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Nancy Pelosi’s Equality Act Would Undo Trump’s Most Significant Achievements

Posted on Wednesday, May 8, 2019
by Outside Contributor

pelosi abortion first again democrats spending deal budget equalityBack in October, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi told an audience at Harvard University that if the Democrats retook the House, one of her top legislative priorities would be to pass the misnamed Equality Act, a bill that would impose radical sexual ideology on the nation.

Democrats took the House, and Pelosi wasn’t bluffing. She’s now pushing a bill that would undo some of the most significant achievements of the Trump administration. Here’s how.

The Equality Act adds the phrase “sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)” to our nation’s civil rights laws that ban discrimination on the basis of race. This means the law would suddenly treat people as racists if they dare to dissent from the left’s ideology on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Here are the major Trump victories that the Equality Act would undo.

1. The Equality Act would force employers to cover abortion, and medical professionals to perform or assist in performing abortions.

When the Obama administration tried to force this same policy in its very last months in office, a federal judge declared it unlawful. When the Trump administration came into office, the Trump Justice Department agreed with that judge and did not appeal his ruling, which placed a 50-state injunction on that regulation.

Should the Equality Act become law, this abortion policy would become the law of the land, undermining President Donald Trump’s significant pro-life record.

2. The Equality Act would force employers to pay for sex “reassignment” procedures in their health insurance plans, and require medical professionals to perform them.

Think Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor, but only worse. If a health care plan covers mastectomies in the case of cancer, but not in the case of “reassignment,” the Equality Act would deem this illegal “discrimination.” So, too, if a doctor chooses to perform mastectomies in the case of cancer but not for sex “reassignment” purposes. That doctor would be guilty of illegal “discrimination.”

Thankfully, when the Obama administration attempted to impose this mandate, a federal judge struck it down, and the Trump administration agreed with the judge and did not appeal the ruling. Should the Equality Act become law, it would undo Trump’s policy of protecting the freedom of medical doctors to not perform “reassignment” procedures if they deem them bad medicine.

3. The Equality Act would force all schools and businesses to open their women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and sports teams to boys who “identify as” girls and to men who “identify as” women.

The Obama administration imposed this transgender mandate on schools in all 50 states, and thankfully the Trump administration reversed the misguided policy during its first weeks of office. But, should the Equality Act become law, it would override the Trump policy and would threaten the privacy, safety, and equality of women and girls across the country.

4. The Equality Act could be used to force the military to pay for “reassignment” procedures and force the military to accept recruits suffering from gender dysphoria who are not combat-ready.

The Trump administration has implemented a careful, nuanced policy that allows people who identify as transgender to serve in the military—provided they no longer suffer from gender dysphoria and serve in accordance with their biological sex. But should the Equality Act become law, this Trump policy could be deemed “discrimination.”

5. The Equality Act would force faith-based adoption agencies to either violate their conviction that every child deserves both a mother and a father or to stop serving children in need altogether.

Thankfully, the Trump administration has taken initial steps to protect adoption agencies from these misguided policies. Additional steps are needed. But if the Equality Act became law, it would force all adoption agencies in all 50 states to either violate their convictions or close their doors.

6. The Equality Act would force a variety of small business owners to violate their beliefs about marriage, sexuality, and gender.

At the state level, this has happened to bakers, florists, photographers, and even funeral home owners.

Thankfully the Trump administration has supported these small business owners as their cases proceeded through the court system. But should the Equality Act become law, it would bring the full force of the federal government against these small business owners, treating them as violators of federal civil rights law.

7. The Equality Act, in general, threatens the freedom of speech, freedom of association, and free exercise of religion rights of countless people.

Anyone who believes we are created male and female, and that male and female are created for each other, will be at risk. This means Orthodox Jews, Roman Catholics, Evangelical Christians, Latter-day Saints, Muslims, and people of no particular faith tradition but who take science seriously will be on the wrong side of federal civil rights law.

Thankfully, the Trump administration has championed freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, and the rights of conscience. All of this would be at risk should the Equality Act become law.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

NO to Equality Act, Dems U Live the Act, we’ll watch OK, Have Fun.
Dont play 2 long in the restrooms,bad optics OK Bernie & Biden

Ralph Wilson
Ralph Wilson
5 years ago

Pelosi and the rest of the Demoncrats are morons and incompetents that don’t care about the average American CITIZEN ( YES — CITIZEN !!!!! )

Robert Sanders
Robert Sanders
5 years ago

The fleas are trying to kill their host. If they take this country down, they too will eventually go down too. I don’t know what country they will escape to after they destroy this one. We are the last best hope. When we go, the world goes.

5 years ago

True, but for any of these to become law the House and Senate must pass and the President must sign. With that being said, we must not have the senate become Democrat controlled and the President must be re-elected.

Mari Ann Andrieux
Mari Ann Andrieux
5 years ago

Why is there no ‘share’ icon? This article is worth spreading around.

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

Well, this is one of those times I really find myself speechless. This is yet another clear and stunning attempt by the “progressive” left to subvert traditional American values, all to garner votes (and power). I find myself more and more trying to understand what drives these people to do such harmful things to our culture and society. Though a Christian, I try not to use my religious beliefs to make my points, as any of my religious arguments are meaningless to unbelievers. But I must say, it is as if the pits of hell are being opened and the demons are being released in a final push to destroy America as we know it. We can only pray that enough American voters see through this monstrous, dare I say demonic, attempt to take power from “we the people.” Though I find much fault with Trump’s past character and life, it seems God has placed him as a bulwark for this time and place.

Rick J.
Rick J.
5 years ago

In plain English: What a load of crap!! If this is the most pressing legislation the dems can produce it shows
why they are not capable of a leadership role. How did so many wackos get into the congress? and not
all of them are dems, Thankfully just most of them. All of us must work to return the congress back to sanity.

Eileen M. Telford
Eileen M. Telford
5 years ago

Toxic Nancy and all of her toxic followers.
We don’t give up.

5 years ago

It just goes to show that these people will associate with anyone to get a vote. As far as the American working class, they look on them with disgust. Unfortunately the “GimmeDats “ just about outnumber the people who do work for a living and have religious and moral values.

General Patton
General Patton
5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is a poster hag for insanity——–she is a cultural marxisr who hates America

Bo Dalton
Bo Dalton
5 years ago

It is without a doubt, Nancy Pelosi is not qualified to be speaker or even be in the Senate ! She needs to be shut down, either by Impeachment, Commitment to an Institute treating insanity or ???

Mic J Palazzolo
Mic J Palazzolo
5 years ago

Good to think that Pelosi and her ilk are old and as such, shall pass away soon. The young “progressives” like
Cortez and others like her are too immature, ignorant, and constitutionally weak to create a problem for We
The People. They need to be sent to their rooms (or basement).

5 years ago

Title 9 for women’s sports would be canceled out too, as men identifying as women would eliminate biological females from succeeding.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
5 years ago

Pelosi needs to retire from office. She is extremely bad for USA.

5 years ago

As an American, I am sick of the crap the demorats are pushing ever since they lost the election!!! WTH needs to happen with the Republican leaders to force them to fight back. It’s time to take the gloves off and defend our country!!!! Trump has brought us so much hope in how we can make America great again and it has been proven with all the accomplishments he has made, even while being fought tooth and nail every single step! I have NEVER in my life seen such disrespect for the office of the POTUS, and even while loser Obama was there, nobody behaved the way they are today. I pray to God evil will be put in its place and that our country can survive all that it has been put through by the hands of the demorats!!!!

Steve Foster
Steve Foster
5 years ago

This is leading this Nation down the path of Sodom & Gomorrah. Destruction.

5 years ago

Diabolical disorientation.

Isaiah 5:20 –
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Jan crawford
Jan crawford
5 years ago


5 years ago

The idea is not to have “equality”. The idea is to destroy America. That is the goal of the Democrap / Communists. The left has been planning it for years. That’s why it so so important to get hellary into the White House. They will use any strategy possible to weaken America and make us a Socialist country first and to follow up with a Communist system of government later.

Phillip Pucher
Phillip Pucher
5 years ago

Remember checks and balances: Must pass in the Senate. Most likely won’t. But, if it did POTUS Trump will veto. Congress doesn’t have the votes to override so the Democrats will try to change the rules on overriding. If it were to happen and it became law it would be up to the Supreme Court to make a final decision if the law is Constitutional.

5 years ago

More mindless liberal dribble from a completely drugged crazed Commiefornia dumbass.

Bill TX3
Bill TX3
5 years ago

Have you wondered where some of Pelosi’s illogical, sadistic, and ridiculous ideas come? I have given up using moral and logical arguments as an attempt to change followers and supporters of “Pelosi-types” and the socialists. Their ultimate goal is destruction of the Republic. Anybody expressing such socialist and totalitarian ideas must be voted out of office. Voter actions not words make the difference.

5 years ago

Back to socialization of our COUNTRY. She has made a bloody fortune over holding this job and cheating the USA. GET RID of her and never to be in politics ever again!

5 years ago

Anything to legitimize the killing of babies, is the new socialist Dems motto.

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
5 years ago

Wow! Just WOW! Pelosi and her radical party will destroy the very fiber of the country with this PC BS and nonsense. There are TWO sexes.. anything else is a mental problem that should be handled individually- case by case. Some 2% of the population is LGBTQ LMSMFT,DDT, fart.. so why are they dictating ‘normalcy’ to NORMAL people? They can say it and claim it all they want- a lie is never the truth. Abnormal is ABNORMAL. Male is male and female is female. To say anything else is blasphemy- they are saying that they know more and better than God!

5 years ago

It will not pass. No one is crazy enough to want to pay for all theses ‘Personal Liberties’ and threaten extinction of the Free Republic we enjoy. Read the constitution.

Tolbert Barton Jr
Tolbert Barton Jr
5 years ago

Well, the only answer is to turn this nation back to God. We have become so smart, God has turned us loose, and to this we have decided we know more than the creator and He will leave us alone, but He has sent a redeemer, Jesus Christ, if we turn to him God will take control and this nation will become a God fearing, God following nation again and then we will become the nation we were set out to be. A CHRISTIAN NATION!

Martha Beimer
Martha Beimer
5 years ago

So, if I own a business and refuse to serve half naked people and have a sign on the door stating that with no shoes or shirts you get no service, that will be tossed too? Do I as a business owner not have a right to refuse service to anyone? I cannot believe that there are people who would actually believe in that evil woman’s agenda, words or can look her in the face and see anything but hatred and bigotry. Please join me in praying for our nation. I do not think we are strong enough to beat them in the
governing bodies of either house or senate. Shame on us, Shame on the people who allow this. I am considering an alternative living space. Perhaps the mountains of Tibet would allow an old woman from Texas who has outlived her reason on earth to move there peacefully.

John J
John J
5 years ago

One comment, Nancy Pelosi has the same thinking as most Democrats, Liberals and Socialist they all want to control all American Citizens. Their agenda is to strip us of our Freedom and Rights to choose, we don’t need any new bills or laws like this.
Ms. Pelosi if you want to do something then y’all need to Protect America by Closing Our Borders and Securing America now.

5 years ago

I would like to see the whole Dem party dissolve. To see them lose the millions of dollars they stole. They sure haven’t done any honest and hard work to earn it. It amazes me the poor still vote for them and their cities have not improved at all. This includes the Socialists and Muslims that are in the Dem Congress and Senate

5 years ago

Good thing it will never get to the floor of the Senate. Its just another waste of time in the House which has accomplished nothing in two years!

5 years ago

It better never ever be allowed and the senate better junk it I know the a President will veto it and it better stay vetoed Revoke Security clearances all Benefits Revoked most of Congress really is crazy needs locked up for their own good and the Country

Uncle willie
Uncle willie
5 years ago

She needs to be in a retirement home for old people not in government her mind is old and she is nuts put her out.

Randy Koster
Randy Koster
5 years ago

There’s always a “progression/escalation” with leftists pushing their ideology: Suggestion, “Education”/propaganda, Legislation, Fines, Jail/prison time, Re-education, and lastly Elimination. It starts off as social suggestions, but if you fail to comply ultimately you wind up in the gulag. We’re quickly approaching the fines/jail/prison time.

B. T.
B. T.
5 years ago

Would this extend to the restrooms in Congressional building restrooms?

5 years ago

She is a traitor and an idiot.

Tony Catania
Tony Catania
5 years ago

Pelosi belongs in jail

5 years ago

It seems to me that the Dumocrats are hell bent on destroying what nature hands out. Killing preborn babies,, forcing doctors to kill them. There are two sexes, male and female. It doesn’t matter what you feel you are, when your bones are dug up 1000 years from now, if you were chopped and channeled, you would still be a male.if the female has an addadictome, she will still be female. What would be monumental is for the medical field to declare liberalism a severe mental disorder requiring them to relinquish all their rights and to be institutionalized, for the betterment of America and the safety of her people.

Jon Haro
Jon Haro
5 years ago

This woman is Crazy…. and has to be stopped

5 years ago

This proves that Nancy and her gang are insane and extremely jealous of Pres. Trump and all the good he has accomplished for our nation. My question: why do the democrats want to destroy our beautiful, fair country? If they gain power, sooner or later, they will be pushed out of their safe places. They must be gone before they do more damage. God help us and God bless America.

The OLD Warhorse
The OLD Warhorse
5 years ago

Ya gotta hand it to the left; they never, ever give up. Republicans would have formed a circular firing squad and thrown Trump in the middle, but not the left. That’s why they keep slowly getting their way. Like termites, they just keep eating away.

Thomas H.
Thomas H.
5 years ago

Why do all of the (d) bills have titles in direct opposition to their intent?

Bob A.
Bob A.
5 years ago

The Commucrats are so hell bent on trying to get rid of our Duly elected President, they don’t care if they destroy our great country. Has anyone ever tried to email Fancy Nancy at here Government email address on her website? If you’re not in her District, you’ll get an notice saying she gets soooo many emails, if you’re not in her district, she doesn’t care what you think and doesn’t want to hear from you! WAIT A MINUTE…. Isn’t she the Speaker of the House, and therefore answerable to ALL U.S. CITIZENS???
President Donald J. Trump has been in office for a little over 2 years, and done more in that time to correct the problems Obama and his Commucrat party created, while the Commucrat House has done NOTHING but attempt to obstruct our President. To me, these are all treasonous actions. And treason is punishable by the death penalty! I suggest that would be the greatest thing that could happen to rectify our Nation’s Problems

5 years ago

God’s word is clear. this country will do whatever it wants. i have never seen such horrible happenings and the terrible politically correct..if these laws happen, if you are a believer it is all signs of last days, Jesus coming. this is where those of us will keep our eyes and beliefs. there will be no other hope except in the Lord.
i probably sound preachy but we hlave to hang onto what is real..and our country s really the only one who accepts everyone.
Sad…sad state of affairs.

5 years ago

We need a slow boat to Venezuela with ALL the Democrats on board.

Vinnie boom bacci
Vinnie boom bacci
5 years ago

Usual Democrat garbage,to legitimize nonsense Pelosi must be insane.

Cecelia Aguallo
Cecelia Aguallo
5 years ago

Makes me come to fully realize wot a CLEAR N PRESENT DANGER they are to our way of life we’ve had in this country. God Help Us.

5 years ago

We are closer to the edge than I can believe. Better start paying attention and taking action at election time.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
5 years ago

A vote, any vote, for or with a Democrat, any Democrat, is a vote for Communism!!! It is also a vote to destroy Christianity. First, eliminate the Democrats and then take on the RINO’s!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
5 years ago

Catholics, understand that the Catholic Church had declared Socialism, Communism, and Marxism to be heresy and apostate in 1849,1864, 1891. 1931, and 1949! Any person or organization, regardless of the title they claim, who believes in Socialism, Communism, or Marxism is outside of the Catholic Church!! A Sign on a building does not make it either Catholic or Christian! Know them by their actions!!!!!

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