
National Security , Newsline

Biden Border Crisis is Job Number One for House GOP

Posted on Tuesday, January 3, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn

In a quiet news dump just before the Christmas holiday, the Biden administration released Customs and Border Patrol statistics from November showing more than 233,000 apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border – the worst November on record. While House Republicans have pledged to address mass surges in illegal crossings via legislation, and the Supreme Court recently delivered some good news for border patrol and law enforcement agents, the Biden administration and congressional Democrats seem more determined than ever to ignore the crisis – setting the stage for what could be a catastrophic 2023.

According to official data, throughout October and November, the first two months of the 2023 Fiscal Year, border agents apprehended more than 410,000 individuals attempting to enter the country illegally. That two-month figure represents a more than 20 percent increase over 2021, and is more than the total number of illegal crossers Border Patrol apprehended in all of FY 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2020. In total, there were more than 2.76 million illegal border crossings in FY2022, shattering the previous annual record by more than 1 million.

Overwhelmed border towns and law enforcement agencies did receive some welcome news earlier this month when the Supreme Court moved to keep Title 42 in place temporarily. The Trump-era policy allows CBP to expel illegal border crossers quickly by using public health authorities first invoked by the Trump administration in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some experts had estimated that ending Title 42 would have caused illegal crossings to swell to more than 14,000 per day – a more than twofold increase over figures for November 2022, the last full month for which data is available.

Nonetheless, the Biden administration had moved to end the policy at the behest of far-left immigration activists. After the administration originally announced plans to end Title 42 in early 2022, a judge blocked the move. But then, in November, Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., ruled that Title 42 must be rescinded, giving the administration a December 21deadline. On December 16, a three-judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., rejected a lawsuit brought by 19 Republican states to delay lifting Title 42 – sending the issue to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court then voted 5-4 to temporarily keep Title 42 in place until the Court can hear oral arguments, likely in late February. Ironically, the administration also asked the Supreme Court to delay the order so that it would have additional time to prepare for an expected influx of migrants. Even in its arguments to the Supreme Court, the administration recognized the difficulty that is before them, stating, “The government recognizes that the end of the Title 42 orders will likely lead to disruption and a temporary increase in unlawful border crossings.”

But while this temporary stay is good news for border states, it is hardly a long-term solution to the crisis. The case before the Supreme Court is technical in nature, not a matter of policy. In its one page order, the Court made clear that it will only hear arguments on the issue of the states’ ability to “intervene to challenge the District Court’s summary judgment order,” but will not issue a ruling on the actual use of Title 42 and whether or not it should remain in place.

Even if the Biden administration keeps Title 42 in place (an increasingly unlikely prospect) the situation Biden’s actions have created is already dire. According to a CBP source, of 617,250 total illegal border crossers during the first 90 days of FY2023, just 186,573 were expelled under Title 42. The other 430,677 were released – a figure that does not even include an estimated 240,000 “gotaways.”

But as the situation at the border becomes more and more severe, the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress have continued to pursue their open-borders policies no matter the cost. Just days after Title 42 was set to end, Biden signed a whopping $1.7 trillion dollar omnibus bill that contained, among other things, $45 billion for Ukraine and $410 million for the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman – but essentially nothing to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

Of the less than $2 billion in combined funding for CBP and ICE (0.12 percent of the overall package) most is dedicated to processing people who have already crossed the border. As Representative Steve Scalise (R-La) wrote, “There’s absolutely nothing in this bill for border security…They’re doing border security in foreign countries, and they’re impeding border security in our country.”

A frustrated Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in his scathing dissent from the Court’s 5-4 decision last month that, while he sympathizes with the border states’ plight, “courts should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a different emergency. We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.”

Gorsuch’s concerns are well-founded – in the face of possibly the worst border crisis in history, Democrats have not only failed to enforce immigration laws on the books, they have actively worked to encourage more illegal immigration and exacerbate the disaster. Now the task falls to the new Republican House majority to confront the crisis as it convenes this week.

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer living in Louisville, Kentucky. He previously served in the Trump administration.

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1 year ago

Hopefully, the Republicans in Congress won’t disappoint us. They also definitely need to vote in a Republican in as Speaker of the House. Otherwise, the left will be able to continue their destruction.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

This article packs a lot of words but provides no proposed solutions.

We know that the southern border situation is and has been a disaster of many years. We know that Governor Abbott has been doing his best with the limited resources that he has at his disposal. We know that Congress has been sitting on their hands leaving this issue unresolved as fodder for campaign rhetoric.

What now ? More speechifying ? More campaign slogans ? More investigations ?

Or some actual legislation that is hammered out by both parties and is signed into law that addresses both the free flow of illegal immigrants and provides the necessary resources to deal with the problem ?

1 year ago

So much for draining the swamp ! Huh?

1 year ago

One of Saul Alinsky’s 8 steps to turn a democracy into a socialist state.

1 year ago

Sadly, too much infighting to focus on Americans problems.

1 year ago

WHEN has any CONgress taken care of AMERICAN CITIZENS problems inside THIS country. I will not hold my breath for your answer. FJB and F this congress. imo

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

Nothing will be done. Republicans can’t even agree on a speaker. The dems and Brandon are laughing their heads off and see a victory in 2024.
Republicans unite or America is no more the land of the Free and the Brave.

1 year ago

I for one am totally disappointed in the Republican party. You may not like McCarthy but do you want a democrat to be speaker? The border is out of control and I do not want my tax dollars or my own tax that I pay to go to illegals. We are losing our country and the Republicans are thinking only about themselves. We need TERM LIMITS on all of them

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
1 year ago

Joe Biden will go down in History as the WORST president in American History. The Border Clusterf**k being only one factor. Two more years of president Duncell to go.

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 year ago

Assuming they can elect a Speaker. McCarthy should nominate Newt, frankly.

1 year ago

Indeed border security must be in first place BUT strengthening our now laughable and deliberately dangerous “justice system” must be right there with it! Our “justice system” is a sick joke and the spike in unpunished crime over the last several years (thanks to the democrat party and their fellow rino’s along with uncounted violent criminals coming over our border) has skyrocket to the outer hemisphere! Violent repeat offenders are routinely released on their own “recognizance” by far left “judges” and disappear, or are given laughable “sentences”. Violent crime in our nation has risen faster in the last 30 years (since the Clinton occupation of our White House) than the space shuttle!

1 year ago

Fellow citizens, this isn’t really about border security, the Democrats just want to make Spanish OUR National Language! I mean, I live in the Progressive paradise of California, it’s certainly more obvious here since I went to my doctor’s office yesterday and when asking a person whether they were standing in line I got “No comprende” and when trying to use the men’s room, again I got “Occupado”, so if I’m to succeed in surviving, I need to learn Spanish if I want to continue to live here!

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

Bless his heart. This has been ‘under control’ for his two years. now it’s #1 for the House- rather than investigate his corrupt son and his own corruption, no mention of stopping the TRILLIONS of $$$ pouring out like a burst dam.. nope. Border ‘crisis’.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

What can we really expect from the house of representatives or the senate? Geez these fumbling morons in the house can’t even agree on a speaker and we expect them to do what about the border? In the senate enough spinless rino “republicans cave with the democrats to pass a bloated spending bil that had how much money set aside for “border security”? Wake up people, our politicians every last one of them has sold us down the river and we are screwed.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Other issues:

J6 Comm
Biden business deals
Deep State

George M
George M
1 year ago

Biden is NO American! Open boarders is destroying our Country from within. It is NOT Americas job to house, feed, teach, and provide medical care for the World ! OUR Great, Great Grandchildren will be paying the bill for this for years and years to come ! Insanity…….

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

The gop number one job is not to fix bidens mess. Their job is to figure out how to get rid of kamala and biden at the same time.

1 year ago

Biden should fix the border, but he is too weak and stupid or stupid like a fox. The border is a nightmare and Biden and his awful administration will do NOTHING! They don’t care…

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Well first they have to stop fighting and see who is going to be speaker of the house what is wrong with them. I hope they go after the border and fix that send alot of the people that are illegals here back to there countries.and build the wall to secure the border. Then go after Biden’s son and stop the spending of tax payer money.

1 year ago


1 year ago

This needs to be done Immediately! We need to fiish the fencing an get this back to how former Pre Trump had it, the jealousy must end, We need this job accomplished. Already we are in trouble by allowing so many over her and all the Fentanyl and raping’s. It is disgrace. WE need Mexico to get some kind of border up as well to stop this from happening. They have to stop them from coming in to them too. They will not be finding any jobs and living in tents on streets and living much worse than they did w before they left. We will be a third world country if this continues and this I can totally say as a fact. They will be up and fighting one day as to not being treated humanely and that is how they will feel. instead of sending them back where they came from, but we will allow it. We did it to them though We must build tiny houses and take old buildings and do over old buildings, ” build back better” remember?” Use this old broken buildings/homes to put them in and make homes for them BUT we the citizens are the ones who have to pay, and we are already stretched to the limit. If we allow China to have all we need to purchase we will owe them, and they can take us over. We must end that too and have our own factories ever here, but they were sent away. During the Obama term, many did leave on their own because taxes like in NYS was way too high for them. The paying the people was higher than they could handle too as they can pay people cheaper in other countries. There is much work to do and we have not done one thing properly since the Biden administration has started except t undo all the former Pres Trump did and had them signed first day in office. Piled up on desk immediately, as they worked for months on them sure they would be in office. Then they were ready to have the new Pres did all of them, and they were everything Pres Trump did have mostly ready and finished before COVID hit, and they undid it and now we are in big trouble. But the main problem is to’ close the border!’ We need to become more independent and to be able to have our own ability to live self-sufficiently,

1 year ago

The republicans aren’t going to do anything. Wise up. Their only purpose is to help democrats achieve their agenda, while pretending to oppose it.
Any vote for either party is just another vote for BOTH parties and the status quo.

Bruce P
Bruce P
1 year ago

Job One is to stop their stupid bickering, get together as a party, and elect a Speaker. These children are embarassing us. No control for two years and this is how they show the country that they can handle it?

1 year ago

Those who voted these half-dead dems into office are just as much to blame as those in office are.
The solution is simple. I can lay it out in a short list:

  1. elect a Speaker of the House ASAP; then go after all RINOs and throw them OUT; elect Reps (and Senators) who will actually REPRESENT us, the PEOPLE.
  2. throw Biden, Harris, Pelosi, AOC, Waters, et al OUT on their asses. (then go after the Clintons)
  3. take back our schools, our businesses, our American way of life…and those who don’t like it ~ throw THEM out as well.
  4. release everyone being held from Jan 6 and put in their places all BLM, Antifa, Jane’s Revenge, etc etc ….and don’t forget all the illegals (we know who they are, where they are, what they are doing; the dems just refuse to do anything about it)
  5. finally, go after anyone/everyone who takes money from Soros, Gates, their buddies and lock them up as well…a lot of what happens now in every election for the past 5-10 years is mainly because of them

OK. I’m done now. This is my short list…but it’s a start. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going back to my coffee. God bless us, everyone…and God bless America. #TRUMP2024 #PROLIFE

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