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‘60 Minutes’ Editing Kamala Harris Is the Ultimate Deep Fake

Posted on Friday, October 11, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Photo: CBS News/”60 Minutes”

Dan Rather, the former anchor of CBS News, was a little ahead of his time. He lost his job at the network over a fake news ambush of a presidential candidate. Now we’re watching his same network still engaging in fake news for Kamala Harris, blatantly and without a care in the world.

In 2004, just a couple of months before the presidential election, Rather presented on 60 Minutes II documents alleging a scandal with George W. Bush’s Texas Air National Guard deployment in 1972. Almost immediately the documents were disputed as forgeries. They were eventually confirmed as fake by experts for several reasons, one of which was that the typeface was not that of a typewriter from the 1970s, but comparable to a typeface from Microsoft Word software, released for the first time in 1983.

The scandal cost Rather, several producers, and even a network vice president, their jobs.

Fast-forward 20 years later, once again less than a couple of months from a presidential election, and CBS News has another scandal surrounding coverage of a presidential candidate. But this time to prop up Kamala Harris, their apparent and floundering, favorite.

Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, sat down for a taped interview with CBS’ Bill Whitaker for 60 Minutes which aired Monday night. The network then released what is called “teaser” clips consisting of elements from the interview before it aired that evening, one of which aired on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” In that clip, when Whitaker asked her why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “isn’t listening” to the administration, Harris delivered one of her typical word salads, a nervous mashup of words that led to no real meaning or clarity saying, “Well Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.” But apparently, the folks at CBS aren’t into word salad, so they changed it. When the program aired on Monday night, Whitaker asked the question, but this time Kamala’s answer was different: “We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.” More concise, more understandable, and maybe even presidential. But that’s not the answer she gave in the earlier clip. Many have noted that CBS replaced her gibberish with a comment given earlier in the interview. Like an old-fashioned cut-and-paste job, but without the glue stick.

Multiple outlets have reached out to CBS asking for an explanation for the creative editing which changes the response of a presidential candidate to a national security question. After all, taped interviews are often edited for both television and print, for the sake of space or clarity. The problem here is, the presidential candidate’s inability to be clear about the issues is an extremely relevant part of an interview with a journalist. Her delivery, confidence, and clarity (or especially the lack thereof) matter.

As of this writing, CBS has not responded to queries. Kamala Harris’s team, however, did respond, as reported by Variety: “In a statement addressing the controversy surrounding the edited response, an aide for the Harris campaign told Variety, ‘We do not control CBS’s production decisions and refer questions to CBS.’ CBS did not immediately respond to Variety‘s request for comment.”

Now that’s just strange. Any serious person would be outraged if a network or reporter or any journalist were to deliberately change the nature of their answer to any question, let alone one about national security and foreign affairs as a war currently wages against an ally. But not Kamala. Her campaign’s response indicates no anger or concern, just an insistence that they had nothing to do with it. This implies that they know it was done to benefit them, which is why they need to distance themselves.

Whitaker had received praise for his questioning and even for issuing follow-up questions, which Harris had been able to avoid up until that point, even in the debate with Trump. Many, including myself, have presumed that Whitaker would be upset with the editing of his interview to make Harris appear coherent when she was not. But the article on the CBS website about the interview, carrying Bill Whitaker’s byline, presents the exchange as though it were a transcript even though it has the same edit eliminating Harris’ nonsensical word salad and replacing it with the cut-and-paste response. It does not provide any ellipses indicating something was cut, nor are there any bracketed segments which would also signify a summarizing for the sake of space or clarity. The URL address of the article (also revealingly) uses the word ‘transcript.’

The backlash has been swift. Harris has been ridiculed for her performance in these interviews, and her general inability to offer cogent answers on any issue of concern to Americans. Back-to-back clips of the original CBS teaser with her actual word salad answer compared with what was on the air has gone viral on social media. Journalists and politicians alike are demanding that the full, unedited transcript be released. Trump is calling for CBS to lose its broadcasting license, and during a speech to the Detroit Economic Forum noted, “The other big news is the fraud committed by 60 Minutes and CBS together with the Democrat Party, working together with them, which will go down as the single biggest scandal in broadcast history I predict…”

Something else worth noting surrounding this absurd situation is how blatant CBS was in their scramble to make Kamala Harris appear though she has some grip on the nature of the comments she makes. The teaser had been on the internet and aired on Face the Nation, seen by millions, yet they felt comfortable changing her response for airing that night with a cut and paste. Being so at ease, and even sloppy, with this action would indicate that they’ve done it before and have gotten away with it. A network doing this, in broad daylight seemingly without a care in the world about what it means or the impact it has, requires a certain amount of curiosity about how often this has occurred before.

If there was ever a blatant, classic example of election interference, this fits the bill. Voters look to legacy media, interviews, and debates in order to gather information so they can cast an informed vote. But how can we accomplish this if media is deliberately altering interviews in an effort to obscure the reality of a candidate’s condition, point-of-view, or ability to communicate?

What CBS has done goes beyond biased questions, or even deciding to protect a candidate by not asking hard questions, or follow-ups when Kamala wanders off into one of her nonsense soliloquies. In this case, manipulating what a presidential candidate actually says in order to make her seem more astute, disciplined, and intellectually capable of the job is at the very least a form of lying to the audience and an open, shameful attempt to interfere with the election.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
1 day ago

If voters can’t see she is not qualified to run this country they must be living under a rock.

Valerie Waddelove
Valerie Waddelove
1 day ago

Yeah Tammy Bruce — revealing the truth again. The mainstream media cannot be trusted; this is just another incident that proves that assertion.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 day ago

More censorship & CBS thinks audience is Stupid

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
1 day ago

Shame on you –> CBS/60 Minutes!

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 day ago

Once again Tammy Bruce has exposed the Democrats, and their CBS apparatchiks as being red-handed liars. Ms. Bruce clarifies the lengths that the “third branch of government” will go to promote the Democrats candidates. The media news reporters are supposed to enlighten the people about all political efforts that are meant to confound them, and keep them in the dark. That same media has become a front for the Democrat Party which has in turn, become a front for Marxism.
One hopes that the independents and the moderate voters see through these machinations so they can vote according to information that unmasks the Democrats as being what they are, i.e. socialists who strive to become authoritarians with immutable power.

1 day ago

collusion, conspiracy, conflict of interest are all part of the politician/ media outlet marriage. if you beleive anything either of these entities say you are brainwashed and don’t need to vote if you care about your future. vote trump and the country will survive. can not say that about harris. the titanic went down pretty quick after hitting the iceburg. the USA will take a little longer but with harris at the helm this country is headed for its own iceberg. vote for trump. you won’t need a lifevest with him.

1 day ago

Kamala Harris is without question, the most incompetent, scatterbrain, extremely short on intelligence, and possessing a dismal capacity to communicate at an ‘adult’ level of any politician in American political history.
Winning ZERO votes in the Democrat primaries and following the Democrat coup forcing Biden out of the 2024 presidential race, Harris is now running for the most powerful and important job in the world, President of the United States. However, she has been thrown into this postilion by the Left-wing Machine. They seriously DON’T want her, but they KNOW they couldn’t dump her for three reasons: 1. She’s a woman; 2. She’s ‘black’; 3. Because of all the money already in Joe’s coffer. However, anyone with more than one working brain cell KNOWS that she is by far the most incompetent, unqualified, and mentally-challenged candidate of all time to run for ANY office, let alone POTUS. She simply doesn’t have the mental capacity, the intelligence, nor possess the thought-processing abilities to provide clear and concise answers to ANY serious question. This is even when she has spent days rehearsing, using a staff-written scripts and talking points, or without the aid of teleprompters. Tragically, she simply can’t do it.

1 day ago

Good article. I would really like to see someone diagram one of her unedited sentences!

1 day ago

CBS should issue a statement before interview segments stating, “Answers to interview questions may be edited to comply with the wishes of the interviewee, the DNC or to correspond to the views of this network.”

1 day ago

IF it’s on the fake news mass media DO NOT believe it. They have lied and omitted the truth about the GOOD the Republicans have done and are doing and hid and buried all the evil bad things the socialist liberal democrats have and ARE doing to US. They cheat, lie, but this time to prop up Kamala Harris, their apparent and floundering, favorite after she choked on her thoughts and words and her regurgitated word salad. VOTE them away, VOTE ***MAGA*** 2024

1 day ago

I would NOT vote for Kamal Hair if she were the only one running. She is an incompetent boob that thinks everything is funny. How the dems even chose her for their presidential candidate is beyond me. She’s at the very bottom of the list along with Hillary.

Jay H.
Jay H.
1 day ago

Everyone knows demoncrap biased CBS would never consider doing this for Trump or any other Republican candidate. I’m sure there will be accolades & awards given to the POS that approved the editing.

1 day ago

Honestly, how do these “journalists” sleep at night? Praise the ones who just couldn’t stand by and let their ethics be compromised: Sherryl Atkisson, John Stossel come to mind. Interesting that they compared typewriter fonts and found fraud yet no one pursued the fact that Obama’s birth certificate carried the name of an existing Hawaii hospital that wasn’t around the year he was born. The President who probably did more harm to the USA than any before most likely isn’t even a citizen. I know, past history, but I didn’t believe the birther story until reading that one little miniscule fact.

1 day ago

Ahh, the entitled elite strike again! Nothing new here.
I have a piece of waterfront land in Nevada that I would love to sell you!

1 day ago

Why hasn’t a BOYCOTT of CBS been advocated. This is election interference.

1 day ago

They left out unburdened by what has bee and I am from the middle class.
Why is this woman not losing by double digits? What is going on?

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
1 day ago

Unacceptable!! Have to wonder what else Whitaker and CBS writes in that interview? Clearly, even CBS realizes what an intellectual moron Harris is!

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
1 day ago

I cannot fathom how anyone with 1 iota of common sense would think Harris is qualified to be president of what once was the greatest country in the world. She can’t even string together a sentence that makes sense and she is going to negotiate with some of the toughest regimes in the world? Clearly the democrat party is bent on burning this nation to the ground so they can rule over the ashes. The democratic party is the epitome of evil . . . and the liberal media are aiding and abetting them

1 day ago

low lifes

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 day ago

None of these leftist MSM outlets want to risk being the ones to make her lose, so of course they’ll do anything to prevent this! Unfortunately, CBS failed to polish the turd because she STILL came off looking like crap! She’s an empty, vacuous vessel; if she were in a primary, like before, she would be out! Surprised they’re not trotting out Biden again…

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
1 day ago

I stopped listening to anything the news channels have to say that has to do with politics. .When adults are so immature that a mans personality determines whether they will vote for him or not, it’s down right pitiful. If it didn’t effect the whole country I wouldn’t care who they vote for, but it hurts all of us when they are so delicate that they have to be treated like children.
I keep in touch with the weather, and listen to how many people have been killed each day, and that’s all I need to hear from them.

1 day ago

We the opposition are still not into believing that MSM is the mouthpiece for the dems. Propaganda for Harris Walz. We still say maybe this or maybe that. No maybes about it they openly admit that CBS did that. People who only watch the three main networks never hear the truth. Just all against Trump. They have no idea that ole Joe hobnobs with the trans community like they are his family. Mutilating children they don’t know nothing about. DEI or CRT or ESG never heard of it. But 2025 they know all about it because MSM says that is Trump’s plan when he is elected. They don’t know anything about K affair with Willy Brown. Or her husband getting the nanny pregnant. Or tampon Timmy putting tampons in boys bathrooms. The 3 outlets never mention the truth. They say God didn’t safe Trump because he let the shooter on the roof. Total propaganda pure and simple and how do we get these voters to ever vote against the dems. Ole Joe is the best president ever they say. All the propaganda lines. And you show them what Biden or Harris have really said or even Trump they say, didn’t see it on tv. How is it possible that these people are so brainwashed. Trump is the one that will take free speech away while John Kerry said at WEF meeting in Davos that the dems better win because we have this pesky first amendment we need to get rid off to stop all the misinformation. It’s not that, it is they don’t want any opposing views. They will do the thinking for us. These people see no danger ahead. More than ever VOTE TRUMP VANCE and talk to your dem friends and convince them to vote the other way. Our survival depends on it.

1 day ago

Who’s running the FCC?

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
20 hours ago

If you can, watch the interview of Tucker Carlson and Harmet Dhillon, Attorney in CA. She is well acquainted with Kamala and her unlawful actions in during her time as an employee of the CA Justice Dept. She is a dangerous Marxist and is in agreement with the Democrats (Marxists) who are pushing ending free speech as soon as possible. Needless to say, anyone who loves our freedoms and our country should not vote for this evil person. I think you can watch the interview on YouTube. I subscribe to Tucker’s New Channel.

Donald King
Donald King
1 day ago

Marx and Lenin are both smiling and giggling from their graves.

1 day ago

And her running mate is right down there along with them.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 day ago

I stopped watching 60 Minutes years ago when they became so obviously biased.

1 day ago

So why haven’t the CBS employees involved in this blatantly dishonest act of journalism been fired? (rhetorical question)
Looks like its time to cancel my Paramount+ subscription.

Larry Collins
Larry Collins
19 hours ago

I do not watch any mainstream news media outlets for this very reason among many more. They all lie and in politics they always side with the liberal candidate. They never show one ounce of fairness toward conservatives or conservative issues.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 day ago

Descendants of the Sons of liberty now live under worse government than the Sons fought.. Ain’t that a kick in the head

20 hours ago

To all of you liberal morons, you can polish a turd, but it is still a turd. That would be commie Harris in case you are too stupid to figure it out.

Jane Bradley
Jane Bradley
21 hours ago

It is obvious that Kamala is not presidential material. Everyone knows it! She hasn’t accomplished anything of quality other than being a puppet for the Democrats. It’s shameful!!! Our country deserves better!

Mike Eubanks
Mike Eubanks
23 hours ago

It’s typical tactics for the Trump-hating main stream media & democrats alike.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
23 hours ago

Americans aren’t ever going to wake up and I agree with Harry they all must be living under a rock. It’s just like here in New Mexico at least 70% of New Mexicans they think that all of the democratic leaders here are wonderful. MLG,Martin Heinrich, Ben Ray Lujan, Melody Stansbury, Greg Chavez are absolutely wonderful. And they have literally Destroyed this State And that is why we have the worst Crime, inflation, on everything in this state Education , food, housing, homeless, the price of gasoline, and lack of jobs etc….And the democrats do nothing to fix it they just let it run rampant. and the voters do nothing to fix it either. And I think that the people that help reelect these people are paid to lie for our politicians.

1 day ago

We need the power to BLOCK spam on mainstream media the same way we block spam calls on our telephones, Then, the advertisers that support the lying MSM will quickly feel the results of their collusion with the Marxist-Demoncrats.

8 hours ago

So now we know what CBS stands for: Constantly Broadcasting S—!

19 hours ago

I share your suspicions this is not the first time, nor have we seen the last, in this election cycle. The real question is whether there will be repercussions. Not merely with commentators like you shining a light on it, but consequences that would deter future misconduct. FCC fines. License suspension/revocation. Firings. Unless that happens, the seal is broken and the MSM can only be treated as a psy-op program.

20 hours ago

as usual, it’s a disgrace – but we good intelligent Americans know the deal with the left! she won’t get away with it and Trump is going to win. every time kac el la opens her mouth she lies about Trump – this woman has no shame

G Morgan
G Morgan
23 hours ago

I no longer watch ABC or CBS nightly news ! They only report what THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW ! Where are REAL News stations who report the FACTS and let YOU form your opinion? Only FOX NEWS tells it like it is !

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
23 hours ago

I know it keeps writers and ‘journalists’ employed right now … but tell me who … at this point in the game hasn’t made their choice? Even those hiding their heads in the sand, if they had any intention to actually vote (as well as those that have no intention) have already decided to ‘vote for the woman’ (whom ever the hell she is) or vote for the man that cares about our republic. Those are the two choices, and writing about it by AMAC, or covering it on your local news, is not at this point going to change even one voters mind, no matter what you say.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 day ago

Media are in dems. bondage, what else can they do but simper.

Sarah K
Sarah K
43 minutes ago

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Amy Hannah
Amy Hannah
4 hours ago

This is why I only read AMAC news, and watch Newsmax. I believe I get a complete picture of what’s going on; both outlets give both sides of issues, highlighting the glaring discrepancies of the left.

Amy Hannah
Amy Hannah
4 hours ago

This is why I never watch MSM. I only watch Newsmax, and read AMAC news. I believe I get a broad picture of what’s going on; both outlets tell both sides of the story, highlighting the glaring deficiencies from the left.

Richard Schwenderman
Richard Schwenderman
5 hours ago

It’s past time that the Deceit Media be required to be under Federal Court supervision for an extended period and fined for malicious fake reporting over our airwaves.

6 hours ago

This article describes a very serious instance of malpractice in Journalism to benefit VP Harris’ candidacy. CBS should no longer interview candidates for public office. They should issue a public apology, as well as an apology to President Trump and his campaign managers.

Cheryl Roberts
Cheryl Roberts
7 hours ago

We the voters are not stupid.
How can the main street media get away with this horse pucky and not lose their license?
What has happened to the Rule of Law in our country?

Rick V
Rick V
19 hours ago

Stay away from that nuke button Scamula, we all know that you are afriad of your own shadow, but that is no reason to press that button.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 day ago

Great. If Harras gets elected, what will CBS get out ofr it. m??? Kyle L.

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U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris takes the Oath of Office, being sworn in
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