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Biden Leaves Christ Out of Christmas for Second Consecutive Year

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

As Americans of faith have long recognized, the progressive left has always been eager to cast God, Christianity, and religious practice out of our public life—and there is perhaps no greater example of this disturbing trend than the perennial War on Christmas. For the second year in a row, Joe Biden has taken part in this time-honored tradition by delivering a speech at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony devoid of any references to God, Jesus Christ, or the meaning of Christmas itself.

Like last year’s remarks—in which Biden reduced the miracle of Christ’s birth to a vague reference to a “beacon of hope”—the president’s 2022 Tree Lighting speech carefully avoided any mention of the religious significance of the event. Biden made multiple mentions of the so-called “holiday season,” before falling back on the left’s sterilized vocabulary of “unity and joy, hope and light,” eschewing the Christ-centric rhetoric historically invoked by many presidents during the annual ceremony.

Biden also doubled down on the “pro-democracy” gaslighting he initiated in his infamous September 1 speech at Independence Hall this year—nodding indistinctly to some of the left’s new favorite buzzwords like “our democracy,” “compassion,” and “unity”—but without any reference to Jesus or the biblical Christmas story.

Of course, this streak of leftists de-Christianizing Christian holidays is nothing new. On Easter Sunday in 2010, Barack Obama spoke of “the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all, Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike”—downplaying the day’s centrality to the Christian faith. In Obama’s 2014 Easter message, after briefly acknowledging the Christian origins of the holiday, he went on to describe Easter as being representative of a secular “universal mission” embracing a “common thread of humanity that connects us all.”

By contrast, each of Donald Trump’s presidential Christmas messages were full of explicit references to God. During his term in office, Trump’s remarks at the National Christmas Tree Lighting (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) were delivered with a deep sense of reverence for the birth of Jesus Christ. “For Christians, this is a holy season: the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” the former president said during the 2017 ceremony. “The Christmas Story begins 2,000 years ago with a mother, a father, their baby Son, and the most extraordinary gift of all—the gift of God’s love for all of humanity. Whatever our beliefs, we know that the birth of Jesus Christ and the story of His life forever changed the course of human history.”

In previous generations, believe it or not, God-centered rhetoric during the Christmas season was not exclusive to Republican presidents. President Franklin Roosevelt rightly saw Christmas as an occasion to “rejoice in the birth of Christ.” Bill Clinton appealed to the “birth of Jesus,” “His luminous teachings,” and “His timeless message of God’s enduring and unconditional love for each and every person.” Even Barack Obama—at least in the earlier years of his presidency—briefly spoke of Christ’s message, which in his words “lies at the heart of my Christian faith and that of millions of Americans.” He continued: “Christ’s birth made the angels rejoice and attracted shepherds and kings from afar. He was a manifestation of God’s love for us.”

Now, however, Joe Biden—a self-proclaimed “devout Catholic”—has failed to treat the day with the reverence it deserves.

Though most on the left are reluctant to admit it, the beauty of Christmas transcends any empty overtures to “peace,” “hope,” or “unity.” Rather, Christmas is the concrete celebration of a historical event that not only changed the course of human history, but also lies at the heart of the Christian faith. Biden’s failure to even nod to the religious significance of Christmas is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who share faith in Christ.

In Quas Primas—a 1925 papal encyclical—Pope Pius XI wrote that most of the world’s problems could be reduced to the fact that citizens and world leaders alike “had thrust Jesus Christ and His holy law out of their lives” and their “politics.” He continued: “as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace.”

If Joe Biden truly cares about spreading “peace” and “hope,” he might start with remarking publicly about the ultimate source of those two things – and at the request of millions of American Christians, put Christ back in Christmas.

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Michael Thurber
Michael Thurber
1 year ago

Makes sense for a Godless person not include God in any speech he or his associates would make.

1 year ago

We need to get rid of all those satan worshipers in DC. They are destroying our country.

Robert L
Robert L
1 year ago

Biden and the DemonRat party are anti-Christian and anti-God, but they are pro-Islam and Allah.

1 year ago

I absolutely cannot listen to ANYTHING that comes out of the lying mouth of this evil creature! His ignoring the precious Name of Jesus Christ is only further proof that he is spawn of satan as demons refuse to say the name of Jesus Christ

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
1 year ago

I cannot stand to even look at that GODLESS man. His dark beady eyes give me the creeps. Anyone who supports long term abortion is not a Christian. Shame on him!!!!!!! Can’t wait for him to leave the White House. That will be a glorious day worth celebrating!!!!!!!

Mary giambarberee
Mary giambarberee
1 year ago

Biden is not only Dumb– but NOT A CATHOLIC– A MURD

1 year ago

”The fool in his heart says there is no God”. Just look at the condition of our Republic which speaks volumes where this Administration’s trust and faith in God is sorely lacking. “Every knee shall bow, and tongue confess Jesus is Lord”.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Biden and his wife and many up in Washington do not believe in God look how our country is so screwed up all the hate that is here we never had that before maybe President Trump had his faults but he did not leave God out when he talked to anyone.

Edith Moses
Edith Moses
1 year ago


Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

To Seamus Brennan , Great article, I look at this matter of what the progressive left thinks about Christmas as an indication of just how wrong they are, and how they are lacking in spiritual understanding of life. That is another way of saying that those of us who believe in the goodness and wisdom of the teachings of Christ , we are fortunate . I am not advocating that contempt shown by the progressive left should be ignored , not by any means, it is an attack on what is good and honorable and goodness and honor should be defended accordingly.
I believe that Christmas represents thoughts and feelings that have to do with joyfulness and reverence , Christ taught the values that involve understanding , kindness, and fairness, add those things together and it provides a foundation for
peaceful relations between people. Great bit of writing you did Seamus, it is appreciated. In the spirit of everything that encourages good character, good citizenship, respect for law and the will of God, respect for life and freedom.

1 year ago

The left’s highest power is government.

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
1 year ago

Biden has repeatedly proven that he isn’t a Christian and he doesn’t want a moral nation.

Gretchen Smith
Gretchen Smith
1 year ago

He is a communist who hates Christians and Americans. He should wear an orange jumpsuit.

Bruce D Wood
Bruce D Wood
1 year ago

Biden and Pelosi both claim to be devout Catholics, They deny God here on earth they may have a big surprise come judgement day.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

What Dems do each year

1 year ago

It gets disheartening we all talk about the stuff and all the Democrats continue to break the law and walk away and nothing gets done. We pray everyday that the Lord will come and set things right.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

Communists have no thoughts of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Biden only worships Mopney!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

It’s not surprising, the man has dementia and someone else is writing his speeches. He;s been far from God anyway, since he’s a known pedophile.

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
1 year ago

Comrade Biden is true to form as an atheist Socialist.
A Catholic like my three legged dog.
May the Lord grant that he and his crime family live long and suffer much !

1 year ago

Well, of course he doesn’t recognize Jesus and Christianity as he is part of the Satanic Democrat party…shows up in everything they do on a daily basis…

1 year ago

The only thing the left believes in is power and hanging on to it.

1 year ago

Anyone who believed or still believes that Obama is a Christian is a pathetic fool.Obamas God was Saul Alinsky who’s book ‘Rules for Radicals’ was dedicated to Lucifer.Biden is cut from the same cloth which should be obvious to anybody with half a brain in their skulls.

1 year ago

The man is bought and paid for by the CCP, are you really surprised? Both he and his masters are running from God, but they can’t hide; every chance they’ve got they reject God instead of accepting the real gift of Christmas. Soon enough they’ll get their wish and God will reject them, no matter how hotly they’ll then desire to make amends after it is too late and they’ll face what they created of their own free will when they rejected God, and God’s grace. Everything they worship is worthless in the hereafter, it remains as a useless stage prop on this mere stage for a drama intended solely to benefit the moral growth of our soul, that the knowledge of good and evil without the presence of God within us leads to death, that to choose, and to embrace God means life. From abortion, to war, to being soft on crime, to euthanasia they’ve made clear their choice; don’t be like them this Christmas, choose and celebrate life!

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
1 year ago

This entire group of politicians are devoid of a conscience,soul and no moral compass whatsoever.

1 year ago

GOD! I despise this “administration”.

Don Parker
Don Parker
1 year ago

The ungodly have no desire to honor Jesus Christ.
As a couple of the Psalms state, The fool says ‘There is no God,’ or “No, God!”
There, apparently, stands Joe the default blasphemer.

1 year ago

As I get older, more and more it’s in my mind that I will some day face Our Lord and give an account of my life and what I’ve done with it. No one will escape that day, no one…and those who’ve deliberately and with malice, sinned against God will stand before the Great White Judgement Throne of God…and their terror from that day will go on forever in hell.
Those who’ve done their best to live within His absolutely perfect guidelines will stand before the bema seat of Christ,…I far prefer that one. We all mess up, sometimes really bad, but we also have that privilege of asking forgiveness and to truly repent of our actions. I want to hate those who’ve deliberately caused the death of innocents, who’re destroying our nation, who’ve deliberately compromised the safety and security of America and will do anything and “remove” anyone who gets in the way of their self serving agendas, and it’s really hard not to feel burning anger and no doubt that’s going to be a given…but the picture of Christ suffering agony we can’t imagine, agony inflicted on Him by His own creation, talking to the Father…”Forgive them Father for they know not what they do”.
Our nation is slipping away, sadly we the people have let it, we’ve been too busy pursuing the American Dream, now turning into a nightmare.
Patrick Henry said it best: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.”

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

Socialists/Communists need to suppress theological faith in order for them to deceive citizens into believing government is their benevolent entity rather than the creator of the Universe, replacing the big “G” with the little “g”.

1 year ago

Biden choses to leave Christ out of his Christmas messages because he is a disciple of Saten!

1 year ago

The ONLY thing “Progressive” about today’s so-called Democratic Party Leadership is that they ARE PROGRESSIVELY COMMUNIST in their beliefs! . . . Jackass Joe Biden advertises that by ignoring any reference to “Christ” in Christmas HE is personally reserving HIS PLACE IN HIS AFTERLIFE IN HELL!

1 year ago

Barrack “Hussein” Obama is nothing but a Muslim commie. And Immoral Sleepy Joe Bumbling Biden wouldn’t know what the day is about.

1 year ago

Perhaps biden and family need to change his citizenship, his residence and his faith. China and Russia would welcome him I’m sure. Our forefathers included God in everything. Shame on biden!

1 year ago

He is nothing if not a World class Hypocrite, always and forever. Not to mention he would never dream of making his handler, Obama, angry.

D. Pickford
D. Pickford
1 year ago

I wish we would stop calling them the “progressive left” and just refer to them as what they are – Marxists. People who are confounded to find any logic in their policies and actions need only understand that they know they must first tear down our society to build the society they want. Once we view their actions from this perspective, we can understand their logic. They are either devoted arxists or (as Lenin described in his era) “useful idiots.”

1 year ago

Elections have consequences. No one should be surprised by anything Biden has done.

James E Jones
James E Jones
1 year ago

What do you expect out of a person who calls himself a devout Catholic, yet is actually a communist who has no problem supporting the murder of unborn and born infants? There will be consequences for him, if not in this life then before the judgment throne of God.

Gwyn Makara
Gwyn Makara
1 year ago


1 year ago

My entire family is praying that we will rid ourselves of this farce. Joe Biden did little in all his career to further good in this country, and as President, he has done NOTHING. What a travesty, and his party is going to try to get him re-elected! Better believe there is fraud in this political system if that ever happens. Wake up America and start writing letters to Washington to call Biden on all his ridiculous agenda!

James P.
James P.
1 year ago

After a couple of hundred gaffes like this, I’m starting to think he and his puppeteers are doing this ON PURPOSE!

All I see is yet another rally cry for the patriotic opposition.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

The Forte and Specialty of this Administration is: of nearly everyone and everything past, present, and future; being censored, blacklisted, and undemocratic. Past: They fired, demonized, and blacklisted: President George Washington; (he apparently didn’t measure up to current underhanded practices), Thomas Jefferson: censored the major author of United States documents, didn’t walk on water, and probably many other flaws; (demonized by this administration, and his statue yanked out of New York City Hall), Teddy Roosevelt blacklisted for his statue with his horse and an American Native American on the back; (he also, had a definite personality), a variety of Civil War characters yanked out and off of the land; (both North & South were related to each other, so, you either have an politically correct relative or an ‘evil perpetrator’.) Present: Anathema of anathemas: President Trump; ah, yes, everything from taxes to unauthorized possession of ‘Top Secret’ documents, to claiming things that he is not allowed to claim to; (they are still working on his anathema of all anathemas list of vices and hidden monies), anybody who is labeled Republican is also, depicted as a racist, an anti-everything, and most despicable of the current population, anybody who thinks, reasons or expresses their opinion; most likely has their phone tapped, cars racing ahead of them, and their very own satellite. Future: They will be running out of people and animals to blacklist; however NEVER underestimate the ability of the Democratic/Socialist/Marxists. In the future it is possible that they will spread the rumor that elephants are spreading ‘Mad Elephant Disease’ from their trunks which will necessitate: ‘Elephant Trunk-Ectomies’, and very long intramuscular needles to inject vaccines for ‘MED’ or ‘Mad Elephant Disease’ vaccinations! Again, NEVER underestimate the ability of the democrats/ Marxists to scare the population to death. So, now it’s evident that Jesus is on their blacklist. This is going to be difficult for the Marxists as; Jesus Christ is stronger and more powerful than all of them! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 ~ Merry Christmas & May God Bless These United States of America!

George M
George M
1 year ago

He’s the DEVIL .

1 year ago

people many people may say their are followers of Christ but by their actions they tell a different story. Biden is not a Christian, a Catholic or a follower of the JudeoChristian Faith. it seems to follow the demonic forces even before his senile brain with south.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Why have a tree lighting ?? Just let the a-hole set inside. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Not surprised that Biden left Jesus Christ/God out of Christmas. He and Jill included the Baphomet as part of their Christmas decorations in the White House (the People’s House???)!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

The rite thing to have done was talk about God ,Jesus and religion. Also bless the nonbeliuvers as well. Lets have equal words for all. Kyle L.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

ha and he’s supposed to be this big time christian

1 year ago

That’s ok God will leave him off his Christmas list.

A thought:
When someone breaks in you call 911. Then after you call you say oh “God ” please have them hurry. You hope they bring their gun and taser to protect you and your family and they get the *&%$@#!. Hmmm

My other observation is that people say “Oh God” I hoped I do not get a ticket or I pass that test
Merry Christmas to all

1 year ago

He came to kill steel and destroy and Biden are doing all three.

1 year ago

I used to think that Catholics were Christians, but Biden, professing to be a devout Catholic, seems to be saying that they are not.

Patriot 52
Patriot 52
1 year ago

Joe Biden can’t any longer praise or exalt God or Christianity. He has been consumed and taken over by non Christians and atheist to do their work for them. Joe Biden,Nancy Pelosi and so many others are now advocates for the antichrist and his mission. 

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