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Biden Scolds Americans – Bad Strategy

Posted on Monday, January 10, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Biden’s misuse of facts, overpromising, and underdelivering only gets worse weekly.

Biden sells analog as digital takes over. More accurately, Biden sells fear of Omicron, accusing Americans who refuse the vaccine of imperiling the nation, terrifying them with loose data, reducing them to Clinton’s famous “deplorables.” Is that leadership? Inspire trust, move the needle? No, it infuriates.

Last week, contradicting leading experts, Biden talked on the severity of Omicron, which readily transfers but appears less severe than past variants. Biden scolded Americans who – for health, personal or religious reasons – do not choose to take the mandated vaccination. Is that how we do things? Is it how we ever have?  

His scolding comes as the Supreme Court looks at his highly questionable OSHA-penalty plan, a leveraging of federal coercion against employers, pushing them to force the vaccination on employees, or the employer faces a federal fine or worse.

The notion of, in effect, criminalizing through the administrative process, turning to coercive power, to press an outcome with which many disagree, some on moral terms, some on constitutional, is without recent precedent. It is also another slap at the Constitution.

All that said, Biden continues to turn up the heat, making employers and employees sweat, instilling fear. Beyond blurring Omicron and Delta data, he presses the case that we must expect a “winter of ..death.” Is that shrill “gotta do it” message going to work? Should we live in fear? See, e.g., White House ripped for doomsday winter message of ‘severe illness and death’ for unvaccinated people.

If good health is desirable, the objective cannot be achieved at the cost of states’ rights, individual rights, and employers’ rights, all textually vested in the Constitution, 1st through 10th Amendments. To eviscerate the Constitution and Her guarantees – is to lose the forest for the trees.

So, what is the truth? The truth is Omicron is highly transmissible, as every doctor says, and it also seems to be less virulent, although individuals are different. Two shots for Delta may – or may not – reduce vulnerability to Omicron, effects, or severity. The jury is out, and wide speculation is in.

Biden’s misuse of facts, overpromising, and underdelivering only gets worse weekly. He promised 150 million at-home test kits, 500 million to come. That promise, as most Americans know, is just fairy dust. People have not gotten kits timely, not gotten them period, stood in long lines, kits unavailable.

Even the liberal news outlets admit the promise was empty, operational side bad as the Afghanistan withdrawal, poorly planned, poorly executed, surrounded by fear. Excuses are plentiful but don’t cut it. See, e.g., Biden is dogged by a testing shortage he had vowed to fix;  Drugstores struggle to keep Covid at-home tests in stock as omicron rages across U.S.; EXPLAINER: Where are the COVID-19 tests that Biden promised?; The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve.

Those who get kits, including this cautious citizen, learn from the test they are “negative” only to discover they are afflicted with something that surely looks like Omicron, down to the last symptom.

Why? Because questions swirl around viral effects, whether kits pick up Omicron. Apparently, a high percentage of those tested – including those with vaccines – appear to show up negative. What does that mean? Tests may be hard to calibrate, vaccines imperfect. That is life. Do not sell fear or uncertain options on a promise of certainty. Again, even liberal media know the score. See, e.g.,  FDA in update says 2 COVID-19 tests fail to detect the omicron variant; Emerging Data Raise Questions About Antigen Tests and Nasal Swabs.

Net-net, simple truth:  There is a great deal about this virus and the cross-application of vaccines to various strains that we do not know. The original and variants come – like all new viruses – with lots of footnotes, asterisks, and reservations. What do good leaders do? He or she says so and talks the truth. 

Those who sell fear of Omicron on the Delta data, certainty in the face of uncertainty, or vaccine and test kit effectiveness for Omicron – which is spreading widely – on facts stretching truth disserve us.  

Since we are not deplorables, not deserving of federal vilification – especially by a listless, inarticulate, aging public servant – the better way would be to assume Americans are smart, intuitive, relatively logical, and can deal with the truth. We get gray, so don’t school us in black and white.

In the end, President Biden seems not to respect the data his own CDC and clinical assessments around the world are producing. He seems intent on selling vaccines for Omicron, based on fears of Delta and the original, humanly engineered stain. Is that political, desperate, misguided? Very possibly.

Bottom line: I got the two vaccines, am healthy. I also likely got Omicron, recovered, and am fine. Should people look at all the data? Yes. Assess effectiveness based on what we know? Yes. Consider their own conditions, convictions, and conscience? Yes. Consult their own doctor? Yes. But trust, not fear, is the currency of persuasion, the golden ticket, the way to win fights while respecting rights.

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2 years ago

RBC, again it is just a government trying to spread fear among its citizens a it inches toward socialism (or other words, the ELITE wanting to gain and maintain control over the world to install the New World Order). The President is just doing what his handlers want him to do along with other corrupt officials worldwide. 2022 is the year that will be a vicious battle as the ELITE continue to try to advance their agenda against a sleepy nation. Some are waking up to this fact but many are still in a stupor and do not realize or care of what is going on around them. The Democrats will continue even harder and through deception to get bad legislation passed to consolidate control.

2 years ago

Biden and his administration need to be arrested and charged with treason. Their actions are the reason we are in this mess. They’re putting illegals over the American people.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

From day one president Biden has been an abject FAILURE in every possible way, Woke everything and instill FEAR with threats and LIES. This is the most divisive president in our history and has fractured our people with class warfare and thru political favors. Florida and other red states are being treated like outcast states while all the blue states are being given preferential treatment. Divide and conquer seems to be his only objective and our house leader is a phony old washed up liar as is this completely corrupt and useless administration. The only objective for-these elitist leftist democrats is power and control of the people by any method or means possible at any and all costs no matter what the end game might be. Corrupt POTUS is the least of our problems right now. He’s completely compromised and could possibly be the biggest danger to our constitutional freedoms and liberties in the history of our nation.

2 years ago

I take exception to your description of Biden, Mr. Charles, as “…a listless, inarticulate, aging public servant…” Not that he can’t get the year right or isn’t a bumbling idiot whose foolish decisions take this country to dangerous places. No…it’s the word “aging” I have a problem with.

Each of us here at AMAC is aging, but I daresay any of us could have done a better job in the White House. In fact, I think I’m much smarter now than I was at 20, or 40, or even 60. Aging is not a disease; dementia is.

One could even offer that liberalism is a disease that will kill this nation’s proud spirit. What’s truly suicidal is the number of misguided sycophants who will vote for anyone with a D next to a candidate’s name or cast a vote based merely on that candidate’s skin color.

Just having a bit of fun with you, Mr. Charles. Now, I’m going outside to plant some shrubs. It feeds the brain.

2 years ago

Tell Brandon to quit trying to kill or otherwise stifle us and to shut up and go away. We’re sick of everything about him and his handlers.

2 years ago

The way I see it, Biden is FOS and that’s why he has difficulty getting his messages out there. They get caught in his throat!

2 years ago

Hey, Loopy Joe, kiss my grits. The weak Omicron doesn’t scare me and neither does a brain-dead old fossil liar who thinks he’s president. I don’t trust or believe you, any part of government, the CDC, or that rodent Fauci. It has nothing to do with health and all to do with control of the people.

2 years ago

“Biden Scolds Americans…”

Biden has absolutely no right to scold ANYONE! Biden’s an abject failure who’s been making mistakes since day one of his faux presidency! He’s the pot calling the kettle black!


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

2 years ago

Things will only improve when the faux President is removed and every staff member including handlers pulling the strings for the sock puppet are gone! “Let’s Go Brandon”

2 years ago

I am 85 years old and have never seen such a divided country. Began with Obama and now with the socialist democrat party trying to change our Constitution and laws so they can never be defeated is unbelievable to me. We have a wonderful country and we do not need these people trying to curse us. Stop Jan 6 investigation and begin an investigation in the biden family or pelosi and her stock deals.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
2 years ago

Biden is truly the Liar in Chief. Our country needs relief from this regime.
2 years ago

I do not hear nor do I believe a word he has said. Joeblow taught me treat him and think of him this way. Oh well…

2 years ago

No one doubts that fear of COVID in all of it’s strains has done more harm than COVID itself. Fear has been the currency to buy power since the beginning. I don’t understand why we even NEED tests to determine we have a virus which is akin to the common cold. Yes, some people get it worse than others and in rare cases it MAY be deadly. This is and always has been the case for any virus. We never stood in line with anxiety to get a Cold Virus test and no one cares how many “new cases” there are in a given time period. No one has panicked and been filled with anxiety when getting a cold unless pre-existing conditions cause it to be a threat.

2 years ago

Beavis Biden is an idiot criminal politician who needs prosecuted, tried, and sentenced for his years of extortion, bribery, insider stock trading, and foreign entities working with his group to put him in office with illegal voting. Yes, there’s more than that. Hey, Start somewhere and get this boob out of the Executive Office.

2 years ago

Biden needs to quit scolding Americans, we have our senses even if he doesn’t. He should have been scolding his children while they were growing up, they wouldn’t have turned out the way they did. My husband has refused to watch the bumbling old fool for any of his speeches; I watch to see what kind of crazy thing he’s going to say this time. Foxtrot Juliet Bravo.

2 years ago

More proof he should be in a nursing home and the the election was stolen.

Rona Wendeborn
Rona Wendeborn
2 years ago


2 years ago

I am totally fed up with this stupid, incoherent pretender in the White House trying to tell me what to do and why! I had enough of his diatribes, I don’t give a damn who he thinks he is, he certainly isn’t better than me; if anything, this scumbag is less of a man than I am, or for that matter, less than anyone else in this country who isn’t a demorat! Hey BRANDON, take that needle and what ever you have to say about anything else, shove it up your ass! As far as I’m concern, this country and the world would be a far better place if you and your minions would all just die tonight!

Jack Clough
Jack Clough
2 years ago

Biden is a moron and not fit for duty. He is nothing more than a puppet being manipulated, I believe, than none other than Obama and his ilk.

Betsy t
Betsy t
2 years ago

He does nothing but persecute and punish decent citizens daily, in his pathetic attempt to cover his complete failure.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

Let’s play their game, all that voted for this A-hole should be lined up and shot.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
2 years ago

I liked this one !!! >>>> Things will only improve when the faux President is removed and every staff member including handlers pulling the strings for the sock puppet are gone! “Let’s Go Brandon”

Biden controls nothing and only serves as the public face of those actually running the country behind the scenes. No Loyal thinking American at this point has any illusion that Biden is either well informed on any issue or is even capable of making mission critical decisions on his own. He’s a figurehead President.
The Democrats will continue to use him until he no longer serves any value to them and then he’ll be eased out the door in a shiny new wheel chair. That certainly won’t happen this year, as the Democrat Party has to first arrange for Harris to be replaced by someone with better polling numbers with the Democrat voters and can be controlled in a similar manner. Meanwhile, much of the nation continues to slumber. We see but do not believe and hear but to not comprehend.

2 years ago

If this is how he behaved as a father it’s no wonder Hunter is so screwed up.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Then No one take any vaccines OK

2 years ago

How low can you go, Mr. Limbo?

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

If Biden was capable of intelligent thought and Sotomayor was actually literate enough to understand the constitution then the country would be a lot better off. But alas we have propagandist and power hungry wannabe’s in power. Biden was suppose to bring the country together instead he is hoping to create the next civil war. It truly is a shame – I don’t think the gurus in power understand that their problem is truly nation wide and everyone is against them – so in essence Biden has brought the country together all races, creeds, religions and nationalities – we are all against the Biden administration and the DC power brokers in general. Let’s go Brandon, as Biden would say.

2 years ago

I swear if I could move away to an island to just simply be left alone, some freak Leftist will wash up on shore and demand my obedience as they attempt to implement their tyranny on me. Either way, I will ultimately do whatever I darn well please.

2 years ago

I will not listen or watch this pathetic old bag of garbage named (Biden the Bozo) Hopefully the Supreme Court will shut this Dementia King up forever// Its a sad time for America this past year//

2 years ago

I don’t even like watching the news anymore because every one of them has at least 5 min or more of ‘get vaccinated’ but not once have I ever heard them mention all the people (thousands) that have died from the jabs or how many (thousands) have permanent adverse side affects. All they do is look at their notes or their monitors and read what is in front of them. It is sickening.

Patricia G
Patricia G
2 years ago

Could I get any sicker and disgusted with this awful man?? Never seen anything like it in my 70 years…And yes, I remember what a plagiarist and nasty person he proved himself to be in the 80’s. Made a fool of himself then and still doing it today.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

if he has a power to mandate vaccination should he not be mandating forced treatment for drug addicts those not too far gone and by the same power forbid or prevent unwanted pregnancies ? Where does his power stop?

2 years ago

AMC, have you resorted to censorship? Why are my remarks awaiting approval?

Linnette Pearson
Linnette Pearson
2 years ago

All he needs is a swastika on his chest.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

I only have a high school edjo dictation, but maby I can do sum figgeren. Est. population o U S is 330 million. Biden promised 150 million kits. Now sez he’s gonn aget up another 500 million kits. With all the people thats got the 2 plus booster, what in HELL is gonna happen to all those xtra kits. ?? Kyle L. ( P S if thats them plastic things they stick on your head,they aintn worth a damn fot testing. )

2 years ago

What can you expect from a barely functional human, with many less intelligent socialist Demoncraps feeding him bogus information ? Give me mean tweets any day instead this
Commie crap….LETS GO BRANDON

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Sleepy Creepy Joe is NOT my doctor. Shut the hell up! Let the real medical professionals deal with their own patients. BTW… I trust Dr. Falsey’s medical advice about the same as his baseball throwing expertise.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

How’s this for a MANDATE??? Every politician, every political appointee, every SWAMP DWELLER, every government employee, every military officer above the grade of captain, and every registered [and non-registered lobbyist] is forthwith mandated to tithe if they want to hold onto their jobs… This 10% will go solely to reduce our NATIONAL DEBT that they have created

2 years ago

When are Americans going to take a stand against this power hungry, liar, thief, corrupt and treasonous mad man? There’s no doubt that he’s working with the Communist Chinese to destroy our Republic! Are we just going to sit back and let him destroy our country?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

One of the Keystone Kops was bragging about how the price of bacon had dropped a few cents a pound recently. Can I burn bacon in my internal-combustion automobile?

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Looks like money is at the bottom of all this. Usually is, often combined with power. Wonder what the kickbacks are and who’s getting them….

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago

He not only works for Communist China……but for Satan himself !! The prince of lies speaks thru Biden, Harris, Schummer, and Pelozi among many more of the democrats !!!!

2 years ago

Well said, sir, and every word is absolutely deserved by that hypocrisy ridden walking talking brain dead colostomy bag and his phony illegitimate administration…

2 years ago

it’s not very comforting to know that a crook who was elected by a rigged election is scolding honest and decent trusting American citizenry. Heaven help this Nation survive the Demoorap Biden administration. The next and upcoming National elections hopefully will reflect the near total dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s performance, honesty, and attempt to slide this Nation into Communistic governance.

Red Allosaur
Red Allosaur
2 years ago

Quid Pro Quo Joe is a compromised senile coo-coo clock who for treason belongs behind bars.

susan r curry
susan r curry
2 years ago

He has to go!! Using fear mongering has gotten old!! People need to start ignoring him and do what THEY feel is in there own best interest

2 years ago

There is currently no bigger& worse peril to this nation than the Biden administration and his Democrat & RINO Marxist regime.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

First of all most intelligent people don’t listen to Biden anyway, and second why should we listen to a politician about something that would affect our health? HE is NOT a doctor or immunologist. We can’t even trust Falsey, much less Biden about any virus. The true immunologists are saying that Omicron may very well cause our own bodies to produce anti-bodies that will defeat the Delta strain. MAN will NOT defeat this virus, but God can. We need to put our faith in the ONE that can save us. In more ways than one.

2 years ago

Too many $$$$$s being made by big pharma

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