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Biden is Losing Peru to Marxism

Posted on Monday, July 19, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Peru is in trouble, and Biden is silent. Time to speak, or let election fraud allegations linger unanswered, and watch America’s longtime ally, free, safe, democratic Peru – go Communist. This is not a close call. Having spent years visiting Peru, working to protect democracy, the rule of law, and public safety there, we are watching a tragedy unfold – and Biden is silent. Why?

Sometimes history happens fast, and we look back wondering – why did we not see this? Peru right now is such a case. We can weigh in, push for an international election audit, take account of voter fraud allegations, preserve that democratic country – or lose them to the community of democratic nations, perhaps a thousand years of darkness. 

Time to speak.

On July 6, election results from Peru’s June 15 presidential election were thrown into doubt. Honest Peruvians flooded the streets of Lima to ask honesty, a serious recount of presidential election results. You might think this is novel since we experienced major doubt in 2020, but the world is awash with election fraud. As Assistant Secretary of State, I saw it globally. 

Now, Peru – for thirty years safe, secure, democratic, respectful of law and order – is facing a potential Marxist or Communist takeover. A candidate much like Bolivia’s Evo Morales, and even closer to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, is clamoring for power. Behind throughout the election cycle, he suddenly outflanked the daughter of a former president to claim victory.  

Much of Peru is in shock. 

In past years, I was all over the nation. I feel deeply for the people. This is a nation that experienced unthinkable terrorism – through the “Shining Path” – ten years before our 9-11. They beat it, and beat runaway crime and drug trafficking, now face it again.  

Only this time, the sudden winning candidate aims to champion Marxism, promote cocaine trafficking, kick the DEA and others out of the country, empower lawlessness. Too often, the image of Robin Hood is used to champion communism and lawlessness, which kills. Peru is on the cusp.  

If America speaks up – if election integrity is insisted upon, there is hope. But sand grows small in the hourglass. And as the Peruvian people ask help – as the Cubans ask our moral support – Biden and his team stand flatfooted, not hearing the alarm, or not caring, or worse complicit. 

Against all odds and confounding free Peruvian expectations, Marxist Pedro Castillo topped his opponent, female Keiko Fujimori, by roughly 44,000 votes in a country of 32.5 million. Think about that and the largely unmonitored rural districts which reported the surprise victory. 

Right now, electoral challenges and lawsuits abound, protests roll, and Peru is on fire, but how long will that last, will justice be done or only lip-synced for the world? Many believe tens of thousands of ballots are unqualified and should be tossed, but modern talk gives election review a bad name. Where will it end?

At the end of July, a Peruvian election commission will rule on an audit, faster than happened in the US in 2020, but the outcome remains unclear – not just for ballot counting, but due to politics. The Marxist candidate promises to shut down Peru’s Supreme Court, open drug legalization and trafficking, raise everyone’s pay, reshape the Constitution. Sound vaguely familiar? In the streets, fear runs rampant. 

So why does it matter, and what can we do? It matters because, with Colombia, and other countries of South America, Peru is an American ally. It matters because a flood of cocaine would come north – where do you think? In my time as Assistant Secretary of State, we worked with Peru to kill terrorism and instill rule of law, peace, democratic norms. 

This would flip the table, might flip tables to Marxism beyond Peru. 

How do we stop it? We speak up for freedom, liberty, election integrity, rule of law, and everything that Republicans and Democrats – Americans of every stripe – have long stood for. We explain that Marxism, communism, and socialism are dead-end streets, invariably ending in death and repression and that turning away from election integrity is the first step.  

So, will Biden save Peru – or lose it. Will he step up, speak up, stand for freedom, liberty, election integrity, rule of law, and human rights – or look the other way? We will see.

Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize author and critic of Latin American strongmen on left and right, has a warning: If the Marxist is allowed to win, “we probably will not have free elections again.” If that is not sobering, shouting for Biden’s voice – nothing is. 

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3 years ago

Another great article by Robert Charles. This is so sad to hear. I fear the globalists have gained far too much ground.

Sharon Blake
Sharon Blake
3 years ago

He isn’t losing it he is gifting it to his handlers.

3 years ago

The secret is out of the bag. Biden is no longer a Democrat. He has joined forces with the old Marxist, Bernie Sanders who stopped pretending to be a Democratic Socialist and became a Marxist when BLM entered our politics. . Together they have ambition to complete Biden’s aggressive destruction of the Republic as we know it. If educated Americans are too stupid to acknowledge the damage being done and reverse the destruction how can we ever expect to save Peru, Brazil or Venezuela?If the unrest in Cuba and the plea for help is still beyond concrete reaction from the pretender in the White House,where are the American leaders with passion enough to stop this progressive madness, Where are our warriors?
Is the sudden switch from Socialism to Marxism because they admire the ideology? No, as usual, follow the money. Both the pretender and Sanders are multi millionaires. The guarantee of Elite Status in a military controlled government. Governments that no longer have a middle class and rules with an Iron fist. Venezuela and Cuba are starving before our eyes ! Who cares !

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Another compelling article by RBC… To answer your question; Will Biden save Peru? The answer is sadly, NO, not in a 1000 years…The current insurgents in our gov’t, i.e. Biden/Harris, his cabinet, generals at the Pentagon, Federal courts, State courts in blue states, both upper & lower, all the way to SCOTUS are captured entities currently…For all intents & purposes with respect to the audits based on preliminary data, i.e. updates, ( 1 ) down, i.e. AZ with ( 2 ) to go, both GA & PA…
when all ( 3 ) show the overwhelming election fraud committed, it is game over…Biden/Harris claim ignorance of election fraud & quietly step down & the 45th POTUS continues on with his work along with cleaning up the catastrophic wake left behind by the insurgents currently occupying the WH…
When this occurs as we are closer than ever now for that to happen, President Donald J. Trump will get to work on both the foreign & domestic entities directly involved with the interference of the 2020 US Presidential Election with the help of the military, both here at home & around the globe…
When BLM/ANTIFA once again begin their domestic terrorist activities, the individual states National Guard will step in & use the military as well if it becomes necessary…Time to mop ’em up & get our country back…
God Bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

robert manfre
robert manfre
3 years ago

think slo joe, AKA nobama will do anything? nope, the more the merrier, and just like Cuba, nothing.Does anyone see what is happening to our country???

3 years ago

Biden isn’t losing Peru to Marxism, he is winning Peru for Marxism.

3 years ago

We don’t have integrity in our own elections, how can the US be an example to others, especially in Latin America? The 2020 US election(s) were stolen and pleas to audit to local officials, and legal challenges both at state and federal level are not heard or tossed to the waste side. We are in a communist takeover ourselves. Before putting the oxygen mask on another country, we need to put one on ourselves first.

3 years ago

Well the Marxist candidate, Castillo, ran on most of the same policies that Joe Biden ran on in this country. Yet rather than calling Joe Biden an advocate of Marxism or socialism, everyone in the media kept referring to Joe as a “moderate Democrat”. Even though all the policy proposals Biden and his fellow so-called Democrats were right out of the standard socialist playbook. Then most of the establishment Republican party in Washington, D.C., with only a few notable exceptions, fell right in-line with the media and echoed that description of Joe Biden being “a moderate and someone we could work with if he was elected”. See video tape comments from both McConnell and McCarthy as an example in their brief speeches to the press both pre and post election. Only recently have most establishment Republicans been accurately describing Biden’s policies as what they truly are.

Now we are being treated to an article calling for our socialist President to do something to intercede in the election of a fellow socialist in Peru. Seriously? That we must somehow ensure the election integrity of Peru after looking the other way here, because the Washington establishment on both sides of the aisle was desperate to remove President Trump from office by any means necessary, so Washington could return to “the status quo”. Does anyone else see the irony or hypocrisy here?

If the Peruvian people truly want to prevent a Marxist from assuming the role of President and plunging the country into wholesale poverty and misery, those that voted for the sane, rational capitalist in that country know what they have to do to achieve that goal before Castillo gets his hands on the levers of power there. Waiting for or expecting any sort of strong stance against Castillo from the Biden administration would be a fatal mistake on the part of Peru, as none will be forthcoming.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Waking up to CNBC the Stock Market Channel this morning; you would think it was a ‘third world country’. Across the bottom of the screen quotes by Biden abound. In essence, free speech, three dimensional thought, unbiased journalism; is dangerous. The Biden Administration is espousing censorship for the PROTECTION of SOCIETY. Try to swallow that! There is a Communism composite being put together here. So little time, so much to do; to establish a Communist/Socialist State here. Maybe, that is why there is an eerie silence for ‘South of the Border’ issues.

George Rivera, Jr.
George Rivera, Jr.
3 years ago

Heck, Biden IS a Marxist . . . it is less him losing Peru as to joining the club.

3 years ago

We must stand up for Puru and Cuba period! No pondering!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Biden will do nothing as he doesn’t seem to know what is going on. He is afraid of his own party on the left, surrounded by Marxists and has a socialist Pope as a spiritualist advisor. He’s so focused on COVID-19 and the Delta variant, blaming Facebook for HIS failures, he literally just signs anything in front of him and pays no attention to anything else. It’s a shame the majority of people in the United States let this happen.

Jim D.
Jim D.
3 years ago

Just how could HE speak up on election integrity after the fiasco of 2020???

Don Love
Don Love
3 years ago

Are any of our Senators or Representatives even calling Biden out on his inaction and less than laissez-faire lack of action toward Peru? Do they even know??!!!It’s time for squeaky wheels!!

3 years ago

Yeah, as many have already said, Biden doesn’t really know what is going on unless someone explains it to him. And yes, he is a member of the Marxist game that his colleagues are playing. So to be silent is normal for these folks.

3 years ago

Is this very similar to what happened in Venezuela a few years back? And what is the meaning of “international election audit” ? Does that mean that other countries could question USA 2020 election results & audit this? And is this thru UN or who

3 years ago

Should the USA intercede in other countrie’s elections? Then why was their so much issue about Russia meddling in our last election. And what was story behind Trump not recognizing standing President in Venezuela cuz he did not believe their election.

3 years ago

Pretty hard for America to speak up for “election integrity” when we just tolerated the crookedest election in our history and Biden was its chief beneficiary.

Charles Houck
Charles Houck
3 years ago

Peru? Hell, he losing the UNITED STATES to Marxism!

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t care if he loses Peru to Marxism. That’s exactly where he and his cohorts are headed with OUR country! Socialism, Marxism, Communism, whatever you want to call it, it’s the way we are headed! We all need to vote for nothing but PATRIOTIC POLITICIANS next year!!! Do your homework, I know there are still SOME of them out there. Save Our Country!

3 years ago

I lived in Lima, Peru in the early 60’s for 7 years. My wife was Peruvian. My son was born in Peru. We still have relatives there. I was shocked when I heard the news. Like my fellow Americans, Peruvians are literate, hard working citizens wo love their country, and America. But I will tell you now: if there was fraud, as I suspect, they will deal with it.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
3 years ago

If Biden does anything it will be to congratulate that new Marxist guy which in Biden’s view will be a new ally to his new Marxist United States.

3 years ago

I don’t believe Biden cares at all. Just as long as he is making money off his son! Disgusting, my heart goes out to the Peruvian people as well as the people in Cuba, and Haiti. Why isn’t-an elected official in the United States take action? Because he is a fraud!

Rick Custer
Rick Custer
3 years ago

What kind of response- probably none – would we expect from Biden on Peru or Cuba when he is leading us down the same path towards the same end we want him to criticize? Even he is not that far dementiaed.

3 years ago

Wow. Do we have a clueless idiot and his gal friday in the White House.

Robert Gentner
Robert Gentner
3 years ago

We have our own troubles. Let’s work on our issues. Peru can do whatever they want. Borders, language, culture.

3 years ago

Don’t expect anything from Biden. He doesn’t know what he had for breakfast.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Biden losing Peru. ?? Didn’t know it was his to lose.

Barbara Speer
Barbara Speer
3 years ago

Very sad Perú veers toward communism. Uneven distribution of haves and have nots plus rampant corruption in government down through judiciary military and law enforcement – and anywhere else not mentioned. Lived there for 40 years and anguished over beloved friends and school pals back in Lima. Wish taxes were honestly and universally applied and query the vote of Peruvian expats who dutifully pay taxes to their adopted country yet get upset by the threat of communism looming in a country they don’t support financially.

Mike B.
Mike B.
3 years ago

His administration is destroying this country ! He’s not going to help the Cubans, and he won’t help Peru . He’s out of touch what is going on with current events . The man can’t complete a sentence without a cue card , or a teleprompter! Our president is an empty suit . I’m no doctor , but he has dementia, or Alzheimer’s. He’s told what to do, and if he doesn’t do it right, he’s stated his staff will be upset with him. How pathetic is this? People . . . we have to vote red down the line next year, or we’re doomed. VOTE 22 !

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

“Biden is Losing Peru to Marxism”
Biden & the dumbocrats seem to be GIVING the USA to Marxism!

3 years ago

I am worried about America going Marxist and Biden’s leftist regime is quickly causing this calamity.
The article mentions election fraud in Peru as a concern but not the fraud right here in America?
Like many others I saw the video of election fraud taking place in Georgia, Detroit and elsewhere.
I am also aware of the widespread last minute changes made to election laws that facilitated much of the election fraud, These changes were made by Secretarys of States, not state lawmakers, and therefore were not legal. When Pres. Trump and others charged election fraud there were huge outcries from the leftists, but Trump was right again! The recounts and investigations have shown widespread fraud but action has moved way too slowly.
There should be protest marches and demonstrations to stop Biden and his leftists from forcing Marxism on America. There should be loud cries of fraud here in America, to save this great republic from the marxists, including China!

3 years ago

Sounds like Biden’s kind of country, any American citizen that truly believes that the November election wasn’t tainted didn’t watch the polling counting where literally the republicans were thrown out and a few hours later trump is now behind in the election? The ends justify the means at any and all costs with these haters of our constitution and freedom that is keeps us all safe in our country

3 years ago


3 years ago

Sadly, that would mean CDC puppet Pedo Joe is GAINING Peru to his cause.

2 years ago

What? do you actually believe pedo Obiden Ben Lyin is a goodie leader????????? he’s an imbecile and of EVIL ????

2 years ago

What? do you actually believe pedo Obiden Ben Lyin is a goodie leader????????? he’s an imbecile and of EVIL ????

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