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Biden Set to Shut Door on Conservatives in Federal Jobs

Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023
by Outside Contributor

When working for the government, Joe Biden is no longer content with the tried-and-true question of patriotism: “Are you with or against us?” In a shocking effort to overhaul federal hiring guidelines, the president wants to ask: “Are you with or against me?”

A proposed rule governing federal hiring is, at best, a bad policy promoting left-wing loyalty over competence. At worst, it’s a stepping stone to undermining fair hiring practices and freedom of speech.

In January, the Office of Personnel Management proposed changes to the federal government’s “personnel vetting investigative and adjudicative processes for determining suitability and fitness.” It explains that this refers to “a decision by an agency that an individual does or does not have the required level of character and conduct necessary” for federal employment. The public has until April 3 to file comments on these amendments before the rule is finalized.

Current policy prohibits hiring applicants found to be involved in “knowing and willful engagement” in trying to overthrow the government. The new policy adds interpretive words like “coercion,” “intimidation” and “indoctrination” of others for “unlawful aims.” It would also exclude people with membership in groups with “unlawful aims.”

If this is clear as mud, it’s obviously on purpose. It can mean “toe the party line, or you won’t have a paycheck to sign.”

It’s a leftist trope that words are violence. So, it’s only a matter of time before bureaucrats use the rule to deny employment, justify firing and generally allow the harassment of conservatives in federal jobs.

This harassment isn’t a conspiracy theory. It is knocking at the door. Let’s count how conservatives are canceled today based merely on what they say.

If you say marriage should be between a man and a woman, you can be canceled. If you say schools and libraries shouldn’t host drag shows? Canceled. If you say we shouldn’t lower standards on people based on their race or gender? Canceled. If you say you support the Second Amendment? Canceled. If you say we shouldn’t have pornography in elementary schools? Canceled.

In January, a restaurant owner stopped Project 21 member Gianno Caldwell — a black conservative — from eating his breakfast. Gianno was publicly shunned and kicked out of the restaurant because he dared to openly discuss his political beliefs. In December, a Virginia-based conservative Christian advocacy group was denied service at a restaurant just an hour before their reservation. Why? The restaurant’s employees felt threatened by their pro-life advocacy.

In countless other examples nationwide, leftists are growing bolder in their intolerance. Remember when Rep. Maxine Waters said “they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere” about Trump administration officials? The federal government could end up sanctioning such behavior — throwing water on a grease fire.

With this rule, President Biden would send a chilling effect on political participation. He apparently wants conservatives to be afraid of expressing their political views by harming their employment prospects. He wants conservatives to be afraid to dissent against his policies. He wants conservatives to fear engaging in peaceful political activities or speaking on issues.

Biden wants more power, more control and more dominance.

It is no longer about the diversity of ideas or a healthy democracy. Can you imagine what will happen if federal agencies are staffed primarily by a political echo chamber? It would erode trust in government and the legitimacy of our constitutional republic.

Such an exertion of control may violate federal law and constitutional principles. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 prohibits discrimination against federal employees based on political affiliation. Additionally, the First Amendment protects the rights of individuals to express their political views without fear of government retribution. If this rule is approved, it must be challenged in the courts.

Biden’s federal hiring proposal is a direct assault on democracy. Leftists seem determined to stifle free speech, quash ideas and sow a culture of fear and mistrust. If adopted, these vague hiring rules will give leftists the green light to use your taxpayer dollars to discriminate against your interests.

There is still time for the government to reject this dangerous plan. People need to speak up for fair federal employment practices. Societies excel when we promote qualified individuals to roles based on their skills, knowledge and experience — not politics.

Let’s do our best to keep merit-based principles in federal agencies and tell Biden to protect our Constitution and freedom of speech — not his cronies.

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1 year ago

The disrespectful and disobedient people against God leads to their unfaithfulness and that is the evil you said. We are in a deep spiritual battle.

1 year ago

Personally, I fully expected the practice of hiring discrimination, based on one’s adherence to the Democrat’s now openly socialist ideology, to be somehow codified in this administration. When Biden ordered the 60 day stand down of our military forces all around the world in 2021, to look for so-called “right wing extremists” (anyone in the military who opted to honor their oath to the Constitution over blind allegiance to General Milley and Secretary Austin) and purge them from their positions, I knew it was only a matter of time before all hiring and continued job retention within the federal government would be subject to what is essentially a party loyalty test. Just like what was found in the old Soviet Union and still exists in the modern day communist controlled Chinese government. At the end of the day, all authoritarian type governments end up imposing the exact same type of screening policies to ensure unwavering control of all aspects of government. Elections have consequences.

1 year ago

He’s just following Obama’s example and orders.

1 year ago

AGAINST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for every conservative “new hire” reject he has to eliminate 3 marxists in government positions. this will eliminate both radicals currently in the government and reduce the budget by downsizing the swamp. you dog-faced pony soldier.

Lynn Brunotts
Lynn Brunotts
1 year ago

Biden and the Democrats are dictators. They don’t give a damn about US citizens, Democrats or Republicans. The US under Biden and the Dems will become a communist-run country. No freedom of speech. It’s 1984 folks.

1 year ago

And we are the frogs in a pot of cold water slowly being characterized as antigovernment because the narcissistic government wants us to think they know it all we just have to bobble head dolls.

1 year ago

Sounds like it could back fire and encourage more people to stand up to this blatant road to dictatorship. He acts like a weak parent wanting to control by intimidation and fear. We have nothing to “lose” since we are already nonentities and are cancelled at every turn. So what happened to their ideology of tolerance. I guess those that disagree with them are the intolerant ones. Boy, (can I say that?) socialism is such twisted ideology. I never knew that socialists were soooo discriminatory and intolerant. How do they practice what they preach when they cancel what they don’t like or people who disagree with them. Well, I’ll pray for them anyway.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Resign retire NOW as it may get worse ahead

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

The mere idea of doing this is flat out unconstitutional. So how could such a rule/regulation ever stand muster?

1 year ago

Is there no end to the manipulative actions of this man? This article if even only half true should deem him wholly unfit for office. This is not his country and he doesn’t own it. It belongs to it’s legal citizens. How many fiascos will it take to oust this Shylock?

1 year ago

Einy, meeny, miney, mo. . . . The Dem’s ONLY want blind loyalty or get lost!

William J Stringfield
William J Stringfield
1 year ago

More deepening of “the deep state”!

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

APOINTEES- ? this is valid. They are hired as part of the POTUS’ team. government employees? oookay! now we have a problem- except for the ones that WANT government jobs are usually Democrats and just want a paycheck and retirement for as little work as possible- we are already infested with the “Deep State” Democrats at the management levels- it’s how we get screwed no matter who is in power- the Democrats are ALWAYS in power.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Our Federal Govt. is rotten to the core. Kyle L.

Jacqueline Joy
Jacqueline Joy
1 year ago

I believe this is called discrimination but I’m sure Democrats would call it something else!! They are trying to take control in the most devious ways!! We have to find a way to defeat this corrupt, incompetent, obnoxious form of government before it consumes and destroys our way of life!!

1 year ago

I’m against you Crazy Joe! I’m against everything you say, think, or do. Your laughing responses to the murder of 3 beautiful children shows you are not only a terrible excuse for a president but a terrible excuse for a human being. But, what can one expect since you are owned and controlled by Satan? The demo/globalist party is completely evil and not capable of any good.

1 year ago

Using their own rules, none of them meet the new qualifications for hire. We really need to bring these socialist / communist party back into check and stop letting them decide everything based on their warped ideology. They are the party of the mentally disturbed, which shows by the increase in everything abnormal, and criminal. Enough is enough! They need to be reigned in!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This is the reason I have to share the joke someone sent me from Europe There is a major gridlock in Brussels and the driver wants to know what is happening Finds out the terrorists kidnapped the whole European parliament and are demanding huge amount of money or they’ll douse everyone with gas and set them on fire So collection is taking place thus the gridlock How much are people giving on average driver wants to know Ooh about 2 gallons This joke only once upon a time would be unthinkable in America

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Yet the sheeple continue to support the propagandized nation building conflicts our “wonderful” country starts using our chosen foreign country as a proxy against any and all competitor nations.
“We” are not the good guys. “We” haven’t been for a very long time.
Thankfully our ill gotten empire is finally collapsing under the weight of its own perversity and most of us will live to see that collapse

1 year ago

This is a sad day for America. I thought I’d never see the day that half the Country would be ostracized because of their political opinion.
The DEMONcrats are doing everything they can to take control.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden is openly treasonous and unfair. True patriots and traditional Americans are being treated like second-class citizens. Instead of acting like the president of the United States, Biden is promoting division and resentment. Sadly, he reminds me more of a tyrant than a good American. When will the true liberals start standing up against the poisonous words and policies of Biden? Biden isn’t even close to acting like a true liberal. He has morphed into a far left Marxist.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

There they go again, destroying America and trashing the Constitution. If the Dem’s can’t get their way, they change the rules and laws to prevent conservatives from exercising their god given rights in this country! America needs to exercise its rights and kick them all out of office. 2024 cannot come soon enough!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

What else would you expect from a Communist Dictator backed by Soros and Communist China who pushes One-sided party only.
Welcome to Fascist Communism.

Mary M
Mary M
1 year ago

In my opinion democrats are racing towards communism. I have always said “the only difference between socialism and communism is a gun”! Taking away our guns is the end for us! We are losing the American rule of law! It seems Biden is following in China’s footsteps! Turn to God with all your heart and PRAY OFTEN. We cannot turn this evil away without God!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Would this include black and Hispanic conservatives? How about gay and transgender consecutive.
Who in their right mind would answer against.
What comes next? Banning all voters that are registered Republican and Liberating.

1 year ago

The “demoncrats” are trying to push us into a dictatorship where the people have no say.

1 year ago

I doubt if Butthead Biden has even read the constitution. We need to impeach him and the cackling hoe. Both are incompetent to run a vacuum let alone a country.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

These ranks of liberals must be identified, fired and black balled. They are the reason it takes 10 people to do the job of one because they are always out protesting.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Political prosecutions by the Fascist liberals directed by DICTATOR Beijing biden cause they know they can’t beat PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Some spare change
Some spare change
1 year ago

i got a job for all of you.
here’s a box. Build it and Live in it lol

Jim D.
Jim D.
1 year ago

Biden is simply too stupid and feeble to be doing any of this. This is coming straight from his commie wife, Jill Biden! She’s the one making most of these decisions in the oval office, not slow-Joe. Slow-Joe is just being run like a marionette! I wonder how many of the democrat voters are content with this un-elected wife running the show.

1 year ago

Conservatives shut the door themselves when over half of them refused to recognize Biden as the legitimately elected president.

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
1 year ago

I left federal service at the end of the 1960s because government hiring was not based on merit. Over recent years patriots and conservatives have been purged from government service, so this is not new but just added methods.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Why does this article not provide guidance on how we can comment on this garbage? You raise the flag but make us hunt to contribute to stopping this biased trash.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Why does this article not provide guidance on how we can comment on this garbage? You raise the flag but make us hunt to contribute to stopping this biased trash.

Bill R
Bill R
1 year ago

Those sure all long strings between Biden and his puppet masters in China.

1 year ago

This is ludicrous! When are the American people going to say enough is enough. I’m sick and tired of the left trying to force me to give up my freedoms. This country was founded on Godly principles and this country needs to return to Godly principles.

Hanna D
Hanna D
1 year ago

Fact that federal government got overthrown by marxists and communists is proof, partisan; biased; racist; anti-American; demonic hiring practices are nothing new.

1 year ago

Another step closer to the socialist/communist country that they want!

1 year ago

Do whatever your peewee conscious tells you in the end you’ll still stand before your Creator where you’ll explain yourselves

Sue O
Sue O
1 year ago

Who do I contact and how!?!?!?

1 year ago

The continuance of denying us our rights! We are in a civil war in the USA. With each right taken away more people are realizing this. United we stand divided we fall. They are dividing us. We must stand strong together.

Teresa Salyers
Teresa Salyers
1 year ago

Horrifying abuse of power!!!!

1 year ago

This is the BS that Trump warned us about!No one dreamed any thing like this could ever happen in the US. This started long ago and most saw it happened but just denied it. Well now what ya gonna do??

Linda Cameron
Linda Cameron
1 year ago

We have in place laws to protect applicants based on ability and stability. Let them do it their way and take it to the Supreme Court.

1 year ago

Totally unconstatutional

C. Quist
C. Quist
1 year ago

Biden needs to be in jail along with his son. He is a disgrace to the USA.

Mary McG
Mary McG
1 year ago

This is how we got the most unqualified Cabinet that any administration ever ptoduced!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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