
National Security , Newsline

LA’s Gascon Orders Prosecutors Not to Charge Illegal Alien Criminals

Posted on Wednesday, January 4, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Fresh off surviving the latest recall effort against him, radical Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is upping the ante once again on his pro-criminal, anti-law-and-order agenda. In a new “special directive” released last month, Gascon orders his prosecutors not to seek charges against illegal immigrants involved in criminal activity, and instead direct them to “diversion programs” in the hopes of preventing them from being deported.

The results of this policy have, predictably, been disastrous for America’s second largest city.  

Throughout the nine-page memo released in December, Gascon institutes a series of policies directing prosecutors under him to consider a person’s immigration status when deciding how to charge them. The document specifically states, “All charging determinations shall be undertaken with the goal of avoiding or mitigating the adverse immigration consequences of a decision.”

In other words, prosecutorial decisions on criminal illegal aliens must now be made with the intent of preventing them from being deported. In practice, this means that Gascon’s office will do everything within its power to avoid pressing criminal charges against illegal aliens who commit crimes, since doing so could place those criminals on the radar of federal immigration authorities.

Gascon goes on to mandate that prosecutors should handle plea bargains in a manner that will keep illegal immigrants out of prison, free from deportation, and without any criminal record. One of the strategies Gascon suggests to circumvent making criminals plead guilty is to enter an “alternative plea agreement” in order to “minimize the defendant’s exposure to adverse immigration consequences.” Another tactic is to “allow flexibility in sentencing…to preserve access to immigration relief.”

Instead of jail time, the memo instructs prosecutors to look for opportunities to funnel criminal illegal aliens to “diversion programs,” many of which were created by Gascon himself to help offenders avoid prison. Instead of taking violent criminals off the streets, diversion programs purport to address the “underlying causes” of criminal behavior while allowing perpetrators to walk free – much to the horror of past and potentially future victims.

Gascon has also ordered the alteration of all convictions so that any prison time served will not affect a criminal’s ability to circumvent established immigration law. One of the most alarming tactics Gascon outlines is “permitting a stipulation factual basis exists rather than requiring the defendant to plead to a specific conduct.”

In effect, this means that if an illegal immigrant is arrested for a crime like armed robbery, prosecutors can alter his agreement so that he doesn’t have to plead guilty or innocent to the crime. As a result, the perpetrator faces minimal, if any, jail time.

Gascon also includes a provision allowing illegal aliens to retroactively have their previous convictions vacated. According to the memo, if a criminal illegal alien is no longer in custody, they may file a motion to vacate their conviction if they were not made explicitly aware of “potential adverse immigration consequences.” If an illegal alien does so, Gascon orders that “the prosecutor respond swiftly and concede the motion.”

In other words, if an illegal immigrant commits a crime and then comes to someone in Gascon’s office claiming that the conviction could result in their deportation, the LA prosecutor’s office must vacate the conviction – washing the slate clean for someone already in the U.S. illegally who then committed a crime.

Gascon concludes his memo by reaffirming that all city prosecutors are “prohibited from sharing information on illegal immigrants with any federal immigration authorities.”

Notably, Gascon sets no limit on what crimes the new policies cover. This means that even violent felonies like murder and rape are now subject to be wiped away if Gascon’s office determines that punishing the offender may result in his or her deportation.

Even more outrageously, by factoring in immigration status before filing criminal charges, illegal immigrants will now receive preferential treatment to legal citizens. Two individuals committing the same crime in LA may now, by rule, face different treatment based on their immigration status. And it’s the illegal alien who receives the preference.

Gascon has likely been emboldened by his ability to successfully overcome multiple efforts to recall him from office. In deep-blue LA, it will be a monumental challenge to unseat anyone backed by a top Democrat donor such as George Soros. But with Gascon now actively working to make the city even more of a haven for illegal alien criminals, the day may soon come where voters have finally had enough.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.    

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1 year ago

The land of the fruit and nuts just has no boundary’s and becomes more fruits and nuts. Next thing they’ll want to give reparations to the illegals. California Sucks.

1 year ago

Wow! I will never ever go to LA. If I get killed by an illegal it won’t matter. They live and go free and I die. So when is LA going to see the light and get rid of this Gascon? Maybe they won’t live long enough or they’ll all leave.

Pam Chitwood
Pam Chitwood
1 year ago

Shameful what this man has done to that beautiful land

eles shub
eles shub
1 year ago

I just can’t handle how these types keep getting voted back in…criminals are criminals…I am so tired of the leeches on society..

1 year ago

Last year there was a petition calling for the removal of Gascon. They had accumulated enough signatures to eliminate him from office but when they went to verify the signatures almost 200,000 were disqualified. How did that happen, you ask? . . . Each petition had space for 8 signatures, if 1 was not qualified then they eliminated ALL 8.

1 year ago

Why in the name of sanity are the citizens of LA allowing this pro-criminal idiot to stay in office?? The answer is money buys votes!! So sad that an insane anti-American like Soros has so much control over prosecutor offices around the country, more so in the blue states and cities!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

To drive away more business & tourism for Crime

1 year ago

LOL!!! Sorry, but this is just too amusing. Yet another article suggesting that “This time the voters may have actually had enough” of some Progessive Democrat, that is running his city or state into the ground. Gascon is acting the way he is, because he knows his position is completely secure. No recall initiative will be allowed to be successful no matter what he does. If the Democrat appointed Judges don’t reject the recall petitions, then the Democrats that control the vote counting will just ensure the results favor Gascon in the end.

The people of California that can’t stand the insane policies of the Democrats are already leaving in droves, if they have the means. Those that can’t afford to leave are unfortunately stuck with what the state has become.

1 year ago

Someone print cards with the supporters names and addresses and hand them out to illegals. Say on the card these people love you here and will help you, go visit them at their homes.

Lord help us!!!
Lord help us!!!
1 year ago

Soros and his wicked henchmen-City DA’s prosecute Christians and let the real criminals go free to continue to kill and destroy America!!!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
1 year ago

In what world is this happening? How are people OK with this? Time for the rest of you to WAKE UP!


1 year ago

So, if I was stupid enough to visit LA and something happened to me can I still sue him?What a sad state of affairs!!

1 year ago

I think I’ll move to CA and become an illegal alien so I can have fun pillaging and blundering my way through the state. There aren’t any real US citizens there so I won’t bother anyone that matters. Real US citizens would put up with this BS.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Democrats/Marxists see no problem trashing the State of California. The ONLY problem with this philosophy is that not only are people leaving California in droves; the ones who have no alternative but stay are LEAVING the democratic party. It is with great pleasure that after having to endure the repeated shredding of the First Amendment, demonizing/defunding the police departments, brainwashing our kids, taking over mainstream media; (including MSNBC & CNN), destroying the statues and other artifacts of Our Founding Fathers and the overall general decay of the entire country; that I would NEVER have another thing to do with the democratic party; which has openly embraced Marxist lawless policies. Was this the only thing that the democrats could think of was to turn wickedly controlling and lawless. What legal entities are trying to stand up for our Constitution and The Bill of Rights. With every nanosecond the democrats/Marxists are literally breaking the law because they have been getting away with it?

James H
James H
1 year ago

This is what happens when those who are, at most, defense attorneys become DA’s. People who vote for these corrupt and inept individuals sadly reap ugly consequences. May God have mercy on the people of Los Angeles!

1 year ago

The people that wield political clout in the greater LA area live in mansions with walls, (you know, those awful walls that don’t work on the border), with big metal gates, elaborate alarm systems, (that the common folk can’t afford) and revel in their fantasy word of self adoration. Nothing will change as long as the elites can stay safe! It’s time to start bussing all illegal immigrant criminals released from custody right to Gascon’s home!

1 year ago

Typical Californication. Discriminatory prosecution. He’ll move ALL the illegals to California.

James P.
James P.
1 year ago

We are literally watching the national suicide of the United States happening right before our eyes. Democrats destroy EVERYTHING they touch.

1 year ago

If I remember correctly, George Gascon survived a recent attempt to recall him. Why did this effort fail to deliver?

1 year ago

Scum bag paid soreson cronie. Poetic justice
Would Be if everyone of
His female relatives were raped and mutilated
By one of his and bidens illegal little angels.

1 year ago

I wonder if a natural-born criminal could appeal their LA conviction, stating they were discriminated against because they were not an undocumented immigrant?

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
1 year ago

No minorities will be prosecuted for any reason, just white supremist which means all whites no matter who they are. That’s an order!!!

1 year ago

With the mass migration out of California, and who can blame them, seems a wall needs to be built around California or at least around LA. Then the. Riminal illegals can be bussed to LA/California and let them deal with it. They want them…let them have them..ALL OF THEM!!

1 year ago

So now the illegals can commit murder and be exonerated from the crime. They can do their drug dealing business unhindered.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Gascon giving aid and comfort to CRIMINALS is Against the law. Especially, ILLEGAL ALIENS.
He is also Violating Oath of Office and Ethics.
Guess he doesn’t care since DICTATOR Beijing biden doing same thing and think he’s above the LAW.
Nothing like CRIMINALS running and RUINING the country.
And nobody is safe.

1 year ago

The mask has been taken off of the justice and the scales are tipped in favor of whomever the left deems privileged! That’s NOT freedom or Constitutional!

Judi Carroll
Judi Carroll
1 year ago

Can we deport Gasbag for HIS criminal behavior?

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
1 year ago

How this Soros butt kisser can still retain his position is beyond me. Life in Biden’s S**t hole America.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

It’s not as bad as you think . Once someone is let off from committing a crime and they kill someone’s family member and it wouldn’t have happened if they were in jail, the family will then go out and kill the attorney general. And that problem will be solved and since they set a precedent nothing should happen to them! Apparently Gascon is too stupid to see what the results of his actions will be.

1 year ago

Satan has a lot of minions working for him. They are showing up more and more. If you haven’t asked Christ Jesus to be your Savior, now is the time, as signs of the end times are showing up exponentially. He loves everyone and wants to save everyone, but will only save those who want Him.

1 year ago

How can he order the prosecutor’s to break the law. This man is an elete A’hole who belongs in hell.

1 year ago

Gascon and Soros sound like the same disturbing mind-set. People of this mindset are doing their best to ruin the free United States of America where morals are a priorty.

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
1 year ago

“…the day may soon come where voters have finally had enough.” Or, maybe not.

1 year ago

Malfeasance and treason.

1 year ago

Oh, and lets not forget the leader of this Cali-pak of degenerates.

Sir Gavin Newsom!

If the San Andreas fault could just open a few miles wider to let the ocean come in and surround the island of Cali…

No one needs to die, just stay on your island if you like living there so much.

Tongue in cheek, tongue in cheek.

1 year ago

Residents in LA may not be aware of this. Otherwise, surely there would be an outcry. Unfortunately, it seems they just move to another state where they will vote in this liberal ideology and wonder why life is miserable there!

Thankful In Florida
Thankful In Florida
1 year ago

As reprehensible as George Gascon and his policies are, what about the attorneys who follow his directives without comment or question? Where are the checks and balances in the California constitution to limit or eliminate such a lawless excuse for the state’s legal leader?
I guess one dubious perspective is that all non-Californian peoples can be thankful they live where they live.

1 year ago

Can’t this be considered racial profiling and subject to a federal law suit of discriminating based on citizenship and racial status?

1 year ago

So, does this directive also allow citizens to defend themselves by killing these criminals without fear of prosecution from Gason’s communist officials? I sincerely doubt it!!
Thank God my parents rescued me from California years ago!!!

1 year ago

Love it. This will tell all criminals in my state to move to Cali, the home of crime. I will
try to spread this message. That way, I can sell my 15 guns. They are worth over $15,000.00
and I would like to have the money. One point. I will NEVER sell the last one.

1 year ago

The Socialist Communist State of Californication. Gascon should be arrested!

1 year ago

So illegal immigrants, who have already broken federal law by being here illegally in the first place, won’t be charged by Gascon’s office for any more crimes they commit in his jurisdiction due to their not being aware of possible “adverse immigration consequences”?

Does this clown of a DA really believe that illegals who commit crimes after being released on to the streets of the US give a rip about what may happen to their “immigration” status? They were never planning to follow any path to legal citizenship anyway, as demonstrated by their continued lawbreaking.

How much deeper does Gascon plan to take the “hole” he’s dropped LA County into?

1 year ago

The SCUM that is Gascon, and his ilk!

Mike L
Mike L
1 year ago

Maybe Gascon needs to be deported.

1 year ago

You get what you vote for, live with it fools.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

let me get this straight. In LA, if criminals who have already broken our laws by coming into this country illegally and then commit more crimes, they get a pass by Gascon’s office if being held accountable for the additional crimes they have committed means they face possible deportation from the country. Someone needs to tell Gascon that it is his job to prosecute criminals who have broken our laws and hold them accountable for their crimes. The illegal alien criminals to whom he is ordering his office to go easy on have ALREADY BROKEN OUR LAWS WHEN THEY CAME HERE ILLEGALLY! Deportation is the consequence for that offense. To the law-abiding citizens living in Gascon’s LA I say this: If you value your safety, GET OUT NOW!

1 year ago

I would have to wonder if California’s elections are the most tampered with of all the states over decades and decades.

“Hey, that’s just California, what can you do about it?”

They appear to be the cornerstone of deceit in this country and in so many ways for as long as I can remember.

Rampant corruption.

1 year ago

Can’t really piece together how all this happens. You have a DA that wants to let criminals free, and apparently the people that voted him in are ok with it. Why people want their communities more unsafe is beyond me. Years ago my dad had a good job opportunity out there in California and turned it down. Now I know why!

1 year ago

A Soros minion!!!

Alfred E. Newman
Alfred E. Newman
1 year ago

Gascon is simply participating in the creation of a solid new Democrat voting bloc. Welcome to the People’s Republic of America.

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