
Elections , Newsline

Illegals Instructed to Vote Biden for Border NGO to ‘Stay Open’

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the urgent need to pass the Senate bipartisan border security agreement, at the Brownsville Border Patrol Station in Brownsville, Texas; illegal border crossings
President Biden visits the Brownsville Border in Brownsville, Texas.

An advocacy group based in Northeastern Mexico that lobbies U.S. lawmakers has distributed and posted flyers encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, according to The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

Translated from Spanish, the Oversight Project notes, the flyers posted by the organization Resource Center Matamoros say: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.” (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)

The pro-Biden flyers, discovered by Muckraker and shared with the Oversight Project, were found throughout Resource Center Matamoros in Tamaulipas, Mexico, including on the walls of portable toilets, a video shows. It’s not clear whether RCM authorized the flyers, whether any action was taken to address their presence at the shelter for migrants, or who posted the flyers.


The city of Matamoros, located in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, borders Brownsville, Texas, where Biden spoke in February about the crisis of illegal immigration at the southern border.

Federal law bans foreign nationals, or non-U.S. citizens, from voting in federal elections.

On Friday, former President Donald Trump endorsed proposed legislation by House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., that would require proof of citizenship to vote in U.S. elections.

Resource Center Matamoras describes itself as a six-unit office complex that is “the home for HIAS, which is providing legal assistance and assistance with obtaining formal documents for job search and integration into the city of Matamoros as they wait to access the asylum process in the U.S.”

HIAS, founded more than 100 years ago to help Jews fleeing persecution in Europe, originally stood for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Biden appointee who recently was impeached by the House for not enforcing border laws, is a former board member of HIAS.

The website of Resource Center Matamoras says its founder and executive director, Gaby Zavala, partnered with Mike Benavides of the community organization Team Brownsville in November 2023 to brief members of Congress about the humanitarian crisis at the Mexico-Texas border.

Zavala previously was an organizer for La Union del Pueblo Entero, or LUPE, a group founded by the late labor leader Cesar Chavez, who was an opponent of illegal immigration. LUPE is listed among partners of the George Soros-backed Open Society Institute.

Resource Center Matamoras also has ties to Angry Tias & Abuelas, a left-leaning organization that says it is dedicated to helping illegal aliens at the southwest border enter the United States.

Mayorkas has met with leaders of both LUPE and Angry Tias & Abuelas, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog.

The website of Resource Center Matamoras also touts close ties with the Mexican government, saying: “As a leading non-governmental organization providing trauma-informed care, RCM has established relationships with all levels of the Mexican government to advocate for health, wellness and dignity for refugees.”

Among listed services: “Providing lobbying and advocacy to Mexican and U.S. government officials on behalf of the asylum seekers in Matamoros.”

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Fred Lucas.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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John Price
John Price
5 months ago

Non citizens voting in an election… IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW … Biden is breaking the law by for allowing/promoting it, and should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY!!!

5 months ago

Illegals voting? Non citizens voting? This has to stop! And it is up to “we the people”! But how?

5 months ago

What did everybody think joe was keeping the mexican border open for. Joe and the rest of the demokrats want to make sure that there in control of this country.

5 months ago

More reasons to finish the wall, deport all illegals and get Biden out of the whitehouse.

5 months ago

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave …” and the center of this tangle is called Soros.

Sandy Ciarmella
Sandy Ciarmella
5 months ago

ILLEGALS are not permitted to vote! Should not be an issue of the United States had fair elections!!! We need to get rid of the Clown in the White House and his Circus! Also put an end to harassing Trump!!! Republicans should end it and stop being cowards!!!!!!

5 months ago

Start with this NGO. Everyone can make all the noise they want, the key is processing and arresting the head of the NGO for violating American law by encouraging people to cheat vote illegally.

5 months ago

Of course, it’s the Biden administration and their lawlessness.

5 months ago

I still say 1000’s of Alligators in the river to stop them from crossing. Then every 100 yards a machine gun tower to nail the ones that escape!!

5 months ago

Non-Citizens voting is going to happen, ain’t nothing we can do about it. Every patriot needs to vote out every law breaking politician this November, and pray that it’s not to late to take back the country while we still have a chance!

5 months ago

What refugees? These people are invaders! And instead of helping them get into the US, why don’t they spend their time and resources to try to help people where they live?

5 months ago

Biden, once again encouraging his illegals to vote. Breaking our border laws once again. What a guy.

5 months ago

With thousands of mailed in ballots, drop box ballots, and harvested ballots – who will The left is pushing for popular vote presidential elections – all those illegal Biden votes will assure them a Democrat win.

Olga Lena
Olga Lena
5 months ago

Every person reading this needs to pray for God’s intervention. It’s our only hope.Then, do your part, whatever that may be. ????????

5 months ago

A concerted effort to repopulate America with people from all over the world and genocide the born or naturalized citizens. You know those the elite calls envious, dumb, bitter people that are unpatriotic and against democracy. You know like Hitler called anyone not of the Arian race. Slowly the noose around our necks are being tightened. Mayorkas is not going to be charged with anything because his crime does not come to the level as stated in the constitution. Neither does Trump only his crimes have been elevated by the dems to felonies. None of them have anything to do with breaking the law. Except the laws of what the dems say he has committed and they thought of it. Because they know how he thinks. No they don’t. They have created an image of Trump and with time that image is waning because nothing has been proven. It is a bunch of charges out of the dems book of laws. No federal, state or city laws were broken by Trump. But a concerted effort by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, ole Joe and O to eliminate Trump. Every day they are urging some deranged individual to kill him with their rants against him and his supporters. The CIA will not do it twice in a century. Too many people still know Kennedy’s assassination. I just hope his secret service detail can protect him. It only takes one dirty agent.

5 months ago

Until a year ago I drove a semi delivering hay to Del Rio and Laredo each week and reloading in Eagle Pass to come back to Colorado. I had to pass under the International Bridge between Texas and Mexico. That is until bidens economy killed that by high fuel prices and cheap freight rates. My truck had to be sold.
Each week I saw the illegals slipping thru the brush and crossing the river and all the busses transporting them all over our country. It made me sick to see our country being destroyed and given away. When I went thru a Border Patrol check point I told them that I was sorry they could not do their job. They were not happy that all the illegals were let go to do whatever and suicide was high among the Border Patrol agents.

5 months ago

Trump needs to distance himself from Mike Johnson. Johnson may soon be driven out of his speakers seat. He’s becoming a liability to the country. This proposal for ID voting has been bantered around ever since biden stole the election. So this is not his idea. He’s voted with the democrats for too long to be considered an asset to the American people. His voting with democrats just this week to not force a warrant for a FISA (?) search was the last straw for the Republicans in congress

5 months ago

It’s all about numbers

5 months ago

NESARA/GESARA and no, the Constitution will not allow illegal aliens or undocumented immigrants to vote.

Bill M.
Bill M.
5 months ago

Treason. Plain and Simple. TREASON.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
5 months ago

This is sick to the core.

5 months ago

Illegals are not allowed to vote!!! Biden invites them to break our law by illegally crossing our border and then he instructs them to break the law again by even trying to vote for anyone but especially by telling them who to vote for!! Damn politicians!!!

5 months ago

The Dems aren’t going to remove Biden from office until after the election. The DNC will replace Harris as VP on their ticket with Obama. Should the Biden/Obama ticket win election, the Dems will then pull out the 25th amendment and remove Biden the Clown and replace with Obozo himself. The constitution only prevents someone from being “elected” twice not from “holding” the office more than twice. Something to think about…

5 months ago

Yes, we are living in an era of public advertisements to alert non-citizens to be sure to vote and usurp our rights as American citizens… while out distinctly “Barney Rubble-Like President” looks on approvingly.
It’s not insanity. It’s a brazen posture of the highest form of civil disobedience… by our national leadership. If they can undermine our voting rights, they can confiscate our homes, the contents thereof, our IRAs, our bank accounts, our children, and our lives.
This is what a revolution looks like. The stupidest type of person you ever knew in high school is poised to take everything we have.
Scared yet?

5 months ago

I Need to Ask…Why Do We Need MORE Laws & or “Legislation” to DISALLOW NON-CITIZENS Voting IN FEDERAL ELECTIONS Or ANY Elections? They Are Law Breakers COMING IN. Being Ushered In BY THE MILLIONS To Literally STEAL The ELECTION & Although They Have Broken LAWS, Our LAWS COMING Into Our Country, They’re Going To “”PICK”” OUR NEXT…PRESIDENT? What In this Crazy Upside Down, Inside Out WORLD Is It Going to TAKE Before We the PEOPLE? Actually STICK UP & STAND UP & SPEAK OUT For Ourselves & STOP ALL THE INSANE ANTI-AMERICAN, Anti-Legal & LAWLESS….Actions & Cases & Imprisonment, Targeting, Intimidating, Threatening, Of LEGAL & LAWFUL Citizens Along with LITERALLY Doing What Ever It Takes to TAKE OUR “THEIR” LEADING Opposition & THE ONE WHO SHOULD’VE Been President NOW Let Alone…NEXT?? How Much LAWLESSNESS & “Fundamental Transformations” & the USE of Replacement Migration, FORCED FRAUD…Are We Going to Allow?? No Way 15 Years Ago Would I Have Ever Believed ANY of This. YET, Here We Are.

5 months ago

The Democrats keep saying Trump and the MAGA Republicans are insurrectionists. But really they are the TRUE insurrectionists!

A Voter
A Voter
5 months ago

Without Covid, the deep state has to use any means necessary to cheat once again.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
5 months ago

What is going on in this country just corruption in this country to let non citizens to vote is not legal. Illegals do not have the right to vote and Biden and his team know they will vote for him to stay in this country they should be deported there is something really wrong in this country and it is all on Biden same as what they are doing to President Trump with them keeping him in court with that corrupt judge and the so called court they have set up there to keep Trump off the campaign trail. This used to be fair country not any more government has made it corrupt ever since Biden got into power.The one that backs the Dems is SOROS with his dirty money he is a communist just all about corruption

BOB Philippi
BOB Philippi
5 months ago

Every “ILLEGAL” who shows up to vote needs to be “ARRESTED ON THE SPOT” and thrown into jail!!!!!!!

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

Soros needs to be charged with treason, ex-communicated, his citizenship withdrawn and his sponsored-organizations shut down.
Ms. Zavala and her organization should have any US privileges withdrawn as well since she is advocating for illegals to continually break US laws, first by illegally entering the country and second to illegally vote in federal elections.

Joanne 4 justiice
Joanne 4 justiice
5 months ago

OMG the dirty Dems are attacking our government from Mexico!!! AND Soros Open Society is openly financing these efforts! I’m not surprised at all.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
5 months ago

so the lid is off the scam for the coming election. Clearly the illegals addressed are expected to vote. All attempts to shore up our elections eligibility is totally resisted by Dems. The die is cast!

5 months ago

Biden is used to doing just as he pleases, he has given the Supreme Court the middle finger along with Congress. Not one person has called him on it, what has happened to people in the USA? Nobody in Congress has said one word. Isn’t it time for our elected officials to stop the old fool, or it this the end.

5 months ago

What a shockerI’m so surprised thank you Captain Obvious. Yes you’re probably going to run a breaking story about how the Democrats are using the courts to keep Donald Trump off the campaign Trail

5 months ago

Their parent organization brags that in total, across their programs, they have illegally brought nearly a million people into America, and are very blatant about it. They do not list an operating team for the mothership for “security reasons”. And, this kind of thing is another reason I will never send Save the Children one cent. Boycott Save the Children.

Herb S
Herb S
5 months ago

Isn’t it time Soros went back to where he came from?

5 months ago

Pure Demonic and Evil Forces are Behind this Catastrophic Political Policy!

5 months ago

Enough is enough. Why can’t Biden get impeached? This is America and only legal citizens should be allowed to vote. We need voters to also have to show ID

5 months ago

It seems the only way to get this nation back is to “ready”. What’s happening in DC is nothing less than a hostile take over of this nation, what Biden at the behest of his “handler” is doing is nothing less than high treason. The “election” was a lie, everything coming from this regime is a lie with the intent of destroying this once Constitutional Republic and replacing it with a dictatorship…no different than other once free countries now under rule. Cuba was once a free nation, China was once a relatively free nation, North Korea, now Brazil, north Viet Nam and Argentina, how many others under dictators. America was founded by principled men who sought to get away from the heavy hand of England. To read their histories should make Americans understand what they went through to see this nation born…and it cost many.
When they formed this nation they “Pledged their lives, honors and fortunes.” Are we to do no less? Seeing the destruction of this nation have “we the people” had it so good for so long that maybe we corporately can’t seen the writing on the wall? Or we’ve become so complacent that we have no desire to fight it? A little over 30 years ago almost 86 American men, women and children were harassed mentally, physically, threatened for 51 days, shot at by military, ATF, “law” enforcement, helos shooting into the roof of their building, invaded by military climbing to the roof, going inside and shooting. CS gas, banned by the Geneva convention as to cruel for warfare (!!) was inserted into the building before it was set on fire killing all men, women and CHILDREN, but maybe 5 or 6. The “media” cheered on the carnage the whole 51 days. Oh, this was approved by a sitting president, Wm. Jefferson Clinton presiding in Waco, Texas. I watched the whole 51 days in disbelief. I have for some time retold this nightmare multiple times so folks understand this happened under an American president…understand this! Clinton was “impeached” for messing with and intern in the oval office folks, not mass murder. Please understand and pay attention to what’s been happening in D.C. the “district of crime.”
Do not ever believe, especially in light of our non-border, a former “president” who’s made plain his hatred for this country, is not running Biden and has “encouraged” him to destroy our southern border (I read his first 2 books with a bucket close)…re: border: those who’re desperately trying to keep their homes or live near the border are reporting only young men of “military” age coming across now, not families…carefully ignored by the lamestream “media”. I have family in El Paso and south central Texas. If Trump is elected we may get 4 more years of some semblance of “security”. If not….

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

I knew this was coming.Joey and his squad of”loonie tunes”would love to change the law to let criminals vote.The law says non-citizens and criminals can’t vote.There is no doubt that the democrats will do everything they can possibly do to cheat their candidate into control of AMERICA like they did in 2020.They will attempt to trash the constitution,something that was drafted by people that were smarter,more patriotic and had more common sense than anyone alive today.As for democrats,enoughs,enough.

5 months ago

100% the traitor democrats would push illegals to vote!
Everybody knows that the marxist democrat party, joebama and their ilk despise America, Legal Citizens and Freedom.
NOT a surprise that they cheat,steal and lie and distributing flyers are exactly what they will do.

5 months ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe and his buddy’s, are getting a cut from the cartels.

5 months ago

is anyone surprised deep state wins again

5 months ago

Biden constantly tries to Break the law.
He’s spent hours harassing Donald Trump.
We need voters ID.Now more than ever.
Biden will not be aloud to have non – US citizens vote. This is an act of TREASON! and Biden should be arrested for this.

5 months ago

This is downright Treason on Biden. Get him out of office. Impeach him

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

The real goal of the demonic rats in this case is population control in demonicrat regions. Giving them control over the Electoral College. However they apparently haven’t given up hope on getting the illegals to actually vote (which they’re not likely to do) and to vote demonicrat if they do vote.

5 months ago

Is there a way to block Soros’ money from buying and destroying our political system? We have identified the viper, the problem is to protect the citizens from the deadly intrusion!
The enemy has had his influence and way too long.

5 months ago

The Democrat regime maintaining their illegal 2020 coup. Illegally, as always.

leland patterson
leland patterson
5 months ago

illegals have no right to vote in this country. this is just one more reason to biden out of office. he is not for America. he is for governmental control. bad ideology.

Randy P.
Randy P.
5 months ago

Breaking federal law & allowing non-citizens to vote. Might as well let the whole world vote for our federal leaders!

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