
National Security , Newsline

Excusing Illegal Immigration Comes Back to Bite Mayors of DC, NYC

Posted on Thursday, August 4, 2022
by Outside Contributor

As busloads of illegal immigrants sent by border states Texas and Arizona make their way to the nation’s capital, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is feeling overrun.  

Bowser on July 28 formally requested deployment of the National Guard to deal with the influx of illegal migrants as she claimed her city, the nation’s capital, was at a “tipping point.” 

“This is a very significant issue,” Bowser acknowledged in mid-July in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. “Our collective response and service efforts have now become overwhelmed.” 

The call for help comes after Bowser and other Democratic politicians initially downplayed the massive wave of illegal immigrants flooding across the nation’s southern border and had done everything in their power to exacerbate the crisis.  

President Joe Biden has made opening the southern border a priority by proposing to rescind his predecessor’s “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum-seekers and to revoke Title 42, a rule that allows the government to quickly deport illegal immigrants over public health concerns.  

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas implausibly claimed July 19 that the border was “secure.”  

Now that the problem of illegal immigration is in Bowser’s backyard and that of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, they’re seeing what it’s really like. 

Bowser is experiencing a minuscule fraction of the problem that Texas is suffering through daily with illegal immigration, but she’s still complaining. 

CNN reported that a little more than 5,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in the District of Columbia to date. As of the end of June, the Border Patrol had logged more than 2 million encounters at the southern border since the beginning of the fiscal year last Oct. 1.  

Bowser isn’t the only Democratic politician moaning about being inundated with a flood of migrants.  

Adams, whose city sought to allow illegal immigrants to vote in municipal elections, before the measure was struck down, also begged the federal government for aid.  

“If we do not get these urgently needed resources, we may struggle to provide the proper level of support our clients deserve, while also facing challenges as we serve both a rapidly growing shelter population and new clients who are seeking asylum,” Adams said July 19.  

For his part, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, invited Bowser and Adams down to the southern border to get a sense of how dire the situation really is. Adams refused and claimed Abbott was just looking for a photo-op.   

If the District of Columbia and New York City are so overwhelmed by such a tiny fraction of all the illegal immigrants now in this country, how can Democrats say with a straight face that things are fine at the southern border?  

From humanitarian concerns surrounding migrant deaths and human trafficking to exploding drug smuggling, the border is definitely not “secure.” 

The United Nations says the U.S.-Mexico border is the “deadliest land crossing in the world” and that 728 migrants died last year attempting to make the journey across. Meanwhile, drugs flow across the border like a river, and hundreds of pounds of fentanyl are seized each month.   

In the face of this obvious crisis, what should be done? 

Despite how hypocritical they are for begging the federal government to step in and help, Bowser and Adams correctly say that the influx of illegal aliens requires federal intervention. We currently are experiencing unprecedented levels of illegal immigration that require a concerted effort at the national level.  

The Biden administration can pull back from the foolish policies it has put in place and take things at the border more seriously. By pledging to keep both Title 42 and Remain in Mexico in place, Biden would signal that he is serious about combating illegal immigration.  

Additionally, Democrats could stop making overtures to migrants and promising them citizenship or benefits for crossing illegally. Why would anyone go through the difficult process to become a citizen legally when he could get citizenship though mass amnesty programs such as the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or have all the benefits of citizenship even without becoming one?  

Those are commonsense strategies that the Biden administration could implement right now, but regrettably, it likely won’t do so. 

Democratic Party leaders should be held accountable when they act like hypocrites. If the National Guard is good enough for the D.C. mayor now, why wasn’t it when she turned down the Trump administration’s offer to send in Guard troops ahead of what became the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021?  

If the District of Columbia and New York need help dealing with illegal immigration, border states surely deserve federal help as well. Texas and Arizona shouldn’t be expected to face the consequences alone for the Biden administration’s policy failures.  

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2 years ago

You have to be very naive or a DemocRat not to see what is behind DemocRat Biden and his comrades with their immigrant policy. They need more bodies to continue to get away with rigging elections until they are able to get full control of the Nation’s “rule” (not governance … the Commie oriented DemocRats believe in RULE (theirs) not GOVERNANCE (the people’s majority choice). Wake up Americans … or you will go the way of Communism … or worst.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Sometimes, you just have to wonder, what took them so long? Shipping illegals to liberal havens should wake up the natives and get some sense of urgency. Only when you hit them with their pocket book will they they ever wake up. It was pure genius.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

For DC & NY were supplying them their maids & butlers etc.
Whats the issue
Reap what U sow

2 years ago

Live and learn…

2 years ago

THE BORDER IS SECURE! . . . Securely Open to All & Anyone willing to cross it! Jackass Joe and the entire Democratic Party welcome and expect these “new” citizens to always vote for the “hand that fed you”, the Democrats who let you come into and stay as citizens with ALL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES AFFORDED EACH CITIZEN! . . . and ALL JUST FOR PANDERING FOR VOTERS!

2 years ago

incapable of linear thinking.

Dale Parker
Dale Parker
2 years ago

“Our collective response and service efforts have now become overwhelmed.” Cry me a river…..I wish it was 500K illegals on your doorstep.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

I thought these compassionate DIMM leaders believe that illegal immigrants are what makes the country great. That’s what they always say. Shouldn’t they want as many illegals as possible in THEIR cities?

2 years ago


2 years ago

Unfortunately, none of these immigrants that were sent up there will have a bucket load of drugs strapped to their back like some of the ones we’re getting here in Texas. It’s a shame we can’t ship them all up there. I bet the problem would get fixed then!

2 years ago

Texas Governor Abbot deserves a pat on the back for what he did. Keep sending them to democrat states. Let them fight it with state funding, not the feds. Deal with it like Texas has done since all this began!

Catharine Noel-Repetski
Catharine Noel-Repetski
2 years ago

Keep those busses rolling!

2 years ago

For one thing they are not Democratic politicians they are DemocRat politicians big difference and the bad part is the illegals are still here and the gov. we have cant keep track of them so they will be wherever they want to be in a matter of time ,,, your state and mine ,,,

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago

More busses need to roll especially to DC.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Also send abt. maby 20 busloasds to Delawa5e.

Henry D
Henry D
2 years ago

This is an INVASION by anyone’s definition! Alejandro Mayorkas with the word “security “ in his job title and calls our boarder with Mexico SECURE is truly incompetent and needs to be removed from office; who will stand up for this motion??? For that matter, the Commander and Chief of our military should be taking every means in his power to thwart this invasion, oh wait that is our President; incompetent you say and remove from office, who will stand up for THIS motion??? No wait; these are respectable law abiding immigrants, there are no criminals among them, none of these people carry illegal drugs, and let’s not forget none of them can perform acts of terror, nor are any of them not inoculated or carrying any communicable disease, and the unaccompanied children warrant out warmest welcome. If our President is not going to take action then the military chief should, oh wait that would look like a Coup d’etat and that is not democratic. Maybe we can perform an annual movement to IMPEACH, who will start this action: noncompliance to his oath to DEFEND this country, seems to be acting more senile every day. Just wonder how happy now are all those voters who nearly rioted when the election was declared a victory

Tom P
Tom P
2 years ago

Just shows you how out of touch and stupid these Democrat leaders are. What do they think we were trying to tell them about all these people crossing the border? I mean, yeah it’s great to be a sanctuary city if nobody comes here. And hey, most people want to help other people when it is possible, but I don’t have enough money to support all these people coming here. We have our own bills to pay. So tell Bowser and the guy in New York, the border is secure.

Henry D
Henry D
2 years ago

Cannot figure this out exactly but if you “let the camel’s nose in the tent “ what more can you expect?

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