ll see.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

More and more are opening their eyes because they are now getting hit in the pocketbook. That always brings attention to things. May it stay that way until we can get those evil people out of control!

2 years ago

If any state address needed torn up..It is this one…A criminal Voter Fraudbidenho occupying a sacred officeAnd posing as president…our foundingFathers would waste no time to executeThese traitors immediately..they Warned us one day this would come..

2 years ago

What a liar this Biden is. He blames everyone but himself and always pulls the same stuff each and everyday When will all this stop. Sick of it.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

If anyone who had the fortitude to watch the SOTU speech as I had to force myself to do it, came away from it with anything good to say about it, then you are a doomed individual where any sense of intelligence is concerned…
One lie after another & every bit as bad was watching the ( 2 ) clowns perched behind him trying to put on a serious face, this was Kabuki theater at it’s worst!
” We need to secure our southern border, ” now there is a beauty…
” We need to fund our police, ” another beauty!
The demented Piglosi got so antsy in her seat I thought she was going to jump right out of it & plant a big wet kiss on Sleepy Joe’s pie hole…
In summary, the demented ones’ sotu was a disaster & quite frankly it was so disgraceful to watch.
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

As the author himself admits, the SOTU speech was nothing more than a string of lies. So why would anyone be either surprised or shocked that its contents haven’t aged well? It wasn’t meant to age well. It was simply another empty speech delivered by an enfeebled old man, who isn’t even making any of the critical decisions that impact our country on a daily basis. He’s merely the useful puppet reading speeches written for him and signing whatever his handlers put in front of him.

The SOTU was merely theater for propaganda purposes. In that regard, it served its intended purpose and is now of no consequence. It’s like the meaningless “unity” speech Biden read on his inauguration day. Simply a piece of theater followed almost immediately by actions that completely negated everything he read just hours before.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
2 years ago

Remember: Fear Threatens Rational Thoughts ! Don’t ever let him get in your head again .

2 years ago

Biden hasn’t obviously aged well either.

2 years ago

In addition to all the other lies and misconceptions in Clueless Joe’s SOTU speech was the part where he told business owners to “just lower your prices” in order to slow inflation. Of course he never owned a business or worked in the private sector, so he wouldn’t know that a company has to cover all the expenses and make a profit on top of that to stay in business.

Just like Obama, biden and the dems are clueless when it comes to how the economy and business work. We’re sitting on huge energy reserves, yet this idiot in the White House can’t make the connection between high energy prices that HE caused and the subsequent price hikes for everything that depends on energy to manufacture and to ship.

Morons, they’re all morons. And so are those who continue to vote for them because it’s easier to vote D as they always have than it is to actually find out why the country is going to pot.

2 years ago

State of the union was a joke. The American people know full well the state of the union is in chaos from the top down beginning with the man in the WH shoving negative policies on America and its people that have emboldened our enemies and weakened America. This man could not successfully orchestrate a one man parade going int the right direction! State of the union a pack of lies! There has been not one policy that has enhanced America in the last 12-14 months! His open door policy has placed America at risk from those who wish us harm. It took only 11 barbarians to bring this country to a standstill on 911. What are the odds considering when 2 million illegals have crossed our borders from various countries? Why is he still in office when the primary role of a President is to protect and defend this country from those who wish us harm? 1.5 trillion bill passed and not one mention of securing the border.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Lee Harvey……….where are we when we actually need you?

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Did anyone really believe biden would razzle-dazzle the crowd? Did anyone really believe biden would have anything new and important to say? Did anyone really believe would have a solution, any solution to any problem at all? Did anyone really believe biden would show us his eyeballs?

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Whe. Everything you say is a lie it slow unravels like a broken spring.

Nothing the democrats have said for 20 years has been honest.

Just the other day I had a democrat claim health care is cheaper today then in 1998!. He was defending Obama care. I said that is such a dumb comment that there is no reason to respond

He insisted so I said a 2% inflation rate alone with make Healthcare 50% higher priced. Then you have to adjust for obama adding demand without adding supply and then you have to add the cost of the obamacare added required coverage.

Prices had to go up.

You know what his answer was? Well they went down.

Democrats always lie.

Carl Spletzer
Carl Spletzer
2 years ago

It is not failed policy. It is TREASON.

2 years ago

Joe Biden is a “hollow man.” He is also at the mercy of the leftist wingnuts in the “D” party.He has to lie because if he told the truth he would lose the 40%(?) support that he allegedly has as the sheep herd is still large. The MSM has to go along with his clownish behavior. If they didn’t,they would have to admit that that they were wrong to back him because their main thrust was to destroy President Trump.

EJ More
EJ More
2 years ago

What a great President! He’s all you could ask for, a run of 50 years in not being right. I hope you 81 M voters are proud.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

After sitting in the White house for over 400 days, Joe gets an hour in front of millions of people to brag about what he hasn’t accomplished and the press cheers as Joe’s failed policies are destroying this country. Are you happy that you voted for Joe?

Steve Goetz
Steve Goetz
2 years ago

The corruption and cover up are real, and the American citizens seem to know this. We’ll see.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

More and more are opening their eyes because they are now getting hit in the pocketbook. That always brings attention to things. May it stay that way until we can get those evil people out of control!

2 years ago

If any state address needed torn up..It is this one…A criminal Voter Fraudbidenho occupying a sacred officeAnd posing as president…our foundingFathers would waste no time to executeThese traitors immediately..they Warned us one day this would come..

2 years ago

What a liar this Biden is. He blames everyone but himself and always pulls the same stuff each and everyday When will all this stop. Sick of it.

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