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Mayors of New York City and Washington, DC Take a ‘Not My Problem’ Stance as Illegals Crowd Their Towns

Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
New York
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (L) and Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser (R)

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 10 — It appears that the socialist mayors of New York and Washington, DC aren’t very social after all. The tired, huddled masses and wretched refuse who yearn to breathe free are not very welcomed in their towns, notwithstanding the inspired greeting of the Statue of Liberty.

New York Mayor Eric Adams and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser are quite distressed and not very welcoming to the influx of illegal immigrants and they’re blaming it on the Governors of Texas and Arizona. The federal government is not helping Governors Greg Abbott and Doug Ducey deal with the invasion of illegals in their border states and so they took matters into their own hands and have been sharing the burden by sending the intruders north. Mayor Adams calls it a “real burden on New Yorkers” and Mayor Bowser alleges that the migrants are being sent north against their wishes. It seems to me that Governors Abbott and Ducey also believe it’s a burden that the illegals are being let loose in their states and so President Biden doesn’t give them an option.

Governor Abbott issued a statement, declaring that “Mayor Adams’ problem is not with Texas. It is with President Biden’s refusal to stop this border crisis and secure our southern border. President Biden’s open border policies created this ongoing humanitarian crisis, allowing record-high illegal crossings and deadly drugs like fentanyl to flood into our state. [It’s] a crisis that has overrun and overwhelmed our border towns and communities across our state, whose requests for help have gone ignored and unanswered by the Biden Administration.”

Abbott also pointed out to the Mayor of New York that he has not sent illegals to his town. Rather it is President Biden “who has flown planeloads of migrants to New York City.” But last week he told Fox News that he sent his first busload of illegals to New York City as part of his personal “share the burden” initiative.

Abbott did admit, however, that Texas has bused 5,500 migrants to Washington, DC. And Mayor Bowser, in an appearance on CBS’ Face the Nation, claimed that “they’re being tricked” into getting on those buses. 

Fox quoted the Texas governor as saying Washington, DC and New York City are “the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within his sanctuary city. I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief,” the Texas governor said.

Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, was quick to reject Bowser’s claim that the migrants were being deceived. He told the Washington Examiner “Mayor Bowser should direct her frustration to her friends in the Biden administration for their complete and utter refusal to secure our border and enforce our immigration laws. The illegal immigrants who are coming to Washington, DC, are doing so voluntarily largely because of Muriel Bowser’s own previous actions affirming Washington, DC, as a ‘sanctuary city.’  As they’ve done with inflation and a whole host of other issues, Democrat-elected officials in Washington refuse to acknowledge the consequences of their radical policies.”

Governor Abbott calls it an “atrocity” that the president has deliberately left the back door of America open allowing intruders, both good and bad, to cross over and wreak havoc in his state. Abbott says he [President Biden] has an obligation to secure the border; he’s turned “a blind eye to security-based issues by allowing people on terrorist watch lists to come into the United States of America.”

In an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Lt. Chris Olivarez, the spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told Cavuto that as a result of the president’s open border policy some 7,000 to 8,000 illegals come across each and every day. It’s “overwhelming [our] limited resources…If those mayors from New York and Washington, D.C. really want to get to the root cause of this whole situation, they need to voice their concerns to the federal government, which has completely neglected to secure the border.”

Fox News reports that more than half a million known “gotaways” have sneaked across the U.S.-Mexico border since fiscal year 2022 began on October 1.

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2 years ago

This is just showboating by two inept Mayors to deflect attention away from the runaway crime sprees and failed policies that are killing their cities. The numbers of illegals bussed into their respective cities by Texas is neglible compared to the deluge that has poured across the border under Biden’s open border policies. Besides, neither of these Mayors had any problem with the Biden administration doing midnight flights on a regular basis of illegals into their cities over the last 19 months. So again, this is nothing but a transparent attempt at deflecting the public’s attention away from the greater failures of these two Mayors.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

So what they’re saying is DC and NYC aren’t quite the “sanctuary cities” they claim to be. There are places posted with warning signs in Arizona national parks off limits to US citizens due to violent drug trafficking so when New York or DC has those I’LL SYMPATHIZE.

Rene H Roy Jr.
Rene H Roy Jr.
2 years ago

When are they going to send busloads of illegals to the town and estate where Obama lives? Maybe he will sing a different tune when this all happens. Maybe not, he has plenty of money to relocate. Protection is not an expense, it’s all on the taxpayer’s dime. He is a man with a big chip on his shoulder. His real goal is to destroy America and the Constitution using puppets at the Whitehouse? He really did get his third term; the Constitution means nothing to him, it’s only an obstacle to holding power over the people.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Send ALL ILLEGAL ALIEN’S to EVERY liberals (Congress, Senate, Mayor, Governor) home including D.C. and liberal States.
They wanted them so they can have them ALL since they wanted Open Borders and VIOLATED their Oath of Office , U.S. CONSTITUTION, and NATIONAL SECURITY.
This will help their RECESSION they put us in with MORE AMERICANS out of work and INCREASE CRIME from ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Dems only want position and perks, they will denigrate the responible until cities are turned into the hell holes we’ve come to expect.

2 years ago

Socialist democrats: the MASTERS of the blame game. Too bad so many Americans are so blind.

2 years ago

They take no blame…remember they said those cities would be “sanctuary”. So now they claim to be victims??

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

Not much of a trick to get them on the bus. Democrats have used it for years, just offer a FREE ride.

Johnny White
Johnny White
2 years ago

Is there a Democrat that is not a hypocrite?
Two Black Mayors refuse to assist another minority? If it was Blacks being sent to town the cry would be very loud.

2 years ago

Someone please explain, they both tout being sanctuary cities. These illegals are looking for sanctuary so what is the problem, OR is proclaiming to be a sanctuary just another “look at us warm and fuzzy”?

Karen Sanderson
Karen Sanderson
2 years ago

Your phrase at the end of the articles always say, “We hope you enjoyed this article.” That is absurd! How can a person “enjoy” reading about things that are so wrong in the United States? I read the articles to keep up with what is going on, but, I will not share anything when you expect us to “enjoy” the bad news! It makes me feel evil to think I would enjoy bad things that are happening.

2 years ago

Keep sending the illegals to them!! We were in Yuma, Arizona five weeks ago, talked with a man after breakfast at the hotel, said he was waiting to get on the road with his bus. The bus was a full load of illegals coming across the border at Yuma. He was driving the bus to San Antonio to meet up with other buses, but his bus was going to Washington state. Upon returning from the 3 1/2 week road trip we were on, coming from Tyler, Texas using Hwy 79 heading south back to hometown San Antonio, we counted 27 fully loaded buses, one right after the other like a piggyback, on Hwy 79 heading northeast/east. My husband & I laughed about the fact that we (San Antonio & Texas) were sharing the “wealth” with the east coast. Those buses on Hwy 79 were on July 29, 2022. Maybe Ellis Island needs to reopen to document & screen all these people.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

So they don’t like the taste of their own medicine I hope they choke on it

2 years ago

This is ONLY about trying to turn Arizona and ESPECIALLY Texas Democratic thereby Guaranteeing Democratic Control of National Political Offices ESPECIALLY the Presidentcy thusly Dooming ANY Conservative Political Representation or Power!

2 years ago

Watch maxist democrat begin to pour millions of tax payor money to these to mayors and have not helped any of the southern states who have had to put up with millions of illegals since the puppet has been in office. Just why do these mayors think Texas should be responsible to care for these illegals? Send them more and more. If you notice mostly young men just willing to work haha.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

Governors Abbott and Ducey, when you’re receiving this much flak, you know that you’re right over the target!

To coin a line from the first Top Gun flick when Tom Skerritt was talking to Michael Ironsides concerning Maverick:

“Keep sending [them] up!” (Only applying the line towards all of the illegal fence jumpers.)

Keep sending them to all Democrat enclaves!

James J
James J
2 years ago

elect democrat blacks into office that are hooked on the Greed and the Notoriety of being Historically First.. and Do Not give A rats behind about their own Chicago Death Murder Kill Society. Second are women, be she black or white that are Bought then elected in, courtesy of Commie George Soros. a few of these damn fools are.. Waters, Pelosi the Squat Group of Fools, Abrams, Whitmer, Grandholm, Jackson who doesn`t know what a woman is, Hochul, Clinton, Cackling Headboard Harris.. Don’t ever call me a racist or whatever the Word is for today? We are living this INSANITY right NOW which is proof that this is TRUE.. Then to Top off this Sh- t Pile is a Cognitive Retarded illegally elected Communist TRAITOR FJB !!! The Communist Democrat Party are TRAITORS..

Henry D
Henry D
2 years ago

It should be MANDATORY that any bus carrying illegals be directed to travel to Washington DC FIRST and each passenger be given a FREE tour pass to inspect the White House and pay homage to their benefactor. If Biden cannot see this problem because it is FAR away, then every effort should be taken to “bring Mohammed to the mountain”.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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