
Education , Newsline

U.S. Colleges Put the Interests of Foreign Students Above American Students

Posted on Wednesday, December 13, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Macro image of Harvard University homepage loaded on screen in web browser.

Over the course of 2023, the federal government has doled out more than $200 billion to America’s colleges and universities. But despite the fact that U.S. citizens are footing the bill for scholarships, research grants, federally subsidized student loans, and dozens of other taxpayer-funded programs, it is increasingly foreign-born students, not the children of U.S. taxpayers, who are reaping the benefits of the American higher education system.

Data shows that, during the 2022-2023 academic year, there were a whopping 1,057,188 international students studying at American universities—nearly double the number from just two decades ago. Approximately one out of every four students on an American university campus today is not a U.S. citizen.

25 percent of the Harvard student body (including graduate students) is designated as “international.” That figure closely mirrors the percentage of foreign students at other top schools like Yale (20 percent), Stanford (24 percent), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (29 percent), the University of California, Berkeley (15 percent) and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (23 percent).

Close to a third of these students hail from Communist China, and about 10 percent come to the U.S. from Middle Eastern countries such as Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

American families preparing to send their children to college today already face soaring tuition costs, daunting acceptance rates at elite schools, and a cutthroat application process that often drains students and their families of their energy, financial resources, and dignity. Now they face another challenge – competing with foreign-born students who often earn extra points on their application simply for not being from the United States.

Meanwhile, it should be noted, the American students who do manage to get into and attend our nation’s elite schools are faced with stupefyingly woke faculty who are bent on indoctrinating students with ahistorical and anti-American propaganda.

These alarming developments raise some crucial questions: why are our nation’s colleges and universities endorsing such blatant anti-Americanism? Perhaps more importantly, why are taxpayers expected to subsidize universities even as they actively work to exclude American students in the name of “diversity”?

Every year, U.S. high school students spend endless hours and resources studying for entrance exams, readying college applications, and completing their coursework only to face rejection from American colleges, many of which are subsidized by their families’ tax dollars. And more often than not, those who do manage to get accepted are inundated with course material that pressures them to question their heritage, disavow their culture, and hate their country.

The culture of anti-Americanism and moral depravity that now dominates college campuses has been on full display in recent weeks following Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel and massacre of Israeli civilians. American colleges and universities have shamefully become a cradle of anti-Semitic hate and even open sympathizing with Hamas and radical Islamic extremism. Along with outright celebrations of the deadly attacks, some tenured professors have delivered anti-Semitic lectures, while others have encouraged threats and even violence against Jews.

Even prior to the Hamas attacks, however, American colleges and universities had already cemented their reputations as hotbeds for Communism, Marxism, and other breeds of leftism—warping the minds of millions of young Americans and fraying the bonds of patriotism and civic unity.

There are also legitimate concerns that America’s adversaries, particularly China, are using the university system to steal military and trade secrets. The FBI has repeatedly warned American universities about intellectual property theft from Chinese spies posing as college students.

Although there is certainly a place for international students on America’s campuses, the idea that they should account for 25 percent of our nation’s college students is likely a difficult one for American families and students to swallow. After all, it is impossible to imagine China or other U.S. adversaries allowing westerners to take up a quarter of the slots at their most prestigious schools.

Fortunately, some conservative leaders have begun to devise solutions to the problems plaguing our campuses. President Donald Trump, for instance, has called to revamp the college accreditation system and institute what he calls the “American Academy,” a free and anti-woke online educational institution that will be funded by money taken from “excessively large private university endowments.”

Trump has also pledged to deport foreign students who support Hamas or express hatred for the United States despite enjoying the benefits of taxpayer-funded American education.

Even as academia’s woke turn and the skyrocketing costs of higher education erode the overall value of many college degrees, America’s universities remain one of the nation’s primary engines of economic empowerment and personal advancement. It’s long past time for a serious conversation about why admissions offices hand out one in every four of these significant, taxpayer-funded opportunities for success to foreign nationals.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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9 months ago

Diversity is turning into the biggest joke roaming the entire US. Look at the protesting crowds. Half of them have head coverings. We’ve let all these foreigners come to the US, pledge allegiance to NOTHING, watch them set up their foreign sponsored parties and storm the streets while dissing the US. That’s diversity for you. All on the crat party who panders to this anti American crap.

9 months ago

Colleges are the enemy of our republic! Why they are subsidized with tax payer dollars is stupid and need to stop!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

No Colleges want FUNDING ahead of student needs
Funds from any donor source
Downsize , scrap colleges
More Tech Ed, Voc Tech Ed nationwide

9 months ago

I think it’s time to re-examine the entire education system on America.
Taxpayers $$ for colleges with billions in accumulated wealth should NOT occur, ANY/ALL public education K-12 should ve locally controlled with Parental involvement.
Federal,state education departments need to be ended along with their marxist democrat union friends and decisions made locally.
The student loan program has to be handled exactly like any loan, you borrow it,you pay it back with the interest.
Enough of this failing garbage and tax cesspool!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Hope they’re offering Chinese-language courses so the students can speak the language of their future masters.

9 months ago

Private Schools are one thing but State Schools are another. Admission to State tax supported schools should be based on set standards of grade point and/or class rank. All state residents who meet those criteria who apply should be admitted. Then on a space available basis American out of state students and then foreign students who meet the instate academic standards. Athletes should have to meet those academic and residence requirements as well. No in state student meeting criteria should ever be rejected unless there is no more room. Schools now take out of state and foreign students because they pay more tuition.

9 months ago

These certain Universities prioritize foreign money over American students’ EDUCATION!
Alumni, University Donors and Parents stop contributing to these Universities. Seek out the Universities that prioritize your child’s education over foreign money!
Example: The Purdue University Board of Trustees on Friday (Dec. 8) endorsed President Mung Chiang’s request for a 13th consecutive tuition freeze, meaning students will see no increase in tuition through at least the 2025-26 academic year.

9 months ago

Stop foreign students from attending our universities. Stop federal money in supporting these universities. Stop hiring professors who are teaching Marxism and anti American rhetoric. It cannot be done overnight. The left would scream dictatorship, while they already have the left dictatorship in place.
Let us make universities institution of learning. And not make one university more prestiges than another. Take away all sports. All endowments to the university. Set up entrance exams equal for all universities.
Scholarships should be given after a year. Not prior to attending the university. Universities should be an institution of learning of research and development not raise up one student over the other because one went to Harvard and the other to an unknown school in Mississippi for example. Every degree should matter on the same level. The biggest problem will be the elite will never agree to it. They are pushing DEI today on the American people so they can still be the boss over us. Mandating what we can drive, heat and cool our house with, cook our food on, set de price of everything so we are priced out of everything. Using up our savings. Bankrupting America in the process. The plan is working. The elite universities have won. Trump is trying to correct it only they call it dictatorship. While the left is making chaos and anarchy all in the name of DEI. Which is not possible. Thinking people will never fall for this, DEI is just a fancy word for Communism and dictatorship.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

I can’t imagine anyone being shocked This is a trend that’s been going on for long time Not only here but in Canada as well Chinese students everywhere After graduation stay on work and learn some more and report to mother country Tell us something we don’t know

9 months ago

Well of course they do! They are anti-American established owned and operated by Democrat socialist..

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

This is what Communist liberal elite universities do. They put their Communist comrades first since they’re being paid by Communist and Stealing Americans money at the same time.
Free speech and education is only for them according to Communist liberal elites. How much money are you wasting to have your children Indoctrinated into Communism at Communist liberal elite universities/colleges so they will hate America and YOU?

9 months ago

When and how did we lose favor with our own colleges and universities?? When and how did we lose favor with our own federal government?? Colleges and universities have become expensive training grounds for the Democrat/socialist ideology!!! They aren’t really about “teaching” but more about indoctrinating!!! It’s time to get the federal government out of the business of education – period!!! It’s also time to get the federal government out of the business of student loans – especially if all you are going to do is forgive them!!!!

Jerry L Finger
Jerry L Finger
9 months ago

The cost for foreign students to attend American universities has got to be much higher than for American students, out of state tuition to the max., so there is your answer.They will bend over backwards to make sure their money makers are well taken care of.

9 months ago

Let’s get this right…the ivies, especially Yale and Harvard have always been anti Semitic. That’s why some universities were started under Jewish auspicies. I’ve been told but have no way of confirming that much of the funding these universities get is dark funding sources.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
9 months ago

Those who consider themselves the elite and intelligentsia of this country hate the country, and all have at least one brown eye. They should not be treated with respect, and only referred to by name and never by any title they have.

9 months ago

Foreign students usually pay full cost, often funded by the governments of their native country, while Americans often do not, at least this is what I have been told by some people who work at universities. Also, as has been in the news, Chinese entities have made big donations to schools like U Penn, and it is likely not for charitable reasons. For that reason alone, Chinese students are more profitable. Universities are businesses. They operate like businesses. They follow the money. It is interesting to note that Harvard’s moto is Veritas, Latin for truth. I’m thinking it should be Doctrina.

John Beach
John Beach
9 months ago

Perhaps, the incentives for admitting foreign students are prospective. That is, they are just cause for the growth of government, the existence and expansion of government agencies’ monitoring, electronically, the activities and communications of foreigners WITHIN the U.S. and/or inducement or enticement to stay, live and work in the U.S., or for the U.S. government. This obviously-biased opinion is no more cynical than the policies of government toward white, Northern and Western European-Americans and the colonial and founders’ heritage of the country which is objectionable–on many bases–to much of the ethnic and racial “diversity” of the country. How’s that working out for you?

9 months ago

Every year American students spend millions taking remedial courses to get the education they should have gotten during their 12 years in school, just so they can get into a College that will take them years to pay off in the long term. In the mean time a plumbers apprentice makes more and will make more during their lifetime than the college student who felll 4 years behind in income and has to spend years paying for the college he went to. Why do we call college a smart choice, I forget.

9 months ago

Higher Education is business plain

Charlie PALMER
Charlie PALMER
9 months ago

Personally I don’t think are tax dollars should be funding these universities. Not when American kids can’t afford to get in. And in the case of the Anti-American teaching.

9 months ago


9 months ago

The propaganda of marxist, elites, liberals , whacko fringe causes and anti American instructors at college campuses is alarming and needs to end!
There is NO education when students MUST placate weirdo, biased, agenda driven academia and allowed special privileges based on economic,racial or foreign based politics.
End this racist,biased and anti American culture and STOP finding from American taxpayers!

9 months ago

The reason Colleges take foreign students is because theypay full rate for being out of country students and their countries pay for them to go there. This has the added benefit to the school that they can charge whatever they want and the foreign countries will pay it. This also allows the colleges to raise the rates for American students. Education in this country is BIG BIG Business. It is not conducted for the Education of students but the brining in of huge amounts of cash for the endowments which is then used by the Elites at the colleges as a private Piggy Bank which has no oversite and pays no taxes. When was the last time the $30 BILLION DOLLARS IN THE Harvard university was taxed or the Bilions of dolars in the other colleges endowmenrts. There is enough money in these endowments to pay every students tuition many times over. Think about it!

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
9 months ago


Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

so glad I don’t go to college these days.

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