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Pelosi’s ‘Roman Holiday’ Ambassadorship Should Be a Non-Starter

Posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


As House Democrats brace for the impact of a Red Wave that could wash dozens of members out of office on November 8th, rumor has it that their longtime leader—Nancy Pelosi herself—has her eyes on a new prize if she is forced to surrender the gavel next year.

Pelosi is apparently hoping that, if Democrats lose their majority, Joe Biden will nominate her to become the next U.S. Ambassador to Italy, Fox Business reported.  Nearly two years into the administration, the embassy post in Rome remains vacant. “Biden is holding the spot for the Speaker, sources say, which is one reason he has yet to fill the position since taking office,” said Fox’s Maria Bartiromo.

Pelosi’s desire to land in a plush retirement post—complete with a taxpayer-funded opulent Roman villa and an Italian police escort to shuttle her around Tuscany, the Dolomites, and the Amalfi Coast—is certainly understandable. We’ve long known that the Speaker enjoys the finer things in life—from her $20,000 refrigerator stocked with boutique ice cream, to her own personal vineyard in Napa Valley, to her eyebrow-raising use of full-sized Air Force jets for her cross-country flights.

Indeed, Pelosi appears to have spent a considerable amount of time auditioning for her Roman Holiday. The Speaker, who has a net worth of $120 million, has repeatedly flown off to beaches and luxurious resorts in Italy in lieu of spending time in her drug-ridden and crime-infested home district.

But however much Pelosi may covet the plum job in Italy, if Republicans win the Senate, they should make clear that Pelosi will take the helm at the Rome embassy over their dead bodies.

For Senate Republicans to give Pelosi a golden parachute to Rome would be the most egregious insult to American voters.

At one point in the not-so-distant past, representing the United States abroad was considered to be a supreme honor that required dignity, public spiritedness, statesmanship, and other civic and political virtues. The possibility of elevating Pelosi—who has done more than almost any other politician in recent memory to divide the country and turn American politics in a toxic brew of radicalism and resentment—ought to be rejected out of hand. The mere notion that Pelosi’s record entitles her to be rewarded by the American people with anything other than a swift exit from the public stage is laughable.

Over the last several years alone, Pelosi has cemented her legacy as one of the most destructive political leaders in all of American history.

As Speaker, Pelosi caved to the far-left and allowed the likes of AOC and “The Squad” to push one of America’s two major political parties into an open embrace of socialism and cultural extremism unlike anything this country has ever seen.

Moreover, Pelosi slandered a sitting president of the United States as, in effect, a Russian spy, suggesting repeatedly that Vladimir Putin and the Russians “have something” on Donald Trump. She allowed her top-lieutenant, Adam Schiff, to orchestrate one repulsive smear campaign after another. She presided over not one, but two disgraceful impeachment show trials that violated every norm of American politics for over two centuries. She gave a blank check to the January 6th Committee to make a mockery of the House’s traditions and run roughshod over the rights of American citizens (not to mention the truth). She ripped up the State of the Union Address on live television in a grotesque and apparently pre-meditated display of childish pique. And she did it all to indulge the raw hatred of her party’s most deranged partisans. The U.S. Congress may never recover from the damage Pelosi has done to its customs, its culture, and its reputation in the eyes of the American people and the world.

Perhaps even more disastrous has been Pelosi’s mortifying legislative record. Under her leadership, the Democrat Congress has brought the country to the verge of ruin. She has gleefully blocked every attempt to secure the border, enabling, over time, tens of millions of illegal aliens to walk into the country completely unchecked. She passed trillions of dollars in wasteful spending bills, jam-packed with payoffs to left-wing special interest groups—sparking the worst inflation in decades, and setting up America and the world for economic catastrophe. She allowed her party to embrace “Defunding the Police”—leading directly to a gruesome wave of violent crime. Her top legislative priority this Congress, H.R. 1, is an unconstitutional monstrosity that would ban voter ID and put federal bureaucrats in charge of every election. Pelosi has waged an open war on American democracy while posturing as its greatest defender.

This, of course, is merely Pelosi’s recent record. Over a period of decades as a top leader in the Democrat Party, she has presided over some of the worst and most damaging decisions in American history, from NAFTA, to Obamacare, to the never-ending “war on terror” and the weaponization of the federal law enforcement and intelligence apparatus against the American people.

In spite of her self-professed status as “a very devout Catholic,” Pelosi’s aggressive support for abortion-on-demand, even in the 40th week of pregnancy, would also certainly complicate a prospective ambassadorship. Not only is Rome the home of the Holy See, but Italy has just elected a new conservative Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni—who in many ways stands as a rebuke to the unchecked globalism and radical leftism Pelosi represents. Why would the United States send Pelosi, who is unrelentingly hostile to the governing philosophy the Italian public has just embraced, to be its chief representative in Italy? The United States would only do such a thing if it wished to antagonize the new Italian government—and Republicans have a duty not to let that happen.

Despite the rise of career politicians like Pelosi, America’s Founders never intended for the United States to be run by a permanent ruling class of out-of-touch partisans who serve for 18 consecutive terms in Congress, wreaking unfathomable havoc on the country while being completely insulated from the costs. Our Founders would no doubt roll over in their graves at the thought of Queen Pelosi retiring like royalty in Europe after such a career—and doing it on the American taxpayer dime.

Above all, for a newly elected Republican majority in the Senate to confirm Nancy Pelosi as Ambassador to Italy would be an affront to the millions of Americans who are set to repudiate her leadership at the ballot box less than two weeks from now.

The American public is angry—and rightly so. Republicans’ first move shouldn’t be to hand Pelosi an ambassadorship—it should be to send her a subpoena, and then to hold her accountable for the trauma and wreckage she has put the country through over the past six years.

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1 year ago

Well if Mitch McConnell ends up as leader of the Senate next year, the odds are very good he will ensure that Pelosi gets a favorable Senate confirmation to the Ambassador post. For Mitch it will just be another “walk across the aisle”, with enough like-minded RINOs in tow, to lend a helping hand to a long time political colleague.

Should Pelosi get what amounts to a golden parachute of a taxpayer funded Ambassadorship posting of her choosing? Of course not! If she wants to spend a few years on vacation in Italy, she and her husband have certainly made enough money to do so, via insider trading, to be able to rent a palacial villa and enjoy the good life without any assistance from the American taxpayer. With a net worth of at least $150 million dollars, she is hardly struggling to afford the finer things in life. However, when has that ever stopped the government gravy train from handing out these sort of perks? Answer: Never.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

I vote NO
Just retire now

1 year ago

Nancy is despicable.

Ronald Odell
Ronald Odell
1 year ago

She should have to go home and help clean up the mess she promoted in her hometown.l

1 year ago

These ambassador positions MUST be very important if they can be held open for 2+ years waiting for the proper person. LOL

1 year ago

At least she couldn’t cause anymore damage in the US. The Italians can have her.

1 year ago

Always looking out for herself. Italy has a new conservative leader and the last thing they need in a San Francisco socialite.

MJ Cunningham
MJ Cunningham
1 year ago

This new position should not even be considered until after Pelosi is required to testify under oath regarding her actions concerning the J6 committee and her insider trading for starters. If she’s not impeached she should be forced to resign. Pelosi does not deserve anything from the American taxpayers except a 10 x 10 apt in a very cold climate

1 year ago

Pelosi is the last person we need as an ambassador anywhere!!! She will do so much damage wherever she goes!!! Fire her or retire her!

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

This is the height of hypocrisy, don’t the Democrats have any shame, why in the world would we send a Women that wants to give Planned Parenthood the right to Gut every Women in America of her unborn child, so Planned Parenthood could sell the little Tikes body parts and give a kickback at election time to the Democrats.
We should never reward someone who is so enthusiastic about taking the life of someone who can’t speak for themselves, to me that’s repulsive.
She is not a good expample of a good and moral America, who will speak for all Catholics, who believes in the sanctity of life.
Someone needs to ask Cardinal Dolan what he thinks of having to meet with someone who doesn’t agree with all the tenants of the Catholic faith.
I am not Catholic but if I were I would let my voice be heard.

Dawn Marcucci
Dawn Marcucci
1 year ago

This woman is a disgrace and should be ashamed of herself. I think she made enough money off the American People. I really do not think the Italians want her. She is always half in the BAG. Just get rid of her.

1 year ago

They forgot her $$$$$$ booze bill we taxpayers pay each year. I hope the people from the Bay Area have finally wised up and vote her drunken butt out this year.

1 year ago

If the GOP takes over the House & Senate they should begin an investigation into her deals over the entire length of her career , the business deals her family has made & the fact that her son & Bidens crackhead son are partners in many foreign deals making ton’s of money. If the GOP has any guts to go after her , Chuck Shumer & many others. NOV is a very important time for AMERICA – – Time To Put AMERICA on The Path To Become AMERICA Once Again GOD BLESS AMERICA — ONE NATION UNDER GOD

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

I believe she should be ambASSador for China or Ukraine or Kenya or to some country that believes just as she does!!

1 year ago

And should be term limits…2 terms no pensions….for ALL political offices.

1 year ago

She should just go away

Sharon Danks
Sharon Danks
1 year ago

Her daughter wants that seat and Gavin will have to fight her for it. Wonder who will win that battle.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Good article, the only thing missing is the link to El Chapo himself and the fact that he hasn’t been able to testify of his connection to those who he worked with in OUR CONGRESS. There is that incriminating picture of him walking that street in Mexico with Pelosi and Beto O’Rourke side by side, smiling and happy. There is NO WAY too, that the young man in Uvalde. Texas bought all those guns from a small gun shop on his minimum salary job. It had to gang related-probably border gang related. He also knew or was connected to the shooter in New York-and the only way for that to be-was through gang relations. Pelosi needs to be investigated with these connections, as El Chapo is ready to talk.

1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi, A.K.A PIGLOSI is cut from the same cloth as “Hanoi Jane” Fonda. They both hate America, yet continue to prosper from the questionable business dealings they have made here at the expense of the citizens of our country. Nancy and Jane: We the people will NEVER forget!

1 year ago

I guess Liz Cheny and Hillary will have to find a different cush ambassador position.

Barbara Dawn
Barbara Dawn
1 year ago

She should be relegated to the dustbin of history. No accolades. No long good-byes. No statues or monuments. And make sure the door hits her squarely in the behind as she exits! She is a traitorous piece of work and leaves nothing notable behind, just hardship and debris from her horrendous decisions she pushed on the country.

Susan Abbott
Susan Abbott
1 year ago

Caroline Kennedy was named to this Ambassadorship years ago. The Pope refused her because she supported abortion. Instead, she was named to Japan. But, Pope Francis is more liberal.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
1 year ago

I don’t think she should be shut out of an ambassadorship. Not Italy. How about Swaziland, Bolivia, Andorra or any other remote place where she can’t have access to the press?

1 year ago

Like Hillary and AOC, Pelosi is viewed by many (the view), as a successful, empowered female. For all the nouns, pronouns and adjectives that can be used to describe her behavior and arrogance, there is one serious question: how did she rule for so long in what used to be The People’s House? How, exactly, does that happen for such a corrupt, criminally insane monster?

We should be finally concerned about CCP and cartels using our open society and Constitution against us to destroy America. (Canada is already gone by the same strategy). But, in Pelosi we see the very same strategy: destroy the rule of law, manipulate news media, make everybody around you afraid to speak, divide the people and take everything you can. This is what she has done her entire life. And, not one opposing force has ever fielded one serious attempt to stop her.

If republicans do not win a house AND senate majority THIS YEAR, America is finished. Just hand the keys to the kingdom to China and the cartels. It’s over for the American taxpayer. I personally believe that America is too far gone to vote its way out of such corruption. Something else has to happen to affect change.

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
1 year ago

She should be made to spend a month on the streets of SFO.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

The Pope would insist that Italy refuse her and excommunicate her.

Susan Birdmama
Susan Birdmama
1 year ago

Amen and Amen! Best article on worthless Pelosi! She should go to prison not Italy!

1 year ago

She should be impeached for her many abuses of power and prevented from holding any office, elected or appointed.

Gary Kitzmann
Gary Kitzmann
1 year ago

The inmates are now running the asylum. So sad.

1 year ago

Anything we can do to deny Pelosi her goal of Italy we should do. She is a venomous, nasty, self-centered witch with the worst political agenda I could think of. When she ripped up Trump’s State of the Union speech, she blatantly showed exactly who she is — and that is not a person who should be in any leadership position, especially one involving diplomacy!

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 year ago

Let the old hag pay for her own ticket with her own money, and buy her own villas with her own money.

Frank N. Ernest
Frank N. Ernest
1 year ago

I’m thinking that Uganda needs an American ambassador …

1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi has told the American people so many lies that should keep her up at night. She has no shame and when she leaves her seat; she deserves a great BIG KICK in her pants. The money she has made off the taxpayers’ back is a real SIN!

1 year ago

One article will not being to tell the full story of the scourge that this witch has caused.
I will send emails to my senators about this. When Nancy gets clobbered on Nov 8, Biden
may make the cushy Italy ambassadorship appointment on the 9th and try to move Nancy
immediately. We need to contact our senators by Nov 5. Lets act

1 year ago

Send her dead a-s to Siberia!!!!!

1 year ago

Sent this witch to her Father Satan. This creature has serious mental and moral problems, common in depraved minds.

1 year ago

The list is long , and we all know what she has done as a career politician. The ripping up of The State of the Union Address . . . Unbelievable that a Speaker of the House would do such a thing. Profiting on the stock market too . Didn’t Martha Stewart go to jail for the same crime ? Will we ever see the day when she and her minions are charged , or even investigated? Not likely.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Down here in North Carolina our senators will run her butt off. Its sad to hear from some of you that
you are trapped by liberals. Sad really. You can always come south but don’t choose western
North Carolina, please. Just do like all Yanks and move to Florida. We worry that you will bring your failed politics with you

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

Disgusting person

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