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Did MLB Commissioner Manfred Signal Beginning of the End for Woke Corporatism?

Posted on Thursday, November 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Rob Manfred, current Commissioner of Major League Baseball. 

On November 2nd, most political observers and media pundits were laser-focused on the elections taking place throughout the country. But in Houston, another event with widespread cultural and, this year, political significance was also taking place as the Atlanta Braves celebrated their first World Series Championship in 26 years. As the contingent of Braves fans on hand gathered along the third base line seats to watch manager Brian Snitker hoist The Commissioner’s Trophy, the actual commissioner of Major League Baseball, Rob Manfred, took the stage to congratulate the team. Before he could even begin to speak, a chorus of boos rained down on him from the stands.

Manfred had to have known it was coming after his handling of the controversy over the All-Star Game earlier this summer. But while the Braves faithful, baseball fans in general, Atlanta residents, and indeed all rational Americans have good reason to loathe Manfred, there were signs in the days leading up to the World Series that baseball’s capitulation to the woke mob may not be as complete as previously thought, perhaps revealing cracks in the radical left’s iron grip on corporate America and the country’s leading cultural and sporting institutions.

In April, Manfred announced that the MLB would be pulling its All-Star Game from Atlanta in response to Georgia’s new election security law. Democrats claimed the legislation, which implemented popular election integrity measures like Voter ID while also expanding access to absentee voting and mail-in ballots, amounted to “Jim Crow 2.0,” while Republicans pointed out that the law would actually make it easier to vote in Georgia than many liberal states.

Denver was eventually chosen as the new site for the All-Star Game. By that time, the hullabaloo over the Georgia law had died down once people realized that maybe the law wasn’t actually racist, and the left had moved on to the next “existential crisis” supposedly threatening American democracy. But while Georgia’s new voting law isn’t hurting Black Americans, the MLB’s decision to pull the All-Star Game certainly did, costing Black-owned businesses in Atlanta tens of millions of dollars in potential revenue.

Much to the delight of Atlanta fans, however, and likely much to the chagrin of Rob Manfred, Atlanta would not be denied a major sporting event this year, as the Braves put together one of the more impressive second half season finishes in recent memory, bringing the World Series to A-Town. Manfred couldn’t avoid questions about the decision to move the All-Star Game in his press conference before Game 1, where he was reluctantly forced to address the controversy.

“We have always tried to be apolitical,” Manfred said at the time, adding that “obviously, there was a notable exception this year.” However, and this is the key part, Manfred went on to say that “I think our desire is to try and avoid another exception to that general rule.”

That is a telling statement – it’s as close as someone of Manfred’s power and stature will ever get to admitting that they were wrong. There was none of the moralizing about voting rights that had characterized his statements in the spring. There was no attempt to defend the decision on the merits. Instead, the Commissioner was eager to pretend the whole thing was a regrettable occurrence that is best forgotten.

Manfred also declined to issue a rebuke of the Braves’ Native American iconography and traditional “Tomahawk Chop” chant. Both had come under fire from many of the same left-wing voices that had before helped get the All-Star Game moved from Atlanta. Manfred said only that “the Native American community in the region is fully supportive of the Braves program, including the chop… for me, that’s kind of the end of the story.”

This shift in tone and sudden willingness to push back against the woke ideologues who have infiltrated every aspect of American culture from big business to baseball suggests a far more significant development than simply one sports league commissioner deciding he has had enough. It’s important here to remember that professional sports are, at the end of the day, businesses. Ultra-rich billionaires buy and sell teams to turn a profit, just like any other large corporation. The job of the commissioner is to act as the public face of the league, bearing the brunt of public criticism so that team owners don’t have to. When it comes down to it, Rob Manfred has one mandate as commissioner: keep the owners happy.

It’s therefore absurd to think that Manfred would have made the call to move the All-Star Game without buy-in from the owners. Just as other corporations like Coca Cola and Delta Airlines succumbed to the woke mob and bought in to the left-wing hysteria over the Georgia law, so too did the MLB owners, a reflection of the common corporate ethos inside the C-suite of many teams across the league.

Now, as Manfred appears more subdued—even chastised—when he’s asked about pressure from left-wing groups, it’s also undoubtedly with the interests of the owners in mind. In Manfred’s slight annoyance with such questions, we might also see the weariness of the owners with submitting to left-wing social politics. Baseball thus might, might just be the first corporate structure where we find signs that those at the top no longer see the utility in humoring the left’s radical social justice crusades. Maybe conservatives’ appeals to reason have hit home, or maybe the radical left’s superciliousness has simply become too much. Either way, there is reason for hope.

It is of course possible that this is all a façade, and the next time the woke mob directs their wrath at the MLB, Manfred and the team owners will once again crumple and pay tribute to whatever cause célèbre has captured the left’s attention that week. The league had already taken a hard left turn before its activism this summer, and America’s pastime is today hardly free of political influence. But as the rest of the country seems to finally be taking a stand against the scare tactics and general ridiculousness of left-wing identity politics, perhaps the MLB can also reject the woke corporatism that has infected seemingly every major American institution.

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David Mansfield
David Mansfield
2 years ago

It’s small, but perhaps a start.

Ann Lovejoy
Ann Lovejoy
2 years ago

I’d love to share this article with some friends but the EMAIL button doesn’t work.

J Rea
J Rea
2 years ago

Unfortunately, the damage was done. The Commissioner owes an apology to the fans of MLB and the people of Georgia. Saying he hopes to avoid future situations doesnt negate the harm he did.

Jay H.
Jay H.
2 years ago

I’m waiting to seen if buydung will invite the Atlanta Braves to the white house. I could see the idiot not inviting them because they are from Georgia. Let go Brandon!!!!

2 years ago

Hopefully a wake uo call to Coca Cola, Delta Airlines and all the other woke corporations.
Just promote and sell your products, stay out of politics!!!!!!!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Was he truly sorry or just doing CYA because fans are fed up? This whole woke thing is stupid and unAmerican. Come on, people! Stand up to these fascists!

2 years ago

Hopefully the black owners of the businesses that lost millions in revenue because of wOKE mANFRED will not vote for Demonrats in 2022 and 2024.

2 years ago

It is about time that Corporate America woke up to the fact that the so called “woke” propaganda is just a bunch of bull pucky spouted by a bunch of idiots that want something for them and nothing for anyone else. It is either their way or the highway. I say let them move on and quit the rhetoric that is designed for no one but themselves.

Mike Kapic
Mike Kapic
2 years ago

Maybe, just maybe, MLB has learned its lesson. As a fan since 1954 of the team from Brooklyn, I officially quit when my team knelt to praise BLM and disrespect America and skipped two years away from America’s sport. Maybe, just maybe, other CEO’s will grow a spine and begin respecting the country that allows them to exist in the first place. Thank God for the Atlanta Braves winning the WS and justifying our Founders principles. We the people will prevail. There is hope…Godspeed America!

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Too little, too late. mlb, like many U.S. companies and corporations are cowards…period. Their fear of the “woke” cultural mob is sickening. It comes done to one of two things. You either agree the ignorance laden, hate filled mob…or…you simply cave to them out of fright. Neither is acceptable in my book. Adios mlb…you made your bed…

2 years ago

I don’t drink Coke, and I won’t fly Delta. I believe in the power of the consumer.

Diesel Dave
Diesel Dave
2 years ago

I no longer watch professional baseball or football. It was a tough decision on my part, but I’ve found there is always something else to watch. Until these organizations get out of politics and just provide sports entertainment, I’ll continue to boycott. If enough of us do this, they’ll certainly get the message.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

We the people chose to hurt MBL’s bottom line. If they go WOKE,, we the people should make them go BROKE. It still upsets me that the networks no longer show the National Anthem before the games are played. This should be the next issue we confront the corporate media with.

2 years ago

………..But as the rest of the country seems to finally be taking a stand against the scare tactics and general ridiculousness of left-wing identity politics, perhaps the MLB can also reject the woke corporatism that has infected seemingly every major American institution.

This last line in the article really sums it all up for me. We all cannot fit into the same identity nor should we want to be the same. The woke crowd should quit talking and maybe they’ll learn something! Thankfully Americans are catching on to the left’s bs and we can move forward in a positive way. I will (and everyone should) continue to boycott Delta, Coke products and any other company/corporation that caters to the lefts nonsense and assinine thinking. Let them stew over and suffer for their wokeness and very publicly announced leftward stance they’ve taken.

Michael l Javick Ret US Army
Michael l Javick Ret US Army
2 years ago

Hardly watch any of the filthy woke sports anymore. Including the disgusting “Olympics” !

Michael l Javick Ret US Army
Michael l Javick Ret US Army
2 years ago

It’s all about fracturing the Nation into easily defeated parts. After victory the Victors will slaughter those who followed them. Fact ! Look up Communism etc…

2 years ago

Just too late, Baseball has lost me forever. I stopped watching Basketball in the late 70’s when it stopped being a team game and became a “four guys feeding the chucker” sport, so when they embraced the CCP and banned any condemnation of the regime or support for the Hong Kong freedom movement I was already in their rear view mirror.The NFL lost me years ago when a QB who lost his starting job all of a sudden found a “social conscience”….duh…the league allowed it and I ( a former NY Giant Season Ticket holder) gave up on football then. I tried to hold on to baseball…I even hoped they would learn from the Atlanta boondoggle, but when the new Steinbrenner urinated on his fathers grave by rehiring the worst Manager in 70 years I said goodbye to Baseball. Now I hope the NHL can resist all the Canadian wokeness…or I won’t have anything to watch…I may have to start watching Soap Operas

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I was a sports nut, I use to watch all the major sports, Basketball, Football, Hockey, and Baseball, none of them had ever shown any signs that they were part of the cowards on the left, then one day like it was orchestrated, Sports started telling me how I should start thinking Politically from a failed football Quarterback to a NIKE nurd Basketball player, and Hocky Hockey players, People who have been hit in the head to many times and make little sense.
I watched sports to relax not to be told I am a Racist.
I quit watching all the other sports, and only watched Baseball and then boom, Baseball stuck their noses in something they knew nothing about, and for that they got the middle finger salute.
Here’s the deal sports teams if you want me to watch your team, the sponsors who pays the Bills and advertise on the channels that you play on will have one less viewer and others will follow and soon zip no T.V. Sports.
Baffle me with your great plays not with your BS.

2 years ago

happy to see that baseball Might have seen the errors of their way but we will see. As far as other sports I do not plan to watch any Olympics when and until transgenders are not allowed to play in there “chosen” field against the opposite sex. Men, boys need to compete with other men, boys not female men or men women.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Not once in history did rule of mob end well

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
2 years ago

Yeah, it really sucks when you are called out, rightfully so, on some bullcrap you have caused, especially when it affected other people! Let’s hope that this is the first of many, although, I would actually say the NFL changing their political business, should be the first! Above all else, SPORTS, of any and every stripe, MUST BE NON-POLITICAL! For their own survival, this is true! The owners, managers, commissioners, and even the players themselves must realize that the fans are the ultimate boss, so don’t alienate them! After all, it’s really about the money, now, isn’t it?

Elton Yancey
Elton Yancey
2 years ago

I watch college football and baseball and love it so far.I am an Astros fan but was not too sad to see Atlanta win it all. If Manfred has any sense,he will keep his politics to himself. The rest of the Pros do not come on my TV.

Kenny Best
Kenny Best
2 years ago

The Commissioner is just doing what all politicians do, saying what he thought those in Atlanta wanted to hear. His support of BLM (The anti-American, Fascist and Racist Group) with words, Kneeling and all the other actions, like the moving of the All-Star Game shows him for what he and his and other Pro Sports Leagues are, afraid to stand up to the real racists who are Rioting, Burning, and Looting our towns, every time a Black Criminal resists arrests. There was NO truth in the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” claims of the Michael Brown supporting thugs as well as in the Freddy Gray, Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, etc, etc, etc cases but they Rioted anyway and extorted Politicians, Police and business leaders like Manfred. I was a life-long MLB fan and had season seats for 36 years but have not watched a single game, regular season or playoff, in the last 3 years because of this. Way too little and way too late for the Have’s towards the Have Not’s. Until the Players, their Union and MLB itself, issue a direct apology to the fans, MLB will never be anything but BLM (Black Lies Matter) in reverse to me.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

A bunch of people listened to that lying demented fool in the White House with his Jim Crow crap without ever reading the bill which was published in some newspaper. CEOs my …

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
2 years ago

Professional sports have become more and more Godless in recent years, although there are still some athletes who are good role models of faith, family, and what is great about America. Somehow too much money ruins the sport, as players become instant millionaires and ticket prices soar beyond the reach of average people. There appears to be no end in sight, until all the fans just leave the building. It’s bad enough to have to take out a loan to see a game, but when they insult you with social justice messages, they make it easy to find something better to do. May they go broke, the sooner the better.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

It’s time the corporations stood up to these radical groups who refuse to work through normal channels to resolve things. They are nothing more than bullies. They are not woke they are weak, weak minded and weak on common sense and weak on work and weak on love for others. They just want to cancel everything. That’s not how America is supposed to work.

liam coh
liam coh
2 years ago

Too bad that the Online Betting World doesn’t get ‘woke’…’no bets for you if your a racist’. heh

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

It will be a very long time before most Americans forget the “woke” MLB fiasco. They blew it, and they will fail in their messaging again and again. They want the people to just forget their left wing focus….but that is not going to happen. I used to be a MLB fan, but I do not even watch the games now. They should have known what backlash was going to come over the All Star game issue, so now they should reap the pain that goes along with their failed logic last summer.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

It amazes me that so many delusional goofs even waste their money on a baseball game.

But there are so many who have NO LIFE of their own, so, they choose to live it vicariously.

Little do they know that they are feeding into the liberal coin purses. Stupid and disgusting.

2 years ago

WOKE is a joke. The left destroys everything it touches. Wake up DEMs!

Charlene B Roberson
Charlene B Roberson
2 years ago

I don’t really care WHAT he has to say. He has already lost this life-long baseball fan. I will not attend another game, nor purchase any of their junk.

2 years ago

Time will tell. To late for me though, if you want to be woke you deserve to go broke.

Mel Thompson
Mel Thompson
2 years ago

I’m not a conservative, but I like your publication. I’m an old world liberal who won’t be voting for his party again until woke corporatism is 100% denounced by the DNC. (Until then, me and my party remain separated.)

Alice Elder
Alice Elder
2 years ago

They are not Democrats. They are Dumocrats.

2 years ago

Dumb as a box of rocks

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Pro sports will eventualy die by their own hand. Politics andf greed will finnaly do it in. The yesteryear families can no longer afford the games. Kyle L.

2 years ago

The more often people cave to spoiled children the worse their behavior is.
These punk ,loudmouth morons need to be put back on their place and taught some manners.
It’s ridiculous for anyone to put up with this garbage they spew.
Boycott them instead.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

Money is all that really matters in the end, with business, sports, and entertainment!

Margaret Brown
Margaret Brown
2 years ago

Professional sports, Hollywood, TV are dead. They lost our family in the last few years! Its no longer an empty escape from the completely insane world. Its all about greed and speaking down to the little people from the bully pulpit.We no longer, go to games, purchase sports merchandise or go to the movies…. The ignorant, selfish and spoiled entertainment is lost…

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
2 years ago

I haven’t watched any pro sports (except golf) in about 2 years. If they want wokeness they don’t want my participation.

Stephen Keller
Stephen Keller
2 years ago

I did not watch one game this year due to this issue!

2 years ago

Oh boo hoo, can’t take fans booing him? Or did he lose some loyal fans and their money? Because he lost me for 2 years now. Make a real statement and give Cleveland their Indians back or resign because nobody wants to watch MLB anymore, and it is your fault, Manfred. A wise man said, ‘everything woke turns to s**t’. Go get your booster, put a mask on and go away.

2 years ago

Too little, too late. MLB is dead. Manfred killed it.

Troy Jones
Troy Jones
2 years ago

Two years ago, I watched 125 games on tv. After Baldelli led my formerly beloved Twins on their knees like cowards and their no name long term announcer said they were heroes, I haven’t watched 125 seconds of baseball. Fire Manfred, Baldelli,and Bremer. Anything short, I will continue to boycott all Twins sponsors and be silent to any legitimate concerns they might have when these scumbags decided the flag and national anthem was worthy of debasement.

Nathan Steeves
Nathan Steeves
2 years ago

2020 killed my love of the MLB. It had been eroding over the anthem protests, it was obliterated on opening day. After all the BS of the Covid lockdowns I couldn’t have been more ready to enjoy baseball. I noticed “BLM” on the mound of the game I had chosen to watch on MLB.TV. I turned it off before the first pitch and then I learned that every mound had been emblazoned with the same clever endorsement of an anti-family, communist organization. I canceled my MLB.TV subscription the same day and haven’t watched any baseball since. If I hear a news update about the sport I turn off the radio or television. America’s past time can kiss my ass until they remember that America is a great place again.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Has to come down to money – always does. Guess there was enough boycotting in various areas. Would be nice if commonsense entered into these things!

2 years ago

Atlanta business owners should have sued the $#!+ out of them.

2 years ago

I’m just one person. Nobody important. I did my part and stopped watching all pro sports. As long they hate on America, I cannot support them in any way.

2 years ago

I really like to watch baseball, my wife and I was planning on going to all stadiums. But no anymore. I quit watching all pro sports. Going to watch college . Manfred never did cancel his Augusta golf membership. What is good for you is different for me.

Bobby Elgin Elgin
Bobby Elgin Elgin
2 years ago

You screwed up the all-star game and the Braves proved you incompetent! Stay out of politics fans don’t watch Baseball for your stupid opinions.

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