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OPINION: Parents Need To Be Involved In The Education Of Our Children For The Sake Of Our Nation’s Survival

Posted on Thursday, January 13, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 13 – Can it be that COVID distorts the thinking process in some mysterious way? What else can it be that prompts purportedly educated individuals like author Nikole Hannah-Jones and former Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe to tell us that parents have no say when it comes to the education of their children?

Hannah-Jones says she doesn’t “understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught … We send our children to school because we want them to be taught by people who have expertise in the subject area.”  McAuliffe agrees with her. He says that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what they should teach; it’s part of the reason that he lost his job a few months back when voters in Virginia fired him and picked Republican Glenn Youngkin to be their Governor.

It makes one wonder what they gain by backing what is widely considered an obviously un-American notion– the Critical Race Theory [CRT], which fosters the belief that parents should not determine what can and what can’t be taught in school. For Hannah-Jones the reason is likely the popularity of her book, The 1619 Project, which gave birth to the CRT movement among the would-be communists among us. It was a best-seller, earned her big bucks, and made her the sweetheart of the Left. As for McAuliffe, the pundits tell us he lost the election when he made his remarks during his campaign that moms and dads have no say in what their kids are taught in school. It sure looked like he was promoting CRT. So, perhaps, he misjudged Virginia’s Democratic voters and sought to curry their favor, at least among the progressive elements among them. However, it turned out that even loyal Democrats have a limit when it comes to the American way of life. 

Xi Van Fleet knows the CRT drill, perhaps better than anyone; she experienced it firsthand in Communist China growing up during the reign of Mao Zedong. She delivered remarks last summer at a meeting of the Loudoun County School Board in Virginia. Her insight as to what CRT is all about is worth noting: “Critical race theory has its roots in cultural Marxism — it should have no place in our schools … You are now teaching, training our children, to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history … Growing up in Mao’s China, all of this seems very familiar … The Communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people. The only difference is they used class instead of race.”

And then there is NYU Professor Mark Crispin. He’s always been what we call a progressive. He still considers himself to be a liberal. But he apparently has concerns for moms and dads, America’s vulnerable children, and the extreme lefts turn that some of his liberal colleagues have taken when it comes to the CRT crusade. In an interview with the Epoch Times, Crispin said the “academic left” has become “a tribalist mob,” pitting Black against White, creating a new era of segregation.

“The point is the Black Lives Matter and the whole critical race theory movement, comprise a gigantic step backward. Because we now have on college campuses all over the country, segregated dining facilities and segregated graduation ceremonies. To someone like me, who comes out of the 60s, who remembers the civil rights struggle and was deeply sympathetic to it—and a believer in it—this is stunning, just mind-boggling. All of a sudden now, there’s just a new reassertion of racism, which also entails this notion that all white people are white supremacists, which is a profoundly racist idea.”

Parents have been an important part of the education of America’s youngsters since before we became an independent nation. Certainly, it has been a major part of the reason that the U.S. has prospered over the centuries. It is essential, particularly in these days of political distress and tensions, that we carry on this tradition. It works.

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2 years ago

“Bless the ones that persecute you.” I make it a personal commitment but will not actually say so publicly knowing full well it would be misconstrued as caving in. The sad thing is this collection of losers are fiendishly insecure and over-compensate by feigned intimidation and attempted mind control fearing their students. They are spineless and have lost their moral compass thinking “badder than bad” or quid pro quo will help them maintain balance and peace of mind or personal safety. Parents are the quiet mentors of their child’s conscience from where children learn to determine wise and safe choices. From 1st school years teachers should carry over WITH EACH CHILD making what they learn at home (parental authority) consistenr with what their students are learning in the classroom. Every student’s learning curve hinges on what is personally applicable. Otherwise they are merely parroting teacher’s instructions probably understood as punitive if not sadistic later to pass tests not to learn analyze or communicate.

2 years ago

The headline of the article says it about as succinctly as it can be said!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

To these Marxists ( Communists) GOVERNMENT is the parent so only government decides what is taught. And Satan is their “god.” That’s why they do what they do!

2 years ago

I’d like to see the Republicans take on the mantel of SCHOOL CHOICE and make it the hot issue of the elections this fall! I believe that over 50% of the voters would agree that allowing the money to follow the student instead of the teacher’s unions is a better bang for the buck! Bring back the one room school houses where REAL teachers can teach and neighborhood kids can get together with these REAL teachers and learn together like homeschool groups! This would devastate the hold the teacher’s unions have on education in this country which needs to be done NOW! Indoctrination of any ideology needs to be gotten out of education and teach kids to love their country despite its flaws, how to think not what to think, and to search for truth in all things!

2 years ago

The Constitution gave the duty of education to the individual states and not to the Federal Government. Somehow we lost sight of that and the Feds took over the funding and dictating what is taught. I realize that there were less funds available for education in some states than in others, but things have definitely not changed for the better in many of them because of the indoctrination that has taken place. It is time that the American people, primarily the parents, stop the liberal trend in education. Our children and grandchildren are being brainwashed from the beginning on into the college level on what to think and how to think. This has to STOP! The schools need to be teaching math so that it is practical and the correct answer counts, not some theoretical answer because you show how you got there. How many clerks in a store actually know how to make change without depending on a calculator/cash register telling them the answer and how many can actually count back change to the customer correctly? Can they add, subtract, multiply or divide in their heads? Why not? Can they read at an adult level when they graduate from school? Can they spell or write a paper without the help of a computer? Can they actually print or write on paper legibly? Do they actually know the history of America and know Civics to where they could pass the same test that an immigrant must know to gain citizenship? If not, why not? Do they have basic knowledge of science, i.e. biology? Can they actually think for themselves anymore or are they so damaged by teachers that they cannot even hold a different opinion or question an opinion?
Having been in school during the Civil Rights movement and having seen how far we had moved away from the divisions of the past, I am disgusted with this new CRT and politicians/groups that would seek to destroy everything our society has gained. I was not raised in a household where friends were made based on the color of their skin. We made friends based on the person for who they were only and I still think that way. My children and grandchildren were also raised that way. What a slap in the face to MLK who worked so hard to end racism and bring us all together as one.

2 years ago

The only solution possible is some version of home schooling. This is difficult but not impossible. Its tough to accept that in addition to earning a living and paying taxes, one must turn around and personally see to kids education. The good news is that there’re programs available that prepackage traditional learning models. People i know are doing this and are happy with the results. The alternative is playing dice with your kids and grandkids minds. Once hypnotized, it is not easy to retrieve them.

2 years ago

The Corrupt Democrat Politicians are actually Dictators. They are taking the same path that Hitler did in the 1930’s and early 1040’s. I urge the American Citizens to stand up against the evil that’s taking place in the United States. Don’t be part of the silent majority. We are NOT employees of the Politicians; They are our employees and we have the power to remove them from office.

2 years ago

What these CRT, marxist democrats have done to our children is criminal.
Wake up people and take back control from the self serving,corrupt and immoral democrat party and the lying, conspiring traitorous media!
Local control of schools is a must, removing these swamp creatures from our government is critical.

2 years ago

Parents should have a say in the education of children, but should only do this in a peaceful way. Parents should never threaten teachers/school boards with violence. I assume that all states have school board meetings that you have to be on agenda to speak or am I wrong? It is not a productive meeting when you have 50-people hollaring & trying to talk all at once. Be Civil to our educators.

2 years ago

CRT theory reeks of Marxism & it should be up to Fed Govt to get this out of public schools. Can anyone explain to me how CRT got into schools anyway???? Was it Bernie ???

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