
National Security , Newsline

Ukraine – Vietnam Again

Posted on Thursday, June 6, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Vietnam was not meant to last 10 years, Gulf of Tonkin resolution in 1964 to Paris Peace Accords in 1973. Vietnam was not expected to cost U.S. lives, then not many, then not 58,000. The cause? Mission creep, no clear objectives, no endgame. U.S. involvement in Ukraine is shaping up…to be Vietnam, times ten.

Ukraine is not a NATO country, and never was. The two Vietnams were not SEATO countries, nor Laos or Cambodia. Americans died in all of them. EU and U.S. pressure to make Ukraine a NATO member is part of what escalated tensions with Russia, particularly over their historic access to a warm water port via Crimea.

The war in Ukraine is, objectively, not going well. While Russia has sustained major losses, Putin’s Russia is unified, prepared to fight on. Ukraine is devastated, objectively corrupt, and while determined – as South Vietnam was – losing. We are propping them up, with no end in sight.

In an ironic reversal, Vietnam was aided by Communist China, backed by Russian advisors, anti-aircraft, and artillery support. Today, Russia is at war with the U.S. in Ukraine, backed by Chinese advisors, artillery, and endless ammunition supplies.

As Lyndon Johnson saw South Vietnam’s victory slipping away, he threw the kitchen sink at it and ramped up engagement with U.S. weapons, and more men. His military and diplomats pushed a desperate, more-more approach, bad after bad.

Johnson started a new public relations campaign, minimizing losses, then explaining they meant victory, then saying a “body count” showed us winning. Americans, who should have said “no more” far earlier, gradually woke up.

While a large commitment early on could have altered the military and diplomatic outcomes, the only thing that created leverage for peace after Johnson’s rolling fiasco were Nixon’s bombings in 1972, hoping to end the war with some dignity.

Whatever peace might have been struck earlier, saving some or all of those 58,000 young Americans, it came too late. Politicians played at war, and young men died.

So, here we are again, gross mission creep in Ukraine, no clear objectives, no end game. This time a powerful China nuclear backing a weaker nuclear Russia, rather than a powerful Soviet Union backing a weaker China. We just stumble forward.

Ukraine is not a NATO nation, and should not become one any time soon, yet Biden and his feckless Secretary of State Blinken aim to fast-track Ukraine into NATO in July. Triggering Article 5 of NATO’s Treaty, putting American troops in a hot war with Russia, backed by Communist China, in Ukraine. Pure, dangerous folly.

Even if that war ended tomorrow, the EU would claim poverty and Biden’s U.S. Treasury – filled with our money and $35 trillion in debt – would be asked to pony up trillions we do not have to rebuild Ukraine, what Russia broke. More folly.

Now we learn the U.S. – Biden – has just greenlighted Ukraine “to do limited strikes inside Russia with American weapons.” Worse than folly, worse than covering Biden’s errors in Ukraine since 2014, worse than placating Europe, this is insanity.

This is exactly what caused the U.S. to stumble into a ten-year war in Vietnam, political arrogance, a mission creep no one dared stop. No one dared say it was bad money, bad policy, and likely to cost American lives for no reason, so…it continued.

Here is what no one wants to hear: Ukraine is not winning. This is a war of utter devastation on Ukrainian soil, backed by limitless support from China because China wants to weaken the U.S., and is using Russia’s craven ambition to do it.

This is a war that will suck dry the U.S. inventory of high-end missiles, artillery, tank, and airframe production – when we need to be stocking up inventory.  It will distract us, as China continues to line up on Taiwan, and Iran lines up on Israel.

It is already afoot, and no one will shout “timeout,” or stop to think, look back at history, and understand this is not the Soviet Union with a powerful Army angling for Eastern and Western Europe. This is China using Russia to game and defeat us.

We are stumbling into a Vietnam-style trap set by China, aided by Russia, applauded by Iran, and permitted by Biden. We do not need ten years in Ukraine, countless dead Americans for a corrupt, non-NATO state, just another Vietnam. 

We do not need to give up our strategic advantage to China and Iran, lose our vital military inventory, waste money we do not have on a strategic sinkhole, or induct Ukraine into NATO, triggering Article 5, U.S. boots in combat to die in Ukraine.

This is one giant error – stunningly similar to the Vietnam blueprint, advisors already in motion, a slippery slope just like U.S. engagement in Vietnam. We do not need to do this. To do this now – especially for political gain – is a blunder.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.   

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3 months ago

RBC, agree with the situation as described in your article. Our nation should not get involved, but alas, politics rears its ugly head and idiots are depleting our military weapons arsenal and yes, making the situation of China vs. Taiwan invasion a real possibility with a possibility that our nation would not be able fulfill our treaty obligations. What a NIGHTMARE! Unfortunately, with our current inept leadership and the powers that wish to see the fall of our nation, the ADVERSARY is winning.

3 months ago

Biden’s war will soon begin after he has allowed enough able bodied, well trained Chinese men to breach our borders by invitation and enough Muslims from the sand pits have organized into the second battalion.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

It could be said that there has been serious division here in the United States of America since the founding in 1776, however even if history indicates such division does not mean certain patterns of foreign and domestic policy should be followed . Taking into consideration the reasons for any development , like the Russia – Ukraine war , as pointed out in this comprehensive , well written article ( good work Robert Charles ! ) the wise thing to do would be to act in a manner that would echo the President Ronald Reagan outlook – something that kept the enemies from making the sort of strategic advances that Communist China is up to. General Douglas Macarthur said that the history of failure in war can be summed up in two words — ” Too Late “. — he was referring to being too late to understand the intentions of the enemy , too late to prepare for a conflict – his exact quote is easily found ,I am going from memory , just to provide the fundamental idea of his thinking. Intelligent , well planned , and morally right policies are needed in this Russia ,China – Ukraine situation. That means a new Administration will need to straighten things out. Common sense stuff in a way , like if someone wanted to have a container full of water they would not try to fill a container with a hole in it – they would use a container that would hold the water. This article is of great importance, it puts in perspective how some foreign policies came to be and what the sensible course of action should be.

3 months ago

The whole Biden administration is clueless on so many issues (all of them?). De Niro said Trump would destroy the world, but Biden already has that job half done. Very sad.

3 months ago

Yes, Vietnam, AGAIN!!
Those turbulent and troubling years made me SICK back then, and now, I am an old man and so disillusioned with America, that I pray I see our Lord soon.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Vietnam 2 for Russia like Afghanistan wss in 1979

3 months ago

Beijing Biden continues to waste our taxpayer dollars on Ukraine while we face our own invasion at our borders. Our taxpayer dollars should be spent to finish the wall and fund our border patrol to enforce the law and NOT serve as a welcoming committee for the ILLEGAL ALIENS. Just another example of Joebama’s America-Last agenda.

3 months ago

They got this all wrong! America is the new Vietnam / Korea and we are the south in both case’s and the North is winning with the help of the CCP, Soros’, Gates and all of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade peons.
The TET / Hamas type offensive is going to happen. It’s just a matter of weather it will before the election or after.
PREPARE for what’s coming and and secure the safety of yourself and family.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

They’re even reusing the “Dominoe Theory” (one falls, they all fall) they used fir Vietnam. The only difference is Johnson’s kids weren’t getting $50,000/month from a Vietnamese energy company or getting paid 10% calling himself the “Big Guy”!

3 months ago

Viet-Nam: France was there years before the USA and we learned nothing from their mistake. Oh I forgot we were not there to help anyone but the American armament and munitions investors. Our Vice President then President got rich from his Bell Helicopter investment. Afghanistan: Russia was there for years before the USA went there. Same song 14th verse. Ukraine: Same song 15th verse. My “representatives in the DC SWAMP do not represent me. I want them to STOP SPENDING SPENDING and WASTING my tax dollars sending BILLIONS of $$$$$ to every country in the world while our DEBT grows and GROWS. For years I have sent email after email to my “representatives” in Congress pleading with them to pay down the debt and set up a budget like we the taxpayers have to live by. If we printed money every fiscal year like they do we would all be in JAIL!!!

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
3 months ago

After the implosion of the Soviet Union, the expansion of NATO to include former Warsaw Pact countries was the first brain fart. Pressuring Ukraine to yield its nukes to Russia was a second. Intervening in the Balkans against Serbia were BF3 and BF4. Unfortunately, I do not think that the Democrats will argue for phasing out our involvement with Ukraine until they first keep voting for it, after which a Trump becomes president. Then they will vote against it.

3 months ago

RC- Please comment
Biden re: limited firing on Russia
And Russia commenting on retaliation- Russia-Cuba.

3 months ago

If I remember Johnson’s wife owned a ton of stock in sealand containers, which was the major supplier for the Vietnam war. The democrats benefited from a long war.

3 months ago

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. The title of a book written in the Seventies. It speaks to the folly of the military machine always looking for reasons to go to war. Mankind will never learn. Never! What a sad commentary but it has yet to be proven wrong.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 months ago

Just what we need. Another case like Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan (and probably pretty soon Israel) where we pledge our support and cut and run when the going gets tough. I don’t know why anyone would believe our word about anything. We learned nothing when Hitler took the Sudetenland. Our only triumph since WWII was when we conquered Granada.

You can go
You can go
3 months ago

Charles if you want to run that’s ok. You are already in politics after all. Just don’t get in the men’s way while they are running towards the fight lol

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