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Bidenbucks, Not Zuckerbucks, Threaten to Corrupt the 2022 Midterms

Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Sam Adolphsen


Late last week, South Dakota became the latest of more than a dozen states to outlaw so-called “Zuckerbucks” in elections after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg pumped more than $350 million into the American elections system ahead of the 2020 contest. But even as Republicans move to get private money out of state and local election offices, the Biden administration has quietly been working around the clock on a radical plan to inject even more woke corporate dollars into the American elections system.

In 2020, under the guise of “COVID-19 relief,” Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg distributed “grants” to thousands of election departments throughout the country through a nonprofit called the “Center for Technology and Civic Life” (CTCL). Subsequent analysis showed, however, that less than 1% of the funds went toward actual personal protective equipment or other materials to help prevent COVID transmission. Moreover, CTCL “consistently gave bigger grants and more money per capita to counties that voted for Biden,” and the organization funded individuals from liberal outfits like the Brennan Center to go into communities for “voter outreach” in key swing states like Wisconsin and Georgia.

In response, state legislatures throughout the country have worked to keep private money out of election administration alongside other commonsense election reforms like Voter ID and banning ballot harvesting. But Democrats were quick to push back, insisting that not allowing billionaires to finance elections amounts to “voter suppression.”

Now, the Biden administration is falling back on its “failsafe” plan to attack election integrity, activating a strategy they have been laying the groundwork for since very early in the Biden administration, way back when a gallon of gas still cost less than a Big Mac.

This plan was first uncovered by Stewart Whitson, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability, who wrote about Executive Order 14019 titled “Promoting Access to Voting,” just a few weeks after it was released by the Biden administration.

So what is the “failsafe” plan of the administration? What does EO 14019 do exactly?

The plan is sinister but simple. Biden’s EO orders the full strength of the federal government to develop and execute what amounts to voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote efforts in every precinct around the country. While this may sound innocent enough and even like a good idea, the entire scheme will be funded by private organizations – no doubt liberal-leaning ones – and orchestrated by the federal government, effectively giving bureaucrats free reign to influence elections.

In September, the White House released a statement detailing some of the initial steps in the plan. The press release touts the effort to “leverage the resources of the federal government to increase access to voter registration services and information about voting.”

It goes on to list the get-out-the-vote related strategic plans underway in the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing, Justice, Interior, and even, of all things, the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

These federal agencies may not typically have much in common, but now they have all been united around an effort to “facilitate participation in the electoral process.” They will do this by submitting their “strategic plans outlining the ways that the agency can promote nonpartisan voter registration and voter participation.”

And who are all those plans going to for approval and implementation? None other than Susan Rice, former national security advisor for President Obama, and current head of the Domestic Policy Council for President Biden. Rice has developed a reputation as a far-left partisan and shows no signs of changing course now.

Along with the continued campaign by the Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland to sue and try to scare states away from election integrity reforms, these federal departments will use their current funding and work activities to push and help make permanent voting activities like universal mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting that originally led to concerns about election integrity in 2020.

They also will “help” people fill out their voter registration or ballot applications on-site at federal offices located all over the country. Should federal government bureaucrats, who vote heavily Democratic, really be standing over voters’ shoulders while they cast their ballots?

Some of the work will also be done by hired guns. The executive order states that the Biden administration will be “soliciting and facilitating approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.” 

So what groups will the federal government be paying to post up in federal agency buildings to help sign people up to vote? And how will they guarantee they are “nonpartisan” in who they help? Right now, answers to questions like those are still unclear, but it’s safe to say that it won’t be the Heritage Foundation or the Cato Institute running the operation.

The alarming reality is that those “Zuckerbucks” which so many states are now banning will be nothing compared to the “Bidenbucks” that will be used to influence coming elections. Only this time, instead of Facebook, taxpayers will be footing much of the bill.

Thankfully, there is still a firewall between Biden’s election takeover effort and the state’s rights to run their own elections.

Some Republican members of Congress, led by North Carolina Congressman Ted Budd, have recognized the threat and have launched the beginnings of an investigation into the details of the scheme, including seeking information about what role the “nonpartisan” group Demos, a left-wing think tank, played in the plot.

Some states are also pushing back, in part by considering legislation that would require that state legislatures and governors see any communications and funding coming from the Biden administration that would impact state and local elections.

The Biden administration and the full strength of the federal government will not back down easily, but states must fight back to protect the integrity of their elections and their rights and responsibilities as states.

Sam Adolphsen is the former chief operating officer at the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. He currently serves as the policy director at the Foundation for Government Accountability and lives in Maine.  

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2 years ago

Democrats are ALWAYS looking for a means to have an advantage going forward. They don’t just talk or complain about something. They don’t just sit around accepting defeat. The one thing you have to admit is Democrats never stop fighting to destroy this country. They do anything and everything to ensure they have an advantage, whether it be legal or illegal.

Democrats are also looking at using the current inflationary environment, that they created via their bad policies, to create an opportunity for them to buy votes ahead of the midterm elections. More of your taxpayer dollars being used to assist the Democrats buy votes ahead of the midterms and try to ensure that can retain control of at least one chamber of Congress. Democrats in Congress, as well as a number of Democrat Governors, are looking at sending out checks to “off-set the higher gasoline prices” to everyone. Including EV owners, if you can believe it. Basically, they are planning to simply shower the public with your own cash to buy enough votes to prevent Congress from being flipped to Republican control in November.

2 years ago

Give into woke and tear this mother f***er down.

Brigitte Youngblood
Brigitte Youngblood
2 years ago

When the government says “let me help you” it’s only helping you to bondsman status. Servitude that enables the government growth. We need to serve the common good be getting to these people and telling them how the pickle squirts. Now how can we do this safely. How can we persuade the young conservatives to join the “peace corps” of the right view and the sages to leave their golf courses to engage in friendships which will result in true equity born of love and mercy and generosity from human to human rather than state to human (the real lie of equity through the leftist eyes)

2 years ago

Of course they are going to “help” people “register” to vote by literally filling out the forms for them and then escorting them to the poll place for voting in person. That’s also why they are pushing for automatic mail in ballots so they can “help” get them filled out and sent back to be counted. Plus push complaints that asking and verifying identification is not required and “harassment “, despite the fact that you need an identification to get anything else in life. Anything to scam the system and if you catch them trying, you are being a racist privileged individual.

2 years ago

So what are the Republicans/Conservatives going to do about it?

2 years ago

The joeblow mafia family and the zucker mafia family will do as they wish.

2 years ago

Just think… about all the illegals crossing our Southern (and other) border(s); the imports from other countries coming in via our evacuation efforts from troubled countries… and, democrats making them all “citizens” who can VOTE in upcoming elections. Just… think about that…

2 years ago

We know there is corruption and graft in our election/campaign process, even when there are caps on donation amounts for the candidates, there is always a loophole built in. Go figure that lawyers are the ones writing the laws, but miss closing the doors. I think the caps should be on the spending end and time limits for campaigning. Each candidate can only spend the same amount of $ and the campaigning time is August 1 – October 31st. No exceptions on the spending amount or time alloted to campaign.
Just my thoughts. These limits can be set at the state level for each state. Also set a 2 term limit for all elected officials. I know I am asking for pie in the sky!

2 years ago

This commie needs to be taken down.

2 years ago

So the Democrats say they belong n clean and fair elections. BuLL CRAP

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

I read today where Biden while in Brussels was ask what he thought about Trump running for President again…Biden replied that he hoped he would, because it would be another guaranteed win.

The man can’t even decide on what flavor of ice cream he wants at lunch, but he knows for sure he’ll win if Trump runs against him again. What’s that tell you?

God Bless the USA

2 years ago

Before the final battle against the Moors, El Cid (The Leader) succumbed to his wounds and died but since his leadership was indispensable to the success of the cause, his corpse was outfitted in his full battle regalia, mounted and tied upon his trusty steed, directed down the path towards the location of the enemy, where his troops rallied behind their general fought the enemy and won the day.
Where is America’s El Cid?
Where is the trusty steed he can be tied to and directed down the path and away from the battle?
And, has the real enemy been identified?

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

I will no longer talk to Democrats because if you are fine with cheating, lying, and have a positive approval rating to a mentally challenged president and are OK with destroying our country ; you are treasonous dishonest and stupid.

2 years ago

IMHO: Put a cap of $50 on ANY AND ALL donations from ANY AND ALL donors, private or corporate/industrial! Allow only one donation to any individual candidate from any one person or company. Multimedia or MSM must donate, without censorship or political bias, equal airtime and number of political ads being aired, personal or private, paid or unpaid.

Make mail-in voting require a solid, valid reason and thorough personal photo identification with numerical tracking, for any person with proof of proper citizenship qualifications who feels they don’t have the minimal time and energy to personally appear at the poll to vote.

Follow the Constitution, Federal and State, and fire any judge, governor, mayor, or other elected/appointed governing official who tries to manipulate an election. Make vote harvesting and ballot tampering a criminal offense requiring a ten-year incarceration, without parole, on the first offence.

If you don’t have enough patriotism, respect, and love for this country to vote, then you should not have a say or any gripe about how the country is being governed, and if that doesn’t suit your fancy, MOVE to somewhere else like China or Russia. I love my USA, warts and all. May God bless the USA and damn those who aspire to destroy it.

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

Why am I a citizen? My children want to leave this country but don’t know where there is a better one. They fear for their children. They accuse me of voting for these idiots, Republicans, who haven’t done anything for the last 60 yrs. but help to undermine our Constitution. I used to argue it was the Democrats but since the Republicans bailed out on Pres. Trump and crossed the aisle so many times and even help vote to impeach him and the same people cannot see the traitor Biden, I stay quiet and have to agree. Is there at least a two party system in this country anymore?

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

People like this little runt weasel, will destroy America, an atom bomb can’t do as much damage as these slime-balls do, all they do is stifle free speech and poison the mind of the young morons that can’t think for themselves. I am sick of looking at the runt and his black tee shirt, trying to act like a tough guy. He’s a Whimp with too much power.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

They both may again screw up 2022 midterms

2 years ago

We can only hope that the Republicans have a way to over this money shoring up the democrats because if we do not take back the house and senate this November, our Country will never again be the country it once was.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

Dirty Money PACs spent 17 million dollars attacking Senator Martha McSally on Mark Kelly’s behalf for 18 months before the 2020 election. All these political ads were vicious attacks on McSally and they all contained false and hateful contents. Along with voter fraud he was installed in the Senate. He turned out to be nothing but a carpet bagger and a lap dog for Chuck Schumer! He doesn’t care about Arizona or our Southern Border. He has financial ties to , and a gun control advocate group.

2 years ago

They should seize the money Zuck used and now Biden for BUYING VOTES…

Ruger P95
Ruger P95
2 years ago

Zuckerberg like Bloomberg are under the control of the Chinese and has been for years. Both of these criminals have the bulk of their investments in China and if they stop carrying the water for the Chinese they will financially ruin them both. Time to confiscate ALL Chinese holdings in America and shut down Zuckerberg and Bloomberg.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

“Tax-exempt” outfits who put their effort ONLY in urban precincts are CROOKED. How can ANYONE be allowed to put that much money in a “public” election. Zuck’s crooks were actually taking over jobs of public servants!

2 years ago

Elections can be bought by rich Nerds, what a shame. I do not support these Nerds by joining Facebook and Twitter. These UnAmerican a$$holes need to be penalized. The DemonRat cheating machine is alive and well.

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

I have been saying since 2020 that we will never have a fair election again. Big tech, big Nazi money donors, and the demoncrats are only going to solidify their Marxist socialist evil take over of America, which is already well on its way. Either arm yourselves & fight back or give-up to being a slave to the demoncrats!!!!!
I’d rather take a bullet then give in to these evildoers (Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer,Soros, Zuckerberg, & many others need to cease to exist!!!

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
2 years ago

I have wondered ever since Biden has passed several extremely costly bills were all that money was going. I have heard and read on several media outlets that not all of the Covid money he demanded was used as well as that marked for schools which was billions. I have thought that it was being held by Biden and the Democrats to help them cheat in the midterms and 2024. I am glad the GOP has people who are working on this issue of very wealthy, huge corporations and even the Democrats in office and hopong they can stop it from happening!!. As badly as they cheated in 2020, they will be more determined in the future!! They will stop at nothing to turn us into another Communist nation so they can be in charge and very wealthy forever.

2 years ago

For all the conservatives out there blathering on about the coming “red wave” in November, never ever underestimate the cheating abilities of the left……..I bet either of my legs that a huge amount of courruption will again occur……..the only real tool to fight against it is to vote and demand the same from all your friends, associates,co workers…….everyone!!

Richard Cordell
Richard Cordell
2 years ago

And… we need to get rid of voting machines that are hooked into the internet.

2 years ago

The joebama bucks have been being thrown at everything by govenor half-whit in Michigan in an attempt to buy re-election this year.
She has been handing out free dollars for housing,food,child care workers, free education, tax breaks for marxist democrat party donor companies, throwing billions to the unions, giveaways to anything and anybody with the green deal lie!
Plus this failure nit-whit is under investigation for campaign donor donation fraud, under reporting senior home covid deaths by 30% and outright corruption by other democrats in her administration!
Oh yes – useless,failure ,marxist democrat whitmer is buying votes big time with OUR tax dollars.
Their such corrupt scum!

2 years ago

same ole crap…money talks and bulls**t walks!

2 years ago

Send the godless mother lover to Hell…!

2 years ago


Lincoln Sorensen
Lincoln Sorensen
2 years ago

The only way to ensure fair elections is to remove the money. Money always results in corruption. The only way to eliminate the money, and voter apathy is to reduce the campaign period from 2 years down to 6 months, ban all political action committees and campaign funding. Pass legislation that all media must post one time for each candidate their platform. There will be one debate each month hosted by one of the media on a rotating basis ( which will more than reimburse them for posting the candidates’ platforms.) The candidates that wish to participate in the debates can present for reimbursement their reasonable expense account to the treasury. Until this is done, it is a rich mans game and the candidates are bought by the PAC’S.

2 years ago

Judas Goats are trained to lead designated herds to slaughter. Some politicians exhibit similar characteristics.

2 years ago

Don’t forget about ‘Dark Money’ that’s actually funding Elections.
Just Search for:
-NYT Article-
” Democrats Decried Dark Money. Then They Won With It in 2020 ”

The analysis shows that 15 of the most politically active nonprofit organizations that generally align with the Democratic Party spent more than $1.5 billion in 2020 — compared to roughly $900 million spent by a comparable sample of 15 of the most politically active groups aligned with the G.O.P.

Nonprofits do not abide by the same transparency rules or donation limits as parties or campaigns — though they can underwrite many similar activities: advertising, polling, research, voter registration and mobilization and legal fights over voting rules.

2 years ago

It has been proven, that in my State of Wisconsin, millions of Zuckerbucks were sent here in large numbers floating around the State, that corrupted our 2020 elections! There were Zuckerbucks sent thru out the country!

2 years ago

If these gazillionaires can corrupt our elections, why can’t “Patriotic” Americans reeducate them by “sending” them “bullets” as a reminder that there are consequences to every bad behavior!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I was against government enforcing internet rules but when information is controlled and censored already, how bad can government screw it up? I was booted off Twitter in 2016 for posting NY Times articles critical of Hillarys Uranium One pay to play and off YouTube in 2020 for posting about Hunters computer. I’m probably the only person in the world to not have a Facebook or Instagram account… why bother? We don’t even have journalism in America anymore. When I hear Democrats talk about “Big Lie” it makes me laugh… they should know.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence where abuses and remedies are discussed. And the part about duty.
It’s getting closer to time to sharpen the tines and prepare the torches.

2 years ago

This will happen again in the midterm election unless it is stopped today. Unfortunately the communist democrat party will only have a corrupt and unfair election. Look at the favors soros and zuck have received since the communist took office a year ago. Question, can we survive another three years?

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Look at what this administration has done “quietly” to our country. Time will tell if there are enough Americans that care enough to turn things around.

2 years ago

Deplorable!!! The problem is; who has the guts to prosecute and arrest these traitors?? Who do you trust?

Teresa Swartz
Teresa Swartz
2 years ago

They are cheaters and they need to be stopped…but will they be

2 years ago


2 years ago

And the illegal aliens will be signed up to vote also. Of course they will vote for the socialists just so they can remain here. Big Brother Tech will still have control in elections. Media still wont report their socialist corruption. Was relieved in 1984 that Regan and common sense still prevailed. Hope that Orwell was not just off by 40 years! Also hope that We the People are still in charge!

2 years ago

Many of the things mentioned in the article are really intended to make it easier to rig voting results than it was in the last POTUS election. Many are merely shams to make rigging easier to do and less capable of being spotted.

2 years ago

Our governor here in NM used Bidenbucks to change election “integrity “ but of course it did nothing for the integrity of voting. Lots of corruption that needs to be checked here in NM unfortunately.

2 years ago

Democrats are ALWAYS looking for a means to have an advantage going forward. They don’t just talk or complain about something. They don’t just sit around accepting defeat. The one thing you have to admit is Democrats never stop fighting to destroy this country. They do anything and everything to ensure they have an advantage, whether it be legal or illegal.

Democrats are also looking at using the current inflationary environment, that they created via their bad policies, to create an opportunity for them to buy votes ahead of the midterm elections. More of your taxpayer dollars being used to assist the Democrats buy votes ahead of the midterms and try to ensure that can retain control of at least one chamber of Congress. Democrats in Congress, as well as a number of Democrat Governors, are looking at sending out checks to “off-set the higher gasoline prices” to everyone. Including EV owners, if you can believe it. Basically, they are planning to simply shower the public with your own cash to buy enough votes to prevent Congress from being flipped to Republican control in November.

2 years ago

Give into woke and tear this mother f***er down.

Brigitte Youngblood
Brigitte Youngblood
2 years ago

When the government says “let me help you” it’s only helping you to bondsman status. Servitude that enables the government growth. We need to serve the common good be getting to these people and telling them how the pickle squirts. Now how can we do this safely. How can we persuade the young conservatives to join the “peace corps” of the right view and the sages to leave their golf courses to engage in friendships which will result in true equity born of love and mercy and generosity from human to human rather than state to human (the real lie of equity through the leftist eyes)

2 years ago

Of course they are going to “help” people “register” to vote by literally filling out the forms for them and then escorting them to the poll place for voting in person. That’s also why they are pushing for automatic mail in ballots so they can “help” get them filled out and sent back to be counted. Plus push complaints that asking and verifying identification is not required and “harassment “, despite the fact that you need an identification to get anything else in life. Anything to scam the system and if you catch them trying, you are being a racist privileged individual.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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