A major train derailment, explosion, and dispersal of tons of toxic contaminants into the air, water, aquifers, and miles of Ohio put residents at immediate – and longer – risk of serious health impacts. Respiratory symptoms hit children; the toxins are poison. The Biden team shrugged. This kind of feckless, gutless, heartless behavior is disgraceful. Do they not care?
Words are cheap, yet Biden’s words are the cheapest. Biden’s out-of-touch, adolescent Secretary of Transportation, Mr. Buttigieg, minimized damage done, incredibly deflecting blame to the last administration, and then rather than rush to the scene and speak truth, he did the reverse. Like his boss, he blamed others, minimized harm, delayed FEMA aid for two weeks, pretended there was nothing to see, and ignored reality.
The arrogance and brazen disrespect for those they serve, the sense of indifference to people’s lives – infuriates Americans. The train derailment, a mass poisoning that send countless children to hospitals, is serious. To say it is not serious is an outrage, yet that is what happened.
In order to avoid political damage, they downplayed ominous facts. What should have produced resignations, investigations, review of how our transportation infrastructure is managed, particularly on the heels of nationwide FAA “computer glitches” (with no head of FAA) and near misses by planes, we get childish excuses.
Worse, to avoid highlighting the seriousness of this derailment, which puts one in mind of the Bhopal disaster of 1985 with profound long term consequences, the Biden Administration takes the indefensible course of pretending this is “just one of a thousand” annual derailments. How about this – No, it is an egregious, horrific derailment AND explain the other 999.
Only in some bad novel with a communist, socialist, or fascist government to blame, would one expect to see such bold indifference to humanity. But this is not the first. From 40,000 feet –the altitude kids’ balloons Biden shot down with a 200-million-dollar plane –– the pattern is clear.
The Biden Administration is about power, getting, holding, and increasing it, thinking “ends justify the means.” Unapologetically and hard to hide, Biden’s departmental leaders are destroying Americans’ trust in their government, separation of powers to basic compassion.
Across our southern flank, millions of illegals have flooded the nation, boosting human, sex, and drug trafficking to record levels, along with overdose deaths – which experts say are rocketing.
Police are disparaged and underfunded as violent crime soars, shootings of police, ambushes, suicides, plummeting recruitment and retention. Instead of truth, Biden pushes falsehoods.
In education, parents – in every demographic – who are hardworking and just want a sound, non-political education of their children are called “domestic terrorists,” and CONTINUE to be investigated and prosecuted by Biden’s Department of Justice “Task Force” created on false pretenses by a “put up” letter from a school bord association now struggling to survive.
Same can be said – lack of accountability, honesty, compassion – about Biden polices on debt, spending, interest hikes, and amputating America’s fossil fuel production. They give away money we do not have and impose massive regulatory, income, and inflation taxes on everyday Americans. The whole Biden-Harris Administration is … well, a trainwreck.
Which brings me back to this derailment – what it really means. As this Administration dodges and weaves on everything from classified documents and Biden’s China profits to border and national security, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia and China, Americans see it all.
We are respectful of the Constitution and institutions, including the sanctity of our electoral process, but when brazen attempts are made to remake us, deceive, deflect, dissemble, and mislead us, pretending lives and logic can be sacrificed for ideology, profit, and power – we say “enough!”
This derailment is emblematic of what Biden’s team REALLY stands for: A gross betrayal of public trust, shallowness and self-interest, and hubris which soon becomes uncaring, unbearable, and unethical. In ways large and small, this team is killing America by not caring.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Charles’ article is FULL of truth, you liberal.
Fred, Fred, Fred.
Your last sentence sums things up nicely. Yes, Team Biden is indeed systematically killing everything America stands for, but it is not unintentional. You don’t transform a representative republic into a socialist democracy without gutting all the underpinnings associated with both the economy and societal norms to pave the way for the new order to arise. Virtually every action Team Biden and the Democrats have taken since Joe Biden was installed in the White House has been to further that objective.
In the case of the Ohio train disaster, that is a region of the country that doesn’t have a lot of “progressive” Democrat voters clamoring for socialism. So, the near total lack of response and any real sense of urgency from the federal government is reflective of an administration that sees no value in the people there. Honestly to date, I can’t say I’m terribly impressed with the Ohio’s Republican Governor all that much either. Talk about a low energy, almost apathetic guy just blindly agreeing with whatever the Feds tell him. Sure, the situation may end up becoming another Love Canal, if the gross incompetence and disinterest continues and the toxins leech into the soil and ground water, but it is emblematic for how this administration and the Democrat Party in general assesses what sort of response will be provided to people of no political value to them.
I see the AMAC censor is busy this morning. What an organization.
Read of nearby pipe bomb sighted.
Probe more AMAC
RR Reforms:
X Train RR crews
Local Rapid Response Hazmat Teams on routes
Color code Toxic waste cars
Automate Yard Ops more
More sensors in area
But for the money – which is dark – how or why would any decent person even want to work for such an evil administration?
Excellent article.
DICTATOR Beijing biden and his/her administration will always be known as the, ‘Mrs. EMPTY PANTS’ administration since he/she does NOTHING for the United States and HIDES in Ukraine if not in the basement eating his/her favorite ice cream.
Buttigig said “there are a thousand derailments in the US annually”. Please tell us then, buttigig,what are as Dept of Transportation chief, doing about it. My guess is…. Nothing!
When all else fails; when Biden & Company has an important problem to take care of like the disaster in Ohio; take a flight out of the country! Nobody will notice that Ohio is not getting any concern whatsoever; from emergency government care? Instead, of helping Ohio let’s do some
photo shoots with some of the leaders in a foreign country! Let’s send LETTERS of phony concern. However, they wouldn’t even send the VP or even the person who is supposed to be there. There is always equal opportunity firing! Either the Department of Transportation actually DOES SOMETHING; or eliminate the position altogether! What would President George Washington do? Give the administration a horse to ride to Ohio? Maybe…God Help The United States of America!
Butthead Biden should be in Ohio seeing to Americans instead of Ukraine. And Buttgig is a joke. What exactly has he EVER done???
Send it to everyone at FOXNEWS and CNN. Then let’s see what happens with each group and the coverage it receives. That will separate the wheat from the shafts, and we will see the true colors,
It is fitting that President Biden spent President’s Day in Ukraine, heck they paid his son more to be on the Burisma Board than Joe gets paid to be President of the United States. Plus Joe has now become an authority on fossil fuels.
Biden’s lack of caring and empathy for the poor folks in West Palestine is hardly surprising. Many Americans have already come to the correct conclusion that Biden and his administration are much more concerned with satisfying the hate exhibited by the far left zealots, who have transformed the Democrat Party into a revolutionary bunch of traitors. These miscreants are purposely destroying our great country in hopes of creating a new world order full of cold, braindead oligarchs. Biden has only a few years of mortal life left, and his demented brain can only understand power, money, and prestige. He doesn’t care if he is actively destroying the freedoms and liberties of hundreds of millions of people in the US and throughout the world. His puny life and lust for power is more important to him than the entire future of mankind.
Just another example of Team Biden’s Toxic Derailment of everything and anything that normally would be “typically American” in behavior! This Communist wannabe behavior is just typical everyday behavior that they want to normalize. Jack*ss Joe will go down in American history as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER!
Another derailment in Ohio, 4th one. Secretary of Transportation, Mr. Buttigieg didn’t blame anyone but will visit the sight.
This Is all intentional. Biden takes our tax dollars and goes to Ukrain, but refuses to go to the border or to come to Ohio to deal with the train derailment. Where is the outrage? Where are the Republicans? Both Biden and Harris need to be impeached! I’d rather see the new Speaker of the House as Acting President for the remaining two years. At least He has some brain cells!
Not only does biden not care about what’s going on, but he doesn’t even seem to think there’s an issue. Can he not discern important events and their consequences? “Oh, train wreck. Chocolate chip, and make it a double.” NOTHING MATTERS TO HIM. Biden glides through his last years, pushed by his handlers to say as few words as possible. Ignore the people. What a terrible way to govern. You can’t even call it governing.
And then down the line, Mayorkas thinks the border is secure, Mayor Pete and the EPA are ignorant on this huge environmental catastrophe, Garland sicks the FBI on parents of students, naming them domestic terrorists because they dared to raise their voices against the awful public education system they’re paying for.
These people are making large salaries and managing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. I wouldn’t trust them to manage my piggybank, if I had one. What a windfall, they must be thinking. And they know the tap will never shut off as long as Joe is at the top. So, yeah, they’re going to be loyal and supportive. Which means they can get by without doing much of anything…because Daddy Joe does as little as they do. Nothing matters enough to them to get them off their a55es to actually do something.
If that’s the kind of example a president is setting for the rest of his administration and for the country, then don’t expect any degree of normalcy. They’ve forgotten what normal is. Biden doesn’t support normal; he and his followers support what the influencers on social media and the MSM say, the wild aspirations of the Squad, anything contrary to traditional American culture, and the just plain weird.
There is one gift the president has given us. Each of these terrible events has been seared on our brains because of the rich visuals associated with their blunders. Afghanistan (people dropping off the fleeing plane), the Chinese balloon drifting peacefully unchallenged across the continent, men in bras (gotta love that) redefining athleticism and winning athlete of the year, parents being told by the VA governor that they don’t have the right to dictate what’s taught their children, drag queens at kindergarten storytime, full-term abortion, a Supreme Court nominee who can’t define “woman”, and, of course, the train derailment and instead of containing the materials, setting them ablaze to pollute much, much farther from the source. Hilarious.
You claim that the Biden administration doesn’t care. You are not helping by furthering the false naritive. While I agree they do not care about people they are doing exactly what they plan to destroy the USA and wipe out any opposition by death and fear. These are not misguided politicians but a very dangerous enemy. You can not remove them in rigged elections. They must be taken out by law and conquest.
One statement in the article pertains to people loosing trust in the Govt. Wake up person who wrote this. People lost faith in the U S Govt. long ago. Kyle L.
Isn’t there some way that we could deal with these outrageous, ungodly people in charge of our government instead of waiting years to vote. We should have a way to have a called election by the people. Some way to get something done without taking months or years. I seriously wonder if our country will still be here by 2024. The people in this administration are truly heartless!
Biden promised that he would get America friends with the rest of the world when he campaigned and when he was inaugurated. I guess he is doing that with Mexico and South America and Ukraine. Problem is, he forgot he is supposed to take care of America first.
RBC, thanks again for your candor in your article. As I stated in a previous comment on this derailment and the lack of government action that not only was NE OH area affected but the prevailing winds took toxic fumes/vapors into NW OH, NE IN and back through central OH and into PA and WV. There were many citizens affected and some are still recovering. MSM simply did not state any facts or concerns. A comment below stated that this situation was ignored because of the current “RED” state status of OH, but I do point out that many of the state’s elections are close. The majority of the OH main cities are Democratic while the smaller and rural areas remain conservative. Ohio is a state that can go either way at any election.
WHY is DICTATOR Beijing biden spending $ BILLION’S of OUR TAX DOLLARS on Ukraine and sending American Tanks over there
and instead,
The entire Biden administration is one big derailed train wreck, so this little thing in Ohio doesn’t phase Biden, Buttgig or any other Progressive Democrat. While the U.S. burns, Biden wanders off to kiss up to Zelenski. Biden should never have been allowed in politics let alone be put in the presidency.
Take care of yourselves you cancer ridden losers hahahaha
First, I feel for the residents of this town. But this is typical of the democrats. They care about everyone but the citizens of the United States. Why is it we come last? Why is it their mission to ruin America? None of this makes any sense. That stupid unqualified Buttigieg should have been on a plane the second he heard of this disaster. The even dumber commander in chief should have made sure that somebody was there to take care of this problem. Instead he’s in Ukraine giving away billions that we don’t have when our own security is at risk because of our open borders!
State what is on your mind and heart but be aware the Secret Service is watching this site. Talking revolution upsets the boys from Virginia. I’m mad also but let’s work toward a legal way to remove Biden and Harris. America first foremost and always . Trump forever.
RBC, You are right on target. This regime is killing American citizens and destroying our country
Thanks to DICTATOR Beijing biden,
Putin is going to restart Nuclear Weapons Testing.
Pushing us closer to WWIII more than any other time in history.
Especially, knowing that Communist China will side with Russia.
A VERY DANGEROUS game to play.
Imagine the effects of Nuclear Testing will have on the climate blowing away the Global Warming SCAM.
Past Nuclear Testing has messed up weather patterns and radiation spreads everywhere through the air.
And NO, a MASK will NOT protect you. It didn’t protect you from a virus and it sure won’t protect you from radiation.
Either way, DICTATOR Beijing biden has put the USA and the World into a Major Threat of Nuclear War because of his continuous FAILED
foreign policies and now sending American Tanks to Ukraine to escalate WWIII.
NEVER, EVER TRUST A liberal OR A chimp
Biden is a criminal traitor that should be shot along with his crew!!!
Semper fi
Honestly Fred,. take a good look around what is happening today in this world. Can you honestly say that you feel secure in all ways,financially, emotionally and unconditionally? If so, I want the drug you are taking.
Mr. Charles, Thank you for this excellent summation of the condition of our nation under this horrific administration. The most that we as concerned citizens can do is first pray to our LORD Creator Jesus to intercede and preserve our nation. And continue sharing the truth of our founding and not lose heart. This is not the first time our nation has been severely challenged nor will it be the last. May the Lord God bless you All.
Once again, the masters of the blame game! The do-nothing tyrants in the Washington White House that can’t seem to protect our country may declare this area a toxic waste land and move everyone out. What did the global elites say about their agenda, by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy about it? Watch for a great catastrophe coming to a neighborhood near you. Unfortunately there’s nothing our government can do for you.
I’m disgusted by the response of our federal government towards this horrible accident in East Palestine, Ohio!! Talk about an extremely political response!! The response by Biden and Buttigieg are both despicable and horrifying!!!