In Brooklyn, New York, an all-volunteer team of Muslim residents have formed a neighborhood patrol squad.
Launched in early 2019, these “Muslim Community Patrols”, or MCP, drive through Brooklyn neighborhoods in what look like official police cruisers with the stated goal of protecting mosques. Its fleet currently consists of two cars but is expected to have five patrol vehicles by the end of the month, with plans to eventually expand citywide. Noor Rabah, vice president of the Muslim Community Patrol, has described the group as “like a neighborhood watch but on steroids.”
The group currently has the support of Brooklyn’s borough president, Eric Adams, and of Brian J. Conroy, the commanding officer of patrol borough Brooklyn South. According to its leaders, the group is self-funded and purchased their uniforms and patrol cars with donations. Its members recently underwent training by police officers from the NYPD’s 72nd precinct, and say they plan to work alongside the police force to bridge the gap between law enforcement and locals.
The organization’s official website displays a quote from the Quran, and states that the patrol group aims to “not only serve as watchmen but, serviceman aiding the youth in our communities by enabling them with resources such as mentorship and career training. Mentors will work side by side, and keep them under their wing to ensure a growing success.”
But many residents have expressed alarm over the group’s presence, including some members of the local Muslim community, who have questioned the need for the patrol. Somia Elrowmeim, a member of the Arab American Association of New York, said of the group, “We don’t want you near our community.”
Other locals are wary of the group’s intentions, suspecting the patrol squad’s real goal is to enforce Sharia law or to target non-Muslim residents of the community. Self-appointed Muslim community patrols have already been formed in countries like Germany and England, with the express goal of enforcing Sharia and attacking passersby whom they perceive as disobeying the religious code of conduct.
On its website, the Muslim Community Patrol describes itself as a “civilian patrol organization established to patrol neighboring communities in order to protect members of the local community from escalating quality-of-life nuisance crimes. The organization’s vision is to promote the safety and well‐being of all residents of the neighboring communities.”
It adds, “The visible presence of the Muslim Community Patrol will act as a deterrent to neighborhood crime. Acting as an extra set of eyes for the NYPD, neighborhoods will be safer than ever.”
Group officials have stated that they do not intend to impose Sharia law, with vice president Rabah telling local reporters, “It’s not about ‘Sharia Law.’ It’s about Muslims taking care of people in our community.” Despite this, many New Yorkers have expressed doubt, understandably alarmed that the group may be more like the “Muslim patrols” overseas than the average neighborhood safety patrol.
Remember, they lie. Their goal is to overtake the world and make it Muslim.
This reminds me so much of exactly how Fundamentalist Islamic groups positioned themselves as “guardians of the community” in England several years back. The weak-kneed, liberal politicians all said it was a good thing. Same nonsense that NYC is doing now. Then again, I’m not surprised by anything Comrade be Blasio does. Anything to undermine the fabric of American society and move us towards being more like our socialist democratic neighbors in Europe. In England, they gradually came to adopt Sharia Law in the court system for Muslims arrested, so they would be better represented by their faith and the values of the Quran. Then came the de-facto creation of “no-go zones”, as police and other emergency services were “encouraged” to stay out of these neighborhoods. The Muslim patrols would keep the peace. Them finally the non-Islamic members of these neighborhoods were then “encouraged” to move elsewhere. Thus creating little enclaves of Muslim only communities that are effectively independent of the British government.
Keep making the same mistakes that our European neighbors have done and expecting different outcomes America. Don’t learn from others’ mistakes and continue to delude yourselves with “It can’t happen here”. What you’ll end up with in the end is exactly the same outcomes as our European neighbors have already achieved.
They are not there to protect citizens but to enforce their own laws……better wake up NEW YORK.
This is insane! Total agreement with paulE!!!!
Wake up American another way for Muslim control! How stupid can people be to believe anything Muslims do or say remember their words anyone no muslin is to kill the infindels!
This is a crock. If anyone believes this bull they need a brain transplant. Liars Liars pants on fire. Read the Quran and see what their goals are. Get real or end up with sharia.
Next is no go zones as they have in France. America wake up!
I am horrified to see that some the system will allow muslin extremes to have their own patrol car, that’s not America.
This supposed to be a Christian country.
The gradual take over by Muslims to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Thanks tor nothing Obama!
Not to be believed. This is their out in the open sneaky way of gaining control of all the populist not just their own “community”.
This madness needs to be stopped now! The people of NYC have become Lemmings, it is amazing to to see how stupid people become when they live in these human Ant Piles and cesspools!
And I’m sure they would have no problem with Christian Patrol Cars in the neighborhood, right?
This is an accident waiting to happen. We are told that the New York City Police Department is one of the best in the country; why then are MCP’s needed? This patrol program will drive a wedge of division throughout this community. Assimilate!
“Training by the 72nd prescinct?” Seriously? This is insanity and it’s as if these New Yorkers have not read about what came out of such arrangements in England. These cruising crusaders should be arrested for impostering law enforcement officers, but to think our own law enforcement endorses this, is terrifying to say the least.
How stupid are we ? We elected three Muslims to congress. The enemy is trying to take over. Read their bible, the coran. GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL and NOT OAC, he will end the world in his time, not ours. God Bless America !!
I do not trust their stated good intentions whatsoever, I only trust my gut; and, that this as a cover for their real intentions and purposes, which is well stated by others.
What comes next, a guardian group for each race, religion, gender, etc, etc.
The thin blue line serves and protects the entire population.
No way!
Europe, and the US should evict them or more trouble will be coming.
This just in: California very angry that they didn’t allow this to happen there first.
Remember the crusades! They blamed the Catholics for killing many of them when it was them that started the war and killing others.
Tell others Get out the word. PRoTEST. Loudly!! Call your reps. Call your police depts. don’t let it expand!!!
Not good for America. This WILL be regretted
Needs to have very, very strict guidelines if this is going to happen. BUT, my major concern is that if it is needed, then that policing should be done by OUR police power and NOT by a foreign body. USA needs to maintain total responsibility for USA land. We need to not let any other forces remotely patrol our USA.
I cannot believe the local police are happy about this. The posibility of this becoming pro-sharia policing is serious, no matter what the current members say. All it would take is a change in leadership or a conversion or two to a more radical Muslim attitude da nn all of a sudden the non-muslim residents are at risk.
Screw that, take them out, you weak kneed basterds!!!
Send the “wanna be cops” back to their countries of origin. Let them police their own streets. They are not a “necessary commodity” in America. Their “religion” is a cult of death.
Lock and load New York if you’re aloud to.
With the Muslim rejection of women’s rights “stop and frisk” will have a whole new meaning. Muslim forced population growth is fast outstripping our “easy abortion for all” society. Illegal immigration may be the only way to keep up a majority to prevent a sharia law future. Good thing they hate each others sects as much as they hate other religions. They have been killing each other for generations. Like the “Hatfields and the McCoys”, the feuding will continue and we will have to live with that too.
Balanced immigration is the only answer in an unbalanced world.
If their stated objective, as described in the story, is to be believed, it is to protect neighborhoods, why then do they name themselves “Muslim Community Patrol”? Wouldn’t it make more sense to call themselves “Neighborhood Community Patrol”?
It will be interesting to see what happens when they go up against MS13.
Hand writing is on the wall and yet America sleeps.
New York State is run by NYC politics. I hate it for the upstate citizens but NYC and Albany pass one bad law after another. If a conservative Christian group were to do the same thing they would be labeled as an extremist militia and would be forcibly shut down. NYC needs only to look at Western Europe to see where this will lead. It isn’t too late to stop yet but they need to get busy. The only thing worse would be to allow UN to patrol the streets.
One thing that can be done is to just put targets on their backs like they want to do to a Americans and eliminate them. it might seem harsh but no it’s not not in light of what these slimy people are like. having been in the military and having been around them and their own environment you can’t trust these people whatsoever they’re proving it everyday look at what slime datta Michigan look what slime datta Minnesota and then the idiot that’s coming out of New York City in the Bronx or Brooklyn or wherever Cortez comes from.
I’ve been taught that the job of policing was a duty falling to the city and state. The patrols and inclusion of Shariah law are unconstitutional. We had better be returning to our Lord or we will end up as another Muslim nation. Look at how many no go zones have cropped up in the U S. I don’t want their law or law enforcement to apply to me, my family, my friends, my state or nation. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. No separate religion has the right to abrogate our duly passed and equally applied, constitutional law. This is as bad or worse than how socialism is being forced on us by our lying representatives in Congress. I WANT MY NATION, THE HOME OF THE BRAVE AND LAND OF THE FREE BACK!
We don’t need these patrols, ala the ones in London. Muslims, like any other group of Americans, are protected by the Constitution. Stop f……g around with these things, and get into assimilation. The fact that Comrade DeBlasio and his ilk support this crap, is another issue. The people in New York should grow some cojones and fight the Muslim patrols, Comrade DeBlasio, and oh, by the way, the baby killing Governor you elected.
Time for Judeo / Christian patrols in armed – Humvees to protect everyone else from these purveyors of sharia law.
Islam is a religion of WAR not peace. I have my copy of the Quran and have personally read the verses that call for all good followers to kill, tax or subjugate ANYONE that does not become a follower. This is not a religion like all other religions because it is also a totalitarian and imperialist ideology. Like Communism, it is an extremist group out to overthrow our country and, in the words of Imam Abdul Malik of Brooklyn, NY said in 2009, “We don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy!”
The first verses in the Quran talk of love and peace, but the remaining 60% of the Quran talk of Jihad and killing. Per the leaders within Islam, the Quran is to be read and interpreted by what is said last in the book. Therefore, the verses that deal with Jihad and killing, are to be given superiority over the love verses. DO NOT BE FOOLED PEOPLE! Study this yourself. Purchase the latest book by the best authority on the subject, Robert Spencer, titled The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades).
Wow! So glad I’m no longer a N.Y. resident! The state is going to hell in a hand basket! Christians need to pray, pray, pray!
Better stop it now before it get’s out of hand. They CAN’T be trusted.
Another step to enforce Islamic doctrines on the public, only a guise to take control of this country.
If the people in this community want to be Americans and live in America as Americans, why would there be a need for a Muslim patrol? If they want to live under Muslim rule, let them leave America for somewhere they feel more at home.
Muslims consider lying acceptable to promote their political ideology called Islam. And they are lying re not enforcing sharia law. The lies are a put-off that NY will buy. The NYPD should absolutely prohibit this move.
There are plenty of service groups that help to feed the poor and assist citizens without the need to decal their vehicles to look like police cars and wear impersonator uniforms. I’ve about had it with these liberal politicians and their brainless decisions. Is there any common sense left at any level of NY government?
I haven’t read anywhere if these Muslim Community Patrols are armed, or not. Also, are they in existence to solely keep the peace among the Muslim population, or to keep the non-muslim population, like me, under surveillance? Either way, they now have their foot in the door, and there will be no turning them back. I think we should have a group to protect the non-Muslim population. I am English and have seen the disaster of allowing Muslims to take over. If they aren’t stopped now, then it will be too late. For God’s sake Brooklyn people rise up against this. What are you afraid of?
Shut them down before they ever even attempt, to bring sharia law to the United States of America! I can see them becoming a group of thugs really quickly. Unbelievable that the NYPD is agreeing to this travesty. This is how the Taliban destroyed their own country, that was living in the modern world,and took it back to the ninth century.
It is part of the Muslim plan to invade the United States. Due to distance and the barrier of oceans they are unable to send masses of refugees to our shores. Instead they are in a more gradual process of slow infiltration. Note how more and more Muslims are gaining entrance into Congress. I saw a list of all the Muslims who have become part of federal, state and local governments and it is astounding. Feckless liberal promoting “diversity” as if is a worthy goal are filling the modern concept of “useless idiots” that Lenin used in discussing their forbears who saw no problem with communism.
“mentorship and career training.” What? To recruit our young to be radical terrorists? Add my name to the rest calling for a big wake up call.
Muslim patrols should not be permitted. Isn’t our law enforcement good enough for them? Maybe they just want to control by Sharia law.
The leftist partys in America would call all of you bigoted racists.
All of you would then be quiet.
Once you let the camel’s nose in your tent, be forewarned you will have a camel in your tent
The Brooklyn P.D. is out of their rabbit ass minds if they start letting this BS get started and condone it.
On its website, the Muslim Community Patrol describes itself as a “civilian patrol organization established to patrol neighboring communities in order to protect members of the local community from escalating quality-of-life nuisance crimes. The organization’s vision is to promote the safety and well‐being of all residents of the neighboring communities.”
Quality of life nuisance crimes???
If you are there to help enforce the laws of the country, state, county & community that is one thing but who are you to decide what defines a nuisance and quality of life issues? That is none of your business.
Stay home.