
National Security , Newsline

Real Terror Threat Grows While Biden Wields Security State Against “MAGA Extremists”

Posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

People enthusiastically wave Make America Great Again (MAGA) Signs at a Donald Trump campaign rally.

The FBI’s new warnings about an increased risk of attacks on the United States after Hamas’s brutal assault on Israel may be too little too late following years in which the agency has been weaponized by the Biden administration to target conservatives while ignoring legitimate threats to the American people.

During the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference earlier this week, FBI Director Christopher Wray said there was “no question” that the agency is “seeing an increase in reported threats” following Hamas’s attack. “We have to be on the lookout, especially for lone actors who may take inspiration from recent events to commit violence of their own,” he continued.

Such warnings come, however, after Wray and his agency have focused on anything but foreign terror threats since Biden took office.

Biden has repeatedly declared that “white supremacy” is “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to the American homeland. In June 2021, the president unveiled a new plan completely reorienting the country’s entire counterterrorism approach away from foreign threats and toward supposed domestic threats.

“The plan highlights a shift in the U.S. approach to counterterrorism, which for decades focused on fighting foreign terrorists,” the New York Times reported. The administration would now treat “white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats.”

But Biden’s FBI subsequently showed no real urgency to target actual white supremacists and militia groups. Instead, they went after ordinary Americans who simply disagreed with Biden politically.

In 2021, for instance, following Biden’s “reorientation” of their mission, the FBI’s counterterrorism division was busy labeling parents who spoke out at school board meetings with a “domestic terrorism threat tag.” A directive from Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland shows that the Department of Justice ordered the FBI to investigate parent protests outside of school board meetings throughout the country.

In September of last year, Biden’s FBI conducted a dawn raid on the home of Mark Houck, a pro-life activist and father of seven, over an alleged violation of the FACE Act for an incident outside of an abortion clinic in 2021. Despite the fact that Houck had no history of violence and was not a flight risk, a SWAT team of 25-30 armed agents arrived to cart him away in handcuffs. (A jury found Houck not guilty of all charges in January.)

Earlier this year, the FBI’s Richmond field office was also exposed for targeting so-called “radical-traditionalist Catholics” as a supposed extremist threat. According to a memo which was also shared with local offices in several other cities, including Los Angeles and Portland, the FBI was considering “mitigation” tactics to address the threat. Those tactics included sending in agents to infiltrate churches and convince church leadership to report signs of “violent extremism” to the FBI.

A report earlier this month from Newsweek also alleges that the FBI “has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

Notably, however, neither the FBI nor any other federal law enforcement agency has offered any indication that they are looking into the organizers and funders of the appalling pro-Hamas rallies that have swept through major American cities in recent days, even as they warn about an increased likelihood of attacks. While these protestors openly celebrate terrorist attacks that killed American citizens, the FBI is busy investigating the supporters of a former duly-elected president.

The FBI’s obsession with combatting so-called “domestic extremism” is eerily reminiscent of the situation leading up to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Throughout the 1990s, the FBI was also preoccupied with targeting “home-grown” right-wing extremists, even as radical Islamic jihadists infiltrated the country and planned the 9/11 attacks. Just 6 percent of the FBI’s agents were committed to counterterrorism operations in 2001. Despite FBI officials testifying that they were “95 to 98 percent sure” that an attack was coming, there was no concerted effort to focus in on the threat, even after numerous terrorist attacks on American targets abroad.

Yet even as the FBI is once again preoccupied with “domestic terrorism,” the threat from foreign terrorists has continued to grow – primarily as a result of Joe Biden’s appeasement of the world’s top sponsor of terror, Iran, along with the disaster at the southern border.

In total, 151 people on the U.S. terrorism watchlist were apprehended trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in FY 2023. That figure surpassed the previous record of 98 set in FY 2022 – and those are just the ones caught by border patrol who happened to be on the watchlist.

There’s no telling how many potential terrorists could be among the millions of foreign nationals who have infiltrated our borders since Biden took office. Hamas’s attacks on Israel were reportedly planned over a period of years.

It’s now vital that we ask, what, if anything, the FBI and other government agencies are doing to track down the potential jihadists plotting similar acts of terror here. Given the intelligence failures in Israel, how confident can we be that another 9/11 isn’t being planned right now? How are resources being re-allocated to address this threat?

The American people deserve answers to these questions and many others. They also deserve accountability for the FBI’s dereliction of duty in recent years. God willing, it won’t take another tragedy to get it.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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11 months ago

Gee, where was the FBI 2 1/2 years ago when Biden opened our borders wide open and invited anyone who wanted to come to the United States illegally to just walk right on in and be supported by the American taxpayer for life? Now after 8 million illegals have already streamed into this country, all completely unvetted with thousands more coming in each and every day, the FBI has decided that maybe there might be a national security threat with allowing millions of completely unvetted people into every state in the nation? We know the answer. They were busy rounding up granny or grandpa for taking a photo inside the Capitol on January 6th after the Capitol police removed the barricades and waved thousands of people inside or surveilling parents for daring to ask questions at Board of Education meetings. Now suddenly someone in the FBI has realized that perhaps some Islamic Jihadists might be mixed in with the millions of illegals being ushered into this country? This is your tax dollars hard at work people. Do you like the results?

Lynn Brunotts
Lynn Brunotts
11 months ago

PaulE you are spot on. Wray, Biden, and Garland are America’s National Security Threat.

11 months ago

PaulE: All I can add is; All the folks who voted for Barry aka Obama got an Obama third term with Biden, both of whom are controlled by the globalist “World Economic Forum” and the communists within. American patriots are the only threat to this agenda, hence the FBI, CIA, NSA, HLS concentration on the people you mentioned.(baby boomers, concerned parents, and anyone who believes in a Constitutional Republic as handed down by the founders of our Country.

11 months ago

KKK-NeoNazi Joe Biden is himself a (domestic) terrorist, having given hamas $75mil a few days before the blood-lusting lowlies attacked.

John B
John B
11 months ago

The Democrats and their Administrations (Past & Present) could really care less about the Real threats against America. They really only want to fight against any threat to them being totally in control of of our Republic!!

11 months ago

The “MAGA” citizen is the only type of person that loves our country and will stand up to save it. The rest are a bunch of sissy’s and karen’s that worry about there feelings and what gender they are, and it has nothing to do with white supremacy! My wife and I are white and we have a black son and he and his family are great trump supporter’s and Christian’s. It is how you raise your kid’s and what you teach them. The stinking democrats are pure evil and will totally destroy the country unless they are stopped.

Terry Allen Serbus
Terry Allen Serbus
11 months ago

GOP CONGRESS, start an investigation into all above and let’s target, people like SORO’s and anyone outside USA who funded every support for Illegals, the riots and all the charges and allegations against Trump, COV-19 etc.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Biden DOJ charges Trump while terrorists decend into the US
END the charges on Trump

Bob L
Bob L
11 months ago

The biggest domestic threat isn’t MAGA, it’s within the boundaries of the District of Columbia.

11 months ago

Why has no one on the left chastised Biden and his Czar, Kamala, for their lack of enforcing the border laws??? And if we are going to trust the FBI ever again, they better start looking for those possible terrorists that have made their way into our country thanks to Joe!!! The biggest threat to America isn’t the Proud Boys or white supremacy, it’s Democrats and the federal government in general!!! White supremacy and the Proud Boys are small groups of angry men!! We have a much bigger group of angry people and they call themselves Democrats!! They are angry all the time and angry about everything!! They take offense a the drop of a leaf and they scream the loudest!! They spend money like there’s no tomorrow!!! We will never have a productive country again until we get the national debt under control and we stop trying to fix everybody’s everything!! But this border situation is the most dangerous threat to America and that lands on Democrats and Joe Biden!!!

11 months ago

The Republicans better get their crap together. They can’t even agree on a speaker so Hakeem Jeffries (Democrat) and others have suggested combining the job of speaker to both parties. He stated that the democrats make the best decisions for the citizens and our country. That is complete BS but if the republicans don’t elect a speaker soon it appears they cannot make decisions on behalf of our country. I suppose the One World Order, the World Bank, climate control and electric vehicles are more important than inflation, medical care, abortion, crime, far left teachers and professors poisoning our youth is not on their agenda. If something isn’t done the democratic government will control our lives completely. So Republicans take heed, get it together and act like intelligent Americans not children.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Any clean up at the border would have to start with the WH and the whole DC That is the root of the danger

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
11 months ago

Interesting to see some “liberals” pulling money from our WOKE “elite” universities and cancelling job contracts because of pro-Hamas demonstrations. Are they too stupid (or scared) to admit that these jerks are the SAME BLM and antifa thugs who they applauded back in 2020?

11 months ago

We know that if Israel gets backed into a corner what they will do and it won’t be pretty. so, we here in America have been backed into a corner. What are we going to do?

11 months ago

…as America goes slowly down the drain, in more ways than one!

11 months ago

Socialist Democratic Party are intent on destroying America at all cast! The Socialist and Communist all fear Trump cause he did not buckle to them and he only focused on making America Great!

11 months ago

IF our current government gets what they ultimately desire for the politically conservative minded, then it won’t go well for anyone who doesn’t confirm to their rules. How bad will it get? You don’t want to know.

11 months ago

How convenient when you can label your political opponents as terrorists and, with the help of a crooked FBI, have them hunted down and arrested.

11 months ago

Given all of the got-a-ways that have come across our border since Joe Where-Am-I Biden became president, we will most likely have some real terrorists to deal with in the not distant future. The castigation of MAGA Extremists and School Board terrorist parents will be a silly excursion into Stupid Land that will be a hallmark of the Biden presidency.

11 months ago

Any/all terror attacks on American Citizens are the direct responsibility of joebama and the marxist democrat party !
Their deliberate neglect of American borders have brought drug deaths, gang violence, terrorist infiltration decimated communities and wreaking bankruptcy from the economic burden to support illegals.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
11 months ago

In a way, Biden’s claim that White Supremacy is the biggest threat to the U.S. is accurate. Joe Biden is a White dude who believes himself to be superior to American citizens. Biden has always been racist when it came to voting for equal treatment of Black citizens, and was also buds with another racist, White Supremacist, Senator Byrd. Kind of ironic, isn’t it?

11 months ago

The sooner the American people realize the dems and ole Joe hate the American people who oppose him. the sooner we will get rid off the whole bunch. We have to get all along, he keeps saying. But different opinions are not allowed in ole Joe’s America and that is why he calls all Maga or Trump supporters domestic terrorists. Trump gets a gag order and so are the Maga and Trump supporters. The left doesn’t want to follow the constitution, especially number 1 and 2. When it serves a purpose like article 14 then they are all over it.
Think of the secret trials that have been held with the Jan 6 defendants. Years in prison for being in DC and thinking different. Putin must be envious that this is going on here so easily. Where are the people, is nobody outraged?? I remember when Obama was in office maybe a month and he was talking to his base how he was going to get rid of the tea party. Making a motion of a teabag in a cup of hot water. I have never forgotten that. It scared me to the core. I didn’t vote for him I didn’t trust him and that teabag motion plus what he said gave my thought reality that this man was busy trying to destroy half the population. And ole Joe and the gang are still at it. Nothing is done with the Hamas demonstrators. But say something pro Israel off to the pokey for them. Ole Joe talks unity but is busy dividing this country.
I hope all those demonstrators at these elite universities will not find a job after they graduate, after all I pay for their student loan with my tax dollars, that entitles me to this opinion.
It is so sad that PHD scholars are brainwashing our youth to the side of terrorists and communism

11 months ago

In June 2021, the president unveiled a new plan completely reorienting the country’s entire counterterrorism approach away from foreign threats and toward supposed domestic threats.

Kat Hanners
Kat Hanners
11 months ago

Iran will probably bomb Gaza and try to blame Israel. I never thought I would see so many Americans acting like Nazis.

11 months ago

It will take another catastrophe to wake the damn politicians/leaders up. The FBI should have been at the southern border the minute Biden opened it up to disastrous results. Everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden is the REAL Domestic Terrorist. He still hasn’t filled up the National Strategic Oil Reserves since SELLING OIL out of it to Communist China.
Especially since we are on the brink of WWIII.
Not to mention playing politics taking oil out to lower gasoline prices acting like he’s doing us a favor. When in reality he was intentionally committing espionage making Communist China stronger along with our enemies.
That’s the Democrat party for you.
Don’t forget he takes a vacation every weekend since 1-20-21, at your expense instead of doing his job.
So who is the real threat here?

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
11 months ago

Biden warns us about the mouse while feeding the snake.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Today Dictator Beijing biden is Guilty of Insurrection leading to Pro-Palestine so-called protesters INVADING the U.S. Capitol Building with his support of Hamas attacking Israel.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
11 months ago

Yousef Biden and his administration are the real threat to Republic.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
11 months ago

How dare those Super Dupper Ultra MAGA people want to make America Great Again.

11 months ago

The Demoncrats a.k.a. Commies are ruining this Contitutional Republic!!!!

11 months ago


Steven Alton
Steven Alton
11 months ago

I know it’s nota nice thing to say about our President,but he is Cup & Saucer short of a full place setting…..

11 months ago

How come the pro Hamas protestors that invaded the capitol doesn’t receive any consequences like the patriotic Americans that protested a possibly rigged presidential election? Excluding the ones that did cause damage and harm.

11 months ago

All Biden and the left are capable of is “majoring on the minors”, cause division, chaos, war, ruining the country,our economy, rioting and looting.

Pastor Kenneth Glenn and Katy Koons
Pastor Kenneth Glenn and Katy Koons
11 months ago

Amazing that this awkward, useful idiot POTUS can make comments and yet supposedly he it to rep the US legal public. Biden tells Israel not to be too outraged. What? Dems in The Squad mumble about Israeli evils, yet the entire Dem Party seem conflicted as to what to call evil such as our open borders, PAL sympathy and Left Wing Jews protesting in major US cities against Israel saying the PALS deserve justice. What? The Left Wing in the US is not only amoral but has no moral center upon which to depend.

Kat Hanners
Kat Hanners
11 months ago

If there are so many threatening white supremacists why aren’t they at the border stopping the invasion??

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

…because it was MAGA people screaming “death to Israel” at all those quasi-Nazis colleges. Once again, the FBI targets the wrong ppl but then to put a Muslim under the same scrutiny would be “racist”.

11 months ago

I ask in all sincerity and I hope and pray that some of you will respond. At this point in time, war seems eminent. How do people prepare? I have the type of personality that prefers to be aware and prepared. Ideas?

11 months ago

Make America Great Again….I don’t know how anyone can say that’s a bad thing. To attach it to domestic terrorist or political extremist is wrong, very wrong. What American doesn’t want to make America great again?

11 months ago

These mentally deranged, ideologically evil control freaks project their inner intentions onto us. They are the enemy of America, the America we were born into, naturalized into, the America we love and want to preserve. Our greatest enemy, our peril lies with these Leftists. We must vote them out of control in elections of integrity with only legitimate votes. How do we do that when they scheme to prevent that as in giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens which opens a door.

11 months ago

Except in WWII never in recent history is our country so vulnerable to attack, both internally and externally. I don’t know how the “cells” imbedded in our own country will get the hardware and munitions for an internal attack but it could very well happen. It’s never been more important to be armed and have the ability to use the firearms to defend our own homes and neighborhoods. I would rather die defending my home and neighbors than have a terrorist kick in my door and murder me in cold blood without any resistance. Could this be the reason the communists in our own government want our firearms taken away? Think it can’t happen, think it through.

11 months ago

It’s called, “WEAPONIZED LEGALISM” against those you disagree. We have unconstitutional Dictatorial totalitarianism in our country. 71 years old and have never met a so called, “white supremist”.

Don Wayne
Don Wayne
11 months ago

So, the real domestic terrorists in Washington will now look for foreign terrorists.

11 months ago

What with the Biden administration reeking with political slime, the open southern border, and the leaderless U.S. House…the U.S. is ripe for terrorist pickings now.

11 months ago

Where is the typical do nothing to defend “American Citizens” Republican Party?? Oh yeah busy approving more $$Billions for corrupt Ukraine and the Palestinians…

11 months ago

What a fantastic article! This corrupt government is as criminal as they come

11 months ago

Federal Bureau of Idiots, now there acting like the Gastpo did in Germany, you would think these idiots would have some sort of conscience about what they are doing, talk about sheep

11 months ago

I hate to say it but it looks like we have a dictator in the white house Obama , using Biden as the puppet.

11 months ago

They meaning the fbi let their guard down by looking for imaginary enemies of the state. Targeting patriotic Americans and president Trump this is why we’re in a state of panic!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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