
National Security , Newsline

Busting Ten Energy Myths

Posted on Tuesday, December 6, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
President Joe Biden holds an energy meeting with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and members of his national security team.

Let’s get specific – about how Biden’s anti-energy policies are devastating American consumers. Here are ten myths about his energy policies that need correction. Taken together, they explain why average Americans are scrambling, forced to cash savings just to survive. Americans must know the truth.

Myth One: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is fine. Being used properly, lowering oil prices.” Wrong: At a time of high conflict and low oil production, the SPR is dangerously low, at 1984 levels, which is doubly bad since we use 20 percent more energy now.

Worse, the SPR was drained for political reasons – midterm elections. The goal was to artificially lower gas and heating costs after Biden decimated US oil production, leases, pipelines and then asked our allies – who ignored him – to make up the difference. Lastly, prices barely budged.

Myth Two: “Drilling permits for federal lands are at record levels.” Wrong again. A backlog was cleared, then permits fell to a trickle. Moreover, a permit is the first step, and Biden knows lawsuits by his environmental activist friends sideline permit use and production.

Myth Three: “New leases on federal lands are available.” Barely. In January 2021, Biden halted leases for oil projects on federal lands and slow-rolled pending leases. Further eroding production, he suspended leases in the Arctic Refuge and New Mexico, notably despite Native Americans’ interest in them.

Myth Four: “New public regulations do not hamper production.” Nonsense. Biden reasserted the “Waters of the US” rule, instantly producing new uncertainty for producers. He then pushed “new standards” for ozone, and rescinded common sense review of the Endangered Species Act, triggering fresh litigation.

Myth Five: “Rejoining the Paris Accord did no harm, all good.” Absurd. Rejoining that cobbled together, legally unenforceable, oddly activist pledge to “Mother Earth” in an unratified (and unratifiable) treaty that gives China – the biggest polluter – a pass, was politics. It unilaterally hurts US producers, gives billions of US tax dollars to other polluters, and was recently reinforced by Biden’s pledge to strap Middle Class America with global “climate reparations.”

Myth Six: “Democrat environmental policies are transparent.” Hardly. Biden has empowered a raft of unappointed regulators to create policies with no oversight and little public discussion. Beyond an all-powerful White House Climate Czar – who held illegal, anti-US conversations with Iran prior to his new job – a number of hidden councils have been created. 

These little-known and largely untracked “councils” push regulating for “social costs” from “greenhouse gases,” redefinition of national “monument boundaries,” quiet compliance with old “ozone protocols,” ways to kill the “coal and power plant communities” using the rubric of “revitalization,” pushing new “appliance standards” (backdoor to killing gas-powered tools), integrating “comate considerations” into all policy, federalizing “30 percent” of US waters by 2030, and on and on. 

Myth Seven: “White House and Democrat climate priorities will not affect citizen mobility.” Rubbish. The “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” encouraged states to end gas-powered cars, ironically for electric cars powered by a fossil fuel grid. But it went further, mandating states produce a “carbon reduction plan” intended to “reduce driving” – or face federal sanctions.

Myth Eight: “Nothing Biden is doing will affect car prices.” Double rubbish. Not only are overspending and anti-fossil fuel policies driving gas and wider inflation to unsustainable levels, but used car prices jumped 59 percent in three years, new car prices 29 percent – with no relief in sight. Moreover, Biden’s EPA final rules add an extra $1000 to every new car.

Myth Nine: “Broad guidance favoring climate does not much affect prices.” Sure. That is why prices are jumping as Biden’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission pushes new regulations called “carbon pricing,” ending common refrigerants – higher prices for countless appliances.

With this, business innovation has been hit by new regulatory schemes, including changing definitions to include soft “social cost” analysis and new penalties for business, raising the price of getting anything to market. Likewise, under a misnamed “Clean Energy Standard” – new penalties on business are pushed.

Myth Ten: “No unfair taxes are being pushed.” Baloney. Democrats managed to get big anti-business taxes first in the “Green New Deal” tucked into the “Build Back Better” and “Inflation Reduction” Acts, which have little to do with building anything back or reducing inflation, except excess spending and taxes elevate inflation, interest rates, and unemployment.

So, where are we really? We are creeping toward George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, or your favorite dystopian, socialist top-down, “we will tell you what to think and do” world.

Bottom line: How do we reclaim our world, economy, individual rights, government, and truth – from those who quietly and insidiously regulate and legislate under these false statements? 

Simple: We have to pay attention to facts – not false rhetoric. We need to demand those in power listen, serve the citizens, and speak truth – not default to “double speak,” talk down, hide facts, and behave as if we are too dumb to know our self-interest. We do know it, and now they must.

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1 year ago

Nicely written article RBC. However, we are NOT creeping towards a dystopian, socialist future. We are racing towards it as fast as the Democrats can push us there and they are pushing us very fast indeed. The goal of the Democrats here is to catch us up to where most of western Europe is in terms of much higher energy costs and more onerous regulations and taxes.

The Democrats and their corporate allies on Wall Street continue to undermine our domestic energy industry via onereous regulations and restricting access to capital for long-term investment. Which of course maintains pressure on inflation to remain elevated and keep prices of all goods and services high. The corresponding ripple effect that is moving through the economy will not subside anytime soon, as long as Washington remains committed to the ludicrous green agenda they are pursuing.

With the midterm elections now in the rear view mirror, there is unfortunately ZERO incentive for anyone in Washington, on the Democrat side or certainly from the regulatory side of the federal government, to listen to the American people for the next 2 years. You know how politcians think and act as well as I do. They think in terms of election cycles and when they have to start campaigning again for re-election. They won’t pretend to care about the American people want again until the primaries start approaching again in 2024.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article AMAC.
Nice to see the TRUTH.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

To Robert B. Charles, Great writing, great article, especially appreciated the reference to Orwell and Huxley , and the spirit of how to deal with the situation, that is, letting those who are distorting the facts know that freedom loving people know the truth . And have the courage to defend the truth.
In the spirit of everything that encourages good character, good citizenship, respect for law and the will of God, respect for life and freedom.

Theron Kuhn
Theron Kuhn
1 year ago

A M E N Dear Father in Heaven keep us on the narrow path and open up a cavernous hell for those that are ruining our Nation . On Earth as it is in Heaven in Jesus Christ Name giving You all the Glory Father A M E N !Thank You.

1 year ago

Behold the president who mauled the opposing party in a midterm election. The degree of this
win will probably never be duplicated. Reagan, Obama, Clinton (who was clobbered) are all
envious. Meet the master politician who is laughing every day due to his bulletproof strategy which
is “stick it to ’em and tell ’em that they should be happy”. A president who defeated a conservative
who accomplished all of his promises. So what have we learned ? Or are we going to allow
this to be done to us twice before we learn ?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Still need to ropen pipelines & open Nuclear lisc

1 year ago

People like Lt Governor of Georgia are problem self righteous prick cost Herschel the Senate. Republicans eat their own just stupid he could have not voted said nothing. The Dems get body’s that can vote are swing committees we do opposite. Follow the money I am sure Soros dollars in there somewhere

Karen comisk
Karen comisk
1 year ago

They’re not myths. They’re blatant lies. We’re being played, again.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Mr. Charles, I am very thankful for your excellent piece of writing which clearly and succinctly exposes the Biden Administration for being run by a bunch of energy charlatans. Biden and his halfwits are experts at lying and hiding the truth from the American people. Tragically, many Americans still listen to Biden and his goons in a serious manner, because they are either to trusting or lazy to actually make a serious attempt to find the actual facts.

W. Cross
W. Cross
1 year ago

How does one propose to implement the simple solution stated above? Elections no longer reflect the will of the people since the powerful elites continue their enslavement of Americands.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

If that SOB in office was asasanated, I sure wouldn’;t shed any tears. Dont believe many would. We need a revolution now. Kyle L. P.S. Also someone who could take over the Media.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

Overall, the Biden administration’s handling of all energy issues is doing a lot of harm to American citizens while making the U.S. vulnerable to hostile nations. Billions of tax dollars are being wasted on initiatives that cost US all.

1 year ago

What have you done personally to make sure your home and family is safe and secure. We have been warned for over 2 years. If you are cold and hungry this winter please leave me and families like mine the hell alone and take the opportunity to think about your choices.

1 year ago

Seems like no matter how much the people speak out, they’re never heard and nothing gets done!!!! GOP does nothing, everyone knows how to solve it but nothing ever is done!!!! GOP are just as bad as democrats.selve serving because they all know they will be well taken care of when we transform to the new world order!! This country is DOOMED!! THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL, WE’RE LIVING ON BORROWED TIME !!!!!! IF YOU’RE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD, YOU BETTER START!!!

1 year ago

The best Democrat really is a dirt napping one. These communists are insidious, deceptive, and subversive. Dirt napping is imperative.

Election Fraud
Election Fraud
1 year ago

Electric cars are a white elephant-they start on fire, they don’t meet even half there so-called range at full charge, take hours to charge, have to wait in line to charge for hours, they cost way more than gas cars to make. Electric cars are a complete hoax to really control us like everything else the wicked democrats/communists are up to!!! They want to control every facet of your life. They want to kill us because we are standing in their way to takeover!!!

1 year ago

Business 101. To create a new product or service what are rules, assumptions, costs going into develop, bring to market and maintain; yet make a profit for owners and shareholders?
If we have no long term strategic plan for our energy needs that extends out decades then energy producers do not have what they need. Simple as that.
Dumping a few short sound bites on states – ” encourage states to end gas-powered cars” is not a strategic plan!
If we convert all fossil fuel use over to “clean” energy… all cars, truck, busses, home heating and yes, electric/fossil power plants… how much “clean” energy do we need? By what date? Who is going to do it? Will “clean” energy include nuclear? How much will it cost? What will this new world look like: from the 100s of square miles of solar panels and windmills; new power grids; environmental impacts… down to the millions of recharging stations including ones to line our city streets for those who have on-street parking. What is the design?
People and businesses should be demanding strategy, plans and commitments from these proponents!
Think about it.
Would you give somebody $600K and tell them to go build me a house? No idea where. No basics like number of bedrooms, bathrooms… will it have bathrooms?; no architectural plans; no name of contractor; no permits…
Democrats owe Americans a viable long range plan.

1 year ago

How many states have now joined the: No gas cars sold after 2035 group. That is not that many years away & it does not appear USA is ready to go all Electric. We need Congress to get rid of war or fossil fuels or just imagine what the USA will look like in year 2036 & it could be devastating.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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