
National Security , Newsline

Woke Biden Administration Keeps on Ignoring America’s Problems

Posted on Friday, February 17, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

It shouldn’t surprise you to find that the Orwellian scenarios we find ourselves grappling with are all related. Ranging from the Afghanistan debacle to the epidemic of train derailments and airline fiascoes to the Biden administration’s schizophrenic response to the violation of our territorial integrity by a flurry of mystery spy and air craft.

It could seem like it’s just a big bunch of bad news all at once. A horrible coincidence of tragedies and accidents and adventurism by the lunatics of the world. Poor Joe Biden, someone might lament, has the bad luck to be president when everything is going to hell. Unless, as I submit to you, all of these things are happening specifically because of the attitude and style and agenda of the woke and malevolent Biden administration.

After the absurdity of the Chinese spy balloon being allowed to traverse the entirety of the United States, we all watched with wonder as Biden transformed from a passive, clueless do-nothing into a clueless, trigger-happy Commander-in-Chief determined to shoot down whatever it was that was flying by.

Finally, after keeping the American people in the dark, Biden held a press conference on Thursday where he simultaneously said the additional three objects shot down were not “believed” to be tied to China or surveillance operations but then confirmed they still have no idea what they were shooting down: “We don’t yet know what these three objects were…These three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research.” In other words, they’re guessing. Meanwhile, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) noted, unsurprisingly, that all 3 objects should be considered “lost.”

Of course.

This manic response reminds one of the Biden administration’s killing of ten civilians in Afghanistan in August 2021, including a longtime worker for a US aid group and seven children, via a drone strike. Biden authorized that attack after being universally condemned for the massacre at the Afghanistan airport during the withdrawal and asserted that the strike prevented another attack on the airport. The Pentagon eventually admitted that “almost everything” asserted by Biden’s defense officials allowing the strike was false.

Making previously unthinkable debacles like this possible is linked directly to a governing narrative focused on culture change, woke politics, critical race theory, and dividing the American people. It’s not about governing at all, it’s not about the truth, or the hard work of diplomacy, ensuring national security, or the reality of facts on the ground. Instead, we see the results of fools obsessed with winning news cycles, covering up mistakes, and creating chaos, while playing word games.

And there’s more. Our transportation sector has been beset by catastrophes under Pete Buttigieg’s non-existent watch. Why? Because he’s a stand-in as much as is Biden. In January, for the first time since September 11, our entire sky was shut down because of computer failures affecting the airlines. The FAA has been focusing on woke language changes apparently instead of the real work of transportation issues and safety.

We all continue to watch the shocking chemical disaster enveloping East Palestine, Ohio, after a tanker train derailed. After ignoring it for ten days, Buttigieg finally acknowledged it in a word-salad tweet saying he was “concerned about the impacts.” The Ohio catastrophe is one of a dozen train wrecks that have happened in just the first 6 weeks of 2023.

Buttigieg, a man who has no business in any job requiring seriousness, experience, or maturity, was AWOL as supply chain crisis unfolded. That disaster continues to this day and is ignored by the media and by the administration.

It is no surprise that our transportation sector is melting down because Buttigieg, the man who is supposed to be the leader of this nation’s massive transportation sector, was hired not because of what he could do but because he fit an Identity Politics slot. In addition to harming this nation, hiring incompetent people who happen to be a minority reinforces a false narrative that minorities don’t have what it takes to govern or lead. This is the height of racism and homophobia, is an illustration of the bigotry of low expectations, and it’s (still) brought to you by the Democratic Party.

Those involved in the Biden administration seem to have realized they’re just part of a frontispiece for a bureaucratically controlled government, and they’re behaving accordingly—Vice President Kamala Harris gets an assignment to be the border czar and she ignores it. Pete Buttigieg is supposed to be in charge of our internal transportation infrastructure and he ignores it. Alejandro Mayorkas is in charge of Homeland Security, including our borders, and he ignores it.

This is the end result of identity politics: Our government using its power to perpetuate a political ideology that is designed to harm this country while turning our culture, values, and national security into a worldwide joke. It also dismisses the value of individuals and destroys optimism, ambition, and trust.

For the Democrats, an agenda of security, economic success, and expansion of quality of life, bizarrely takes several backseats to woke policies. Our military is being unraveled, language vandalized through critical race theory and woke gender policies, our education infrastructure is being transformed into indoctrination centers, and the weaponizing of physical and mental health issues ranging from vaccines to the transgender issue, all destabilizes social cohesion and trust in the establishment.

Keep this in mind, for most of our problems there’s a direct line back to the cancer of identity politics and its leftist woke tumor. Nothing of importance can succeed or even function as long as the leftist woke narrative prevails in the Washington DC bureaucracy, throughout the Democratic Party, and even among some Republicans in the bureaucratic establishment.

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1 year ago

Yesterday’s speech by Biden from the White House essentially just repeated the press release given by General Kirby last week. No new details. No new justifications or information in any way. It was almost word for word the same information. The only difference was Biden stiffly reading from a teleprompter and making the usual gaffs and slurs in his speech. Another demonstration to the world that this administration is very weak and deferential to China.

The end of speech, where the press started yelling questions at him was far more informative or at least entertaining. As one reporter asked if he was compromised by business deals Hunter did with China on behalf of him, Biden just smiled and said “come on man”. Knowing full well the MSM will continue to shield him from any real scrutiny. Another reporter then asked why he did not consider China an adversary, despite China having flown a spy balloon over some of our most important military bases. He just turned and walked in his usual shuffling manner out of the room.

We have no competent leadership at the top. Our military has now been ordered to shoot down anything that might be a balloon (of any origin), because the President let a Chinese spy balloon traverse the United States for 7 days, relaying all the data it collected by to China, before finally deciding to shoot it down off South Carolina. He came off as weak as he really is, so now we’re using our military to fire at anything in order to try and show Biden is “strong on national defense”. I think most Americans, who are able to think rationally, know what Biden really is.

As for the rest of Biden’s Cabinet that this article touches on, they weren’t hired because they were known for being brilliant problem solvers or had a long history of great accomplishments. They simply fitted an assortment of identity politics check boxes that are vital for what thew Democrat Party stands for today. So, when you fill up senior level administrative positions with an assortment of incompetents, you can’t expect you’re going to see great results. Each member of Biden’s Cabinet has failed exactly how you would expect them to, given their complete lack of qualifications for their respective jobs and their ideological bent. Elections have consequences. Even fraudulent ones. So sit back and enjoy the next 2 years of the Biden administration and the Democrats using the United States as a pinata. If nothing substantial changes, in terms of our new voting process, we just might see another 4 years after that of some Democrat still occupying the White House.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

It would appear that the people who voted this imbecile into power have inadvertently put our nation at risk by bringing along his equally stupid and corrupt administration. Speed of the leader, speed of the gang.

1 year ago

This SOB isn’t ignoring the problems…This bastard created them.

1 year ago

I wonder what China is holding of JB’s head. I feel like we’re in danger with Biden leading this nation.

Velma Saccone
Velma Saccone
1 year ago

This is the most incompetent, corrupt, unethical and sick administration in USA history resulting from a fraudulent election in 2020. Whatever happens they just blame it in Trump because they can’t accept the consequences of their horrible inept actions. Anyone who voted for Biden must accept their share of blame for the destruction of our country being committed by Biden’s administration.

James H
James H
1 year ago

America needs to realize the the World (un) Economic Forum is the number one enemy of America!! The left is getting their “marching orders” from this group that designed “build back better” and “The great reset”. Everything the inept, corrupt Biden administration is doing comes from these global pantheist socialist. We are being attacked by sociopathic narcissists who think they should control the world. Get to the ballot box and rid America of the Left!! They are ungodly, un-American and anti- human!

1 year ago

We are in real trouble!!!

James K Keenum
James K Keenum
1 year ago

This is exactly what we get in allowing a stolen election. The entire Congress of 2021 is to blame since they failed to uphold their Constitutional duty to place in the House the disputed election. I am shocked that Tammy failed to mention the root of this problem, going all the way back to the horrible decision by the 2021 Congress in ignoring the Constitution.

1 year ago

The Biden Administration, the Democrat-Marxist Party, George Soros

Connie Abbott
Connie Abbott
1 year ago

Also remember that the Supreme Court refused to consider the abundant evidence and over 300 signed affidavits testifying to overwhelming corruption that threw the 2020 presidential election in Biden’s favor; then their refusal to consider Brunson vs Adams, a valid case addressing the refusal of Congress to investigate the electoral college votes–without any explanation regarding why they refused. They are also bought and paid for, it seems, like so many others in positions of power.

1 year ago

This country is in dire need of a cleansing revolution. How much more is it going to take? They hide behind fences, barricades and our troops. That tells me one thing. They are guilty of treason and they fear that the American people know it.

1 year ago

As long as these unserious jokers in this administration keep their jobs, this beautiful country will continue to unravel.

Who cares what pronouns the woke use to identify themselves? I know; choosing your own pronouns is easier than actually finding the right pronouns (according to The Elements of Style) to use when constructing sentences. This is just another self-centered behavior that has infected certain members of the population who also are…unserious. They wear it with pride.

One week, biden demonstrated weakness in delaying shooting down the Chinese balloon; the next week, he takes shots at 3 balloons before verifying their origin. He has completely lost our trust in the event this country would need to defend itself from something more deadly. Well…look at what’s coming over the borders! Deadly enough?! As he has done with many challenges since taking office, he closes his eyes and hopes the problem will go away. What am I saying? He doesn’t even view those challenges as problems! We conservatives are the problem!

The train derailment in Ohio that biden has determined is not FEMA-worthy and didn’t make it to the news until a week later. Afghanistan. Inflation. Hunter’s laptop and Biden family fortunes. The energy crisis. Multi-trillion-dollar legislation. Dubious dealings with China, Ukraine, Russia. Men in bras competing with real women in sports. The lie about Republicans wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare–biden did just that by cutting doctors’ compensation 2% when treating Medicare patients. Lie after lie after lie.

The fact that articles are written, pundits opine, YouTube videos rack up tens of thousands of upvotes, and people are talking about these problems, you’d think the unserious nature of this administration is deliberate. Well, it is. And that’s the point. We’re continually shocked at each new assault on our freedom–on our need to make sense of what’s happening around us–because we’re serious people. If the woke think their agenda is better than what we have now, I advise them to wake up from that silly dream. They’re being played for the biggest fools of all.

1 year ago

That’s the whole purpose of it all. Destroy America and build back socialist under the one-world government of the antichrist. This globalist administration isn’t ever going to help or improve America. Their goal is to have us in the New World Order by 2030 along with the rest of the world. Look up World Economic Forum and check their agenda. The WEF is controlled by Satan and his minions. Our government is a hand-puppet for the WEF. Biden is told what to do and say. Alone, he couldn’t remember his own shoe size.

Albert Bryson
Albert Bryson
1 year ago

The most incompetent administration in the history of our country. We have been place in many disasters under them. Yes, the 2020 and 2022 elections had election stolen. What is happening is the result.

1 year ago

What do you mean ignoring America’s Problems? He is America’s biggest problem.

1 year ago

Extremely well written comprehensive article. Unfortunately most Americans will never see it. They believe what the mainstream media feeds them. Democrat pablum while our country slowly goes down the drain

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been so since day 1

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

The millisecond Lying Joe starts worrying about America’s problems the Chinese will cut off the funds going into the Biden Family Crime Syndicate bank account.
Lying Joe can’t stand the loss in revenue.
Last week when Joe found out he was going to be getting a Physical, he started studying for the Urine test.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

“Woke Biden Administration Keeps on Ignoring America’s Problems” INTENTIONALLY! Once people understand that this regime’s agenda to collapse the United States of America, it makes sense to them. They understand that this isn’t bumbling incompetence; this is a treasonous strategy being perpetrated at the behest of the one world order n.w.o.. biden is merely a puppet who gives the illusion of incompetence.

Jimmy Lang
Jimmy Lang
1 year ago

Look,!! Bieden was a Joke before he Ever ran for president, running for president not really, he was put there by The Dark Side of this nation, Plus he is a curse this nation deserves, his controller ( Obama) is making sure this country Falls and so far It’s ALL Happening as Planned, It’s going to take a Equaliser to stamp out this nest of roaches for things get worse, like yesterday.!!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Biden & Company has been thorough and complete about destroying every aspect of this country. From destroying respect for Our Founding Fathers, to rewriting and removing huge accounts of our history, to destroying respect for the police force, to defunding police, to destroying our school system, to methodically sterilizing both the mind and the body, to destroying our transportation system, the complete destruction of our airlines, the embarrassing destruction of our rail system, the rampant rise in crime and murders, the return of the medieval perspective in medicine, roads, highways, and freeways; with varicosities, potholes, and rust destroyed bridges, to the desolation of our armed services by the promotion of ‘Woke Philosophy’, and by the systematic abolishment of a belief system that includes God The Father, Our Churches, and the dying attendance thereof. Wake Up America; and see the smoldering influence of the evil satanic forces taking over! President George Washington and Our Founding Fathers pray continually for the eventual success of faith over fear, order over chaos, and the driving out of communism from our shores! May God Guide and Protect These United States of America!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Brandon and the left are just following orders from Klaus Schwab and the WEF. America has to become a third world country and China will be the powerhouse. The elite in the WEF
have this decreed. Buttigig and many more of Brandon’s cabinet are graduates of the Klaus Schwab school.
A president of the United States of America saying the Chinese Spy Balloon was no big deal says it all. And no impeachment proceedings are being started against him? Why because the RINOs are afraid loosing their seat in the next election. They are not for America but themselves.
In meantime America is going to hell. 3 years ago I said this when Trump lost. And it only has gotten worse.
The only thing Brandon has done is tearing America down.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

“Woke Biden Administration Keeps on Ignoring America’s Problems”

For two years now, I have been listening to this administration get called incompetent, stupid, and a great many other things. How can anyone with a functioning brain not understand by now that all of what is happening is intentional, part of a plan, and none of it is by chance or accident? The Left has been working for decades to create a worldwide Leftist dictatorship. All that stands in their way is the good old USA, and plans they made decades ago are now being implemented, and with great success. We are in so much trouble…

Mike Hall
Mike Hall
1 year ago

Amen! Calling them morons would be insulting to morons.

1 year ago

Out of sight, out of mind…

William Ayers
William Ayers
1 year ago

Thank you Tammy Bruce. Well done, accurate and succinct.

George M
George M
1 year ago

Why shoot two $400,000 sidewinders ( 1st one missed ? ) to shoot down a balloon ? How about a 2 second burst from a 50 Cal machine gun from a fighter Jet ? A lot more cost effective. Oh what the hell it’s ONLY Taxpayers Money ! Uncle Joe can always print some more “ paper “ money! Wish I had a money machine in my basement so I could spend money like a drunken FOOL !

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
LOSER WOKE is just that…LOSERS.
They live in FANTASY WORLD and are HATEFUL with everything based on COMMUNISM and DECEIT.
Just like FAKE news STILL lying on Natural Immunity and Heart problems caused by China Virus vaccine using LOSER WOKE narrative.
Only the Braindead believe and follow LOSER WOKE.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

BootyGig hasn’t made it to Ohio yet, has he? He’s busy at home, nursing his babies!

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

Well what is he going to do? Fire Kamal Harris, appoint President Trump VP and then retire? That’s the right thing to do! Come on man, he’s built the largest crime syndicate since Killary Klinton. He’s done the biggest deals ever with China. Be polite man, he’s tired.

Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
1 year ago

Why did Buttigieg have to take so much maternity leave, when the country was and is facing crisis after crisis. Neither one of the happy couple gave birth, his out of work spouse and the household help could have watched the kids, or he could have taken the kids to the White House so pedo joe could watch them!

1 year ago

Woke ideology is destroying our country “without HONOR America is nothing” which is exactly what this presidency wants and with control over the judiciary & the FBI they have declared that they are above the Law. Our only recourse then is to enforce the laws of the land by FORCE!!!! All law-abiding citizens must STOP WORKING, bring the economy to a stand still and millions of us go and physically put Biden & more importantly his lackies that prop him up, the heads of the FBI and judiciary into a concentration camp permanetly and take back our Country based on the Constitution period!!!

1 year ago

The ONLY requirement for Joe’s cabinet is ARE the BOXES checked????And even worse the American VOTERS elected this impaired person..!!!The same with Fedderman in Pa. We got what WE VOTED for!! CRAP!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden and his cabinet are all not only incompetent, they are purposely ignoring our real problems. There may be many reasons for this happening. Two of the main reasons that Americans are so ill served is that Biden lives in a world of destructive fantasy which favors China and other nations, and Biden needs to keep the American public’s focus off of his incompetence and apathy. As long as ignorant Americans can be fooled into ignoring the many calamities unleased on our nation by the woke leftists, Biden believes that he can stay in power. With the help of the mainstream media, Biden and his band of merry miscreants are playing a monstrous shell game. Now we see it and now we don’t. Most of the dysfunction in our country is directly related to the horrible leadership and woke policies pushed by Biden and his cohorts. Tragically, it appears that Biden is so compromised by his need to please the Communist Chinese and the Marxist Democrats that only the Republican leaders can save this country from more significant destruction. Hopefully, the Republicans will succeed in exposing Biden for the true criminal that he is.

1 year ago

As long as Biden can stand up, smile and remember what his favorite flavor of ice cream is, this circus will continue. Dumb is as dumb does. The media continues to cover for this administration’s incompetence and the American people believe everything they see on the internet.

Barbara J Catiller
Barbara J Catiller
1 year ago

Biden is ignoring America’s problems because he has caused most of them.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
1 year ago

those goofs who voted for this failure of a person, don’t care about the common sense good Americans who don’t want this nonsense! impeach the fuhrer and bring back Trump to fix everything again

1 year ago

..but the scary thing is we have fellow citizens who approve of what he’s doing….

1 year ago

They vote the democratic party ticket. They don’t vote for policies. They just want their party to win. Then they make excuse after excuse for failure. Or they blame someone else.
Only good policy will make America work and help the taxpayer!

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
1 year ago

We are experiencing a real life zombie apocalypse, in which society collapses due to an overwhelming swarm of brain dead democrats (read demagogues).

1 year ago

I do believe strongly that a previous “president” is running the Biden circus from the sidelines…a president Biden was Vice President to for 8 long, interminable, nation destroying years. This previous “president” in one of his speeches opined; “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” I read this previous president’s first two books…with a bucket close by. His loathing and disdain for this country almost oozed from every page. Biden in his 50 years of growing filthy rich selling out this country and doing nothing constructive, was (maybe still is) a frequent guest of the Red Chinese dictator Xi. There have been a few videos on conservative sights, unedited, with Biden being cozy to this enemy of America…how many other “representatives” have helped destroy so many plants and factories…about 2 or 3 years ago there was an article about the 51% of ‘congressmen and women’ who were multi-millionaires…no doubt that number has substantially risen.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

The administration of fools will not fool history.

Tony Desimone
Tony Desimone
1 year ago

Everyone seems to have no problem defining the our situation, there is a serious lack solutions. We need to ban together and turn this around- I am ready is there anyone out there who agreed?

1 year ago

Jackass Joe really earned his name and his “controller’s” are setting him up to go down in American history as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER! . . . And the BEST PART of it is Jackass Joe DOESN’T EVEN REALIZE IT!

1 year ago

You nailed it, Tammy! Identity Politics is destroying this great country and causing many of us to simply “hide and watch”! I truly appreciate your honest writing!

1 year ago

The “LEFT” democrats do NOT care about the problems BECAUSE DE part of their plan The problems cause DE POPULATION many ways and (get rid of current people) . The NEW illegals replace them and then the left will take over and MANDATE everything!!!!!
With their TOTAL CONTROL….WE will have NO SAY!!

1 year ago

WHAT ARE “U” ON???????????????????

Michael deprisco
Michael deprisco
1 year ago

The only thing the Democrats care about is elections so they can stay in power. Thats why the border is open free this free that. Student delt forgiveness, buying votes that’s what there all about. They don’t care the drugs coming over the border is killing 300 people a day. They don’t want a debate it’s all about them staying in power

1 year ago

They are not ignoring anything, they are CREATING these problems.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

You know America is being systemically destroyed when a Supreme Court Justice cannot define “what is a woman?”….

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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