
Education , Newsline

Biden Administration Uses False Information to Crack Down on CRT Opponents While the State of Education in the U.S. Deteriorates

Posted on Friday, November 5, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 5 — Parents across the country are lashing out at school boards for seeking to replace the traditional reading, writing, and American history curricula in their schools with the bogus, Marxist teachings of the Critical Race Theory [CRT].  So, what does the Biden administration do?  It orders the Feds to track down suspicious Moms and Dads alleged to be engaged in the “harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school board members, teachers, and workers in our nation’s public schools.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland is portraying it as a crisis of major proportions, and so instead of sending in a few investigators to see what’s going on, he’s gone all out.  A news release issued by the Department of Justice [DOJ] reveals that Garland has created a massive task force to investigate those allegations.  It is composed of the  “Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs.”

Merrick took action based on a September 29 letter from the National School Boards Association [NSBA] that charged parents with using “threats and acts of violence” to express themselves at School Board meetings.  The NSBA has since “expressed regret about and formally apologized” for its letter, noting that “There was no justification for some of the language included in the letter. We should have had a better process in place to allow for consultation on the communication of this significance. We apologize also for the strain and stress this situation has caused you and your organizations.”

Nicole Neily is president of Parents Defending Education [PDE], a group “working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas.”  When she learned about NSBA’s deceit, she sent messages to members of her organization and 47 state school board associations for comment.  Neily reports that as a result, 19 of the state associations “distanced themselves” from the national association.

Neily was so incensed by what the NSBA did that she sent an email to the Associated Press calling out the DOJ for “weaponizing” its resources to intimidate parents.  In her email to AP, she blasted Garland’s precipitous action as “a coordinated attempt to intimidate dissenting voices in the debates surrounding America’s underperforming K-12 education – and it will not succeed.  We will not be silenced.”

Parents can get pretty emotional when it comes to their kids, and many of them are up in arms regarding school board attempts to foist the un-American doctrine of CRT on their children.  According to Tucker Carlson at Fox News, “Parents who believe in things like biological sex, who oppose racial hierarchies imposed in pre-kindergarten classrooms, teaching kids to hate their parents. Those are the threats, according to the Biden administration.”

And, in light of the NSBA’s admission, Carlson was right to accuse the Biden administration and the DOJ of trying to scare school board members by implying that they faced imminent physical danger from parents. “This is an utter perversion of the mission and the power of the United States Department of Justice. It is almost impossible to overstate how sinister and crazy this is,” he said.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita calls the administration’s efforts to silence the voices of parents with what some would call blunt force and “a blatant assault on the First Amendment.”  When the DOJ announced its intention to “crackdown” on unruly parents, Rokita and thirteen other AGs sent a letter last week to Mr. Biden and Mr. Merrick.  In it, they said, “Because the NSBA letter was the basis for your memorandum and given that your memorandum has been and will continue to be read as threatening parents and chilling their protected First Amendment rights, the only responsible course of action is for you to fully and unequivocally withdraw your memorandum immediately.”

If the Biden administration is so concerned about America’s student body, it needs to redirect such antics as demonstrated by the DOJ and start focusing on the less than acceptable quality of education in our schools.  Jobs for America’s Graduates [JAG} is a 40-year-old national bipartisan organization focused on education.   An analysis of the current state of education by Governor John Bel Edwards [D-LA] and Governor Kim Reynolds [R-IA] and published in Newsweek last Friday shows that education faces a worrisome crisis.  Their conclusion is that our country is at risk of losing a generation of knowledgeable and productive citizens.

“The learning loss and student disengagement across America is far broader and deeper than one might imagine. As this is written, many school systems are making final decisions on how to measure student disengagement, dropouts, and learning loss. Their reports will be forthcoming over the next several weeks. We know from our work in 1,500 locations in 40 states—from the most urban to the most rural—that the scale of learning loss and disengagement is truly frightening. This conclusion is supported by June, and July reports from McKinsey & Co., in which McKinsey measured the impact to be a half-year of learning loss in math and English overall.” 

Exacerbating the crisis is the fact that the pandemic has played havoc with the way our youngsters engage in the learning process.  We’ve had nearly a year’s worth of widespread school closures forcing students to learn from afar, hoping that a computer screen is as effective as a real live teacher.  Schools have begun to return to onsite teaching, and that teachers will return to the task of teaching our kids how to live, learn and become productive members of society.  There’s little or no room for classwork such as the Critical Race Theory that seeks to indoctrinate rather than educate.

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2 years ago

Merrick Garland should NOT resign from the DOJ, he should be FIRED!!!And CTR influenced curicula should be purged from our schools.School boards should be smart enough to withdraw from the woke influence of the NSBA.GET the Feds OUT of our education system!

Gregory Rawe
Gregory Rawe
2 years ago

God bless America.

Looking Back
Looking Back
2 years ago

Democrats are sick, vicious bastards and continually call for their opponents to be prosecuted and incarcerated. We’ve never seen anything like this before and yet support remains strong for these thugs where, Virginia, the Republican only won by one point and had to do it by muffling all support for and by Donald Trump. In New Jersey the Democrats were victorious. The American people have not learned anything.

Bill M.
Bill M.
2 years ago

This administration is trying to relegate the parents to nothing more than surrogacy, while the government will assume the role of raising and educating (indoctrinating) the nation’s children. It won’t be long for them to try and strip away parent’s rights to home educate their children. This, along with our open border, the state of our workforce and the demonizing of law enforcement is ruining our country. If it’s allowed to continue, our country will die a slow and painful death.

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

That’s Joe, what ever it takes!

2 years ago

The entire DOJ needs to be cleaned out.

And the FBI needs to be looked at for its involvement on January 6th.

You can’t have a functional government when the Constitution is being ignored at the Federal level.

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
2 years ago

Absolutely correct, but school boards are not willing to give up the power they have gained during this pandemic(not really, just pushed by government by fear-mongering). Masks are still being pushed(even though the schoolboards have the studies showing harm to ALL who wear them, their ineffectiveness)in Alaska, and here comes vaccine mandates even for those 5-11 years old! Hideous power grabbing! Some of us are fighting multiple fronts, along with CRT! Pray for us all!

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Everything in the Biden Administration is false!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Home School
Group school: several homes combine schooling?
Private schools.

2 years ago

The reading level can be so alarming , parents who don t read often, need teachers who will show what is a paper book , how the books are made, where find a good bookstore for get a library at home.We must stay classic with open minds

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

CRT–Criminal Racist Theory will be taught IF parents do not confront the school boards. In some areas, the parents don’t care, so in these areas I don’t care either!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Get out next week and beat up a teacher. Give thje DOJ something to do. Help them eartn their keep.. Kyle L.

2 years ago

Pedo Joe & Co thought they could Scare American Parents into Silence! It would be comical if it wasn’t for the DOJ, DHS, and, FBI’s Criminal Activity directed at these same parents. FJB!

2 years ago

Joe Manchin right now is being harassed and probably physically assaulted because he will not vote the “right” way. Even though he is a democrat (but not the right kind) what will the DOJ do about this?

2 years ago

I work in my city’s public school system and teaching CRT does not help children at all! It needs to go the way of the dinosaurs!!

2 years ago

In this matter of CRT, using false information is SOP for a Communistic approach to mislead the public … and the DemocRots do it often and most of the news media picks it up and runs with it.

2 years ago

It gauls me to keep on hearing the term “Biden Administration” without explaining just who this means.
Who are these people, what are their positions, place in the pecking order. Name names AMAC. Just quoting “Whitehouse sources” , and “officials in the administration” tells us little. The propagation of the smoke and mirrors is part of our problem when it comes to being able to single out individuals who are acting on behalf of the Pres. If you are going to report a story like this, pull the cover off your head and give us details that clearly define the terms….”Biden Administration” means nothing aside from some nebulous person in the shadows who has no accountability. A faceless ghost. Help us know the truth in its full form….not some vague title that could include the janitor mopping the floors after hours.

Doug Conboy
Doug Conboy
2 years ago

We need to remember who we are. We are Americans and Americans think for themselves. Stop allowing the evil elite to do your thinking. They all need to be told to go to hell. From the President on down. If it doesn’t make sense, don’t buy it folks!

2 years ago

Like it or not, the left out-numbers the right by a slight margin. I would say by 10+ million or so. They were successful in getting the minorities and the young people on the Government dole. Nowadays, most people are simply incapable of relying on themselves. They are increasingly looking to the Government for solutions.

Yes, there has been some pushback from the right. But this may just be a temporary victory. Numbers are on the left’s side.

2 years ago

The problem here is not the teachers but rather the teachers’ unions who are part of the problem along with very poor policies of the current administration. The unions themselves are no longer functioning as unions are supposed to..time they should be dissolved. Education needs to be improved with the teaching of good economics; languages; arts; pre-career classes and the right American

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

These same scare tactics have been used repeatedly by the Biden Administration, when purging the military of “Extremists and Domestic Terrorists, which identified to include “Trump followers, Conservatives, and certain Religious Groups”. Then when they identified parents who object to the indoctrinating of their children with Critical Race Theory, and other school board practices as “Extremists and Domestic Terrorists”. And, don’t forget the even worse scare tactics over the pandemic, with the mandates and vaccine passports that are costing “unvaccinated” citizens their jobs, education, travel, participation in public activities. It is the Democrat Party and the corrupt Biden Administration who are the real extremists and domestic terrorists!

2 years ago

Let the money the federal govt. gives to the school teachers unions go to the parents for their choice of education for their child. Dollar to a doughnut they will shut up and back off. They fear losing all that money. Time to put them in their place !!

2 years ago


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