
National Security , Newsline

Pro-migrant Dems Playing Russian Roulette With Our Safety

Posted on Thursday, January 25, 2024
by Outside Contributor
tsa line at airport; illegal migrant issues

If you’re rushing to the airport and forget your photo ID, good luck being allowed on the plane.

But many migrants without “an acceptable form of identification,” according to airport signs, don’t need a photo. They get special treatment.

Migrants who have entered the country using President Joe Biden’s new CBP (Customs and Border Protection) One app — about 422,000 of them — can fly domestically without photo ID.

A sign posted in Miami International Airport tells migrants: “1. Notify the TSA officer that you are a migrant. 2. The TSA officer will take a photo (optional). 3. If requested, provide your alien identification number or biographic information.”

Taking a photo would allow the TSA officer to confirm that the person boarding matches the person pictured in the CBP One app. But the airport sign repeats, “Photo capture is voluntary.” The migrant trying to board could be anybody.

An American without photo ID will likely be grilled for more than an hour and patted down, and their luggage will be gone over inch by inch while their plane takes off without them.

Businessman Connor Esraelian, who was flying from San Francisco to his home in Chicago, forgot his wallet with his photo ID. He filmed the 75-minute ordeal to get on the plane, posting it on TikTok. He called it “a nightmare.”

He didn’t get an E-ZPass, but migrants do.

This is our government kowtowing to the immigration lobby and putting Americans second, safety be damned.

Even worse is the 16-year delay in implementing the Real ID Act, passed in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks to prevent people from using lax forms of ID to illegally get on planes.

Most of the hijackers used state driver licenses issued by states with lax requirements to get on the planes. They weren’t in the country illegally.

Following the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation, Congress enacted Real ID, barring TSA from accepting state driver licenses or other IDs that don’t require proof of being in the U.S. legally. Real ID was supposed to go into effect in 2008, but it’s been repeatedly delayed. Now the official start date is May 2025. Don’t hold your breath.

All 50 states now provide Real ID licenses to legal residents who request them. But blue states such as New York and Illinois are normalizing being illegal.

Illinois used to issue a license for illegals with a purple stripe across the top and the words “Not Valid for Identification.” But last June, Illinois discontinued it, in Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s words, “decreasing stigma and creating more equitable systems for all.”

Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias said the purple stripe had become “the ‘Scarlet Letter’ of someone’s immigration status.” Now legal and illegal residents of Illinois will qualify for the same “standard license” that says “Federal Limits Apply,” a fuzzy reference to the May 2025 deadline. In the meantime, illegals are boarding planes.

The same is true in New York state, which issues a “standard” license available to everyone, including illegals. It carries a vague notation, “Not for Federal Purposes,” which applies only after May 2025. The state Department of Motor Vehicles is barred from even asking a customer about citizenship status.

New York City’s ID program also blurs the distinction between legals and illegals. It’s advertised as one ID for all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status. The card looks like a state driver license, and nothing — not one word — alerts the viewer otherwise. It’s unlikely to work on a plane, but likely to allow anybody to get past security and into the elevator in an office tower.

An open southern border flooded with millions of migrants from over 100 countries, some hostile to America, puts our nation at risk. Most migrants are just desperately seeking economic opportunity. But it only took a handful of sinister actors with misleading ID to bring down the World Trade Center and cost nearly 3,000 Americans their lives.

Allowing migrants — or anyone — to board airplanes without photo ID, and promoting ID cards that blur that lines between legal and illegal, sabotage us. Don’t let Biden and the hard left play Russian roulette with our lives. Remember 9/11.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

First off they are illegal aliens. Not migrants. Basically they entered our country illegally.
They are not immigrants. They ended our country illegally.
Americans were mandated to wear masks and be jaded with an experimental shot. Why wasn’t the criminals that entered our country illegally forced to do the same thing?
They aren’t even medically cleared of drug tested. Why? Could it be the Mexican Drug Cartels are funneling money to our politicians her in the United States.

8 months ago

As a 75 year old great grandmother I have been strip searched. Wanded for everyone to see like a common criminal all because I set off the X-ray machine, for I have 2 artificial hips. I carry a card from my orthopedic surgeon but they wouldn’t accept that as proof. But migrants that have just walked across the border are allowed on board without a photo ID or any ID. Really? I haven’t flown in 8 years and am not planning to. If I did I would not board the plane if there were migrants on board. Sorry, I have nothing against people immigrating into the US. But they have to be legal. Only the US lets millions and millions of people come in. From all over. Everyone. We don’t know who they are. Are given everything under the sun. Which is our tax money. But SS and Medicare and Welfare payments are or being stopped or cut from the citizens. No more money. But come in over de border, here you go. We will fly you where you want to go. Here is 5,000 dollar here is your soc sec nummer. Go get a job. Welcome to the USA. The American citizen whose job you are taken away is paying for all this largesse. Ole Joe and all the dems in the congress have gotta to go. And the MSM arrested for supporting insurrection perpetrated by ole Joe.

8 months ago

Another 9-11 is coming because of Woke Stupidity by the Marxist Democrats

8 months ago

They are illegals and the reason the democrats want them is to illegally vote for a Democratic President. That’s what Obama did. This is America we speak English!!!!!! All people’s that have entered the USA has had to learn English up until a few years ago!! My great grandparents on both sides had to learn and speak English. The only time they spoke German was at home. They were proud to be Americans!! Now other countries are trying to take over our country and our leaders are doing nothing to stop it! My opinion and I’m sticking to it!

Paul W
Paul W
8 months ago

They aren’t “illegal immigrants” or “illegal aliens”; the are unvetted invaders, thus an enemy. This regime has deliberately failed to uphold Article IV Sect. 4 (as well as a lot more) of the Constitution of the United States of America as well as given aid and comfort to the enemy. They are TRAITORS and provenly “America last” saboteurs.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Safety of an American citizen is the very last thing on the minds of those in charge of it For if they really were to do their jobs properly they would have to take measures that would offend those that should be really watched That would be the job of the well and properly trained team But that would be discriminatory and racist and that will not do Must not offend To bother and inconvenient everyone else with pointless procedures is OK Would be laughable if it were not so costly and pointless Only fed govt can create jobs that are a dream come true for every zero dreaming of becoming a number

8 months ago

The crises at our borders are all to be blamed on the current admin. We need a complete change for those responsible for helping destroy our nation! Texas is right in their decision to continue protecting their (and our) borders.

8 months ago

“Most migrants are just desperately seeking economic opportunity”. If by economic opportunity you mean tax payer funded handouts, that would be a true statement. The sorry, good for nothing, old devil in the White House who is controlled by Obummer the communist Alinsky disciple, following through on his pledge to “fundamentally transform” this nation, all a big scheme to retain permanent power!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
8 months ago

Every single registered democrat and all donors shoudl be charged with treason as well as aiding and abetting treason.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Increase in Crimne
Health issues

8 months ago

Look up the Cloward/Piven Siri on how to destroy the United States

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Hard to believe isn’t it? I can’t board a flight using my regular old state driver’s license or even use my retired military ID… Oh, no! I need a “special” driver’s license. Meanwhile, Osama Bin Sanchez gets fast tracked into the country. In the Navy, it was called DERELICTION OF DUTY. These politicians have abdicated our safety and sovereignty to appease their pooitical agenda. And what is that agenda? Judging by cause and effect, one can only conclude it’s to fundamentally destroy America! And they wonder why Trump keeps winning?!

8 months ago

NOT migrants, NIT immigrants,NOT asylum seekers – ILLEGALS!
Breaking and ignoring OUR COUNTRIES laws!
Incarcerate and return ANY/ALL not following our programs.
ANY/ALL presidents,senators or representatives who support illegals should nit be paid, no benefits, REMOVAL from office for violating their oaths!

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
8 months ago

For Biden and Democrats, nothing is allowed to get in the way of the leftist agenda.

8 months ago

Let me correct the tile of this article to Pro-illegal aliens Dem playing Russian Roulette with our Safety.

8 months ago

Hey, don’t worry. If you can’t understand that the lack of this administration to follow the constitution and their oath of office, then you’re also the problem. I’m not saying that you’re an idiot. You are just ignorant.

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden is using the VA to process Health Claims for his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION putting our Veterans LAST with a WAITING LIST of OVER 1 Million U.S. Military Veterans in backlog putting their lives and health at risk.
Dictator Beijing biden is INTENTIONALLY and ILLEGALLY using Federal Funds to give aid and comfort to CRIMINALS here ILLEGALLY in the United States.
This is a MAJOR INSULT to our Veterans the United States and US.
President Trump took care of our Veterans and there would NEVER have been an ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION of MILLIONS being put before AMERICANS.
This is another Prime example of why to vote for President Trump.

8 months ago

The Communist/globalist infiltrators are amassing their army of obedient mercenaries!
They have told us…they want us, educated White people gone! DEAD!
The day will come when we’ll have to fight for our lives…and ceaselessly hunt the Traitors who gave up America!
You won’t believe how radical THEY have become. Visit NewsAddicts(.com) and see what the World Economic Forum has planned for us all!

8 months ago

More reason to get Trump back in the Whitehouse. Then start deporting all the ILLEGALS. I’m tired of my tax money…which keeps going up…to support ILLEGALS.

Irv C
Irv C
8 months ago

I pray President Trump kicks them out immediately.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

When the time comes and you need to be protected by someone with a gun, other than a Police officer. Good luck with that.

Donald West
Donald West
8 months ago

Don’t worry people. The Dems. will not last long. The Muslims are gaining in population strength and then they will use our own governmental laws to insert themselves into the political structure of our country. Before you know it, we will not have to worry anymore. The ones who don’t comply by becoming a Muslim will be eliminated. Shoot I wonder if my comment will not even make it onto this comment board. Great Britain by all rights has become a Muslim nation already. They learned well from Hitler and his propaganda chief.

Al Darold
Al Darold
8 months ago

No photo ID for Illegal Immigrants to get on a plane now. Next, will it be no photo ID for Illegal Immigrants to vote? The Dems are going in the wrong direction.

8 months ago

After all is said and done, Americans have a lot steps for safety concerns, We are put into jeopardy by the Politicians be it democrats or Republicans!

8 months ago

That should have said Theory not Siri. Voice to text is almost as bad as autocorrect

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
8 months ago

It’s “Russian Roulette” with all six chambers loaded! The destruction caused by massive illegal migration is irrelevant to the Dem Party. They are interested in conducting the greatest Democrat Voter Registration Drive in history — the path to a one-party socialist nation..

John Beach
John Beach
8 months ago

The only thing that keeps liberal-democrats in office is unequal process. American citizens need to realize that they don’t even represent us. They will do anything, including, cheat. They are depending on the fact that conservatives are obedient to the law and that is why January 6 was a case of entrapment, largely. When “violators will not be prosecuted” is the policy, there is no point to government which is levying taxes to enrich itself.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
8 months ago

Welcome to Obama’s “fundamental change”!!

8 months ago

This whole border and immigration issue is sickening. There is not one Democrat in this Country, especially those Political DemocRATS, who give one fig about the lives and safety of the Citizens and Tax Paying people of this Country. Their only concern is their pockets full of money and the life style the hope to continue until they retire and still continue that same life style. They should be ashamed, but they have no conscience. In truth they should be prosecuted for endangering the lives of the Legal Citizens of this Country.

8 months ago

THEY know that too! And there is a price to pay for their faulty, selfish, and jaded ignorance.

8 months ago

spoken like a migrant!

8 months ago

9/11 might seem easy after the next one. These criminals are scattered all over the country, with cell phones to collaborate.

8 months ago

Many US citizens must wade through mile long invasive forms to get any kind of assistance; not so for illegals-State/Fed agencies seem to have a No Questions asked policy regarding handing out freebies [at our expense]…the key to welfare kingdom is the SSN which is why we need to STOP our idiot Anchor Baby policy…[ID theft is a big problem among illegals & I witnessed it frequently when I was a Deputy Sheriff in AZ].

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
8 months ago

Shows what Biden is all about care more about illegals nothing about the people of this country time we get him out of office. There will be bad things that will happen in this country for what he has done he has let in anybody does not care who they are the people of this country will suffer for this.

8 months ago

We don’t have to worry about going to war with China Russia or any other country to kill us. The demokRATS illegals will do that. They sneak into this country unvaccinated with aids, crabs, syphilis, TB, gonorrhea and who knows what else to kill us. Get rid of the blue and vote RED

8 months ago

Democrats have blood on their hands if they would just open their eyes and take a look. Chinese fentanyl made into pills in Mexico and smuggled across the border has killed somewhere between 80,000 and 100,000 Americans in their prime each year biden has been president. HELLO!! That’s 27 to 33 9/11’s every year!!

Government handouts for the invaders are costing us–the taxpayers–almost half a trillion dollars each year!! I hope Gov. Abbott continues to ship them to blue cities. It’s finally sinking in with those liberals that these numbers of unvetted illegals cost communities more than just money. This morning, I heard a horrible account of a mother who had lost her teenage daughter to a vicious 17-year-old Mexican gang member. The family is suing for $100,000,000.


David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

Excellent article telling the TRUTH.

8 months ago

Well, their safety is just as “at risk” as ours. It isn’t only Republicans who fly…Talk about shooting yourself in the foot…Nothing will be done about this crisis until it affects the dems personally…and I hope it hits home with the Bidens first!!

8 months ago

Obama running his 3rd. term via Joe. Ridiculous we allow this to happen. I’ll say that if the Democrats get re-elected this coming November, we will enter a 3rd. World War soon after. Open borders, media reporting their opinions instead of news/facts, erasing out history and the corruption in the government running rampant, will doom us as a free Nation. The younger generation is being so played and brainwashed!

8 months ago

The TSA has been a joke from the beginning. Now that the communists own the TSA, anything goes. You think if the radical communists want another plane to fly into or onto something it won’t happen? Better think again. The TSA won’t stop it. All part of homeland security and citizen monitoring.

cs erfus
cs erfus
8 months ago

some likely party switchers in the next couple months
biden from democrat to independent
trump from republican to reform
bush junior from republican to democrat
aoc democrat to libertarian
stefanik from reoublican to us taxpayers

8 months ago

Just think off all the potential shoe bombers that entered this country so far. Dementia rules this nation until another tragedy happens.

8 months ago

Anybody believe that the pro-illegal democrats care what they are doing or who they are doing it to?

George Crippen
George Crippen
8 months ago

Our border is an absolute joke. Biden and all connected with this illegal entry should be immediately removed from office for violating the laws of this country as well as the constitution to which they all took an oath. Why are we waiting for another 911? They don’t hesitate to go after Trump for anything. I’m confident Trump’s next indictment will be for the removal of the tag on his mattress. Brace yourself folks, only bad can come from letting all these illegals into this country legally. The Biden administration and democrats will end up with blood on their hands and blame it on the previous administration. They take no responsibility for their conduct.

Sue Davis
Sue Davis
8 months ago

Vote for Trump. Our only hope. Drain the swamp. Make American great, again!

8 months ago

Our social security cards once stated, “Not to be used for identification.” This was to calm the opponents at the time that claimed the government was trying to give us all an identification number. You also did not need a SSN until you started working. Now they give you a number as soon as you’re born and the cards no longer state “Not to be used for identification”. Maybe we get the tattoos next? Or the microchip? Mother can I trust the government?

abe z
abe z
8 months ago

Iran must be stopped too because they are evil and funding terrorists all over the world. The US needs to do more to fully be behind Israel.

8 months ago

It is really sad the way the Democrats are ruining the country. I really do not know why they want to do this. Most of them will be gone by the time this takes full effect, so I don’t see how they really gain by it. I guess if they’re hoping for future voters? But in reality they won’t be voting for their dumb asses, they will just be taking over and run the country into the ground. It will be the same as the crappy places they came from. America was great, maybe Trump can save it!

abe z
abe z
8 months ago

The president needs to get out of Netanyahu’s way.

abe z
abe z
8 months ago

Unlike in the US, in Israel Netanyahu is doing the best he can but the nut palestians elected Hamas and Israel must destroy Hamas for safety and security.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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