
Elections , Newsline

Trump Conviction May Be Death Knell for Vulnerable Senate Dems

Posted on Sunday, June 2, 2024
by BC Brutus

Former President Donald Trump’s conviction in a Manhattan courtroom last week may well spell electoral disaster for vulnerable Senate Democrats who have not only tacitly endorsed the lawfare against Trump, but also embraced every other aspect of the left’s assault on democracy and key American institutions.

Five months out from Election Day, the legal persecution of Trump has now become the dominant political storyline. This development represents a potential disaster for endangered incumbents Sherrod Brown in Ohio, Jon Tester in Montana, Jacky Rosen in Nevada, and Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. None of these Democrats has lifted a finger as Biden’s Department of Justice has ruthlessly targeted Trump in a blatant attempt at election interference – something that will likely become the subject of withering GOP attack ads as campaign season heats up.

With Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg and Biden’s maniacal grin suddenly becoming the new faces of the Democrat Party, the party’s image may well already be irreparably damaged in the eyes of most voters. Every Democrat candidate in a competitive race will now be pressured to take a stance on the lawfare against Trump and explain why they supported Bragg. While endorsing Democrats’ tactics against Trump will alienate all but the most hardcore liberal voters, opposing the Trump prosecutions will lead to collapse in support on the left.

At least one senator, Sherrod Brown, is already facing such pressures. Republican challenger Bernie Moreno has called on Brown to rescind his endorsement of Biden and condemn the verdict. “Following the guilty verdict in President Trump’s trial in New York – a political witch hunt to interfere in the 2024 election orchestrated by Joe Biden’s allies – Sherrod Brown has thus far cowardly refused to comment,” Moreno wrote in a statement. “If Sherrod supports this corrupt ruling and stands by Biden, he should at least be man enough to admit that publicly to the people of Ohio.”

Thus far, Brown has not responded to Moreno or commented on the ruling – something that is unlikely earn him much support in a state Trump won by more than eight points in 2016 and 2020. Democrats in other Republican and swing states will undoubtedly face similar questions in the days and weeks ahead.

Specifically, Republicans will likely press Democrats to answer for evidence of political influence in the case. For instance, the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison LLP – where Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner – was involved in the prosecution. There also remain serious questions about whether or not the jurors selected from deep blue Manhattan were truly unbiased in their deliberations.

Every Democrat has also gone along with the Biden Department of Justice’s blatant cover-up of crimes committed by the president’s son, Hunter, even as they have cheered on the DOJ’s persecution of Trump.

Even worse for these vulnerable Democrats, their complicity in the left-wing legal lynching of Trump provides a prime opportunity for Republicans to highlight their involvement in various other liberal schemes to erode and undermine American democracy.

For instance, allowing the weaponization of the justice system against Trump could give then GOP an opening to remind voters that every incumbent Senate Democrat also voted for H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” in 2021. This bill would have abolished the Electoral College, transformed the Federal Election Commission into a partisan body, and destroyed election integrity by banning Voter ID and mandating ballot harvesting.

These same senators also stood by quietly as left-wing activists threatened and harassed Supreme Court Justices outside their homes following the leaking of the Dobbs decision back in 2022. In fact, Schumer himself openly threatened the justices – again to deafening silence from every Senate Democrat. But that they should not defend the integrity of the Court is perhaps unsurprising given that they have also worked to pack it with liberal justices, thereby turning it into a rubber stamp for liberal assaults on the Constitution.

Biden’s border invasion is another shocking assault on key American institutions that every Senate Democrat has greenlit through their voting record and failure to hold anyone in the administration accountable. Even as Biden and Democrats are attempting to use lawfare to swing the election against Trump, the millions of illegals flooding into the country present an unprecedented threat to both the sacred right of American citizenship and election integrity.

The Trump conviction could become the keystone of a broad-based campaign tying together all of these threads into one devastating narrative about how continued Democrat rule will mean the end of American life as we know it – along with the death of our cherished freedoms and individual liberties. If Republicans can effectively make that case to voters, Democrats may face an impossible task this fall.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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4 months ago

So far, Trump’s conviction has back fired on the dems. Just since his conviction, Trump’s grassroots supporters have given him more than $70,000.00 in small donations.
Go Trump!

Tom Ford
Tom Ford
4 months ago

Let’s have a Conservative Attorney General from a dark RED district in Texas indite potus Biden on the deaths of 300,000 Americans caused by the Biden open border policy that has allowed over 10,000,000 illgal invaders into our Republic many packing the Chinese Fentanyl. Biden has foresaken his oath of office and allowed this invasion that will have dire consequences for our nation.

4 months ago

Ok- fair is fair- let’s get pres Biden and Hunter in the courtroom! Their acts have not only been criminal, but treasonous! Are you people blind or just stupid!

4 months ago

I hope every Democrat and republican who stood by and let this sham of a trial and prosecution go forward is stripped of their political office so they can see how it feels to be persecuted. TRUMP 2024. God Bless this man.

4 months ago

Hillary called us the “deplorables”. That was undeserved.

I call them the “despicables”, and they deserve it. Dem politicians are bullies…and their followers are spoiled, whiny, needy children. Can’t wait for sanity, civility, and competency to return to this country.


4 months ago

Trump 2024

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
4 months ago

Trump 2024

4 months ago

Remember too that every single Communist Senator voted against Sen. Bill Haggery’s bill that would have made it illegal for a non-US citizen to vote in US elections. Remember: there are no more Democrats: they are full on Communists at every level and anyone who votes for them or their policies vote for Communism.

4 months ago

While the scumbag Democrats might try to get rid of the electoral college through a statute, it wouldn’t stand. Of the Constitution and they would have to use a constitutional amendment to get rid of it. I loathe every single Democrat in this country. They are a useless criminal Mafia type gang. That party has been lawless, racist, and arrogant since its inception in the late 1820s. There’s not one single piece of legislation that they passed that has ever been good for our country. I know morons give them the credit for passing civil rights legislation, but it only passed because Republicans voted for it at 100% clip, but not the racist Democrats. Democrats. First civil rights legislation was passing the ’50s under Eisenhower. Democrats are evil. They’re of their father, the devil.

4 months ago

Vote for Trump, but don’t stop there. We need to throw out every single democrat. The iron is hot and we need to strike it. 40% of the electorate doesn’t vote. That plurality would win every election going forward. It is time we call those people forward and get them to the polls to vote for Trump and the Republicans. In the deepest blue areas we can beat them if we get those non voters to show up. Early vote, ballot harvest,whatever it takes. All this sitting on the sidelines has got us where we are today.

4 months ago

How about convicting real felonies like the illegals killing Americans! Biden has done much worse along with Hillary nothing happened to them. Rules for the but not for me is their motto. Go Trump!!!

4 months ago

We can only hope and pray.

4 months ago


Michael Merritt
Michael Merritt
4 months ago

Where is all the Republicans ,49 senators 220 rep, should they be condemning what is going on in the nation. Not a peep from the majority of them.

4 months ago

There is hope for a turnover of the senate, but I’m not going to hold my breath just yet.

Brenda G
Brenda G
4 months ago

Hopefully, my prayers are answered. The corruption, disregard for the constitution

4 months ago

Sorry buy neither have most Republicans! The people have to clean house in both chambers!

4 months ago

All of you dummies out there who voted and are going to vote for Trump, but who in the past voted Democrats for Congress and local and state government on account of preserving “checks and balances” or because you just LOVE your state’s Democrat, just stay home if that’s what you’re going to do this time. If Trump does not get both houses of Congress, he will be able to accomplish nothing. He will face myriad impeachments. He will likely have to deal with Democrat SCOTUS nominees. Nothing will be fixed with the border or with lawfare or anything else. Suck it up and vote R all the way, or stay home.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
4 months ago

If democrats think Trump’s conviction will discourage me from voting for him, they’re in for a huge disappointment. I will still be voting for Trump because the policies of Biden and his fellow democrats are terrible.

Irv C
Irv C
4 months ago

It’s mind boggling how biden could let over 10 million invade our country ILLEGALLY. It is treason. A move like that isn’t Biden’s to make, it’s a decision by the people and should have been put to a vote just like forgiveness on college loans. I’d love the $35000 I spent on Aviation certificates. Bottom line biden is a DICTATOR! What he’s done with our borders is pure TREASON and why that Son of a B**** hasn’t been arrested I’ll never understand. Even the Republican Congressmen and Senators sat silent in respect to prosecution. Now they have convicted President Trump in ????? It’s time to prosecute biden and Harris and remember, Treason carries the death penalty.

4 months ago

The GOP/Repubs haven’t had an opportunity like this in some time. Unfortunately, if history repeats itself, the GOP will blow it and NOT take advantage of all the very damaging things the Dems have done, ignored or allowed and that could have even greater ramifications if pursued. Sadly, GOP leaders are gutless *ussies when it comes to “going for the throat” with attack ads..Dems are professionals at doing this.

4 months ago

” Trump Conviction May Be Death Knell For Vulnerable Senate Dems “
I hope to God that Senate Dems , Congressional Dems . Gubernatorial Dems , State Legislator Dems , AND ALL other DEMOCRAT pols up for election or re-election get run out of town by the voters in November .
The DEMOCRAT party has become a domestic enemy of America and of all American ideals .
We can do it if ALL good citizens show up to vote on Nov. 5 in only 5 months .

4 months ago

We can but hope…

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Good we take over the Senate then

Gary Fanning
Gary Fanning
4 months ago

We can only hope this is going to be the case. Vote Red!

4 months ago

The Democratic voting base consists of ignorant blacks and left wing Jews, They composed the jurors in the Trump trial and they are the most dangerous and subversive segments of the voting population in America. Their values are so far out of the mainstream that they threaten moral and civic order. I am a Jew and they do not speak for me.They threaten law and order as well as economic and social freedom. They need to be voted out. There are several Jews running for high office this year-all of them anti-Trump, Schiff in Calif,, Stein in North Carolina, and Slotkin in Michigan, They are all hard core Democrats. Please vote against them

Ms. Billie
Ms. Billie
4 months ago


4 months ago

FJB – where he breathes!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Stalin said it but Democrats redefined it: “Show me the man and I’ll INVENT the crime”. Meanwhile, Hunter Bidens trial begins today in Delaware and not a peep about that on CNN… but then I suppose the same 51 “security specialists” would call that “misinformation” again, right?

4 months ago

The fact that the democrats vote in lockstep tells me they do not think independently or vote their conscience (if they have one). And apparently the forces controlling Biden do not think ahead far enough to foresee the eventual results of their machinations. I don’t know what they have up their sleeves after this, but it won’t be good.

4 months ago

It will take strong hammering to get through the thick, brainwashed sculls of democrats, who are loving this “conviction” and hoping for more, AND much will depend on how these senators can raise to pay the counting system manufacturers to tilt the elections in their favors.(yes, we don’t have free elections any more).

4 months ago

All the house members and senators are loyal to Ole Joe Obiden. Blindly. They don’t question the law they follow Brandon’s law. No constitution no Supreme Court can rein in ole Joe. He’ll find a way to to get rid of Trump. If thereby America becomes a dictatorship where half the people are branded as domestic terrorists, they don’t care it is their goal. Trump is just in the way. I don’t care if they had 134 indictments against him. There was no crime. They took a page from Putin’s play book. Eliminate the constitution eliminate the Supreme Court. After all they are already dictating and controlling our DOJ, FBI, CIA and all AG’s and DA’s and judges in this country. Grandmother and her mother have been charged with sedition by walking around the capitol on Jan 6. They didn’t destroy anything but they are terrorists. Let us look at ole Joe his lies and bribes he took. The classified papers he took out of the White House as a VP was illegal, while Trump is a criminal for doing what he rightfully could do and were stored under lock and key with secret service agents on the premises. Not in an garage where every Tom, Dick and Harry could walk into. No this was not about a crime this was hatred for anything rep and MAGA. The white race has to go. Like Trump always says they are trying to get to you through him. Only we Trump supporters want a strong, smart, caring for the people and above all the country candidate. And not make it into Sodom and Gomorrah, within a dictatorship. Obiden hates half of the people in America. Vote Trump unless you want to lose America forever.

4 months ago

Thank you for your article and especially for your correct terminology. For so many others out there, can we PLEASE PLEASE STOP calling them the Democratic Party – they are anything but! Call it the Democrat party and call them Democrats. There’s nothing democratic about them!

4 months ago

when trump wins in november there are several liberal loser that I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.

4 months ago

“…Democrats may face an impossible task this fall.”

That is, IF we can get around all the voter fraud being propagated by the demon-communist-cRATS.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

That party is democratic in the name only Old fossils who may have a pinch of democrat in them even if in pro forma only will be rep[laced by more suitable to the situation candidates Elections from now on will have the results optimal for the state almighty Citizen exists for the state not the other way around as in the old backward regime Trump will be kept off ice as I wrote before until the game is finished There will be a new referee in charge from now on

Nancy J Reece
Nancy J Reece
4 months ago

Well put, thank you. So much truth to this, our country is in trouble and Democrats are not doing anything to help! They are hell bent on ultimate and final control and if it isn’t stopped now, we are doomed!

Linda Smith
Linda Smith
4 months ago

I absolutely agree with everything you said! The democrats have just cooked their own goose so to speak! They have shown us exactly how it will be for the next 4yrs, If the voters are so stupid as to vote them in! Not me in a strong Trump supporter and ALWAYS WILL BE! He did Nothing wrong! biden on the other hand is a crooked as the day is long and all he can do is support and pay for his drug addict, child molesting son!

4 months ago

Democrats’ conduct make me miss the days when far more sophisticated people would, playfully, let air out of car tires and leave burning bags of doggy excrement on people’s doorsteps.

John Paparella
John Paparella
4 months ago

You are an uneducated, ignorant rube.

3 months ago

I truly hope and pray that the consequences of guilty verdict impacts Democrat election results HUGELY AND NATIONALLY as well. My slogan is;; If you LOVE your COUNTRY and FREEDOM’S —- AND VALUE LAW AND ORDER DO NOT VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS!!!!!!!!!

Donald King
Donald King
4 months ago

Still, dyed-in-the-wool Democrats will continue to vote the party line, even if the party was to nominate Satan himself. And our beloved nation continues to slide down this rat hole we’ve been descending into since Biden took office.

Edward Michael Wheatley
Edward Michael Wheatley
4 months ago

This article I just received a couple days ago, is a very serious. I never dream to be living at a time this sitting POTUS’s a threat to America. This is 2024, I’m 72, and can’t believe that Biden voted in to be the president. I hope this man will go to prison.

4 months ago

Sorry but…the democratic party needs to be dissolved! They are beyond corrupt. They have endorsed riots, lawlessness, promoted Witch Hunts that defy understanding. Allowed so much corruption. Stolen millions of tax dollars! we now have over THIRTEEN MILLION ILLEGALS that have entered and yet all this party is concerned only about it President Trump…not their country and it’s citizens! Shame on them!

4 months ago

I hope this guy is right…

4 months ago

Local elections are vital. Democrat district control equals stolen elections.

4 months ago

I truly hope and pray to Yaweh, in the name of Jesus Christ, God the Son, that that is the case. Democrats don’t ever win elections; they steal them.

Lloyd Hiller
Lloyd Hiller
4 months ago

Obama said HE would fundamentally change America during his presidency. Well it didn’t happen because Trump was elected. But since the illegal election of Dishonest Joe, Obama has worked his magic behind the scenes and the America of today is his legacy. The only thing that will turn all this injustice around will be the election of Donald Trump. I know the majority of America, that means everyone feels the pain that the Obama and Biden Administration has created. For that reason alone Donald Trump will be elected. If he isn’t I’m afraid America will burn to the ground.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

“Death knell for Democrats”? Heck, the precedent set by the campaign interference called a trial is the final death knell for this nation.
As a nation we are done folks. We were marched to the edge of the cliff and an evil morbidly obese prosecutor with the assistance of 12 sheeple pushed the entire nation over that edge.
Stick a knife in this nation…….it is DONE.

Michael Myers
Michael Myers
4 months ago

Typos, or am I misunderstanding? Your article said, “lawfair” against Trump..Para one.
Later on, article said “legal persecution” of Trump…seemed illegal yo me, on several fronts.
Probably more typos, but I quit reading.
We support Donald J Trump for President, though we wish he’d drop the victim card.

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