
Elections , Newsline

Harris-Media Cover-Up

Posted on Tuesday, July 23, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The big news from this past weekend is not Biden’s dropping out. It is that Vice President Harris has led one of the most audacious, dangerous, incontrovertible cover-ups in American history, and is seeking the Democratic mantle. Harris, along with Biden’s wife Jill, left-leaning media elites, senior Democrats, White House staff, and cabinet members, have long known Biden was unfit. They lied.

What we now know is that these Democrats, in government and media, led by one who saw Biden daily, lied outright, repeatedly, and dangerously to the American people, with no compunction, and no integrity.

Wrote Abraham Lincoln, talking  about dishonest, dissembling politicians, and the wisdom of the American people: “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” True enough, yet again.

The Harris-Media cover-up began in 2020, when many knew that Biden was slipping, but resolved that “the Democrat machine” could beat Trump if they kept Biden “in the basement” during COVID.

“From March through August of 2020, Biden made no in-person speeches or campaign appearances.” Nor did he lean into campaigning during final weeks, instead largely letting surrogates speak for him, hunkering down, staying in his basement, on the pretense of COVID fears.

In early 2020, Biden apologists from Democrat money man Terry McAuliffe to President Obama urged Biden to remain in the basement, capitalizing on the public obsession over COVID contagion. He did and the media, in ways never before encountered in a presidential campaign, covered.

Once Biden took office, the cover-up became official, with what we now know were mental lapses described as forgivable slips, traditional gaffs, a speaking impediment, a stuttering problem, and being tired, inconsequential. Actually, even early in the Biden term, those around him knew the truth and covered for the aged president.

Over the course of Biden’s term, his lapses went from laughable to worrisome, to breathtaking to dangerous, as the depth and breadth of his mental deterioration became harder to cover up.

Still, the fiction continued, with everyone from Vice President Harris, First Lady Jill Biden, cabinet members, senior House and Senate leaders, and major media – CNN, MSNBC, networks, and print – knowingly covering for Biden’s decline, denying what all could see it. It continued into July 2024.

Over the course of the past three years, knowing that this was not true, that Biden’s acuity was poor and slipping, Harris talked openly about Biden’s sharpness, saying over and over he was “very bold and vibrant,” “tireless,” “fine,” “in good shape, good health,” “ready to lead in our second term,” and trying to reverse tables in an awkward Sun-Tzu move, saying Republicans were conspiracists.

Turns out, none of that was true – and she knew it. When the Robert Hur report came out, an official Justice Department effort to clear Biden by noting his inability to form specific intent to commit a crime, the tide began to turn, and cover-up got tougher, although Merrick Garland has kept his cat in the bag, refusing – for no reason – to release the audio version of the Biden interview with Hur.

Hur had the audacity, for which he was slammed by the White House, Hill Democrats, and elite media, to speak truthfully. He found Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified documents,” committed acts that “presented serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries,” yet could not be prosecuted with his memory was gone, since proving specific intent was hard without recall.

In polite, politically acceptable – he thought – terms, the special prosecutor offered a feather-soft landing for the self-serving, criminally deceptive former vice president. He said the prosecution was out because Biden was just a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Now, there’s an endorsement for president if you needed one, dishonest, deceitful, self-interested, otherwise prosecutable, but unfortunately too far gone to recall what he took, why he took these highly classified documents, who he gave them to, or why he did that.

Bottom line: As Americans slowly, some faster than others, realized that this was not a real president, not someone fit for the job, not someone capable of handling crises, making bad decisions, and letting others make them for him, Harris and the media covered.

So, what does that mean? It means that Harris, like Jill Biden, top Democrats, staff, and elite media are all culpable. They all lied. To what end? To keep conservatives or Trump from the White House.

Ends do not justify means, but that is the moral, ethical, and personal corruption of Democrat leaders like Pelosi and Schumer, Democrat governors like Janet Mills (Maine) and Gavin Newsom (California), all part of a well-oiled fraud machine… led by Harris and many in the media.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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3 hours ago

RBC, nothing new to add since a few of us have stated all the above since the beginning of the Biden administration. With the majority of the cabinet being Obama mites, it was not hard to guess who was actually running the country. A lot of treasonable acts will go unpunished.

2 hours ago


The one overriding motivation of the far left is to attain and then maintain and grow that power indefinitely. Until they dominate everything that is. It’s the same motivational driver that underlies most authoritarian movements around the world, but you already know that. They all live by the mantra that the ends justify the means. Any means whatsoever necessary to attain their goals and objectives. So, with that as their basic foundation of what would be loosely described as their core set of their principles, nothing that the Democrats and their propaganda arm, the MSM, have done during the time period you discuss is out of character. This is who the far left in this country really is, when you look behind the curtain at what drives these people. That the majority of the American people continue to tolerate this abhorrent behavior when these people have control of anything, much less the entire Executive branch of government, half of Congress and at least half the federal judiciary in this country, remains a testament to how much the people of this country have changed from the time of our Founding Fathers and NOT in a good way.

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
1 hour ago

With Kamala now a possible person running for President – shame because we now know her a complete liar and incompetent member of society! She and so many others totally lied about Biden’s competence as a President! LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!!!

Charlotte Childers
Charlotte Childers
1 hour ago

Her lies and cover ups as BIDENS wife definitely represents standing up ONLY for her recognition… Jill stands for

21 minutes ago

This is just the beginning. In the next couple of weeks Biden will be little more than a media foot note while Harris along with the lame stream fake news media, will present her as the most competent potential president in history. And all the while ignoring the destruction that Biden and his progressive socialist crats have done to this country.

31 minutes ago

They keep saying ‘Bidens’ age’ but age has nothing to do with it. I am 84 and have no cognitive problems…have a friend that is 90 and she is on the go constantly and in perfect health. His mind is gone and it has been for a while.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 hour ago

Been a cover up since made VP day 1

1 hour ago

The situation with Biden makes me think of the movie “Dave”. The Dimms needed a look a like for Biden….

cheatle resign
cheatle; secret service
biden; resign; writing letter at desk
biden; carter, wilson, hoover presidents

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